04: Thank God It's Friday

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm sorry I haven't been by in a few days. I hope you don't mind.

Jeremy agreed to seek out therapy, as long as I wait for him in the waiting room. He says he won't guarantee any changes, but I told him it'll take time to start healing, however slowly it may take. He told me that since he's doing this for me, I should stop taking my medication since I don't need it anymore. I agreed.

Aunt Jenna and Elena are surprised by Jeremy agreeing to go to therapy. It's a start.

I'm also a witch. An actual witch. That's strange isn't it? I didn't even know how to do magic, but I knew that I was a witch. Weird.

Also, apparently Bonnie's grandmother is a witch too. She promised to teach me magic. I think it's a good thing since she may know a lot more spells than what's put in Adrienne's grimoire.

I also had a bad dream last night or this morning.

My most hated teacher, Mr. Tanner, had been killed. He was extremely bloody and it was awful. I woke up screaming and Jeremy ran in with a lamp. It was touching that he cared.

Aunt Jenna says I need to stop watching horror movies.

That's the thing, isn't it?

I've watched them before with no problem, but now I'm getting nightmares? I've been feeling off since the comet passed and I had that strange pain and migraine.

Also, Elena started dating the new guy, Stefan. It's been, like a week or something and she's already kissing the guy?

Talk about quick, but that's all for now.

Love you both,


Jeremy and Juliana were walking to school together.

"You know, I'm not entirely sure about the therapy thing now," said Jeremy.

Juliana shrugged, "You'll be fine. You're not expected to talk about your problems right away. Just talk about yourself and what you're up to."

"You're right," replied Jeremy. "I'm just trying to talk myself out of it."

When they got to the school, they sat by the ramp for wheelchair-bound people.

"Weren't you supposed to go to Bonnie's house after school?" asked Jeremy with others who gave Juliana strange looks before going back to what they were doing.

"Well, it starts at five, maybe I can see if I can cut it short," said Juliana trying to avoid the word 'therapy'. If people found out, she was sure that Jeremy would be shamed and bullied for it. She had no problem with talking about her going to therapy because it was expected for crazies, but...with Jeremy it would be different. She saw Mr. Tanner walking across the campus...

"Does it look like Mr. Tanner has blood on his clothes?" asked Juliana looking at his striped-button up shirt that actually looked bloodied.

Jeremy looked, "No. He looks like he has a stick shoved up his ass, but no blood." He looked at Juliana.

Juliana rubbed her eyes and looked at Mr. Tanner, "Must've been the light."

Jeremy gave her a strange look and looked through Juliana's owl shoulder-bag. He took out Juliana's iPod and looked at the song that had been paused on. "Is Slipknot any good?"

"I think they're good," said Juliana.

Vicki came up to them.

Jeremy sounded like he sighed and Juliana forced a smile and said, "Vicki. How nice to see you. I'm glad that you're doing better."

Vicki looked like she gave Juliana a forced smile.

"I scored two tickets for the Posers on Saturday night. They're playing at the Rat," said Vicki, focusing on Jeremy.

"Are you sure that your boyfriend would be okay with that?" asked Juliana before Jeremy can even reply. "He seems very cl – protective of you, you know," she added quickly.

"I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, without his permission," said Vicki. "And if that bothers him, then he can suck it up."

"Not when he wants to punch my brother in the face every time you both get within six feet of each other," said Juliana. "At the Grill, he basically threatened me to keep Jeremy away from you."

"Well, maybe I can ask Matt to keep him occupied then," said Vicki. "I want to hang with my friend."

"Maybe," replied Jeremy. "I have to see about some things and see if I have time to go."

Vicki handed a ticket to Jeremy and left.

Juliana stared after her and then looked at Jeremy. "Let's hope that this doesn't bite you in the ass later on down the line."

"Me too," said Jeremy. "Why is that when I'm actually trying to avoid her, she keeps coming to me?"

"Like she said, she thinks of you as a friend and wants to hang," said Juliana. "Just because you two had broken up doesn't mean that you can't be friends. Nothing more, though."

