09: Death for My Birthday
"Get up," Elena said, shaking Juliana awake.
"Go away, Elena," Juliana grumbled.
"No, we're needed at the police station," Elena said.
"Why?" Juliana asked.
"They want to talk about Vicki's disappearance," Elena told her.
Juliana was now alert. "What's the cover story?"
Elena sat on Juliana's bed to tell her.
After getting out of the police station after giving her statement about Vicki, Juliana went to her aunt and said, "I want to get a dog."
Jenna repeated, "A dog?"
"She wants to get a pug and name it Benji," Jeremy said.
Jenna asked, "Like the movie or the guy from Good Charlotte?"
"The band," Jeremy said.
Jenna hesitated, "I don't know. A dog is a lot of responsibility..."
"So is this guy," Juliana joked.
"I think my therapist said that getting a pet will help me with my depression," Jeremy said. "Like they help with stress, anxiety, depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise, and help improve health. At least, that's what she told me."
Jenna seemed to be caving, at least when it came to Jeremy's mental health, which was gradually improving since he started seeing a therapist.
"Please?" Juliana begged.
"Fine," Jenna said, "But you two are taking care of it."
"Fine by me," Juliana replied.
Elena was sitting on the couch when they returned home from the pet store, with a cute pug that Juliana named Benji. Jeremy was holding the pet carrier while Juliana carried the bags that held the pet supplies.
Elena looked over, "What do you got there?"
"A dog," Juliana said with glee.
"What breed?" Elena asked.
"A pug and his name is Benji," Juliana told her as Jeremy opened the carrier and let the pug out. Juliana took out a blue gingham blanket and put it on the couch. Benji had dragged the blanket with him when Juliana pointed him out to Jenna. Jeremy set the dog bed in the corner of the living room for Benji.
"Oh," replied Elena. "I would expect you to get a black cat."
"You're wallowing," Jenna pointed out to Elena. Benji was looking around the living room.
Elena was watching Juliana put a dog collar with a tag on the pug. She looked Jenna, "So are you."
"My wallow is legitimate. I was dumped," Jenna told them.
"Yeah, well, Logan's a jerk," Elena told Jenna.
"You didn't get a brush-off e-mail saying: 'I'm leaving town. See ya.'" Jenna said.
Juliana went to put a food and water dish in the kitchen. "That's because Logan's a jerk."
"I'm going to go do homework," Jeremy said.
Jenna asked, "Why?"
"I'm still a bit behind and there's a quiz tomorrow," Jeremy said, before going to his room.
It looked like Benji was struggling to jump on the couch, so Elena seemed to sigh, before picking the pug up and putting him on the dog blanket. She petted the dog on the head for a moment, "I think I'll go lay down."
"You go do that," Jenna said.
Elena went upstairs to her room.
Juliana went to her room and noticed Adrienne's locket on her desk. She opened a few drawers on her desk and finally found a silver chain with a magnetic clasp. She put the locket on the cord and put it on. She realized how obnoxious she looked wearing three necklaces, especially two that were from Alice in Wonderland. She took the locket off and set it aside. She went downstairs and was going to go into the living room when someone rang the doorbell, causing Benji to bark, and making Juliana backtrack to go answer the door.
Bonnie was at the door, "Did I just hear a dog?"
"Yeah, we got him today. Elena's in her room," Juliana told her.
Bonnie walked in and stopped to pet Benji, who sniffed her and deemed her a good person to allow some head pets. She went upstairs.
Juliana thought back to last night. Corey knew about vampires and witches. How did he know?
She considered calling him to see how he knew and she looked at Benji.
Eventually Bonnie and Elena came downstairs and went into the kitchen.
Bonnie looked over into the living room. "What is your sister doing?"
Elena glanced over, "She's worshiping our new dog."
Juliana woke up to see Adrienne sitting on the couch. Juliana said, "Oh, it's you."
The living room window was wide open, so Juliana assumed that Adrienne, in her 1800s dress, crawled through it.
"Bite me," Adrienne replied.
Juliana almost rolled her eyes. In a way, she liked having Adrienne around. It was refreshing in a way. She wasn't sure why she did, but she did. She asked, "How am I talking to a ghost?"
"You're my reincarnation," Adrienne stated. "You have half of my magic flowing through your veins. You haven't unlocked the rest yet. You're powerful, but not just as powerful as Bonnie Bennett though. You're wearing my locket so I can be able to contact whenever I want now, as long as you're asleep though."
Juliana nodded at that, "How do I unlock the rest of my magic? Or is it your magic? Our magic?"
"That shouldn't be your main focus right now," Adrienne told her. "I need you to stop Damon from killing Lexi at this place called the Mystic Bar and Grill."
Juliana was confused, "Who's Lexi?"
"Lexi is Stefan's best friend," Adrienne said. "Damon is going to get an innocent vampire killed. I need you to stop him."
Juliana asked, "How am I supposed to do that?"
"Elena's back," Adrienne grumbled.
Juliana was woken up by Elena slamming the front door shut. She sat up, "Wha-?"
"There was some blonde chick in a towel at the Boarding House," Elena told her. "She said that she's a friend of Stefan's."
