Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The next day, I woke up with a splitting headache, my phone vibrating on the bedside table as I tried my best to cover the sheets over my head. But my nightstalker-heightened hearing tortured me back awake as I felt around sleepily for the phone.

“Dru.” I moaned into the phone, knowing the one at the other end of the line was. There were only few people, who had my phone number, and they always knew when to call me; which was the most painful time of the day: the time when I needed to wake up.

“Wise and shine, sleepy-head. How are you feeling? Up to face the world again?” Faith’s ever-cheerful voice met me, though I could hear something nagging at her. There was only one person who knew Faith well, and that was me.

“Not one bit. Give me a break; I was staked yesterday, thought I was going to die, and my Master came back to see me. I fought my ass off; let me sleep a little while longer. Pretty please, with the cherry on top?” I begged, purposefully putting on my most pitiful voice.

“Even if there’s whipped cream on the top, I’m not accepting it. Wake up! We can’t have you lazing around can we, Miss Keeper?” Faith ordered, and for a second, I wondered who the Master –and the Keeper –was in this conversation.

“Says you, who didn’t draw a single drop of blood yesterday. Just ten minutes more?” I sighed as I covered my pillow over my head, blocking out the light from the bedside lamp. I must’ve forgotten to turn it off when I fell into bed. I didn’t doubt that I had been snoring.

There was silence where I could almost see Faith pinching the bridge of her nose. She always did that when she was exasperated with me, trying to think of ways to make me do something when I was her Master, not the other way around.

“Fine, ten minutes is all you’re getting. I’m sending Cole over in five to make sure you haul you ass out of bed.” Faith finally conceded, and I gave a silent, internal cheer to her.

“Mmn.” I mumbled my acknowledgement, hanging up on her as I threw the phone to a desolate corner of the room, falling into deep sleep again as I hugged the covers close to my body.

I fell back into the dream of me meeting my parents again, after so long, and talking to them. In my dream, they accepted me for the fact that I was a nightstalker again. They expressed their apology to me, loving me the way they did. And then Anneson came along, and, for the first time in the many years I’d been past, I felt as if I were back to my family finally.

And then it was broken when someone woke me up, by gently prodding me in my arm. I tried to brush the hand away, but it was caught halfway in midair.

“Lemme go! Ten minutes more!” I complained, trying to toss under the covers, but the grip on my hand didn’t release itself.

“You said that to Faith ten minutes before, didn’t you?”Cole’s amused voice filled the room and I groaned, flipping on my front so that my face was hidden in the pillow.

“That was before you came! Ten minutes more, I swear!” I promised, shaking my hand away from Cole’s as I tucked it under the covers, safe from Cole’s reach.

 “Faith told you she was sending me here. You’ve had your ten minutes, no more!” Cole announced, poking me on my back. Again, I tried to push him away, but this time, his hand grabbed mine and dragged me up.

My body felt like a limp bag of bones as I was pulled up by my arm, as if there was a strange magnetism between the bed and my body.

“Come on, Dru. Wakey Wakey! Time to face a new day! Walk Earth again! Breath the fresh Seattle air again!” Cole’s voice was cheerful, but I heard the slow sarcasm in his voice. I obviously doubted that he woke up with those thoughts in his mind. If he did; he was really sad.

“Answer that to my sore muscles, Cole.” I complained as I finally sat up, pulling the sheets up as they tried to slip down. I didn’t need Cole getting a first-hand sight of my naked body for free. Hey, I may have gone through so much, but I was still a lady.

As I sat up, leaning against the headboard of my four-poster bed as I wrapped the sheets around myself, dragging a hand through my black-dyed hair as I forced my mind to finally wake up.

I half expected Cole to return downstairs, to call for a feed, like what he would do on any normal days when he was sent by Faith to wake me up. But today, this time, Cole did nothing of that sort as he sat by my side, taking my free hand in both of his. His actions brought my eyes to his, and he looked deep into mine, searching. By certain rights, he could never look into my eyes, for I was the Keeper, and his Master. But I didn’t care now, as I searched for the source of his confusion in his eyes.