"I get it, Lia," said Jeremy. "Shouldn't there some volleyball try-out soon?"

"That's on the ninth of October," said Juliana. "Tomorrow, we should watch Friday the 13th, that'll be interesting."

"That's because tomorrow's Friday," said Jeremy, "but sure."

Cooking class was interesting. They made something basic like cookies. When she found Jeremy and Elena in the hallway, she gave some to them. They seemed to be happy about that.

It was at lunch when something somewhat interesting happened. Apparently Corey was friends with Abigail and Sydney.

"We didn't see you at the square yesterday," said Sydney.

"I got sick," said Juliana. "Don't know what it was but I felt like I was going to throw up."

"Can we not talk about throwing up when we're eating?" asked Abigail holding a fry.

Sydney nodded, "Yeah."

"I hope that you're feeling better," said Corey.

"I am," said Juliana, a little touched that he cared about her.

"Who is that guy that we see you talking too?" asked Abigail.

Juliana frowned, "I talk to a lot of people."

"The cute guy in the black jacket," said Sydney. "We saw you talking to him in the hallway and you gave him something."

"You mean my brother?" asked Juliana.

"Oh," replied Sydney, her face turned red.

"He's my twin brother if that helps," said Juliana almost amused.

"Oh," said Sydney a little more loudly.

"Don't worry," said Juliana. "I'm not mad or anything. It's all right if you think my brother is cute."

"Where is he anyway?" asked Abigail.

"He's probably busy trying to catch up on some schoolwork or detention that he got from missing classes," said Juliana. She hoped that it was true. But then again, going to therapy doesn't equal quitting drugs. He said he would go to therapy not rehab. But...they had to take one step at a time.

"Troubled and cute," Sydney mused. "A perfect blend."

Corey and Juliana looked at each other.

"Hey, what's with the pink butterfly ring? It kind of ruins your Goth appearance," said Abigail looking at the ring that Juliana was wearing.

Juliana looked at it and shrugged, "It was something that my dad gave me when I was eleven. I didn't wear it, but since..." She trailed off. "It makes me feel closer to him." She didn't add that also wore it as an apology to him for not wearing it when he gave it to her.

It was during history when Juliana felt like hated Mr. Tanner even more than usual, which is a surprise since she thought it wasn't possible. She was sure that she hated Mr. Tanner even more than Lockwood, which was a surprise to even her.

When she had walked into class, Mr. Tanner had to immediately 'Tanner' her by saying, "Well, this is a surprise. Your brother actually showed up to his classes. I thought you both decided to swap positions and you won't even show up. But here you are. That's a surprise."

Juliana glared at him but didn't say anything.

Through the rest of the class, he took potshots at other students for something or other. One student had gotten in trouble because her phone rang in class and one guy apparently was staring at a girl. He never seemed to 'Tanner' Corey though, which she found strange.

What she found strange was that she kept seeing blood all over her teacher's neck and he got after her a few for staring at him, which was embarrassing.

But thankfully the bell rang and it was time to go.

"Miss Gilbert, I would like to have a word with you," said Mr. Tanner before she could leave.

Juliana froze and a girl shouldered her out of the way, "Move it, nut case."

"Miss Gonzalez, that comment gives you lunch detention," called Mr. Tanner.

"Why?" asked the girl, Marissa, turning around to glare at the teacher.

"Don't give her degrading insults like that because she has a mental illness. That's harmful and I won't stand for comments like that in my classroom," said Mr. Tanner.

Marissa took off quickly without an apology.

For a brief moment, Juliana wondered if it was backwards day. She never knew Mr. Tanner to stand up for any student before.

"Uh, thanks?" replied Juliana.

"Let me just say this, Miss Gilbert, you're a good student and I don't want you to see you turn to a life like your brother's," said Mr. Tanner.

Juliana spluttered incoherently at that dig. "I'm trying to help him!"

"Trying or actually helping him?" asked Mr. Tanner. "There's a difference between those two, Miss Gilbert."

