Chapter 6

Chapter 6

“My little flower, where are you? I’ve waited for long, and yet you have not arrived at the Dark Wind?” Wind’s voice was laced with acidic sweetness, the honeyed words ringing out clear in the air with his crisp, breezing voice as it was carried to where I was.

I visibly froze, and Anneson must have seen it, because the blue in his eyes began to cloud as I saw his hand move closer to his body, presumably to draw a weapon against this man whose voice I froze at. I couldn’t let Wind see Anneson. First, Wind knew my name and he had no qualms in telling everyone my true name, the painful name that I’d tried so hard to throw away.

Once, Lorna Reyzon was a name that was revealed by witches and wizards, for I had a perfect future; a perfect potential as the Mistress of Magic Manipulation. But it had winded down the drain when I turned nightstalker. Rumors began to spread of my death, but not my rebirth. Since then, I’d changed name and escaped the shadow I’d casted upon my own self. But Wind; he was the only one who was around when I turned, for he was my Master. He knew fully who I actually was, and I didn’t need Anneson knowing that I was his sister just yet. What’s more, Wind knew Anneson, for he’d seen the boy when he was just a baby once before. I wasn’t sure if Wind would recognize my brother, but the slight similarity in my brother’s and my face would no doubt give the secret game away in just a few seconds. I needed to get Anneson away, before Wind decided to do something funny.

With effort, I rose out of my seat, motioning for Anneson to get out through the window while I moved towards the main corridor, where Wind would be. It had never struck Wind to knock, and my Master knew no manners, especially when it came to me. Wind had always been like that; controlling, unpredictable, but so painfully gentle. I had once been a love-crossed-eyed girl around Wind, but I’d long awoken from that blissful nightmare, and I now saw Wind for the true nightstalker he was. Though Wind knew my secrets, I knew many of his, and he was not very happy about that simple fact.

Anneson, though not understanding why I was so afraid of this guy, understood what I wanted from him as he bolted fluidly from the armchair to the window, unlatching the window. With a quick nod from him, he jumped out, and I did my best to calm down my racing heart as I turned into the main corridor, to meet Wind. I had hoped that I wouldn’t meet him for today, for I had enough trauma and fight yesterday night. Furthermore, my fight with Wind had made my nightclub nothing but ruins, and I had a sneaking suspicion that Faith was blaming me for it. Why else would she wake me up so early in the night, to torture me?

Wind was wearing a pair of tight fitting jeans, paired with a midnight black casual, long-sleeved shirt. Yet, it was rolled up to his elbows, freeing his wrists and hands for flexible movements. His white hair was, like always, tousled in a crazy manner that made him look unbelievably handsome. He was still wearing his sarcastic smile, and the dimple was still there.

And the thousands gods above damn me, but I swore my heart skipped a beat.

“There you are, my lovely black rose. You look as gorgeous as I woke up imagining you to be.” Wind said with that honeyed voice, and for a moment, I was thrown back into my old self when all my wits left at the sight of his gorgeous body and face.

But I wasn’t the Lorna Reyzon I used to be when I fell in love stupidly with Wind. I was Dru now, and I wasn’t bothered by his charms. At least that was what my mind told me, if only my body wouldn’t start getting so hot. Yesterday had been like a train wreck through my mind, with the almost-dying and all, and I had been too busy thinking about Anneson that I’d forgotten Wind’s charm.

“You, frankly, look like you belong in the dumpster. Why are you here?” I gathered my wits back quickly, sharpening my sharp tongue as I watched him approach me with his quick, breezing glides.

“Me? I’m here because I missed you, and wanted to see you.” Wind said easily as he swept me in a hug that I didn’t expect. What was up with this guy? When I was still with him, when I was so smitten over him, he had been so cold to me. His displays of love back then were only when he was aroused, the words that rained honey in my ears as he took me in bed the only reason I hung on to him.

“No, I meant why are you here in my house? You should be in the Dark Wind.” I said dumbly as I shoved him away, turning into the living room, trying to ignore my racing heart.

Damnit, I was over him. So why was I still feeling so hot?

