Chapter 12
Chapter 12
“Do I, Keeper of this domain, have your permission to stay?” Kote asked again when I simply couldn’t work my way around the lump that lodged in my throat. My mind was stuck, not working as a whirlwind billowed past, wrecking all possible train of thoughts.
He was still holding my hand, but I realized, only now, that it was throbbing no longer. It was as if… he had healed it, just by touching, holding and kissing it. I should have known. His ability to force open the doors and windows without wind; his ability to close the window with a flick of his hand.
This was truly the pioneer of the nightstalker race standing before me, a true gentleman as he stood, waiting my reply.
I didn’t trust my voice not to crack, so I nodded numbly. The small smile that tugged on his lip turned into a bright smile as he kissed my hand once more holding it delicately in both his hands now, as if my hand was a piece of extra-fragile glass. It felt nice that someone was treating me with such care and concern, though he didn’t really know me. But it was more than unnerving to know that this nightstalker, standing before me, kissing my hand, was Kote.
Kote, Jin’s master. Kote, the pioneer of the nightstalkers. Kote, who had declared himself washing his hands off nightstalker affairs a few years ago.
“Pardon me if I had not asked if I could heal your hand. You seemed in quite a pain when Wind clutched it so hard. It was almost seeping through.” Kote’s voice was soft, but genuinely concerned as he carefully plucked the bandage off my hand, unwinding it slowly to reveal a hand that was unharmed; healed like Jin’s.
“T-Thanks.” I stuttered a little, though I prided myself for not trembling. My pure, primal instinct was screaming for me to drop to my knees before Kote, but I couldn’t do that when Kote was holding my hand like it was a precious jewel.
“It’s always my pleasure to help such a charming lady like you. Your reputation has brought you quite some attention, Dru.” Kote’s swift, charming reply could make me swoon, had I not been so preoccupied that I was plain standing before the Master of all nightstalkers, and not kneeling in respect.
“I-I should believe so, Ancient Kote. Rumors travel with lots of added flair. I am not that strong than most would believe.” I did my best in a humble tone, and from the smile on Kote’s face in reply, I was partly sure it worked. Had Kote always been this friendly? Why did I seem to forget my impression of him from when I was still hanging on the coattails of Wind?
“Humility is one attribute rumors have not failed to pin on you, Dru. Surely, as one of Wind’s creation, setting out on your own proves yourself strong enough.” Kote said, and though I stifled a giggle at the thought of Kote putting Wind down so delicately, I managed a smile in reply to his.
“I insist, it is the rumors who speak highly of me. I am but just another nightstalker, searching for her own rights and strength.” I was painfully aware that everyone else in the room was kneeling before the Master Ancient –as many have come to know Kote as –listening to every word I spoke or stuttered to Kote.
“Surely, you have found both by now? To have my Jin here, stepping upon your lands, in your unique little nightclub, surely you have found both your rights and strength?” Kote said as he made sweeping motion. Though I was relatively sure some of my nightstalkers had no intention to straighten their spines, every single nightstalker in the nightclub, save me and Kote himself, stood up in one single movement.
Shocked and confused glances were exchanged between my nightstalkers as they slipped back into their seats, watching the show. Jin and Wind, for their part, only stood numbly side by side, their eyes tagging on Jin’s feet, as if they were a pair of guilty kids, caught for fighting.
I tried to find an answer, but was saved quickly when Kote’s attention changed from me to his surroundings. Then he spied the bar, and his eyes brightened a little. He let go of my hand, dropping the bandages he had in his hand to the floor as he glided over to the bar, stripping off his tattered coat. Underneath, he was wearing a comfortable black cotton shirt, paired with a pair of simple pants. It was the simplest thing I saw, but somehow, Kote made it seem regal.
He jumped on the chair, oblivious that eyes were on him, as he leaned against the bar counter. Turning, he beckoned me, Wind and Jin all over. Reluctantly, we went to his side, taking our seats.
“I’ve always wanted to try what they called the Gin and Tonic. Do you have it?” Kote asked Jaye, who stood frozen behind the bar. I had to give it to her; it took her less time to finally nod.
“Then I’ll have a gin and tonic. Jin? Wind? Dru?” He ordered brightly, his tone turning politely curious as he turned to us.
Jin seemed on the edge of a sigh, but he found his voice before his master. “I’ll have the same.”
“Bourbon.” Wind said simply.
“Spritzer for me.” I sighed, and Jaye seemed happy enough to get to work.
The tensed silence turned to an uncomfortable one as it pulled longer and longer, with Kote only trailing his forefinger hypnotically on the bar counter, never stopping. I could see the fluidity in his fingers; fluidity that I was sure was there even before he was turned a nightstalker. Kote had the look and the feel of an experienced musician, and though I wanted very much to know which instrument he played, I was in no position to ask.