Juliana stared at him in slight as horror as it looked his neck sprouted two bloody puncture wounds and started bleeding heavily. Whatever he was saying seemed to be drowned out by a girl screaming in horror. Juliana got a weird buzzing sound in her ears and everything seemed to darken as the world seemed to start tilting.

"Miss Gilbert!" Mr. Tanner said snapping his fingers in front of her face, actually snapping her out of what was going on.

She shook her head, looking at her teacher who seemed to be fine, but looking slightly concerned.

"Are you okay?" asked Mr. Tanner.

Juliana nodded, "Yeah. I...just had a hard falling asleep last night and...I got to go." She left the classroom quickly.

She knew that she shouldn't have stopped taking her medication. She skipped one day and this crap happens to her?

It was after school when Juliana was gathering some notebooks when Stefan came up to her.

"Hey, Juliana," Stefan called.

"What is it?" asked Juliana turning around to look at him confused.

"Elena told me that you loved Alice's Adventures in Wonderland since I asked about your necklace," said Stefan, looking at the Drink Me bottle.

Juliana nodded, "Yeah. Why?"

"Since Alice ate a cake to grow, I got you a necklace to go with the Drink Me one," said Stefan. He looked through his backpack and held up a necklace that was a square cookie. In it, it had EAT ME on it. It also had a silver key pendant.

Juliana was confused as she took the necklace and put it on, noticing that Stefan seemed to relax a little. "Well, thank you."

"Have you tried working on that...project yet?" asked Stefan.

Juliana grimaced, "No, sorry. I was busy."

"Oh," replied Stefan. He touched Juliana's shoulder. "Well, take your time. I know Damon and I were asking a lot for you."

Juliana looked at Stefan and saw that he had black eyes with veins around his eye sockets. She stepped away from him and blinked repeatedly. He seemed almost confused, and then realization dawned on him. "As part of being a witch, you possess psychic abilities, like being able to see the future."

Juliana rubbed her forehead, "Then what's with the black eyes, weird vein crap?"

"We'll talk about that later," said Stefan.

"Okay," replied Juliana confused.

Stefan was going to leave, "Oh, wait. I have another thing for you."

"Let me guess, more jewelry?" asked Juliana sarcastically.

"Actually, yes," said Stefan. "It was actually Adrienne's talisman." He took out a bracelet that had red crystals in a shape of flowers. "My uncle found it and told me to give to a lucky girl. But I recognized it as Adrienne's talisman and knew that you should have it."

"What is a talisman?" asked Juliana taking the bracelet and looking at it. Strangely enough, she could feel that it had magic in it.

"She didn't explain it very well, but talismans are used to give more power," said Stefan. He took the bracelet and wrapped it around Juliana's wrist, clasping it. It seemed to fit perfectly.

"Adrienne used a spell to make sure it always fits and won't come off unless she actually took it off," said Stefan.

"Thanks," replied Juliana.

"You're welcome, Juliana," said Stefan.

"Since you're dating Elena, you can call me Lia," said Juliana.

"I actually prefer Juliana," said Stefan.

Before Juliana could knock on the door, Sheila opened the door.

"I saw you through the window," said Sheila. She allowed Juliana inside the house. "I see that you got a new necklace."

Juliana took the Eat Me necklace off and handed it to Sheila. "It's from Alice in Wonderland."

"I see," said Sheila, looking at it. "Where did you get it?"

"Elena's new boyfriend, Stefan, gave it to me," explained Juliana.

Sheila prompted, "Stefan...?"

"Salvatore," clarified Juliana.

Sheila looked at the bracelet, "And I assume that he gave that to you too?"

"He said that it was Adrienne's talisman," said Juliana taking it off. She handed to Sheila who took it.

"Ah, yes, I can feel the magic in it. It is a talisman," said Sheila. She helped Juliana put it on. "Well, at least you have a talisman now, that's the first step."

"What's the second step?" asked Juliana.

"Knowing your history," said Sheila. "Unfortunately, I don't know much about your family history."

