05: Family Ties Come Undone
A/N: The chapter title is borrowed from a lyric in Ice Nine Kills's song, Enjoy Your Slay. The face-claim to Matthew Holloway is Lee Downer.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I have seen a dead body and it's been giving me nightmares. It's like every time I close my eyes, I see Mr. Tanner's body. They make it look like it's no big deal on TV. Have you ever noticed that TV lies like that?
Also, I got slapped by Lockwood, which hurt a lot. I think he's boning Vicki because Jeremy was obsessed with her. Honestly, why doesn't Lockwood just piss all over her to mark her as his territory like the dog that he is? He also made sexual comments at me. I kind of regret not saying something back at him.
Mom, I think you would be disappointed in me for not doing something about it. I decided that the next time he makes comments to me about how crazies are good in bed again; I'll report him for sexual harassment. It may not do any good, but I hope it'll leave him thinking about his disgusting behavior. Sometimes I wonder why he acts like this. He wasn't like this when he was younger.
I have decided to read classic literature to broaden my reading. I don't know why.
Jeremy had his second therapist appointment today. I think hope that it went better than the one on Thursday. He still doesn't talk about it, but I think that's okay. It's only his second session. I should see about getting him back into drawing again. He used to draw a lot when we younger. Maybe a hobby will be a good distraction from everything for him. Maybe I should see about him joining an art club.
Vicki and I had actually gotten along yesterday. It was a very strange thing. I still don't like her though, but I do think it was a nice conversation. I still think that she used Jeremy in some way, though.
Is it wrong that I'm wondering who's going to be teaching history now?
That's enough for now, I think.
Bye for now.
Love you both,
"Scum ball, scum bucket," muttered Aunt Jenna.
Juliana frowned, sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal. She looked at her aunt, "What on earth are you talking about?"
"Him," replied Aunt Jenna, motioning to the TV with her head.
Juliana looked at the TV at the broadcaster.
Elena asked, "The news guy?"
"Also known as Logan 'Scum' Fell," said Aunt Jenna. "Did your mom ever tell you why I moved from Mystic Falls?"
"Oh, no way," said Elena. "You and him? He's cute."
"He's not cute," said Aunt Jenna. "There's nothing cute about him."
"What did he do to you? Was it cheating?" asked Juliana.
"What are you doing with that?" asked Aunt Jenna, pointedly ignoring Juliana's questions as she turned the TV off.
Juliana watched as Elena cleaned something. Elena explained, "I went and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the founders' council for their heritage display."
Aunt Jenna picked up a ring, "Is that Grandma Beth's wedding ring?"
Juliana looked at the ring, "I remember Mom telling us that it was originally great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring."
She noticed Jeremy walk up to stand beside her. "Hey, Lia, how much money do you think we could get if we sold all that stuff on eBay?"
"And you two aren't going to find out," said Elena.
Jeremy looked irritated, "That stuff is Mom and Dad's. You can't just give it away."
"She's planning on loaning it, Jere," said Juliana.
The doorbell rang and Elena left to answer it.
Aunt Jenna looked distracted by something and Juliana walked in as Jeremy looked in the fridge. He made a bow of cereal and looked at the pocket watch that Juliana knew their dad was going to give him.
"Hold on, I'm going to get Adrienne's grimoire," said Juliana and went to go upstairs to get it.
She knew that Jeremy was going to take the pocket watch; it was supposed to go to him after all.
After getting the grimoire, she saw Elena and Stefan on the stairs. She frowned, "Hello, Stefan."
"Hi, Juliana," said Stefan with a smile. "Have you tried tracking Adrienne yet?"
"I'm still working on it," said Juliana.
"Take your time," said Elena, nudging Stefan. "It's still new to you."
She returned to the dining room with the grimoire and sat down next to Jeremy, who was eating.
"Are you going to that Founder's Day thing?" Juliana asked Jeremy.
"No," Jeremy replied bluntly. "You should go."