“I saw your scars yesterday night, Dru. The scars running all along your body; they weren’t made when you were turned, am I right? What happened? Who was that nightstalker named Wind? What did he mean by those words? You know what you mean to me, Dru. I cannot stop caring about you; I need to know.” Cole’s words hit jackpot as my hand stopped halfway through my hair.

The scars… they were as Cole said.

It was the result of overusing my powers, when I had been put into hard training. They had been made because I wanted to be strong, for Anneson, because I wanted to live up to my parent’s expectations. Because I was the Mistress of Magic Manipulation.

In the art of Magic Manipulation, or what was more commonly referred to as Sorcery, there were only two elites of the art. It was a natural gift, and it was destined for one to be a male; the other a female. Both were to join as one, to form the ultimate power of Sorcery. They were called the Masters and Mistresses.

And I was one of them. It wasn’t something of inheritance; it was something of a random power. Once the previous Master of Mistress died, one –out of the thousands and millions of witches and wizards born –would be gifted with this gift. He or she would have power that no other witches and wizard would have: power of the blood and soul.

For me, being the Mistress, I held the power of the soul, while the Master; still an unknown figure to me, held the power of the blood. Holding the power of the soul, I could read into a person’s worst nightmare or memory, because I was looking plainly into their soul, watching them at their worst time.

But it was all back then; my scars had been there ever since, and even as I turned nightstalker, they hadn’t left me. Not a day passed where they didn’t brand me, reminding me that I was no ordinary nightstalker. I was a witch of the Reyzon family, a family who –like the family of Valentino –always had descendants skilled with Sorcery. I was the Mistress.

But these; I couldn’t yet bring myself to it speak out. There was no one around to understand me, until I came across the Master of Magic Manipulation, my destined soul mate. No one would have the same scars as me, other than the Master of Sorcery, because together, we would make the ground shake, the sky fall.

“It’s a long story. Go get me a feed. I’ll be down in a few.” I dismissed Cole quickly as I dragged my eyes away from his, hoping that he saw none of my sorrow and pain. The scars brought me no good memories of my parents, and after the dream I had of them; I felt betrayed all over again.

Cole sighed heavily, as if he’d been expecting it from me, but obliged as he slipped out of my room. Taking a quick shower, I freshened up, and then stood naked in front of my wardrobe, deciding on my clothes for the day. I hadn’t even started planning on what I would do about Wind, about Xavier, about Anneson, but I figured I had to take things step by step. First step: choose a set of clothes. Clothes always made a lady’s day, and it wasn’t an exception for me.

I slipped on to a short tube top that showed just enough cleavage, showing off my thin belly. To match it, I pulled on a pair of tight leather pants, this time keeping show of my weapons free for all to see. There was no point in hiding my weapons anyway; everybody knew I fought with only three daggers. The daggers went to their respectively waist holsters as I belted on my leathered boots, feeling sexy for the night.

Hey, I was feeling better already.

Cole had a feed ready by the time I came downstairs, and words failed him when he saw me. I rarely wore such revealing clothes, but after all that scare, all that self-reflection revelations with the three men that had suddenly entered my life again, I figured I would do good letting myself feel proud and confident of myself.

Cole stuttered words of appraisal, but I laughed as I sent him back to Faith. She had to be having problems dealing with the remnants of the fight I had with the Nighttime Hunting Society, or in short, the NHS. The blood I’d left on the scene had to be horrific.

I made a mental note to thank Xavier for saving me. My mind had been so warped about Anneson that nothing could make me comprehend that I was dying, until Xavier’s voice woke me up from that stupid haze. It had been a grave mistake on my part, but hey, I was finally looking at my brother’s face after twenty-plus years.

I had only just been finished with my feed, sending the hunky, handsome guy back into the streets feeling a little dazed and confused, when my doorbell rang. It was kind of weird, because my house wasn’t very close to the city, and basically in the part of the town where no one looked at another in the eye. This was the part of the town that was in shadows, and practically no one used the bell.