Jaye slid the cocktail down the bar and Kote caught it easily as anything, despite them being unspeaking. I shuddered to think Kote reaching into Jaye’s mind without my knowing. For all I knew, Kote could have that ability, and no one would know it. Kote, after all, had shown us that he could do telekinesis, when we couldn’t feel any power from him. Kote was no Magic Manipulator. But he could do telekinesis just as well.
With the Gin and Tonic in his hand, he took a small sip, eyes of sparkling green sweeping across the Dark Wind.
“My, my, was this caused by them? I give my deepest apology for their misbehavior, Keeper. May I, with the due respect and permission of yours, fix your place up a little?” Kote exclaimed with surprise, turning a questioning eye on me.
Wondering how it was exactly that he planned to fix up the place, I nodded quietly, picking up my Spritzer. One very good reason I trusted Jaye so much to watch the bar was because she could make anything; and make it fast.
“Master…” Jin almost growled, and I was shocked at his lack of manners, despite that he was addressing his master, the one who’d made him and trained him. Yet, Kote didn’t seem to mind as he slid out of his seat, the Gin and Tonic still in one hand.
“Why stop me, Jin? Do you deny that you are also the cause of this mess? From Wind; this I may expect, but not you, Jin. I thought I taught you better.” Kote’s voice, though light became sad and disappointed as he waved his hand past the mess.
“I…” Jin, for the first time, ran out of words to speak to his master as he hid behind the cover of his cocktail glass, downing down the Gin and Tonic in one gulp, ending up in coughing, his face turning red. Had the air not been so tensed, I would have laughed. But anticipation filled me more than anything, waiting for something to happen.
Then, as if an invisible hand had breezed into the room, the tumbled tables and chairs righted themselves up with no drama, just straightening up and staying there. The furniture, under the shocked eyes of everyone in the nightclub, scuttled across the floor, settling in place as everyone’s –save Kote and Jin –jaws dropped.
The broken pieces of wood themselves flew away from the floor, gathering at one side.
“There, done. What do I do with the broken pieces?” Kote announced with a satisfied smile, which was dazzling at best. Even from what I saw here, he didn’t look that old. Even though I’d caught glimpses of Kote a few times before, while I clutched at Wind’s coattails, I hadn’t seen Kote out in the open before. Kote had always been hidden, keeping his identity, face and voice unknown to many.
Yet, he was here now, before me as he plainly displayed his prowess to us all.
To my shock, Faith came to my rescue by coming up behind me, tapping me softly on my shoulder.
“You can fix it, Dru. I don’t have to order for replacements then.” Faith whispered in my ears, and numbly, with my mind still reeling, I nodded as I obeyed with no second thought. Bringing my power to me, I called on to the Earth within the wooden splinters in the pile at the corner of the nightclub.
With just so much a thought in my head, I formed the image of the new table right in my head, melding the pieces of wood together. With just a click of my mind, the last splinter fell back into place, and the table was good as new. Giving my last thanks to Earth, I withdrew my power, and Faith hurried over, placing it in its place. I gave my nightclub another look over, ignoring the awed gazes that came my way.
The Dark Wind was good as new.
“That was… amazing! I never knew what they called Magic Manipulation could be so useful! Do another trick!” Kote’s voice was filled with the enthusiasm of a six-year old as he clapped his hands, his cocktail glass on the table, empty. Whoa, for someone who didn’t know what Gin and Tonic tasted like, he drank it quite fast.
“Trick? This is no trick, Ancient Kote.” I might have smiled a little at his enthusiasm, but it faded quickly when I saw Jin looking. It seemed as if, between the master and servant here, that Jin was the one strict on Nightstalker Court Customs, and Kote didn’t seem to care a hoot about it, despite being the one who had employed and created it in the first place.
Whatever Kote may have said was interrupted when Wind slammed his empty cup on the bar counter, the sound of glass shattering cracking fiercely into the air. Shocked eyes swiveled to him as he stared at his bleeding hand, the small pieces of glass embedded in his palm.
“Wind!” My exclamation came in a rush, and I couldn’t help my instincts as I rushed to his side, taking his injured hand carefully in mine. He was stubborn as I tried to tug to towards me, trying to get a scope of his injury, but he caved in when I gave him a no-nonsense glare.
There was no delicate way to pick out the pieces with my hand without pushing the smaller pieces even further into his hand, so I summoned my power again. This time, the glass came up easily, though tainted in Wind’s blood.
