The camp was in the process of preparing breakfast when Khadgar and Sarah arrived back at first light. They had tried to enter the camp without drawing any attention, but two people in particular were quick to spot them. Arcaena nodded to Sarah and her customary curved lip smile indicated that she knew Sarah's pursuit of the Archmage had ended as it should. Ocel had just opened his eyes as the two of them had returned, and their brush of fingers and soft smiles to each other did not escape his notice. He smiled and chortled quietly to himself. About time, he thought.

Eric was tucking in to some ham and eggs as they joined him for breakfast. His chewing slowed as he glanced between the two. They looked at him, silently. With a grunt, he continued chewing, his red beard masking the knowing smirk he wore.

The sudden sound of someone crashing through the undergrowth made many faces turn towards the trees and ready their weapons. Some soft laughter rippled through the company as a very dishevelled Drew appeared from behind the foliage. He stood a little bewildered as he noticed everyone staring at him. Another crunching of twigs and leaves and Tiene emerged from behind him to his left. She smacked his ass as she passed him. "Later, lover boy." she whispered. More laughter erupted from the company. Drew straightened himself up, stretching his neck and rounding his shoulders before he joined his friends for breakfast. He could not keep a rather tired, but satisfied grin from his face.

Once all had their fill, the campfires were doused, tents taken down and packed away, blankets and furs rolled up, bound with rope. Canteens, pots and tin plates were all stashed back in the carts which had been pulled by some of the soldiers mounts.

Scouts who had departed late into the night were making their way back from the Illidari Stand south along the coast towards Oceanus Cove. It was hoped that there would be little resistance for the company to have to deal with en route to the Vault. The scouts gave their reports to Sarah, Khadgar, Ocel and Kayn. Elune certainly seemed to be smiling on them, for they had not encountered any demon activity.

The order to roll out was given. Draenei, Night Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Worgen, Human, Illidari, even Pandaren, all moved together as one force. Whilst their numbers were not huge, they were nonetheless a formidable enemy to the Legion's minions.

The bulk of the Alliance troops, along with about two hundred demon hunters had already been deployed to Suramar the previous day. It was anticipated the closing of the portal at the Tomb of Sargeras with the power from Pillars of Creation in place, would attract the fiercest and heaviest resistance from the Legion.

As it so happened, word had been received just before they left camp, that the final piece of the Pillars of Creation was just within the allies' reach. Archdruid Malfurion and the High Priestess Tyrande approached Khadgar and Ocel. They all moved to the edge of the clearing. Sarah remained seated but strained to listen into their conversation.

"We shall go to Suramar and aid with the Pillars." Malfurion began. "I will leave a consignment of druids here to help you with the Vault."

"Very well," Khadgar replied. The restraint in his voice was immediately picked up by Tyrande.

"Your faith in the woman is ... well, I will not say admirable; touching perhaps. Nonetheless, this may well turn out to be nothing more than the folly of an overactive imagination."

"I doubt very much the King would allow part of his army to be present here if he felt it was a mere childish fancy." The Archmage's voice was taut, but not disrespectful.

"Should our mission here be fruitless, I am sure we will be successful elsewhere." Ocel injected.

"And at what cost?" Malfurion said. "All this for my errant brother? Who I still believe will remain incarcerated and lifeless within his own poison."

"There is more at stake here than a family fued." Khadgar said, his voice low.

"How dare you, Archmage!" Tyrande spat. "Do you honestly think our concerns are over sibling rivalry?"

Sarah cleared her throat. She was strangely calm, although as always, anything voiced against Illidan irked her. The group turned as she approached.

She stopped directly in front of the Archdruid. "If it makes you feel any better about your brother Malfurion, he tried his best to emulate you, earn your respect and your love. He knew his failings ..." She turned caustic eyes to the High Priestess. Tyrande lowered her head. "But he found his strengths. I do not doubt that at the time, the high cost of his drive and ambition was hard for all to bear, but he had been given an insight as to what this, your home, and all of Azeroth would suffer under the tyranny of the Burning Legion. Had he come to you and told you of this, would you have even listened? Or would your emotions and bias still have driven you in your chosen path?"

