Chapter 15
Sapphire dashes through the snow, using the blizzard as cover while he sneaks past guards on his way to the north to find the designer of Metal Gear Rex, Hal Emmerich.
Sapphire:~Thanks to this snow, I can sneak by easier.~
A raven caws at Sapphire and flies away, a small chill runs down his back. He knows something is coming.
Sapphire's comms ring and he dashes into a small building and kneels down in a corner to answer the call
Sapphire: What is it? Is something up?
Dominic: Sapphire, how close are you to finding Emmerich?
Sapphire: I'm close. But all these buildings look the same. I'm gonna have to search each of them.
Dante: Maybe that girl knows something. Call her.
Dominic: We don't even know her name Dante. She could be working with the enemy.
Obito: Maybe Winter knows something about her.
Sapphire: Good call. Winter. Winter come in.
Winter: I'm here boys. What's the situation?
Sapphire: We need info on a faunus that was stationed here. Grey haired wolf faunus.
Winter: Hm.
Winter types down on her tablet and her eyes widen at the photo of the girl they were talking about
Winter: Meryl?
Dante: Meryl? So that's her name.
Winter: Yes. Her name is Meryl Silverclaw. We...were bunk mates during our training days at Atlas. I haven't seen her in years. How is she...?
Dominic: She's as green as they come.
Winter: Yeah..she doesn't like guns. She wanted to be in data recovery but she was put in as a soldier. I guess old habits die hard.
Sapphire: We'll contact her. Over and out.
Sapphire ends the group call and contacts Meryl using the frequency Obito had acquired from President Baker
Meryl: Who is this?
Sapphire: My names not important right now. Are you Meryl?
Meryl: Who the hell are you??
Sapphire: Apart of the group of idiots that Ironwood sent here to die.
Meryl: You're with those two?
Sapphire: There's actually four of us.
Meryl: Ugh! Those bastards! How could they send children here?
Sapphire: They're desperate. And we're all orphaned children. If we fail, they could just cover up our deaths. It's what Atlas does...
Meryl: So you four just came here trying to be heroes? How stupid can you be?
Sapphire: I don't know, my team and I can be pretty stupid if we try.
Meryl: Uh huh, who the hell is even leading you guys on this? Ironwood?
Sapphire: No. We're not worth his time. Her name is Winter Schnee. She says you two know each other.
Meryl: Winter? I..I haven't seen her in years. She's leading you four?
Sapphire: Well...more like checking in from time to time. I guess she can't join us because she isn't expendable like us.
Meryl: I bet she's itching to get into the fight. She's always done the right thing.
Sapphire: Heh, yeah. That's her alright.
Meryl: You know her? Who are you?
Sapphire: Ever heard of the Reaper?
Meryl: Reaper? Wait...could you be the legendary Reaper of Atlas?
Sapphire: That's not my name anymore...
Meryl: You disappeared a few years ago! What happened?
Sapphire: I got smart and left Atlas. Been on my own for a while. And it's Blue Reaper now.
Meryl: Blue Reaper? You come up with that all on your own?
Sapphire: Ha ha ha very funny.
Meryl: I can't believe I'm actually talking to a legend!
Sapphire: I'm flattered but I'm taken sadly.
Meryl: Sorry to hear that. But you're not my type.
Sapphire: Ouch. Right for the heart.
Meryl: I break hearts just like my father haha!
Sapphire: Alright enough chit chat, do you know how all this happened?
Meryl: Well—I just joined here today. And suddenly the White Fang showed up at our doorstep. Most of us surrendered...
Sapphire: And the others?
Meryl: .........
Sapphire: Oh...I'm sorry.
Meryl: They slaughtered the humans who resisted and any other faunus who resisted was let go! I didn't leave. I fought with my comrades until I was the only one left. They put me in a cell because I was one of them. A faunus. They tried convincing me but I won't join in their slaughter! I joined the army to help our kind. Not to kill people!
Sapphire: You don't believe in their cause?
Meryl: I once did. But now they've perverted their goals into something worse. If they get what they want, then what stops the humans from doing the same thing a generation later? And vise versa?
Sapphire: Hard to say. But we won't let that happen. We're here to stop Metal Gear and take down FOXHOUND.
Meryl:*sigh* I hope you can.
Sapphire: Now I've got some questions for you.
Meryl: Lay it on me.
Sapphire: Do you know about the guy who designed Metal Gear? Hal Emmerich.