“I was there, my darling. Yet, I couldn’t stand staring down at the Hunter while your little servant busied herself around, sprucing up the place. Did I mention you look simply smashing in that top? I believe, I haven’t seen you in this light before.” Wind followed me into the living room as I frantically tried to think of things to do, my back facing him.

There were few reasons I why I was so panicked around my Master. Wind, for one, was known for his unpredictability, which was one trait I used to love –a trait I now dreaded. Yet, Wind turning up had to have a reason, and though I knew there was no way I could escape from having to confront him about his objective at turning up in Seattle, looking for me, I had hoped for a few more days, to confront my final nightmares and kill the last feelings I had for Wind. But, I was eager to have Wind gone. Either he left here quickly, or I end him off.

Wind anywhere for long was plain begging for hunting, and I didn’t need him around for hunters to turn the light on Seattle.

“The Hunter was there? How long?” I couldn’t help myself but ask in curiosity as I stopped and turned around. But it was the wrong thing to do, because warm arms circled around my shirtless waist, pulling me close as lips latched on mine. Wind’s worst memory was blown quickly away from my flaring mind, like how it would always in the past, as he took the kiss even deeper.

Before I knew what was happening, I was kissing him back with the same passion, despite all that the cells in my body were screaming against. Now that he was so close to me, his lips on mine as I felt his ragged breathing, there was no denying. Through everything that happened, all the things I did and said to break free from my painful shadow, the feeling had always been there. I was still stupidly in love.

I closed my eyes for a second, relishing myself in the familiar lips, the deep, needy kiss that was shared between us as Wind’s hand slid downwards in a skilled movement. There was slight wind that brushed against my bare skin, and the feel of velvet pressed against my back. I opened my eyes to find myself lying on the sofa, Wind atop me as he pressed on the kiss harder, even though we were both running out of air.

His hardened counterpart brushed against my navel as he lowered himself deeper into the kiss, and warmth pulled between my legs as I groaned, in lust and pleasure. How long had it been since…?

I pulled away from the heady thought quickly as Wind finally drew away, his breathing ragged and gasping. His eyes were a clouded green now, like what it would always look when he was aroused, and I could see he was well near the edge. Too many a time; I had seen the same look in his eyes as he took me to bed, the rest a sweet memory to me as he manipulated me to his will.

But this was different now. I was stronger, and I had the power now. No more just a little lamb.

With will in my movement, lust in my mind, I flipped us around, so that he was the one lying beneath me. Yet, he dragged one hand through my hair, pulling me down for another deep kiss as his free hand travelled down my bare stomach, close to my leather pants. I quickly brushed his hand away, letting my own travel underneath his shirt. They roamed, touching his steel-like abs as they drew his shirt up higher and higher.

“How long have we missed this pleasure, my flower? Honey, I had tasted with many others, but you…… You are the sweetest candy I shall ever have.” Wind’s sultry voice boomed deep in his throat as it came as growl while we separated. He drew his shirt away, revealing his perfect chest.

“You speak too early, Wind… You’ve haven’t seen the real side of me yet…” My replying voice was well below my normal range as it was plain fluid velvet rolling from my tongue. The feel of him just beside me again; it turned my insides into melted liquid, my legs into jelly.

Wind flipped us again, and while the third kiss made even more spark than before; his hand began to creep under my top. I tried to brush his hands away, but this time, his movements were determined as his hand reached my breasts, teasing them. The moan I made against his mouth; it had been one that had been fighting to be released.

I rolled us around quickly, brushing his hand away from underneath my shirt as they went to hugging my waist carefully. Lying on my side, I watched him as he watched me, the lazy contented smile showing his dimple as his eyes made sparks with mine. Slowly, deliberately, he blinked, and his tongue licked his lips in a manner that made me almost want to faint.

“So, tell me, my dear flower, who was visiting you before I arrived? Surely you hadn’t been drinking two cups of water on your own?” Wind asked in the same gentle, sultry tone.

That was all it took to spoil the mood.

In a flash, I was out of the sofa, standing at the doorway. Though I knew Wind could have easily stopped me, he didn’t, as he stirred in the sofa, turning so that he could keep me in his view while he lounged on my sofa, shirtless. But I was no longer tempted.