I figured if someone had come to my door, it didn’t hurt for me to open it. If it was my enemy, then maybe there was something I could clear the air with. If it was a friend, then I was up to some entertainment. My quick brush with death had certainly made my life more appreciate-able.

I got the shock of my nightstalker life when I saw who the one standing at my doorway was.

“Uh, am I interrupting anything? I figured I needed to find you as soon as possible.” Anneson asked, scratching the back of his head as he asked me awkwardly.

“No! No! Nothing’s going on! Come in!” I must have sounded a little too excited or rushed, because he gave me a weird look as he walked into my house.

Why was he here? Why did he want to find me? What did he want? The questions filled my mind, but I forced them back in place. I was having trouble toning down my beaming grin at my brother, but managed to force it into a friendly smile as I scampered to hide in the kitchen, urging him to make himself at him. By technicalities, my home was his. The doors would always be open to him; if only he knew.

“Have you eaten? Breakfast? Dinner?” I blabbered painfully like an idiot while I rushed around the kitchen, trying to find something to do with my crazy limbs. I couldn’t sit down across, or beside Anneson. I was afraid I would say something, or do something that would give away my identity. I didn’t want Anneson to find out that I was his sister. Not after how he saw me nearly get killed.

“Nah, it’s okay. I grabbed something before I came. I stick by your schedules too, by the way. Drake forces us all to.” Anneson replied in such a comfortable tone that, for a second, I forgot that I was a nightstalker, and he was a human. I couldn’t believe it; Anneson, so comfortable around me. Finally, after twenty-plus years. I tried not to remember how he used to calm down in my embrace.

Finally running out of things to do with my limbs, I brought out two glasses of water back to the living room, and bravely sat across him. He’d chosen the armchair close to the window, which was a good choice, because it was a good escape route for him anytime.

Silently, I praised my brother for his resilience as I offered him the drink, sitting in the armchair across his as I placed my cup down. I wasn’t planning to drink it, but it was all just a reflex I’d learnt to follow, as I lowered into the armchair. Faith had been the one paying attention to the furniture in my rooms, but damned, the velvety feeling was comfortable as hell.

He looked from the drink, then at me suspiciously as I sighed in relief of the comfortable seating. Right now, I wasn’t very willing to go out back to the Dark Wind yet, to see Wind again. Xavier was no big problem for me, but Wind… he was a major sore in my ass. And, frankly speaking, I saw no way how I could politely ask Wind to leave.

“It’s not spiked, if that’s what you’re trying to ask. If I wanted you dead, I would have done so yesterday.” I said, looking out through the window. Outside were just trees and more trees. The nearest housing estate was probably almost a few hectares away from me. After all, the large expanse of trees did well in letting me recharge my powers if I, on any circumstances, should overuse them.

“Yeah, but it doesn’t hurt to be careful, right?” Anneson shrugged, seeing logic in my explanation as he finished the drink in one gulp, while I tried not to keep my eyes always on him. I could hardly believe that Anneson was before me, that he had survived through all the crazy training our parents must have put him through. When I had left that day, left the burning house, I had been convinced that I would never see Anneson again.

There was silence between us as I finally decided to take the opportunity to look at Anneson, carefully, scanning my brother up and down. His red hair shone like fire, his eyes the opposite blue. The blue highlights were making their mark upon his fire hair, but it did nothing to destroy the overall image that he was putting through: crazy and rebellious. But I saw the real Anneson beneath, the Anneson I had always been convinced that he would grow up to become when I first carried him carefully in my arms.

Anneson, for his part, looked around, soaking in every detail of my living room. There had been few, save my feeds, who came to visit my home, and Anneson had been the first hunter so far. I waited patiently for Anneson to start talking, for I knew not what he was here to see me for. Drake had mentioned that Anneson needed to find someone, through me. Was he requesting help, like Xavier?

“How did you survive through yesterday? You looked like you were dying yesterday.” My brother, as expected, finally spoke up, curious eyes shining on me. I, myself, had a few questions on my own.

“I was. But there was someone around to save me. How did you know I was still alive?” I asked pleasantly, replying politely with another question.