Meryl: Yeah. He should be in the warhead storage building in the north.
Sapphire: Warhead storage. Right. If we can't get the detonation code to the Metal Gear in time, we need to know how to destroy it.
Meryl: You guys plan on fighting that thing by yourselves??
Sapphire: It isn't the first giant robot we've scrapped with.
A guard turns the corner and was met with Sapphire slamming his face into the wall, knocking him out. He then drags him over to a box and throws his body inside it
Meryl: Hello? Are you there?
Sapphire: Sorry. Had some trouble with a guard. How about that key card you're pocketing? Do you still have it?
Meryl: Of course. Why?
Sapphire: It can either launch or stop the nukes on Metal Gear. If we get it to the station where its at, we can end this whole thing now.
Meryl: Then I guess I should find you.
Sapphire: No. I'm gonna find you after I find Emmerich. Try and regroup with my team.
Meryl: But I can help!
Sapphire: No way. You're still too green. You just need to focus and staying alive and staying the hell out of our way.
Meryl: Ugh! You're a real bastard you know that?
Sapphire: I get that a lot.
Meryl: Okay Reaper. I'll be a good girl and open the tank hangar door to make it easier for you and your team!
Meryl walks over to a button besides a large set of doors and presses it, opening the doors allowing the rest of Team ODDS to sneak inside
Up in the mountains outside of the base, Raven sits on a cliff side with a small fire at his feet. He crushes a few herbs in his hands and throws them into the flames as a raven on his shoulder caws
Raven: Patience little one. I know your hunger is great. Soon. Very soon. You will be satiated.
The flames turn blue and he kneels down smiling as the image of Sapphire running through the facility
Raven: See? Our enemy approaches, even now.
He stomps out the flames and looks down at the base below, smiling as the raven flies off into the sky
Raven: Come little one. Time is short.
He pulls out his mini gun and a tank rolls up from behind him, the barrels of the large weapon spin as he looks up into the sky
Raven: The spirits say he is chosen by darkness to drag the souls of the unworthy to hell. But he has yet to face one with a soul as strong as mine.
Sapphire enters the tank hangar and leaps past a guard who turns around but shrugs his shoulders when he finds nothing of interest. Sapphire sticks his head out from behind cover and answers a call from Meryl
Sapphire: Yo.
Meryl: I left the door open for you and your team. They're on their way right now.
Sapphire: Thanks. Where are you?
Meryl: Where I can see ya. I'm still in an enemy uniform so don't go kill crazy.
Sapphire: Yeah yeah.
Sapphire gasps and backflips into the shadows and watches as two guards pass by him making him sigh and continue towards the warhead storage building. He enters a room with a long corridor and takes a step forward but stops himself and steps back. He turns his head and inhaled deeply and blows out a cloud of cold air revealing hidden laser tripwires.
Sapphire: Hm. Smart.
Sapphire leaps over the lasers and makes his way towards the door at the end of the hallway, smirking as he looks back at the laser grid
Sapphire: Dominic would say "too easy".
Meryl: Hey, I'll be waiting for you in the storage building. Try to keep up oh Reaper of Atlas.
Sapphire: Wait! I thought I you said you'd stay put!
Meryl: I changed my mind~
Sapphire growls and exits the tank hangar to the outside. The blizzard blows snow across his clothes making them have hues of white on them. He puts his finger up to his ear and calls the rest of his team
Sapphire: Hey guys, if you find that faunus, slap her in the face for me. I'm going nuts sneaking around these sycophants. They deserve to die.
Dominic: I agree. Damn animals.
Dante: Hey!
Dominic: What?
Dante: One of those "animals" is trying to help us! Not to mention one of our closest friends is faunus!
Dominic: She's different.
Sapphire: How?
Dominic: She hasn't given me a reason to kill her...yet.
Obito: And do we?
Dominic: No. Not yet at least. I'm learning to tolerate your flaws.
Sapphire: Like you don't have any.
Dominic: I don't...
Dante: Yeah yeah keep jerking yourself off big guy. We'll check in when we've found her Sapphire. Over and out.
Sapphire: Yeah. You guys seen
Dante: Nope. He's good at not being seen.
Sapphire: Stealth camouflage only gets you so far. He can't hide from one who thrives in the shadows.
Obito: Well be careful when you find him. He could be unstable.
Dante: So are we.
Obito: You know what I mean!! Over and out!
Sapphire sighs and walks into the snowfield and gets another call. Sighing, he kneels down in the snow and answers the call
Sapphire: What?