"Well, Damon and Stefan confused me for Adrienne, Damon gave me Adrienne's grimoire," said Juliana. She undid the strap on her backpack and took it out. "And Adrienne Ainsley's name sounded familiar to Jeremy and he looked her up. Apparently she disappeared in the seventeen-hundreds and I look very similar to her."

"That's interesting. You must be a doppelganger or at least a look-alike," said Sheila.

"Isn't that the same thing?" asked Juliana.

"You have a lot to learn," said Sheila. She led Juliana to the dining room.

After the lesson with telekinesis, and feeling a headache forming, Juliana left Bonnie's home. Sheila was nice enough to let her go home early since she had to be there for Jeremy's therapy. Damon drove up in his Camaro.

"Need a ride?" asked Damon.

Juliana got in and he seemed to notice the Eat Me necklace instantly. He frowned, "Let me guess, Stefan?"

"Yeah," replied Juliana. "He told me that being a psychic is part of being a witch. And when he touched my shoulder I saw that he had black eyes and veins around his eye sockets. He said that'll explain it later though. Not sure when though."

"Did he now?" asked Damon driving off.

Juliana got a text message and she took her phone out of her shoulder bag. She looked at it, "It's Jeremy." She looked at Damon and his pupils seemed to dilate.

"Tell him that you don't want to talk to him," said Damon.

Juliana felt her mind cloud and she slid open her cell phone. Before she can even respond to him, she seemed to snap back and she looked at Damon.

Damon seemed to nod, "Figures."

"What?" asked Juliana confused.

"Nothing, don't worry too much about it," said Damon. "I just have to talk to Stefan later. How was school?"

"Well, I got Tannered in class, again," said Juliana.

"'Tannered'?" asked Damon.

"Our history teacher, Mr. Tanner, likes to embarrass us in front of the class by subtly insulting us," said Juliana. "Jeremy went to class and apparently Mr. Tanner thought that I wouldn't show up, like we swapped places or something."

"Sounds like he's a dick," said Damon. "He shouldn't be teaching."

"He's also the football coach," said Juliana.

"Of course he is," said Damon.

"I really don't know how to feel about him. He's a jerk," said Juliana. "However, he did give a girl detention because she insulted me."

"One good thing doesn't outweigh the terrible things," said Damon.

"Are you speaking from experience?" asked Juliana.

Damon stayed oddly quiet.

Apparently Elena had made dinner plans with Bonnie and Stefan. That was around the time that Jeremy's therapy session was, so after the session, they were going to go out to eat.

While they sat in the waiting room, Juliana took out Dracula because it seemed interesting. "Do you think someone will write music that's based on books?"

Jeremy was busy looking at the door like he wanted to run out of there, not that Juliana blamed him. When their parents first took her to therapy, she wanted to run out of there because she was terrified of the diagnosis.

"Hey, did I ever tell you that the first time I went to therapy, I actually hid in the restroom?" Juliana asked Jeremy.

Jeremy actually smiled at that, "You did?"

Juliana smiled back, "Yeah. Mom actually had to pull me out of the restroom." She frowned at the mention. "Dad was mad though because he thought it was embarrassing."

"Where was I at when that happened?" asked Jeremy confused. "I didn't even know that you saw a therapist here. I know that you mentioned group therapy from the mental hospital and that there was a therapist there."

"They didn't want you and Elena to know at first," explained Juliana. "They didn't want to make a big deal about it in case it was nothing serious."

Before Jeremy could reply, his name was called. Jeremy looked a little panicked and reached out to take Juliana's hand. Juliana was a little surprised, but squeezed his hand as reassurance. Jeremy walked away. He definitely looked like he didn't want to be there.

Juliana sympathized with him on that.

When Jeremy finally came back into the waiting room, Juliana stood up, putting her book in her backpack.

Aunt Jenna asked, "How did it go?"

"I have to come back on Saturday," said Jeremy, leaving.

"It takes time," said Juliana hurrying to catch up to her brother.

