07: A Constant Descent
Seventeen-year-old Adrienne Ainsley sat on the carriage seat, and grimaced at hitting a bump in the road.
"Don't make that face," said Katherine.
Adrienne rolled her eyes and held up her thumb and index finger pressing them together, telekinetically catching a fly. She separated her thumb and index finger, ripping the fly apart.
"Yes, because that's lady-like," replied Katherine sarcastically. She looked out the window, "I see the house. About time too."
Adrienne tried to look, "I can't see it." She flounced back on her seat.
Katherine glared at her, "Stop it. You're going to break it."
Adrienne glared back, "Shut up. You're not the boss of me."
"As your care-taker, I am," said Katherine.
"You promised me that you'll help me bring back Alistair and Cyril," said Adrienne.
"And I will," said Katherine. "I can't wait to get out of my dress." She grinned devilishly. "Do you think the Salvatore brothers would help me with that?"
"Go for it," said Adrienne with a slight roll of her eyes.
"Oh, I will," replied Katherine with a smirk.
They finally came to a stop and the coach opened the door to the carriage. Katherine stepped out first.
"You must be Miss Pierce," said the man in a brown suit as he got closer to the carriage.
"Please, call me Katherine," Katherine said. She helped Adrienne out of the carriage. "And this is my little sister, Adrienne."
Adrienne wore a blue dress with short-sleeves, which was befitting of a child. It was really plain compared to Katherine's elegant dress.
It was plainer than the maid's clothes. Actually, the maid was a slave. Adrienne was disgusted at that. She was from the north and she looked down on slave-owners. But she was in the South now.
The man seemed taken aback at Adrienne's presence, "I didn't know you had a little sister."
"I decided to declare my independence and tagged along," Adrienne lied smoothly. She had been alive for almost a hundred-and-eighty-nine years after all. It was basically second nature to her.
Juliana looked up from doing home when Elena opened the door.
"Do you need something?" Juliana asked confused.
"You were right," said Elena.
"About what?" asked Juliana even more confused.
"That telling Aunt Jenna about you being a witch was a good thing," replied Elena.
"Thanks, I think," replied Juliana.
"Stefan told me that he told you and Jeremy that he was..." started Elena.
"A vampire?" finished Juliana.
"Yeah," admitted Elena. "I still don't get why you two didn't tell me, though."
"He told me not to tell anyone, but I told Jeremy because it seemed unfair. Stefan told me that he was going to tell you things about him, so I assumed that he was going to tell you that he was a vampire," admitted Juliana. "And once Aunt Jenna gets over the whole witch thing, I will tell her that vampires exist. She needs to know, before something happens to her. I can't lose more family."
Elena seemed to think about it and then nodded, "I agree."
"We'll tell her just as soon as the whole witch thing settles in," said Juliana.
Elena nodded and left Juliana's room.
Juliana looked back at her homework. Now that was weird.
"How are you coming along on your magic?" asked Jeremy, coming into Juliana's room.
"I could do better," said Juliana, looking at the furniture and forcing it up in the air with telekinesis. "I still have to concentrate with I use telekinesis. I think Sheila said that it's possible that you don't need full concentration to use telekinesis, but..." She shrugged, "She doesn't want me to push myself."
"Oh," said Jeremy. "It really bites that you have magic and I don't."
"Deal with it," said Juliana. "Do you know where Elena took off to?"
"Actually, no," said Jeremy. "Maybe she went to talk to one of her friends."
"Yeah, maybe," muttered Juliana.
"What are the rules? What are the rules?" Stefan asked, laughing.
"Who needs rules?" Katherine asked, as she left the house with a reluctant Adrienne following behind. "Mind if we join you?"
Adrienne decided that she'd rather not join in with these overgrown children.
Stefan looked at Adrienne and back at Katherine. "Uh, well, you could...you both could get hurt. My brother likes to play rough."
"Somehow, I think that you play rougher," Katherine teased. She took the ball from Stefan and ran off with it.
"Why are you just standing there? That is a girl who clearly wants to be chased. If you don't do it, I will," Damon said to Stefan.
They ran after Katherine. Adrienne stood on the porch, frustrated with her situation.
She wanted Cyril and her brother back. Katherine promised her that, but it seemed like Katherine would rather flirt with these two idiots than help her.