Malfurion afforded a quick glance at Tyrande. The High Priestess continued staring straight ahead at the woman who seemed to be able to bend the ears of even highly regarded nobility to her favour. Sarah remained focused, and continued. "His was not so much choice, as it was destiny. And he too has suffered greatly, carrying that responsibility and all the guilt for those he sacrificed."

To the left of the group, hidden by some forest foliage, Arcaena crouched, watching and listening. She had heard every word Sarah had said. If she could have shed tears, she would have. Finally, outwith the loyal Illidari was someone who truly knew Illidan. For all she had never met him, Sarah spoke so eloquently and respectfully of him. For the first time in decades, Arcaena prayed to Elune. Please let Sarah's hunch be correct about my Lord's body being in the Vault.

Sarah could see the High Priestess and Archdruid were struggling to accept her opinion of Illidan. In that moment also, she had a small inkling of how things must have appeared all those millennia before. She stepped forward to Tyrande. "You once told me that I had no right to judge for I was not there," she said quietly.

The High Priestess with her patrician features stood defensively, looking down upon Sarah's five foot seven frame. "I understand," Sarah acknowledged. "I have no idea what it must have been like to witness your ..." She paused just for a beat, to choose the correct phrase. "...friend and -" she turned to Malfurion. " - brother, pull away from your beliefs and your way of life. I have no concept what it would be like to see all those who died because of his beliefs. But this I do know; he is not the monster you think he is. He fought for you, for all of you and he will do so again once we bring him back."

The two night elfs were silent for a long while. Khadgar moved in behind Sarah, his hands resting gently on her waist but not so the others could see. Malfurion was the one to speak. "If what you say is true, then perhaps some broken bridges will be mended. But understand Sarah, there were atrocities my brother was responsible for which will be forever emblazoned in my memory."

Sarah nodded in acquiescence.

Tyrande and Malfurion then turned and left the company to aid in the recovery of the last Pillar fragment. Although they were now committed to helping with the mission, Sarah was nonetheless still grateful that they would not be present when they found the Archdruid's twin brother in the Vault. Or not, if indeed her syllogism was proven foolish and accrued an exorbitant price in lives.

Sarah watched as the allies marched past, her heart swelling as she realised her and Drew's knowledge from a mere game (and collective hunches) had resulted in them being entrusted to aid in bringing to an end the Legion's destruction of Azeroth. Together, they were going to rescue the one weapon that would annihilate the Burning Legion. Illidan Stormrage. Her faith in the mighty demon hunter had never waned. He could not possibly have endured all his suffering for naught. This was to be his destiny. His redemption.

Kayn had ordered a hundred demon hunters to await the arrival of Illidan in Mardum. The remaining fifty had come to ensure the safe extraction of their Lord from the Vault.

Khadgar moved ahead with the forces while Ocel stood beside Sarah, along with Drew and Erik.

"Tell me Sarah," the draenei began. "Why is it you believe so strongly that the Betrayer is here?"

Sarah looked haughtily at the seven foot four draenei, the barest hint of a smile playing on her lips. "His name is Illidan, not the Betrayer."

"Forgive me." The paladin grinned, tickled by how tetchy she could be about Illidan's more commonly used title.

She accepted his apology. "I believe it because Gul'dan does not enjoy being the puppet of the Legion. Whilst he has been given certain jurisdiction of the demonic forces, he is nonetheless greedy for power. Thoughts of betrayal float about in that orc's head, Ocel. Illidan is key to the Legion, for what purpose I do not know, but Sargeras wants him; and if Sargeras wants him, that means there is more power for the taking than even Gul'dan can probably imagine."