"I know," said Jeremy. "I didn't even say anything to him."

"Its fine," said Juliana. "He most likely wants you to talk when you're ready."

"I know. That's what he told me," said Jeremy.

"Everything will get better," said Aunt Jenna. "Slowly, but eventually we'll get there. Let's go the Grill."

"No," said Juliana and Jeremy at the same time.

Aunt Jenna looked surprised.

"Lockwood is probably there and I don't want to deal with him," said Jeremy.

"True," said Juliana. She'd rather not get threatened by him again.

"Well, where do you want to go?" asked Aunt Jenna.

A few minutes later, Juliana was crawling through some tube in an indoor playground at a McDonald's, Jeremy grumbling as he followed after her.

Aunt Jenna was watching them; regretting that she took them there.

It was after Juliana got home and was opening up Adrienne's grimoire in her room, when Elena knocked on the door and walked in.

"Damon asked about you," said Elena.

Juliana was confused about that. "What?"

"He wanted to know where you were at," said Elena.

"Why?" asked Juliana.

Elena replied "I think he was expecting you to be here."

Juliana frowned, "Why would he expect me to be here?"

Elena shrugged, "Don't know. I guess it's because he thinks of you as a little sister and he wanted to see you or ask how you were doing with tracking that girl...Adrienne?"

"I'm not sure if I want to," admitted Juliana. "One, I'm beginning to think this girl is dead and two, I don't really want Damon or Stefan to be disappointed with me."

"Why would they be disappointed with you?" asked Elena.

"Well, I mean, I'm not even sure if I can even track people yet, and I don't even know what I'm doing," said Juliana. "I can always go to Shiela."

"That would probably be for the best," said Elena. "Are you and Jeremy coming to the football game, tomorrow?"

"Why?" asked Juliana.

"It's Stefan's first game," said Elena. "It'll mean a lot to him if we came to support him."

Juliana sighed, "Fine. But I'm not cheering them on since Lockwood is on it."

Elena smiled, "That's fine with me." She turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Juliana glanced at the window and saw that the curtains were closed. She sighed and leaned back on her bed.

Mr. Tanner's dead body lying in a small pool of blood, two bloody puncture wounds in his neck.

"Oh my god! Is that Tanner?" a girl asked in horror. There was a slight pause and someone screamed.

Juliana jerked awake and then sat up. She was breathing heavily. She had that nightmare again. She got out of bed and went down to the kitchen to make something to eat.

However, she didn't see anything to make and looked at the boxes of cereal.

Juliana could barely concentrate in her class, because her mind kept wandering over to her nightmare of Mr. Tanner's death.

When she was at her locker, Bonnie came up to her. "I know that you've been hanging out Grams lately, and I was wondering if she told you anything about being obsessed with numbers means."

Juliana frowned, "Isn't this something you should talk to her about?"

"She'll probably tell me that I'm a witch," said Bonnie.

Juliana shrugged, "I don't know. She never told me anything about numbers. Maybe they're your lucky numbers, like on the fortunes from fortune cookies."

"I don't think they're lucky numbers," said Bonnie. "Are you okay? You look tired."

"I had another nightmare," replied Juliana. "It's no big deal."

Bonnie looked like she didn't believe the younger teen. "All right, if you say so. Are you coming over to my house to talk to Grams again?"

Juliana nodded, "Yeah."

Juliana and Jeremy found a spot on the bleachers. Jeremy looked like he really didn't want to be at the football game. Juliana knew how he felt. She didn't want to be there either. However, she did enjoy watching the mascot burnings.

"You know, they never go all out for the other sports like they do for football." Juliana pointed out feeling slightly envious of how all out they go for the football team. She never saw her school do a mascot burning for basketball, softball, or baseball....

"Nobody cares about the other sports, except for soccer and baseball," said Jeremy.

That kind of hurt, but Juliana did have to agree, "True." It was sad that no one went all out for the other teams besides football.

They sat in a comfortable silence.

"Tell me again, why we have to be here for Elena's boyfriend again?" asked Jeremy.