“I’m fine, Dru.” Wind’s voice was strangely gruff and hostile as he withdrew his bleeding hand from my grips, wiping his blood on his pants legs as he slid off the chair. I knew, from experience, that Wind was pissed, and if Wind was pissed, it was best that I not approach him.
Eyes followed Wind as he stalked up to Kote, and gave a humble bow before the Master Ancient.
“Pardon me, Ancient Kote, for my rude behavior. Pardon me, for my manners. You have caught me in a bad day.”
Kote nodded, a hand put on the top of Wind’s bowed head. Too many a times; I’d seen Wind doing the same to many of his servants, but never seen another do the same to him.
“Forgiven, Wind. I trust you are doing well?” Kote asked, as if he wasn’t speaking to Wind, as if Kote himself wasn’t the Master Ancient. From what reputation I’d heard of Kote, I’d expected him to be like Jin, maybe even stricter. This, this nightstalker who gave no obvious care to the Court Customs and manners, definitely didn’t fit my expectations.
“I am. However, I seek your permission to be excused. I have things of my own to deal with.” Wind’s tone was strangely humble, and I stifled my snort. If Wind could be half this polite towards me; then I wouldn’t have to feel so hostile towards my ever-the-mood-change master.
“Come back when you feel like it. I’m sure you’re always welcome here.” Kote said, giving me a sideways glance to confirm. Though I wouldn’t put it in the same words even if my life depended on it, the meaning was there. Anyway, any nightstalker could enter the Dark Wind, if to find me. To stay; that was another thing altogether. Wind suited the former.
Quiet, serene silence followed the wake of Wind’s footsteps, and then the doors closed quietly behind him. For my master, who appreciated drama, he was sorely quiet in his departure. Something must have thrown him off his horse. Something or someone?
Silence again, and then Cole began chatting quietly with the other nightstalkers, taking their attention. Jin seemed a little disturbed that Cole dared to speak in the presence of the Ancients, and the Master Ancient, at that, but he knew what Cole was trying to do. Things were different around here, and Jin had to deal with it. We were in my domain now, after all.
“Though we know that I am here for more than fun and satisfying the pure interest in meeting you, Dru, shall we have a small, conversation talk before business boils down?” Kote’s voice was the perfect gentleman as he slid back into his seat, holding out a hand to help me on to mine, even though I could slide into it as easily as him. Unsure of what to do, I took his hand and climbed on the chair, trying not to let my awkwardness show.
“Oh, I see from your face that you think me a gentleman. Dear me, please do not think me so highly. I am more a thief than a gentleman.” A sly smile crept across Kote’s lips as he gave me a cheeky sideways look, catching Jaye’s eye, and motioning for another round. As Kote deftly handled his second round of cocktail, I saw the intelligent mobility of his fingers as he wrapped them around the glass. Surely, Kote hadn’t been lying?
I recognized the quick, deft movements of a thief’s hand when I saw one, and I would bet my life that Kote had a thief’s hand.
“I rarely lie, to one such the prettiness of yours. Truly, you put yourself down with that simple shirt.” Kote’s hand slid down the bar counter, shaking my attention from it as he brought it up to his face. I could hardly stop my words, but since Kote had requested for a small, conversational talk, I figured it didn’t hurt. Though I could see Jin glowering.
“For you, who make a simple shirt and pants look so regal, you are one to talk.” I sipped on my Spritzer, waiting for the kick to settle in my stomach. I needed something to wake me up from this dream. I wasn’t sure if this was a nightmare anymore. Sure; I didn’t expect the Master Ancient to be here, but I didn’t expect Jin either, and look where my expectations got me.
“I have lived this world too long to appreciate a fine taste in clothes upon my body. There is nothing regal of my clothes, only what your unconscious self believes of me. Your mind knows that I am Jin’s Master, and the Master Ancient, and therefore, you have an impression on me as if I were royalty, despite the fact my physical appearance of only a simple man.” Kote waved away my words with his explanation, but I wasn’t about to be beaten down by such words. I knew my own psychology well, thank you, and I kind of didn’t like it when people tried to explain what my mind, or my ‘unconscious self’ was trying to tell me.
“Ah, but that is where our viewpoints differ, Ancient Kote. For a physical appearance of a simple man, your clothes are too haphazardly kept, till it fits the character of that that has authority and money. The dirty wrinkles you try to keep to blend in with the crowd gives and experienced eye the correct inference that you give no care to your appearance, for you have money and many more shirts to spare. Trying too hard to blend in; it makes someone stand out even further.” I argued, putting on my best polite tone as I hid my face behind the glass. I didn’t want to see Jin glaring at me, for arguing with my elder, nor didn’t I want to see Kote’s reaction.