???: Sapphire. Be careful. That place is full of claymore mines. You need to find a mine detector or else your mission will end quickly.
Sapphire: Who are you..?
???: A fan. Just call me...Angelo...
Sapphire: Okay "Angelo", where are you?
The call abruptly ends and Sapphire questions who this "Angelo" is.
Sapphire: Hm, if he is right, then I need to watch my step.
Kneeling down, Sapphire squints but can't see anything through the rushing blizzard blowing snow constantly
Sapphire: Damn. Maybe I can just...
Sapphire goes prone and starts crawling through the snow. He spots a claymore and slowly reaches out to it and freezes it
Sapphire: One down..
Sapphire crawls through the snow, freezing every claymore he sees so that his team doesn't have to deal with them
Sapphire:*sigh* That should be enough.
The ground started rumbling which confused Sapphire until a large tank rolled up in front of him and the top hatch opened up with Vulcan Raven coming out of the tank and standing on top of it
Raven: This is ravens territory! Snakes don't belong here! I will not let you pass child!
Raven holds up a detonator shocking Sapphire and getting him to stand up and start running. Raven presses the button on the detonator he held and the mines went off and sent Sapphire flying away due to the shockwaves. He hits the ground hard and holds his sides as he crawls behind cover
Raven: That's right! Crawl on the ground like the snake that you are!
Raven goes over to the gunner of the tank and orders him to keep Sapphire occupied with his machine gun
Raven: But leave the killing to me!!
Raven drops back into the tank and man's the main canon as the gunner keeps shooting at Sapphire who runs around the arena of snow and rock
Raven: That's it boy...move a little closer.
Raven has Sapphire in the sights of the tank and fires a shot at him. Sapphire gasps as the shell moves closer and closer to him and he reacts to it by drawing his weapon and creating a sword, cutting the tank shell in two but the impact sends him flying forward
Sapphire: AARGH!!
Raven: Yes!! Hahahaha!! Huh?
Raven sees Sapphire on the ground glaring at him like he could see him through the video screen
Raven:*growl* What are you waiting for?! Destroy him!!
Shell shocked from the blast, Sapphire shakes on the ground as the gunner aims at him
Sapphire:~ Shake it off. Move! MOVE!!~
Sapphire rolls to the side as the gunner sprays bullets in his direction.
Sapphire: Dammit!!
Sapphire dives for cover and sighs, thankful for his moment of rest but it was cut short by a raven flying above him. Vulcan Raven laughs, seeing through the eyes of the raven and sees exactly where Sapphire was hiding at, ordering the gunner to keep firing
Raven: Wait—!
Sapphire jumps out from his cover and sprints towards Ravens tank, dodging bullets as he creates a shard of ice in the palm of his hand
Raven: Shoot him you fool!!
Sapphire ducks under the tank and stabs the shard into the bottom of the tank and crawls out of it, running away as the gunner shouts at Sapphire for being a coward.
Sapphire: Why don't you chill out hothead?
The ice shard explodes into a giant ice pike that pierced through the top of the tank, locking it in place
Raven:*coughs* Where did he go?!
Sapphire stands in front of the tank, tossing a ball of ice in his hand while smirking at Raven. Raven growls and turns the main gun towards Sapphire
Raven: I'll blow you off the face of Remnant!!
Sapphire: Funny thing about my semblance, when I'm in my element I can do some cool things with it. Wanna see one of them..?
Sapphire tosses the ball into the barrel of the tank cannon and it rolls into Ravens lap and explodes sending ice crystals shooting out of the thick armor of the tank. Thinking he was dead, Sapphire walks away from the tank, saluting Raven as he walks into the storage warehouse.
The top of the tank opens up and Raven pops out of the hole alive and well with no signs of damage to his body. His raven lands on his shoulder and Liquid calls him on his comms
Raven: He's still in range. Shall I destroy him?
Liquid: No. Let him go. He may lead us to what we want. But keep him in your sights. I don't want him or his friends out of contact range.
Raven: Yes sir.
Sapphire walks through an armory and spots a sniper rifle on a table and he goes over to pick it up
Sapphire: Hm..
He takes out the magazine and sees a button on it and presses it and was amazed that the dust changes elements to fire, lightning, and then gravity
Sapphire: Incredible! This place really is a weapons development base. Ruby's gonna flip when she sees this thing.