"Why?" Juliana asked a little alarmed.
"Maybe you can find out more about Adrienne," said Jeremy. "Maybe find her family tree or something while you're there."
"Okay," said Juliana. "We should check out death records. Sheila told me that Adrienne was at the Witch Burial Grounds."
"I'm not going," said Jeremy. "You're the one going. I think Lockwood is going to be there and I'd rather not have him try to throw me through a table. Or I might throw him through a table because I'm still pissed at him for slapping you." Juliana opened her mouth, "Accident or not, I'm still not going to let that go."
Juliana nodded, "Okay."
"Anyway, are there death records for all those people that were murdered there?" asked Jeremy. "I would think that there aren't considering how they were considered witches. Everyone knows about the accused from the Salem Witch trials, so I assume that there might be some records from the Witch Burial Grounds."
"Or maybe we can try to summon Adrienne's ghost if she's there like Bonnie's grandmother claims," said Jeremy.
"I'll check out the records first," said Juliana. "There might be something."
Jeremy nodded, "Shouldn't you get a dress first?"
"Do I have to get a dress? Can't I go wearing dress pants and a button-down shirt?" asked Juliana.
"And stand out even more?" asked Jeremy.
"Fine," Juliana grumbled. "I'll wear one. It doesn't mean that I'll like it though."
She went dress shopping with Jeremy. It was very weird. Aunt Jenna was happy to drop them off at a mall, since she was glad that the twins were hanging out again (and she later told Juliana that it was a good distraction for Jeremy.)
However, she ended up meeting up with Corey, Sydney, and Abigail.
"Are you guys shopping for the Founders' Day thing?" Juliana asked her friends.
"My dad still wants to go, show solidarity after the whole leukemia thing," said Corey. "I'm sure that people don't really care that I'm cancer free."
Abigail put her arm around Corey's shoulders, "Syd and I care. Our parents care and Aspen cares."
"Who's Aspen?" Juliana asked curious.
"My older sister," said Sydney with a smile. "She's going to college the next town over. I just want to see how many people get drunk."
"I'm going because they're going," Abigail stated with a shrug. "Are you going too?"
"Yes," said Juliana. "Jeremy was going to help me pick out a dress."
"I can hang around the mall since your friends are here," said Jeremy.
"No, you can hang with us," said Juliana quickly.
It might do some good for Jeremy to get to know Corey a little better. It might do him some good to get to know some people who weren't addicts.
"Okay," said Jeremy a little grudgingly.
Jeremy vetoed everything that was too revealing.
There was a dress that had a slit all the way down to the waist which Juliana tried on just to see her brother's reaction. Jeremy's eyes had widened in horror (and possibly disgust) and he quickly shook his head and yelling no repeatedly. Corey, however, had his eyes widened and it looked like his brain had fallen out. Jeremy elbowed Corey to get him to stop staring.
He vetoed the strapless dresses and the very short dresses that showed to much leg. Juliana secretly agreed with Jeremy.
Sydney and Abigail found the entire thing funny.
One dress that Jeremy seemed fine with was a white dress with black floral patterns on it, but Juliana thought that it wouldn't fit the theme of the party, but she got it anyway.
Juliana had noticed a white-and-black striped skirt that was above her knees and settled on getting that. She was sure that a plain black shirt would go good with it and Abigail decided to pair off the entire ensemble with black high-tops.
Sydney settled on a silvery dress while Abigail settled on a royal blue dress.
"Here, maybe these fake pearls would go good with the skirt," said Jeremy handing Juliana a pearl necklace.
There, it only took forty minutes of shopping.
Apparently while the girls were shopping Jeremy helped Corey pick out some dress pants and a button down shirt.
They ate lunch in the food court together before leaving to wait for their respective guardians to pick them up.
Aunt Jenna picked them up and Juliana handed back the change that Aunt Jenna wanted back after she gave them money.
Elena demanded to see the dress and skirt that Juliana had gotten, so Juliana let her look at the two articles of clothes.