There was short silence, and then Kote actually gave in. “Call me Kote. I see your argument on this topic. I have to admit; my red hair does little to hide me anywhere.”
This time, I smiled my secret smile to him. I knew what he was talking about, for we were of the same kind.
“Trust me, I know what you mean.” I whispered as I pointed at the roots of my hair that was starting to return to its red. My black dye was running out soon anyway.
Dru? I don’t really want to interrupt, but this is urgent.
Faith’s timid voice came to my head, and I took my attention off Kote, swiveling around to see Faith standing a few steps away, the phone in her hands. She was covering the receiver with one hand, and the dilating in her eyes didn’t fit my servant well. Faith was rarely this timid, though I had to say that Kote and Jin’s presence was enough to unnerve many.
“Who is it?” I found no use into speaking into Faith’s mind, because, for all we knew, Kote may have the ability to read into our minds, and be insulted that we wasn’t speaking business aloud.
Faith’s eyes darted to Kote and Jin, then to me. “The Hunter.”
As if the magic words were spoken, hushed silence returned to the Dark Wind again. I felt myself stiffen ever so little, but neither Kote nor Jin made any immediate response. Maybe they didn’t know who the Hunter was. Maybe they didn’t even know this infamous Hunter that was Xavier Valentino. Somehow, though, I believed that they knew the Hunter very well. Well, maybe at least Jin?
Though Jin seemed ready to air his view on the Hunter, Kote only gave me a carefully blank look, and then nodded to himself. He gestured towards the phone, excusing me from the conversation to pick up the phone, as he called for another round.
I slipped out of my seat as quickly as I could, hustling Faith to our store. I knew Cole was hanging around at the outside, eavesdropping on my one-sided conversation, but I didn’t care. My anger sparked a little, and I kept my power to myself with some effort.
“Which part of leave me alone do you not understand?” I growled into the phone as I picked it up, only to be met by silence.
“Is the Master Ancient with you? Kote?” Xavier asked, ignoring my question.
“It’s none of your business.” I hissed.
“Jin too? You have three of the Ancients in your domain right now?” Xavier totally pissed me off.
“And what if they are? What do you plan to do? Kill them off here? You know I’ll stop you, Xavier. If you even want to see the slightest inkling of avenging Christy, you better shut your bloody mouth up and leave me alone!”
“I made it very clear to you, Hunter. It is only on my slight compassion that I allow you in my domain. You are treading on a fine line, and if you even think about doing something that threatens the existence of my nightstalkers, I don’t care who you think you are, or what powers you can have; I am coming after you, do you understand me?” I was ready to shut the connection on him, when the phone was wrenched out of my hands.
Swiveling around, I came to a shocking halt when I saw Kote holding the phone, giving me a raise of his brow.
“Hunter Xavier, are you not? I am Kote. You may know me as Ancient Kote.” The Ancient spoke fluidly into the phone, as if he were speaking to a friend instead of the hunter of his kind. Silence followed as Xavier replied.
“Yes, I am also the Master Ancient. But, put all that aside, I am only a nightstalker, and a man. Though I am no gentleman, I shall ask this of you politely, for I would hate if things take a turn for the worse. May you, Hunter Xavier Valentino, get off the phone so that the lovely Dru can enjoy her night?” I didn’t want to know how Kote knew Xavier’s surname; I just wanted this all over.
Although Kote seemed nice enough, my nightmare was getting sorely out of hand. There was Xavier and his revenge. There was Wind and his sudden return. There was Anneson and my secret. And then there was Jin and our blood-bond. All these crazy things, against the simple fact that I was standing before the Master Ancient, and he looked –and acted –quite okay.
“Yes, I am here to talk business only. I assure you that Jin will not harm her in any way for today. Thank you for showing so much concern for our Dru.” Kote replied something that Xavier said, and I didn’t know what it was that I should be more shocked with. The fact that Kote could provide all these information so easily, that Kote said ‘our’ Dru, or the fact that Xavier actually asked.
“It has been a pleasant chat, Hunter. Good day.” Kote greeted, and flipped the phone shut, passing it to Faith.
“Well, seems like time for a little incessant chatter is over. It is time to speak business. Faith –is it not? –can you be so kind as to get Dru, Jin and me a private place to discuss?” Kote said breezingly, eyes touching mine lightly. Glad to be given a task, Faith nodded, and rushed out of the store, effectively leaving Kote and me alone.
“Troubled times have reached your door, young one. But do not give up fighting, because there is always a light in the end of the long tunnel. Trust me.” Kote said, turning his back to me as he opened the door.
I laughed bitterly beneath my breath as I walked out through the door he held open for me.
“I won’t give up. But it doesn’t mean I can’t feel dead-beat about it.”
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