Anneson flushed up a little as his eyes went out the window, unable to meet my eyes.

“I felt you when you were trying to scan my power. While Drake was trying to celebrate your so-called death, I felt strong waves of your power. You called on the water, the air, and many things. I could feel the elements rushing to your call. You are very powerful. Are you from any of the Families…?” Anneson asked, but faded off at the end when it was my turn to look away from his gaze. I didn’t need him watching the truth beneath his eyes; that I was a Reyzon too.

The Families meant the four families who were great at producing witches and wizards. Reyzon and Valentino were the two of them, while the Leroy and Zerrange were the other two of them.

“That’s my secret to keep, for you and Drake to find out someday in the future. How did you find my place?” I turned back to Anneson as I changed the topic, but he met my eyes unflinchingly. I could see him scanning me down like I did him, and the clouding in his eyes filled even more.

“Drake knows these things. It just takes a little snooping around his room to find it. How did you know my name was Anneson? Drake didn’t introduce me yesterday, but you stopped that guy, you told him not to harm me. How did you know my name?”

I sighed, closing my eyes for a short while as I laid my hands out on the arms of the armchair, displaying for Anneson to see. I wasn’t trying any funny tricks, and Anneson would know if I would try to use my powers. I didn’t doubt that I was stronger in Magic Manipulation than Anneson, but there was no way I was going to fight my brother using my powers.

“You are a Reyzon, are you not? The only Reyzon left in the world are Mina, Stefan and Anneson Reyzon. Since you don’t look as old as Mina and Stefan are supposed to be right now, isn’t it best to assume that you are Anneson? How are your parents?” It was hard work getting my parent’s names out my mouth, for I had been tortured alive once when I spoke my mother’s name on accident. They had insisted that I call them ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’, and it had stuck to me ever since.

Anneson’s lips tilted down in a small frown. “You knew my parents? They’re dead.”

“What?” My reply was perhaps a little too high-pitched as I jolted straight up my seat, shocking both Anneson and me. What was wrong with me?

Right, I just realized my parents were dead. I didn’t know whether to cheer, or to feel sad. To me, my parents died when they threw me out. It had been a relief from all the stress and torture they had been raining down on me, but they were my parents nevertheless. To hear them gone from this world, I didn’t know whether to jump for joy or collapse into tears.

“How? I’m so sorry to hear that.” I tried my best to cover my shock as I flashed him a pitiful gaze.

Instead, Anneson’s eyebrow went up. “You knew them? They didn’t try to kill you? They died trying to kill another nightstalker. I don’t know much of the details, but they tell me my parents were plain courting death when they decided to hunt after the nightstalker.”

“I…” I faded away a little when I couldn’t really come up with a convincing excuse.

“I knew them once, before I was changed nightstalker. They left me after they found out what I had become. They tried to hunt a nightstalker? Who?” I may not have cared for my parents while they lived, but their deaths weren’t going to go un-avenged. No, it wasn’t because of them that I was going to kill that nightstalker. It was because anyone who tried to kill my parents would have Anneson in sight, and I didn’t need my brother in danger.

“Some guy who was only known as Vin. But it doesn’t matter. I’m not here for that. I’m here to ask something from you, Dru.” If I hadn’t been his sister, I would have been insulted at his straightness, but I didn’t care here. This was the first time I was finally able to do something for Anneson, there was no denying it.

Turns out; I couldn’t be more wrong that I already was.

“I once had a sister. My parents told me she died when I was one. They said she loved me more than her life herself. But she was killed by a nightstalker. I want to find that nightstalker, and shove the stake through his or her heart. Even though I didn’t really know her, I vaguely remember her, carrying me in her arms. I have to avenge her.”

My heart stopped for a moment.

Avenge… me?

I felt very stupid asking this, but I had to keep pretences up.

“Who… Who was your sister?”

Anneson gave a nonchalant shrug. “My parents didn’t say much about her, but if I’m not wrong, her name was Lorna. Lorna Reyzon.”