Actually, that's all that Katherine did. Find some guys to lay with and move onto the next town.
A bird landed on the hand rail of the porch and Adrienne flung her hand out at the bird, killing it.
She looked at Birdie, who didn't even seem to flinch at the fact that she did magic in front of her.
They hung around the living room, playing some video game together, though Sydney dropped by, wearing some 1950s styled dress that, no doubt, had pockets on it.
It was a nice black dress with white polka-dots on it. Jeremy seemed to appreciate the dress that Sydney was wearing and Sydney seemed to enjoy the attention that Jeremy gave her.
Juliana rather not watch her friend and brother flirt with each other, but she had to push it away.
At least Sydney wasn't a drug addict and around Jeremy's age, than Vicki.
Sydney and Jeremy started playing some game, when the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it," said Jeremy. He went to answer the door.
"Hey. The sun is killing me. My eyes are on fire," Vicki said.
"Where have you been?" asked Jeremy.
"It's good. Everything's good," said Vicki.
She tried to kiss him, but Jeremy pushed her away. "Did something happen?"
Vicki turned away from him. "I'm hungry. What do you got to eat?"
She walked past Juliana and Sydney as she went into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and started taking things out.
"Are you high?" Juliana asked her.
"Yeah, it's the middle of the day," said Jeremy.
"Could you just not talk so loud? My head, it hurts. I need quiet," Vicki said.
Sydney looked at the twins, confused as Vicki started getting more food out of the fridge.
Jeremy seemed at a loss for words as Vicki ate something. Jeremy grabbed the girls and led them out of the kitchen while Vicki ate.
"I'm going to call Matt," Jeremy said. "He needs to get her."
"Yeah, you do that," Juliana said.
"What's wrong with her?" asked Sydney.
"It has to be drugs," said Jeremy, taking his phone out to call Matt.
Juliana answered the door when she noticed Matt coming up the driveway through the window.
"Where is she?" asked Matt.
"In the kitchen, eating all of our food," Juliana said to him.
Matt started heading into the kitchen with Juliana following him. "Do you know what she's on?"
"No," replied Juliana. "I think Jeremy and Sydney don't know either."
Matt went over to Vicki and took off her sunglass. "Hey, Vic. How you doing?"
"Not good, Mattie," replied Vicki. "I hurt."
"Okay, where's it hurt?" asked Matt.
"My gums," replied Vicki. "My jaw hurts. My gum...there's something in my gums and it hurts."
Matt started, "Okay, well..."
"No," said Vicki. "Just leave me alone."
"Come on, Vic. Don't be like that. Let's get you home," said Matt.
"Just turn it off!" yelled Vicki.
"Turn what off?" asked Jeremy.
"The talking, the chatter, just turn it off!" yelled Vicki, getting up and going into the living room.
Sydney had turned the news on and was watching it intently.
"...horribly. Three bodies were found dead in what is believed to be a drug deal gone awry. The bodies have yet to be identified. They were discovered earlier today over at the old Mystic Falls cemetery."
Sydney stared blankly at the TV.
"That's where you tried taking me last night," Jeremy said to Vicki.
"What happened, Vic?"
"...homicide, and re fast under way looking for suspects. They're asking anyone with information..."
"I'm calling the cops," Matt said.
"No. Don't," said Vicki, grabbing Matt's arm to stop him.
"What happened after I left last night, Vick?" asked Jeremy. He took her wrist, but she pushed Jeremy into a table.
Juliana ran over to Jeremy.
"Are you okay?" Juliana asked concerned.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," said Jeremy, pushing Juliana away.
Matt seemed stunned, "Damn, Vick."
Elena and Stefan came inside the house.
"What's going on?" asked Elena.
"Vicki pushed Jeremy," Sydney said.
"She's really messed up," said Matt.
"Elena, Juliana, back up," said Stefan. He went to Vicki and muttered something to her. "Guys, take her up to bed. Shut the blinds. She's going to be okay," said Stefan. He pushed Sydney to the stairs. "Come on." He pushed Matt to the stairs. "Come on."
Sydney seemed really confused as she went to help Vicki.
"What's going on?" asked Jeremy. "Why is she acting like that?"
"She's transitioning," said Stefan.
"What do you mean by that?" asked Jeremy.
"She's transitioning into a vampire," said Stefan.
"What?" asked Elena.