Juliana shrugged, "To show him our support? Hell if I know."

Tanner was now talking about Stefan.

"Is it just me or does it sound like Tanner really wants to be in Stefan's pants?" asked Jeremy.

Juliana was now disgusted, "Ew! I really didn't need that mental image! That's going to give my nightmares nightmares! Ugh!"

Jeremy laughed at the reaction that he got out of Juliana. Juliana playfully shoved him, "You're a jerk."

Jeremy just shook his head and for a moment, everything seemed to go back to normal.

Juliana was glad that Jeremy wasn't thinking about his next therapy appointment and that they were getting back to how things were before the accident.

Of course it had to be ruined by no other than Lockwood himself.

Lockwood seemed to suck the fun atmosphere away from them.

"Why do you look so happy? I still have Vicki, you know," taunted Lockhood.

Juliana was bewildered at that and saw that Jeremy looked more annoyed than angry.

"Piss off, Lockwood," said Jeremy. "I'm done with your bull crap."

For a brief moment, Juliana wondered if Jeremy lied about how he didn't talk to his therapist at the appointment the previous day.

For a moment Lockwood looked surprised at that and then he sneered as he looked at Juliana. "After I get done with her, maybe I'll take you to bed with me. I heard that crazies are amazing at sex."

Juliana felt disgusted and then surprise when Jeremy punched Lockwood.

"Don't talk to my sister like that again!" Jeremy shouted.

It caused the few people that they were sitting with to scatter.

That was the reaction that Lockwood wanted. He grabbed the front of Jeremy's shirt and pushed him back in the bleachers Juliana got up and started slapping at Lockwood's hands.

"Get lost, Lockwood!" shouted Juliana. "You ruin everything, you douche!"

"Douche? Get better insults, Gilbert!" snapped Lockwood.

"I would actually call you a dick, but you don't have one!" replied Juliana.

That must have distracted him a little because Jeremy grabbed Lockwood's shoulders and threw him to the ground. Juliana stepped backwards a little as the two boys continued fighting. Lockwood got Jeremy on the ground and punched him.

Juliana ran over and pushed at Lockwood, "Get off of him!" Lockwood shoved her back and then smacked her hard, knocking her onto the ground. He seemed to way into the heat of the fight with Jeremy.

Pain erupted in her face and she grabbed her cheek.

Everything seemed to go quiet. For a moment Lockwood looked angry and then seemed to grow horrified.

Suddenly Stefan was right there in front of Lockwood. Someone ran over and pulled Juliana to her feet, but she didn't see who it was because she was surprised to see how murderous Stefan looked.

"Apologize to Juliana! Right now before you make me do something that I will really regret!" ordered Stefan grabbing the front of Lockwood's jersey, still looking furious.

For a moment it sounded like there were murmurs of agreement from the crowd.

"Now!" ordered Stefan.

Lockwood looked terrified and looked at Juliana. "Sorry, didn't mean to hit you."

"Apology noted and pending," replied Juliana.

The crowd started dissipating, murmuring amongst themselves. Some of the crowd goers looked disgusted at Lockwood.

"Are you okay, Lia?" asked Bonnie looking concerned.

"I'm fine, he just surprised me," said Juliana.

Elena was checking on Jeremy and she demanded, "What the hell, Jeremy?"

"He really shouldn't be making degrading sexual comments at Lia," said Jeremy.

"He did?" asked Elena looking at Juliana in surprise.

"Said something about crazies are good at sex," said Juliana, shrugging to show that she wasn't really bothered by the comment.

"What a pig," muttered Elena.

"Worse knowing that he practically watched her grow up," said Bonnie, looking equally disgusted.

"He was trying to get a rise out of Jeremy and it worked," said Juliana, rubbing her face where Lockwood hit her. "Did either of you see how pissed off Stefan looked when Lockwood accidentally slapped me?"

Bonnie and Elena shook their heads.

"He looked like he was about ready to shed Lockwood's blood in that moment," said Jeremy. "I was about ready to myself."