"She can be a friend of Stefan's," Juliana said. "I mean, once I went to Abigail's house and Corey was taking a shower there. Abigail and Sydney take showers at Corey's house too. It's perfectly harmless."
"Yeah," Elena replied, clearly not believing it was harmless.
Juliana wasn't sure if she should go and get to the bottom of it. "Who answers a door in nothing but a towel? It can't be that important. People can wait a minute or two while you get dressed."
"Good point," Elena replied.
Juliana asked, "Hey, do you think that it was weird how Corey seemed to know that vampires exist?"
Elena seemed to think it over, "Yeah. It was weird. Are you going to talk to him about it?"
Funny enough, the thought hadn't crossed her mind, because she had to go talk to the sheriff about Vicki and then she went to get a dog.
Juliana tried to figure out how to stop Lexi from dying. It was really unhelpful since she didn't know how Lexi was going to die or what she even looked like for that matter. All she got was that it was going to happen at the Mystic Bar and Grill and nothing else. Maybe Adrienne didn't know much either.
She didn't want to, but she went to the Bar and Grill because her former self told her to do it. She invited Jeremy, but he stayed behind because he wanted to try and catch up on homework.
However, trying to find some kind of vampire was hard because vampires looked just like humans.
She sat in a booth, bored out of her mind as a party raged on. Parties were not her thing apparently.
The only fun few things was that she saw some girls do some drunken karaoke, where they murdered, maybe improved, Wannabe by the Spice Girls. Then Juliana watched some couples sneak off to the restrooms together. She saw two guys go into one of the restrooms and they were gone for an interesting amount of time, so the curiosity got the better of her and she went to investigate. She promptly regretted her decision when she heard the reason as to why they were in there a little too long.
She was moving from the restrooms when she saw Damon coming towards her.
"The restroom is occupied," Juliana told him.
Damon looked at the men's restroom and grimaced, "Oh."
Juliana nodded, "Yeah. It's not the worst thing I heard. When Jeremy was visiting me in the mental hospital, he went to the restroom, I overheard this mother telling her son, 'I hate you' and her son yelling back, 'Then why did you call an ambulance for me, then?' The mom replied with, 'Your dad would've divorced me and I would've ended up paying child support for you.' As I was leaving a month later, I overheard that the guy's did divorce that woman; he got full custody of his son, and his now ex-wife had to pay child support." There were moments when she wondered how her former mental health patients were doing. Every now and then, she wondered how Josh, her ex-boyfriend from the mental hospital, was doing, since he had bipolar.
Damon nodded, "I'll be right back."
Juliana went to Matt, "Hey, sorry about Vicki."
"You know it's not the first time she ran off," Matt told her.
Juliana considered agreeing with that, but if Jeremy or Elena died, she would want to know. However, Matt didn't know about the vampire thing and what happened last night. "I think she's dead."
Matt seemed confused, "Why would you think that?"
Juliana shrugged, "Most drug addicts do?"
"You know, I'm getting the feeling that everyone in this god forsaken town knows way more than they're telling me and I'm sick of it," Matt stated.
Juliana hated keeping secrets. Matt deserved more than thinking his sister ran away to be on a drug bender. It felt wrong to not tell him. Again, she would prefer to know if Elena and Jeremy were dead when they were. She didn't want false hope.
Matt stated, "Lia?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow," Juliana told him.
Matt nodded and went to leave the bar as Stefan walked in. It looked like Stefan and Matt had a brief conversation. Matt left and one blink later, Stefan was in front of her. He asked, "Is Elena here?"
"No," Juliana said.
"Oh," Stefan replied. "Why are you here?"
"I have to make sure that some vampire named Lexi doesn't die," Juliana told him.
Stefan looked surprised, "By whom?"
"I don't know. Damon is orchestrating it," Juliana said.
Stefan asked, "How do you know this?"
"Adrienne came to me in a dream and said that I needed to stop it," Juliana told him.
A blonde girl came over to them, "Stefan, glad you made it. Let's dance." She stopped and looked at Juliana, taking in her appearance.
"Lexi, this is Juliana, Elena's younger sister," Stefan said. "Juliana, this is Lexi."
This was the vampire that was going to die.
"Lexi, Juliana is also a witch," Stefan said. "She knows about vampires."
"Oh," Lexi replied. "You just reminded me—"
"Of some witch-chick named Adrienne," Juliana deadpanned. "I know. I've been told about her. You and Stefan go have fun. I'm going to see if I can get a milkshake."
She also wanted to figure out how a plan on keeping Lexi alive.
Elena had arrived, but got sidetracked by Damon.
Matt had returned from wherever, and slid a basket of curly fries towards Juliana, "You know, I thought I should've been threatened by Stefan, but now—"
"Yeah, I think Elena will refuse to admit it," Juliana finished for him.
Matt asked, "Why do you look like you're brooding?"
"I could be at home, playing with my new dog, but here I am," Juliana replied, taking some curly fries."
Matt asked, "Did Jeremy drag you here?"
"No, I dragged my ass here," Juliana told him.