Sapphire slings the rifle onto his back and continues his way through the warehouse to find Hal Emmerich
A group of guards stand outside of a room where they were holding Emmerich inside of and one of them sighs in frustration at his boring job
White Fang Guard: Why are so many of us assigned to guard this human lab rat anyway?
Atlas Turncoat: Emmerich? Boss says he's real important. High priority asset. He's—
A quick flash was seen and it spooks the guard a little
Atlas Turncoat: Did you see that?
White Fang Guard: What? What is it?
Atlas Turncoat: Nothing. I just thought I saw...I saw..a...G-G-G-G-GHHHHHH!!
Half of the guards head was sliced off and fell to the floor and it causes the guards to immediately go into high alert, scanning the room for any movement
White Fang Guard: Shoot anything that moves!!
Suddenly the black ninja from before de-cloaks with his sword drawn and lands in front of the guards
???: Where is he?
Atlas Turncoat: Wha...
White Fang Guard: Who the hell is this guy?
White Fang Guard: Who cares? Open fire! Open fire!!
The guards shoot at the ninja but his reflexes were so fast that he cut every single bullet fired at him
The noise from the room could be heard from outside and Sapphire walks over to the door and peaks inside wondering what the hell was going on
The ninja begins slaughtering the guards left and right, cutting through their auras with one slice and killing them in the process.
White Fang Guard: Stop him!! For the love of the gods somebody stop him!!
Hissing, the ninja deflects more bullets as he cuts an Atlas soldier in two and he does the same to a White Fang member, bisecting him from his crotch to his head
Atlas Turncoat: S-Stay away from me!!
???: That weapon brings you no honor. The DEATH!!
One of the White Fang snarls at the ninja and extends a pair of sharp claws and runs at the ninja; only for him to be sliced in two. The ninja turns invisible with Sapphire watching the massacre before him
Sapphire: He's just toying with them...
Atlas Turncoat: I-It's a ghost!! AAAAGH!!
The soldier shouts as his gut sprays blood and he was lifted into the air by an invisible entity. His blood drops down an invisible sword and was thrown off of it onto the floor with the rest of the guards
???: A ghost? Yes. Perhaps I am a ghost...
Sapphire watches as the ninja de-cloaks and shakes the blood off his katana. The floor was covered in body parts and blood, the metallic smell of their blood filled the room making Sapphire cover his nose as he enters
???: Who can truly say...?
The ninja opens the door at the end of the hall and walks inside as a voice coming from inside asks him who he was and what he was doing there
Sapphire:~He's after Emmerich!! I have to stop him!~
The ninja walks inside and Doctor Hal Emmerich sees him and screams out in fear as the ninja walks closer to him covered in the blood of the guards
Dr. Emmerich: N-no!! Stay away!!
Emmerich runs but trips and falls, spraining his ankle. He then crawls on the floor as the ninja creeps closer and closer to him. The doctor turns around and backs up against a file cabinet shaking as the ninja points his sword at him
???: Where's my brother?
Dr. Emmerich: Wh-what?
???: Tell me where he is or you'll suffer the same fate as them..!
Dr. Emmerich: I...I'm sorry. But I don't know what you're talking about.
Raising his sword above his head, Emmerich yells and shields himself with his arms, begging for the ninja to not kill him
Sapphire: Enough!!
Sapphire creates a halbert and points it at the ninja
Sapphire: Step away from the nerd, and put down the sword.
???: Ah, Sapphire.
Sapphire: Just who the hell are you?
???: Neither enemy nor friend. I have returned from a world where terms like that are meaningless.
Sapphire thrusts the tip of the halbert at the ninja but he dodges it. Sapphire then pulls the sniper from his back and fires a shot at the ninja who cuts it in half with his sword and hisses at him
???: Pathetic. That weapon brings you no honor.
Sapphire: What do you want?
???: I've waited a long time for this day. I want to savor the moment.
Dr. Emmerich: Wh-what...what's with these guys? It's like a scene from one of my anime movies!
???: I've come from another world to do battle with one of you. You will be the one who will kill me. To end my suffering.
Sapphire: You want the reaper to take your soul to the next world? Fine. Just make it exciting for me!
???: I intend to...a fight to the death. One shall stand. One shall fall.
Dr. Emmerich screams and runs into a locker and hides inside of it, cowering as the ninja laughs at him
???: HAH!! Alright then. Watch the show from your litter box. This won't take long.
Sapphire: I need that man unharmed! Either stand down or I will kill you!!
???: You cannot threaten one with death when they've already died you fool!!