How stupid I was; to believe that he still loved me.

He had never loved me in the first place. All those lies he’d made up to convince me that I was precious to him. Most of the time, I’d fallen prey to those honeyed words, gentle touches. All my defenses against him; they’d fallen the moment his lips touched mine.

But his words, it had waked me up. Because it was Wind all over; it was the old him that I hated.

It was the Wind who would do anything to get an answer out of me. It was the Wind who would use my lust for him to extort an answer out of me. No, Wind wouldn’t torture. He would watch me torture myself as I struggled not to tell him anything, while he pursued his ‘love expeditions’ with me, knowing full well that I would finally break down, and give him the answer.

But this time; I wasn’t about to let that happen. I hadn’t done so much to bring him out of my mind, to throw my Master so far away from my heart, just to claim him back to my bed after just one mere kiss. I had Faith and Cole by my side now. By a long shot, I had Anneson back with me now. Heck, I even had Xavier.

“I’m not just a toy you want me to be anymore, Wind. I don’t know what you want with me by coming back here, but I can safely tell you a solid no to everything you want. Cut short on the honeyed words, the beating about the bush, and come straight to the point with me. I am the Keeper now; I have Seattle to care to. If you come on jobs from the Ancients, tell them I need a different messenger. Give me Valerio, or anyone other than you. Even Jin!” I shouted angrily at him, raging that he didn’t even seem the slightest fazed. He was only looking at me with amusement.

And that was what really pissed me off. I was no longer the insignificant Lorna Reyzon he once treated me like. I was Dru now; the powerful, strong Keeper of Seattle and the rare witch-nightstalker.

In fact, I was Dru Lorna Reyzon, the Mistress of Magic Manipulation, only that I was in nightstalker-form.

“You would choose them over me? Even Jin?” Wind’s words were only amused, not even angry or disturbed. Just that irritating tone like I was amusing him, humoring him. And I didn’t like it.

“You heard me! I don’t care what you want, Wind! Leave Seattle, and leave me alone! I don’t need you, I don’t want you back in my life anymore, you understand me?” I fumed; my hands clenching up as I glared at the nightstalker who called himself my lover.

Ex-lovers; we may have been, but things were over between us now. I may have a little feeling left for him, but that was all. Not enough to bring me to bed with Wind again. Not enough to let me lose my mind over Wind. No, I refused to be so stupid. Even if things boiled down for the worst, I didn’t need Wind. I had Faith at my back, and if I was really that desperate, I could always choose Cole. Not Wind. Not again.

This time, Wind rose out of the sofa, still half-naked, but his charms were now lost on me as I raged at his presence, and how he made me feel inside. I hated that my legs turned to jelly when I saw his handsome face. I hated that my guts were liquid when I was drenched in his honeyed words.  I hated that I was a little girl again, before his half-naked body.

“Look into your heart, my flower, and tell me that is true. Look into my eyes, deep down my screaming soul that you don’t need me; that you don’t love me anymore. If you cannot, my sweetness, then please do not cast me away. I came to apologize for my mistakes, Lorna. I came, because I wanted us back the way it was. I shouldn’t have done what I did, and I’m here to make it up to you. Just give us a chance, will you not? For the sake of the love that’s still between us, let us hit at a chance where we can return to what it once was?” Wind’s voice breezed coolly from his mouth as he took slow, careful steps towards me, a pleading note in his eyes.

Then, like always, my fire of anger was blown away by his breezing Wind; gone to abyss. But what was left was only smoldering debris. Only a fresh broken heart that had been covered in the fuel and flames I had been nurturing ever since he left me. But, for the first time, I let that anger burn and blow away. And was left with that fragile heart that was shattered in a million pieces.

I felt my shoulders sag in defeat as my gaze turned to my feet. No matter what I threw at Wind, what I tried to make myself believe, he, no we, knew that deep down, he still had a place in that shattered heart of mine. It was the only reason why I still reacted to his touch, the reason why I could bring myself to push away his worst nightmare when he kissed me, instead of letting it take over me.