It was only when she was in the living room when the doorbell rang. Confused, she answered the door. She made a sound of disgust when she saw that it was Lockwood. She tried to close the door, but Lockwood held it open, "Relax, Gilbert. I'm supposed to pick up a box of stuff for my mother."
Elena was there, pulling Juliana away from the door. "Yeah, it's here," said handing Lockwood the box.
"Who is it?" asked Jeremy looking at the weird struggle at the door.
"It's just Lockwood," said Juliana.
Jeremy made a sound of disgust, "Why didn't you close the door in his face?"
"I tried," said Juliana.
"Hey, be nice you two," said Elena.
"I'm fine," said Lockwood. "She was just being a brat."
"You slapped her," Jeremy accused. "How do you think she feels?"
"Just go," said Elena, more to avoid a fight.
"Does it make a difference when I really meant it when I apologized?" asked Lockwood.
"Not a chance," said Jeremy leaving to his room.
"Maybe," replied Juliana, going after her brother.
It was a surprise that Jeremy didn't close the door in her face, like the other times he had done it.
"What is it?" asked Jeremy.
"I wanted to know how your therapy is going," Juliana said, walking in and closing the door. She sat on a desk chair.
"It's going," said Jeremy. He sat down on his bed and took out the pocket watch. "Thanks for letting me take this."
"I know how much you want it," said Juliana. She used her telekinesis to bring it over to her.
"Just because you can do that doesn't mean you have to show off," grumbled Jeremy.
Juliana looked at it and opened it. She frowned, "This doesn't have numbers on it. Weird." She shrugged and closed it. She used her telekinesis to pass it back to Jeremy when the door opened. The pocket watch fell down on Jeremy's bed as Juliana's concentration was broken.
"I'll never get used to seeing that," said Elena. She noticed the pocket watch and took it. "Are you selling this on eBay? Is that how you pay for your pot? That and selling Juliana's meds?"
"No," said Jeremy. "I'll never sell it."
"It's supposed to be his," said Juliana. "Dad told him that it goes to the firstborn son. He was going to give it to Jeremy."
"Just take it and leave," replied Jeremy rather angrily.
Elena left.
"If Dad was going to give it to you, why did Mom promise Mrs. Lockwood that she can have it for the display?" Juliana asked Jeremy.
"How the hell would I know?" asked Jeremy.
Juliana looked down at an old drawing, "I read online that drawing is therapeutic. Maybe you can start drawing again."
"Maybe," replied Jeremy. "The therapist said something about getting a hobby of some kind."
"Whatever hobby you want, as long as it's not getting high," Juliana said.
Jeremy groaned, "They finally got to you?"
Juliana laughed, "I'm kidding."
Jeremy actually seemed amused at the response.
Elena came up to Juliana and her friends, with Stefan trailing behind her. Elena looked at Sydney's dress and smiled, "Hey, I like your dress."
Sydney gave a goofy smile, "Thanks, it has pockets." She stuck her hand in a pocket and took out her BlackBerry phone. She looked it, "Ooh, Aspen texted me." She replied to whatever text she got sent.
"Who are you waiting for?" asked Elena, looking at Juliana.
"Corey," said Sydney.
"Maybe you should wait for him inside," said Elena.
"No thanks, I want to wait for him here, so he won't have to look for us inside," said Juliana. She didn't want to hear the gossip about her 'insanity' either, by having a bunch of stuffy rich people look over at her, ready to condemn her if something broke or something.
"Don't forget about that thing I asked you to do," said Stefan.
Juliana almost rolled her eyes and took out her blue slider phone from her owl purse. She passed it to Stefan. "Here, put your phone number in here and send me a text to remind me."
Stefan took it and put in his phone number before handing it back to Stefan.
Elena and Stefan went in the mansion.
"What is it that he wants you to do?" asked Abigail.
"It's not really important right now," replied Juliana.
There was the sound of a motorcycle's engine and Juliana turned to look. She tried to remember if she knew anyone who had a motorcycle. She couldn't remember.