Abruptly, before I could even think of what I was doing, I stood up stiffly from my seat. “Excuse me for a short while.” My voice was nowhere nears its normal range as I managed only to sound ass haunted as I felt.

My legs brought my stiffly to the kitchen, where I could hide from Anneson’s view. My fists were tightly clenched; but I managed to press my palms flat against the table, with much effort. Anneson. Wanted to avenge my death.

I was touched and confused at the same time. Touched; I was because Anneson actually knew that I existed, or at least once existed.

Confused, because I couldn’t think of my next step. I couldn’t tell Anneson I was his sister. No, at least not now. But I had to come up with a convincing story, to try to convince him that his sister was not yet dead. Yes, I had to ease Anneson into realizing that his sister was still close to him, around him and watching over him. I had to ease Anneson into the realization that he was coming to his sister; to find the murderer of his sister.

I took a big gulp of water, calming down my pounding heart with effort before I moved back to the living room. Anneson was still there, watching me carefully as I stiffly sat back in the chair, trying my best to look comfortable.

“How much do you know about Lorna? What does she look like; how old she probably is if she’s still alive?”

Anneson’s face turned thoughtful, and for a moment, I thought I saw my father’s expression in his eyes. It was freaky how Anneson looked so much like Dad when he gave that thoughtful face.

“My parents don’t talk much about her; but they said she was very powerful. They said she was the Mistress of Magic Manipulation. From what little photos I managed to scrape from our burnt house, she had long, red hair like mine. Hazel eyes; deep –like yours. Sharp cheekbones, round nose, bright eyes –like yours. Back then she was…….”

“Thirteen?” I put in before I knew it, and Anneson’s face turned startled as the light sparkled in his eyes.

“How did you know?” He questioned suspiciously, and I sighed, my mind gears turning at high speed.

First, I needed for him to believe that his sister loved him; a lot. But, to tell him that, I had to make it look like I knew this Lorna Reyzon.

“This is going to come as a shock to you, Anneson.” No shit.

I drew in a deep breath, hoping I was more prepared than I actually thought I was.

“Lorna’s still alive. I… I know her. Before her death, before she was changed nightstalker. Before we were changed.” My voice was convincingly resigned, and there was an internal cheer that erupted from me when the light burned in Anneson’s eyes, while his jaw practically dropped.

“W-What? Where is she now? How is she?” The questions tumbled from his lips as he let it loose, the desperation in his eyes. I almost cried out, the tears starting to form in my eyes as I saw his brotherly love. He loved me. He hadn’t known me; hadn’t seen me for twenty-four years. And he loved me bravely, despite the words my parents must have said about me, despite my disappearance after I was turned nightstalker.

“She… She loved you so much, Anneson. All the while I was with her; she couldn’t –wouldn’t –stop talking about you. How her baby brother was the best thing that happened in her life, how you used to calm down with her around. She loved holding you in her embrace, loved playing with your little hands as she looked at you over the crib. She cried tears; broke her heart for you, because she couldn’t go back to you. Your parents threw her out, because she was a nightstalker, and even she believed that she was the Taint of your family. She… she believed leaving you was for the best, because she wouldn’t pass the taint of being a nightstalker to you. She was afraid it would affect the purity of your power, in the years to come.” The words spilled out of my mouth, and it was almost the last minute effort on my part changing the ‘I’ to a ‘she’.

Inside, I began to hurt again, for all the lies I was weaving to Anneson; it would sooner or later be broken before him as he realized that he had been seeking help from me, his sister, all along. I wasn’t sure how I was going to reveal it to my little brother, but I needed to take things step by step.

“I…” Anneson started to say, but trailed off quickly. “Did she really say that?”

I very near burst into tears, telling him that the words, without a doubt, were from the deepest corner of my heart, the words that were locked with a tight chain in my heart, because I could not afford any moment of weakness as I built an ice wall around my fragile organ.

I opened my mouth to tell him that the words were true, but I was interrupted when the door clicked open. A brush of wind came to the room, and all trace of emotional weakness I had been facing drained away. I couldn’t afford it, as I realized who it was.


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