It was the only reason why I could still afford to be angry at what happened so long ago, because if I was long over him, I would have long brushed him off, instead of viewing him with such dread and pain.

“Look, now is not the time yet, Wind. I cannot deny that there is nothing between you and me, for it would be telling an outright lie. But… we just can return to what we were, and I cannot make that commitment yet. Just… stay away until I have time to breathe, Wind.” I sighed, my voice devoid of emotions as I just couldn’t bring my eyes up to his.

All these years, I’d survived without him; opened my eyes to a new world without his protection. I couldn’t say that everything was his fault, but it had surely felt that way when he left me wordlessly so long ago. No, I had been the one who had chosen to walk alongside Wind. He hadn’t chained me up and forced me to follow me. All the while, I had free hold of my limbs and powers. I could’ve walked away, but I’d clung on to him.

There was quietness after my words, and then Wind hugged me. It wasn’t the crazy, loving hug that he’d given me before. This was only a gentle hug as he not only didn’t press himself against my body, but did his best to keep his body away, the keeping the space between us. Even though his chin rested lightly on my left shoulder, his arm circling around my back so light that I could barely feel them, his hug was firm. It was nothing like the hug it had before. Nothing like any hug.

“I have not yet given you my deepest apology, Lorna. Those things I did in the past, my wordless departure; they were the painfully stupid ideas on my part. I’m sorry I left you; young and alone, and the minimal idea of living in this vast world. I’m sorry I gave no explanations; sorry for letting you think I abandoned you. I’m sorry for returning without warning. So many things, Lorna; I am so sorry for, but have yet conveyed. I know I am out of my depth trying to control you like what I did yesterday. You are right, this is your domain; I shall respect your words. But hear your Master speak, my dear flower, and know that I speak the truth when I want you back in my life.” Wind’s whisper sounded purely heartfelt, and if I hadn’t felt so torn up inside, I would’ve melted instantly.

Wind let me go, with a smile that –for the first time –looked genuine on his face. I’d seen the sarcastic smile, the brittle smile, the cold smile, the secret smile, and all sorts of smile. But this was the very first time his smile was genuine.

“Tell me when you’re ready to accept me back into your life, my dear flower. I will be waiting.” He said, and disappeared.

I began to turn around, not knowing whether to feel weirded out at Wind’s off movements, or shocked at his sudden smile, and that was when I realized that the dagger that was normally pressed against my back, in its holster, was gone. I reached behind for it, but it was empty. The other two simple daggers were still there.

The one I’d kept so faithfully by my side was gone. In its place was a note.

I cursed, as I unfolded the small piece of paper.

I didn’t think you would still keep your family’s heirloom with you, not after what Mina and Stefan did. I see that you’ve been naughty; digging out the diamonds and dirtying it. How can you ever hope to pass it to Anneson in future?

Fret not, darling. I’ll return it to you soon enough.


Trust Wind to notice all these things of my past that I had not been willing to get rid of. Those were the things of my past where I needed them to be around, to remind me that even though I’d worked so hard to be the Keeper of Seattle, I still came from a background of sorcery.

Through the years, there had been many differences between witches, wizards and nightstalkers. Those who practiced sorcery were –mostly –like what my parents were like: strongly believing that being turned nightstalker was worst than getting condemned in Hell. They hated nightstalkers for the life of them, and some dedicated their lives to killing nightstalkers. Nightstalkers, in turn, began turning up their noses on Magic Manipulators. But, when the witches and wizards became a real problem for nightstalkers, they began to fight back, and a history of hunting between them began. Those like my parents condemned those who turned nightstalker, and nightstalkers found it naturally hard to accept that you were once a Magic Manipulator.

It had taken me quite something to rise through fame with the shadow of my Magic Manipulation past looming over me, but it had all been thrown away ever since the nightstalkers of Seattle accepted that the ability to control the power gave me an edge over others.

Still, I needed my reminders where I got them. One of the most precious reminder was that piece of family heirloom that came in the form of that fancy dagger. It was both a useful tool as well as a painful reminder to my past.

Needless to say, I needed it back. But Wind was true to his name. If he breezed away from you, he’d slip away from your grasp. Even if you called him out, it was all too late. This was Wind.