It turned out to be Corey and his dad on the motorcycle. She was sure that it was a Harley Davidson, but she couldn't be sure.
Corey's dad and Corey both wore button-down shirts and slacks.
However the nice outfit did not hide the tattoos that Corey's dad had. Juliana can see the tattoos all over Mr. Holloway's hands and neck.
Corey and his dad walked inside the mansion, the girls following after them.
"Matthew Holloway, it's nice to see you again," said Mrs. Lockwood. "Is that a new...tattoo?"
"No," replied Matt rather bluntly.
Mrs. Lockwood looked at Corey, "Corey...how nice to see you looking well."
"Thanks," replied Corey.
Mrs. Lockwood made other pleasantries to Abigail and looked at Sydney, "Nice dress, Sydney."
"Thanks, it has pockets," said Sydney, taking her phone out of her pocket.
Mrs. Lockwood looked at Juliana. "I like your...streaks."
"Thanks," Juliana replied.
They walked in and...
Juliana was instantly bored and she wished that she stayed at home. She had to look for any information about Adrienne Ainsley which was why she was there in the first place.
She broke off from the group and looked at some displays. She turned to find Damon standing beside her. "What do you want?"
"To see what you're looking at," replied Damon.
"I'm just trying to figure out who Adrienne Ainsley is," replied Juliana.
Damon seemed to smile, "That's funny. I doubt Adrienne even knew herself."
"How do you know Adrienne? Sheila told me that she's at the Witch Burial Grounds," replied Juliana. "I don't get how you talk about her like you knew her, when she's dead."
Damon seemed almost apologetic, "That's a story for another time."
Caroline was at Damon's side. "Sorry, Lia, do you mind if I take him away?"
"Go ahead," said Juliana with a wave of her hand. Caroline took Damon away.
Juliana sat alone a table, drinking water or whatever soda that she took from a passing butler.
Bonnie sat down across the table from Juliana. "What does my grandmother talk to you about? She told me that you've been visiting her after school. Is it about 'witchcraft'?"
"Why do you want to know?" asked Juliana, curiously.
"She keeps telling me that I'm a witch and that I have to talk to you," said Bonnie.
"I'm a witch," replied Juliana. She looked at the cups she had accumulated and moved her hands around, using telekinesis to put the cups in a pyramid form.
Bonnie took off running instead.
She'll come around eventually, Juliana thought, and went to find her friends. She found them, all looking bored.
She found Elena going in the bathroom and she followed after her instead.
Juliana started, "Elena, I told Bonnie that—"
She trailed off seeing that Caroline was there too.
"Hey, so how are things with Stefan?" asked Caroline.
"Great, just great," replied Elena as she reapplied lip-gloss
Juliana had the feeling that things weren't great.
"Really? Well, my radar must be off, 'cause I was getting all sorts of other vibes..." replied Caroline. "Lia, what do you think?"
"I think I should go while you have this conversation," said Juliana.
She left the bathroom while the two girls talked in private. She wandered around a little more before finding her friends once again. She asked, "Do you want to go to my house? I bet my brother is playing some sort of video game. We can play together."
"Yes," said Corey at once. "Let me go talk to my dad." He took off.
When Elena walked in her home, she spotted her siblings and Juliana's friends playing a video game.
It was an interesting sight to see three teens, except for one, in formal attire playing a video game together.
"Hey, Lia, can I talk to you in private?" asked Elena.
Juliana paused the game to groans of Jeremy and her friends. She followed after Elena to the kitchen.
"I want you to stay away from Stefan and Damon," Elena ordered.
"Why?" Juliana asked bewildered.
"Damon is hurting Caroline and Stefan is doing nothing about it," replied Elena.
"Did you tell Caroline's mom? She's the sheriff, she'll arrest Damon," said Juliana.
"I'll deal with it," said Elena. "I just want you to stay away from them for your own good."
Juliana nodded.
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