"So why here? Why the Vault?"

"He will have cleverly convinced Kil'jaeden that keeping Illidan here is in the best interests for Sargeras' use of the demon hunter later. For one thing, I am counting that he still thinks the Alliance consider Illidan to be..." she gave Ocel a mock glare, " ... the Betrayer, and therefore would have no reason to look for him. Secondly, it is a vantage point for him, should he think to use Illidan as a bargaining chip against Sargeras. Such is his greed for power, I am sure it will be his undoing."

Ocel sighed. Her explanation seemed feasible enough, but did it certify the expendible lives of all the good men and women here with them now? The King seemed to think so.

"And why Mardum? Why must we take the Betr ... Illidan's body there?"

"Mardum lies in the Twisting Nether, where his spirit resides."

"Yes, but..."

"A'dal advised it!" Sarah said, her tone clearly indicating an end to the discussion. She curtly nodded to the draenei before she moved forward and joined the body of soldiers. Drew and Erik disappeared with her.

Ocel was left with the distinct feeling he had just been given half a story. There was definitely something she was not telling him. Something she probably had not, and would not, tell Khadgar neither. He finally admitted that his friend's hunch had been justified.

The army formed a semi-circle before the entrance to the Vault of the Wardens. All were primed, ready to face whatever waited behind the great doors. Maiev was positioned at the sealed entrance, waiting for them. Her contumacious posture relayed her continuing opposition to the brevet. Sarah's eyes hardened as she caught sight of the leather clad Watcher. She pressed her way through the defenders until she cleared them and stood facing the warden. Behind her, Khadgar was met by Ocel, Kayn, Aracena and Tiene. Drew held back slightly with Erik fastened to his side.

"You are still making a grave mistake," Maiev hissed. "I will find him again, and next time no-one will get to him."

Sarah eyed the warden with disdain. She leaned towards her and whispered, "Why, Maiev, I do believe the big guy makes your juices flow."

The warden stiffened and made to draw her umbra crescent. The sound of many swords being unsheathed halted her in her tracks. Slowly she withdrew her hand from her weapon. Sarah caught just the tiniest glint of her eyes from behind the slit in her helm. The warden was seething. "You foul creature!" she snarled.

Sarah stood back. "Save your angst for whatever lies beyond that door, warden, for be rest assured, Lord Illidan will not be alone."

The soldiers behind them were growing restless. The warden stood defiantly. "Are you going to open it or not?" Sarah asked her.

Maiev was enjoying what remaining power she had left in keeping Sarah from her goal a little longer.

Sarah sighed heavily. "Very well!" She said. "Have it your own way." Facing the door she then called out, in an authoritative voice, "Anu'dorini Talah!"

The sound of grinding stone and metal drew all eyes to the massive doors. Slowly, the multi locks and mechanisms clicked and turned as the entrance to the Vault opened. The warden gasped, as did many others behind her. Sarah smiled smugly and stepped aside as the agitated warden marched past with the defenders following closely behind.

Khadgar, Ocel and the demon hunters moved forward. The Archmage stopped beside Sarah. "Please stay to the rear. You must not enter into the fight Sarah."

She nodded, then he moved forward with the rest of the company. Only Drew held back. "How the hell did you know that spell? And what did it mean?" He asked her.

"It means Let My Will Be Known. It is elvish, and I read about it back home." She smirked.

"Of course you did!" he grinned, then laughed. "And you pissed her off."

"I know!" Sarah smiled. "I enjoyed that." She gave him the thumbs up.

The clash of steel, crackle and thrum of magic echoed from within the vault. Roars and shouts of fighters in fierce battle reached their ears.

"Thought you said this would be the easy part!" Drew gaped at Sarah.

"Can't always get it right, you know!" she answered. They entered and started towards the fighting.

 All comments, advice and suggestions are welcome. Should you like this chapter, please be kind enough to vote, it would be most appreciated. 

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