"Why? You shouldn't force yourself to do things that you think people will think is cool," Matt said. "That's what I admired about you. You did your own things without caring that people thought you were crazy. You just shrugged it off."
"Sometimes it got to me," Juliana admitted. "Elena told me that I shouldn't show that they were getting to me because it'll egg them on."
Matt nodded, "How was the mental hospital, anyway? Elena never said anything, but I wondered..."
"It's nothing like what they show in movies or shows. The people in there really wanted to get better. Also, a small fight broke out between two boys because they were sleeping with the same girl," Juliana explained. "On the bright side, I got better at math since it was my worst subject."
Matt nodded, "What did you want to tell me?"
Caroline came over, obviously drunk. She stuck a shot glass on the table and fell right into Matt's side.
"Oh, hey," Matt replied.
"I slim – I'm slipped," Caroline slurred. "I slipped."
Matt asked, "Hammered, huh?"
Juliana was sure that if she got drunk, she wouldn't work it as Caroline did. Caroline stated, "Well...a very nice but not handsome bartended was very kind to me tonight. Unlike the rest of the global universe. Are those curly fries?"
Matt looked at Juliana, "Coffee for the drunk girl."
Juliana nodded and went to get up.
"Hey, Lia," Caroline said. "Am I shallow?"
Juliana considered the question. Caroline never seemed that shallow to her. The blonde girl sometimes seemed happy to help whenever Juliana had trouble with math and gave fashion advice. "Not to me. Why?"
"Coffee, please," Matt reminded Juliana.
She nodded and went to get a to-go cup of coffee.
The bartender slid a shot-glass to her, "Have a drink. It's on the house."
Juliana looked at the shot-glass, "I'd rather not."
The bartender moved the shot-glass to a guy that came up to the counter, "Have a drink. It's on the house."
The guy moved the shot-glass away from him, "No. I'm two months sober now. Seven rehabs later, I'm finally feeling good about myself."
Juliana got a cup of coffee and a milkshake. She held her milkshake towards the guy, "Good on you, for getting and staying sober."
The guy smiled at her and Juliana went back to Matt and Caroline, but they were gone. That was embarrassing. She spotted them leaving and went over to them. "I got the coffee."
Caroline took the cup from her, "Thanks, Lia. At least it seems like you care about me unlike your sister and Bonnie."
Juliana frowned, "You should find some real friends, Caroline. I wouldn't blame you if you drop them. It's better than feeling like crap every time you're around them. Do you need my help taking her home?"
"No, no, I got it," Matt told her. "Get the door for me."
Juliana went to open the door for them. Sheriff Forbes came over, "What happened? Is she okay?"
"Like you care," Caroline replied.
Juliana asked, "Why are you here? What happened?"
"Don't worry about it, Lia," Sheriff Forbes said. "Is she drunk?"
"As a skunk," Caroline replied.
Juliana went back inside and found Elena talking to Stefan. Damon and Lexi were at the bar together. So far, so good, she guessed. She kept an eye on them, because Damon was supposed to kill Lexi.
How was she supposed to stop Lexi from dying without exposing herself as a witch?
Unfortunately there wasn't a guide titled 'How to Create Plans from Your Past-Self's Spirit Guide's Missions.' That would've be useful.
Sheriff Forbes came in and injected Lexi with a syringe. It was show-time.
Before she can run over, Stefan grabbed her by the shoulders, "You stay out of this. I don't care if Adrienne told you to save Lexi. I'll get this sorted out." He took off.
Elena gave her a strange look before following after Stefan.
Maybe Adrienne meant for her to tell Stefan so he can save Lexi? But that didn't make any sense. Annoying cryptic past-self spirit guide.
She didn't save Lexi. When she tried to leave the Grill, a police officer told her that she couldn't leave through that door. She tried another door, but the same result. Apparently they didn't want anyone to leave.
It wasn't until thirty minutes later when they were finally allowed to leave. Elena told her what happened.
Damon had staked Lexi and Stefan agreed that Elena shouldn't be around him because he was pissed off at Damon for essentially killing his friend. Also, Damon had killed Zach as well.
So, Juliana told Elena about Adrienne telling her to save Lexi, so Juliana felt some guilt for not being able to protect the vampire like she should have been able too.
"How were you supposed to save her? You didn't know what to expect," Elena told her. "Don't feel guilty for something that's out of your control."
Juliana guessed that Elena had a point. Wasn't there a saying about how you can't fight Fate? Or was it something about how Fate was cruel? Then again, look at what happened to Adrienne. Adrienne spent an unfair amount of time trying to find a way to bring her brother back to life and was dragged around by Katherine before Adrienne ended up taking her own life, before she was reincarnated into Juliana, and forced to atone for past mistakes through a teenage girl who looked like her.
Then Stefan essentionally had to watch his friend get killed by his own brother who lived (un-lived?) to torture him.
Fate really was cruel.
As you can tell, I really didn't enjoy writing this chapter, because I had no clue how to insert Juliana in there since Jeremy appeared in like two scenes and if I could've figured out a way to save Lexi, Juliana would have. So, have a bit more backstory on the whole reincarnation bit I had written out.
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