"I'll get you both some ice," said Bonnie.

"I think Jeremy needs it more than I do," Juliana replied.

"I'll help you, Bonnie," Elena said.

Jeremy and Juliana sat in silence for a while. Jeremy had a plastic bag of ice to his face.

"I'm going to stretch my legs, for a bit, okay?" replied Juliana.

"Sure, go ahead," said Jeremy.

Juliana nodded, got up and started walking around.

"Juliana!" called a female.

Juliana turned to see Vicki. "What is it?"

"I tried to stop Tyler from going towards Jeremy," said Vicki. "If it's any consolation, after that, I'm thinking of breaking up with him."

"If you do, that'll make Lockwood go after him even more," said Juliana. "And I'd rather not have my brother end up dead because of Lockwood."

"At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Tyler ended killing Jeremy," said Vicki. "I'm sorry for Tyler slapping you."

"Its fine," replied Juliana as she started walking, with Vicki following her. "It was an accident."

"Not an excuse," said Vicki.

Juliana stumbled over something, and she grabbed onto Vicki's arm. "Sorry."

"What did you—?" started Vicki and looked down. "Oh my god! Is that Tanner?"

For a strange reason, the world seemed to tilt. This was just like her nightmare.

Juliana screamed.

Vicki grabbed Juliana and tried to shield her from the sight of the dead body.

"What happened?" asked Matt, running up. "Why is—?" He noticed the body, "Oh, no." He looked around and yelled, "Help! Somebody!"

Later that night, Damon had to check on Juliana. He had heard what the Lockwood did to her. If he was there and saw her get slapped, the only remains of Lockwood would've been his balls duct-taped to that fancy ass car of his.

He didn't mean for Juliana to find the body, though. He only lashed out at Tanner because she didn't like him.

To be honest, he was surprised at the fact that Juliana looked like Adrienne, but Juliana didn't have the vicious and cruel attitude that Adrienne had.

He had seen a bird land on the windowsill and Adrienne, using her telekinesis, closed the window on the bird, and then Adrienne laughing about it. When a man asked for her hand in marriage, she killed the man just because she wanted to. When Adrienne found that some boys found a girl to be more beautiful than her; she created a spell to make scars appear on the girl's face. When a dog tried to bite her, she used her magic to brutally kill the dog and then put it on display for the dog's owner to see.

If Lockwood had slapped Adrienne...Damon was sure that there wouldn't have been any remains left behind.

Adrienne had been a kind person, until she discovered she had magic. For some reason, the magic warped Adrienne; it blackened her heart. It had gotten to the point that Damon realized that he needed to kill her before she brought Hell onto the earth, but she disappeared before that could happen.

He needed to find her. He thought he did back at the graveyard, but something about Adrienne was different. Then she introduced herself as Juliana, but he still wasn't sure. She pretended to be different people whenever he happened to run into her before.

Of course when he spotted her walking to school, he knew that she wasn't Adrienne. Adrienne prided herself on her hair; she would never do anything to her hair. So when the girl had dyed those streaks in her hair, Damon knew that she wasn't Adrienne.

Damon actually preferred Juliana over Adrienne. Juliana was kinder and she cared about people; except for Lockwood.

He still needed to find Adrienne and kill her. Yes, he still cared about Adrienne, he practically watched her grow up after all. She was like a little sister to him and Stefan. However with the amount of power she had...he couldn't let any of that to happen. He should've seen Adrienne for what she truly was; a monster who had manipulated him and Stefan even worse than what Katherine had done.

But first....

He examined the small bruise that was on Juliana's cheek where Lockwood had slapped her. He felt a rush of anger go through him, but he squashed that down. He couldn't go after the Lockwood boy just yet. He needed to plan out Lockwood's death first and then he would kill him. He couldn't have Lockwood running around after hurting Juliana like that.

First he had to find and kill Adrienne, then he had to plan out Lockwood's death and how he would kill him, and then he would kill him.

Yes. That sounded like a good plan.

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