So I folded the paper, tucked in my pocket, went upstairs to get a replacement so that I wouldn’t feel so bare without my third dagger, and locked up my house. Though we had this convenient ability to disappear and appear out of nowhere, a skill commonly referred to –in human terms –as teleportation, I found no use in teleporting straight to the Dark Wind.

I needed a breath of fresh air. And I needed time to think.

Halfway through my slow walk back into the town from the countryside, my phone rang and I picked it up as I watched the sky idly. The clouds were covering the moon, but its strong light was peeking through the thin clouds. Though there weren’t many yet, I could practically taste rain in the air.

After all, a witch like me always knew. I wasn’t a Reyzon for nothing.


“Why isn’t your ass here? Cole came in so long ago; I expected you around at least an hour ago! Have you any idea how tensed the air is here now?” Faith practically shouted through the phone, and I had to hold it away from my ear.

“Tense? Why so?” I replied, puzzled.

“Well, if you’ve been here for the past two hours, you can very well tell me why! First the Hunter waits for me outside the Dark Wind even before I open it up. He slips in wordlessly into a stall and keeps to himself. Then your Master comes along and makes a staring contest with the Hunter. After Cole comes back, your Master stands up, leaves with the same breezing manner he came in, and the Hunter has been glowering at every single nightstalker that has passed ever since. God bless me, but I’m having enough trouble as it is keeping Cole off the Hunter. I can’t control the rest of them like you do.” Faith explained clear as day, though her voice was getting impatient. From what painful little information I’d dredged from Wind, Faith had been fixing up the place.

I could only start to imagine what workload was hanging on Faith’s shoulders. It was bad enough as it is. To have her to deal with the Hunter, Wind and Cole all at the same time, while I was talking to Anneson; it hardly seemed fair for her.

“I’m so sorry, Faith. There was someone looking for me. And then Wind came. I had to deal with him first. Could you please tell Xavier to meet me by the river side in five minutes? I need some time to freshen myself up.”

“What, you aren’t awake yet?” Disbelief laced in Faith’s voice. I snorted an un-ladylike snort.

“Believe me, I’m more than awake. Wind was…… hard work.” There was a little hesitation in my voice, but I managed to get my words out. After all, I could hardly tell Faith that Wind tried his best to bed me again, and I’d turned him down with a stern no, though I had been close to melting in his arms.

“All that sweet talk about his little flower again? Man, I couldn’t believe my ears. All talk; no actions. I may not know your Master well, but enough guys have been dropping the same talk in my ears trying to get into my shirts and pants.” Faith’s amused voice kind of lifted my mood.

Faith was true to what I expected her to be. She would dare to speak of my Master in such a denigrating tone, dare to scold me for being late for at least an hour. But this talk; it wasn’t the Master-Servant relationship. It was girl talk, and I was up for one.

“You just won’t believe the words he can twist from his mouth. Man, his honey is thick in my ears. I think I’m choking on it soon.” I mimicked vomiting sounds through the phone, smiling as I heard light laughter from Faith. We knew what it felt like to be showered with all fancy words; all fruitless attempts to bed us. With a sorely unbalanced female nightstalker population in Seattle, my fame and Faith’s supermodel body, we were no strangers to visitors of my domain trying to get a one night stand with us.

 I wasn’t going to lie that I’d kept myself a faithful nun, but one night stands were all lost on me. Cole, for his part, would never be particularly happy if he knew anything about it. But hey, it was my life, and as a woman, I needed my pleasures where I got them.

However, Faith’s voice turned serious after a short laugh.

“You were serious about him once, weren’t you? I know; I’m not in any position to discuss this now, but you never told us anything about your life before you arrived. I didn’t even know Wind was your Master, before he fed you blood, and you came back strong.”

It was kind of a personal question, but after all that Faith went through with me, after all those personal things I’d helped Faith tide through when I just newly made her, I was in no position to condemn her of speaking personal things.

“He was the mistake I once made. But no more. Tell Xavier to be there on time. You know how I feel about latecomers.”

This time, it was Faith to snort.

“For someone who needs me to wake you up, you certainly are one to say about late coming.”

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