"Damon must have gotten to her. She's new. She hasn't completed her transformation yet."
"Well, how does she complete it?" asked Juliana.
"She has to feed on human blood," said Stefan.
"And what happens to her if she doesn't?" asked Jeremy.
"She'll die," said Stefan. "She may only have a few hours."
"Matt and Sydney are upstairs with her right now," Juliana said alarmed.
"It's okay. She doesn't know what's happening to her yet," said Stefan.
"That doesn't make it okay to let her be upstairs with what amounts to food," said Juliana.
"It's going to be fine," said Stefan.
"So when does she know that she's turning into a vampire?" asked Jeremy.
"Right now, she doesn't remember anything. A part of her is still human, but slowly, the deeper she gets into the transition, the memories will start to come back, and then she'll know she has to make the choice."
"The same choice you made?" asked Elena.
Vicki suddenly ran out of the house with Matt and Sydney trailing behind her.
"What happened?" Juliana asked.
"I don't know. Matt hugged and then she just freaked out," said Sydney as they ran outside.
Vicki was gone.
"I'm going to go look for her. Call me if you hear anything," Matt said as he took off running.
"I can track," Stefan said to Elena and the twins.
"Hurry," said Jeremy.
When night fell, there was still no word from Vicki, Matt, or Stefan. Sydney had gone home so it left the siblings to clean up the mess that Vicki had made.
"Stefan sucks at tracking," said Juliana. "How hard is it to find a mostly human person?"
"I can probably find Vicki quicker than him," said Jeremy. He added, "Lia can find her quicker than him."
"Do you think she's okay?" asked Juliana.
"No, she's turning into a vampire," said Jeremy.
The doorbell rang and Elena went to see who it was. She opened the door and the door was forced back.
Damon entered the house.
"Get out!" ordered Jeremy.
"You're all afraid of me. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess. Stefan finally 'fessed up," said Damon.
"Stay away from my family," said Elena.
"Hey, there's no need to be rude. I'm just looking for Stefan," said Damon.
"He's out looking for Vicki, because you turned her," accused Jeremy.
Damon asked, "May I come in?" He walked in and Juliana glared at him. "Of course I can. I've been invited. We can cut to the chase if you want. I'm not going to kill all right now."
"Good to know and I'm uninviting you to our house," Juliana said.
He was promptly thrown out of the house, like he was pushed out with telekinesis.
Elena closed the door slowly and turned to Juliana. "Was pushing him out with telekinesis really necessary?"
"I didn't do that. I think uninviting him was what threw him out," Juliana said.
"Okay," replied Jeremy.
Adrienne headed for the door, with a suitcase packed. After hearing Katherine turn Damon and Stefan, enough was enough.
"Excuse me, Miss? Where are you going?" Birdie asked Adrienne.
"Anywhere," said Adrienne. "I'm not wasting any more time by being stuck by Katherine's side. Tell her I said thanks for everything."
Birdie watched as Adrienne left the house.
More time had passed and Jeremy started pacing while Juliana tried to stay awake.
Elena got up and started heading towards the door.
"Where are you going? Damon might be waiting out there to kill you," Jeremy said.
"I'm going to wait for Stefan," Elena said.
She opened the door and Stefan was standing there with blood on his shirt.
"Whose blood is that?" Juliana asked.
"It's my blood," said Stefan.
"What happened?" asked Jeremy.
"Logan Fell shot me with a wooden bullet," said Stefan.
"Logan Fell...shot you...with a wooden bullet?" asked Juliana confused.
"Yeah," said Stefan.
Juliana looked at her siblings confused.
"Damon bite him and dug the bullet out of my chest," said Stefan.
"Okay, but what happened to Vicki?" asked Jeremy. "Is she okay?"
"No," said Stefan. "She feed on Logan's blood and she's now a vampire. I lost her."
Jeremy looked upset at that.
"Can I talk to you outside for a moment?" Elena asked, and pushed Stefan outside the house.
"I'm sorry, Jer," Juliana said to Jeremy.
"Can't you track her?" asked Jeremy. "Can't you use your witchy magical abilities to track her? Isn't that a spell? You can track her. I think I have something of hers in my room and you can use it to track her."
Juliana wasn't sure if that will work with a vampire, but she might as well try. "Okay. Sure. Let's try it."
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