The ninja blitzes towards Sapphire and blocks two bullets from him and taunts him about the dishonor guns bring to a fight amongst warriors
???: Bah! Have you learned nothing? That weapon brings you no honor!
Sapphire: Apparently I haven't..
Sapphire puts the sniper behind his back along with Rakshasa, which he puts on his side. He then gets into a hand to hand combat stance and the ninja, amused, does so as well. To even the playing field.
???: Yes. Now we fight as warriors. Hand to hand....the basis of all combat. Only a FOOL trusts his life to a weapon.
Sapphire:*groans* Whatever.
The two engage in a fist fight with Sapphire gaining the upper hand and palm striking the ninja in the chest and it sends him flying back into a wall but he quickly recovers and cartwheels over to Sapphire and starts attacking with his legs. Both warriors traded blows with one another, spilling their blood on the carpet of the computer room
???: Yes! The pain. I've been waiting for this pain!
Sapphire twists the arm of the ninja who shouts as he could feel his arm about to break but he didn't care and kept on fighting with Sapphire
???: Hurt me more!!
The ninja dives at Sapphire who uses his momentum to throw him through a glass window and into a conference room
???: More!! More!!
The ninja gets up and shakes his head, standing up for round two when the rest of Team ODDS barges into the room
Dante: Oh god!! There was ass, blood, and guts everywhere in there!!
The ninja looks at the trio of boys that just entered but his gaze was locked onto the twins and he began sparking while a seizure assaulted his body
???: G-g-gaaah!!! Y-you!!! Murderer!!
The ninja dives at the trio and tackles Dominic to the floor
???: You did it!! You killed her!! Murderer! Coward!! Her blood is on your hands!!
Dante: Hey!!
Dante puts the ninja into the choke hold and pulls him off of his brother. The ninja shouts and pushes himself and Dante into a wall, causing him to let go of the ninja
The ninja starts slamming his head into the ground as more lightning bursts from his body
Obito: What is that thing?!
???: I...I...I'm losing myself!!!
He holds himself as his screams get louder and louder until he discharges a blast of energy that knock everyone on their backs giving him a chance to pick up his sword and run away screaming bloody murder
Dr. Emmerich: I-is it over? Am I still alive?
Sapphire:*groan* What the hell..?
Obito: Who..was that?
Dominic: .....
Dante: You okay Dom?
Dominic: I'm fine...
Sapphire: Why was he calling you a murderer?
Dominic: He was obviously insane Sapphire. Don't believe the cries of a mad dog.
Sapphire: Uh huh...sure thing..
Sapphire lays on the ground and calls Winter on a group call with his team
Sapphire: Winter..!
Winter: I'm here, what happened?
Dante: That ninja was here but he spergged out and ran away.
Winter: What! Are you injured?!
Sapphire: We're fine. Just confused more than injured. He kept spouting about how he wanted a fight to the death.
Dante: Yeah, he kept talking about pain making him feel think he's a masochist?
Obito: Whoever he is, I'm sure we'll meet him again.
Inside of a hallway, the ninja groans as lightning shoots out of him while he was on the floor
???: I...I can't feel...! Who...where...! me!!
He picks himself up off the floor and starts swinging his head wildly, smashing it into the walls and floors of the hallway
???: AAARGH! Boss!! Big Boss!! Bigbossbigbossbigbossbigbossbigboss!!
The lightning and seizures suddenly stop, and the ninja collapses on the floor panting heavily
???: What are you doing....? need to get have to....finish your need to tell him.....tell him everything....! Stop him.....from becoming....that...thing!
Reaching out for something, the ninjas hand begins to course with purple lightning and his screams become louder and echoes throughout the building. A single white flower petal falls on his hand, stopping the seizure and he suddenly gets the strength to stand up. Kneeling down, he picks up the petal and looks at it in the palm of his hand
???:*panting* I'm sorry....I'm so sorry.....
He closes his hand over the other and starts sobbing as he opens his hands and sees he had crushed the flower petal and he throws his hands into the air
The flower petal falls to the floor at the ninja's feet and he steps on it as he makes his way through the base giggling insanely while sobbing underneath his helmet
Back with Team ODDS, Dante opens the locker Dr. Emmerich was hiding in
Dante: You planning on moving into this thing?
Dr. Emmerich: H-huh? Aren't you here to save me?
Dominic: Do we look like Atlas to you? No. We need to know what Metal Gear was designed for.
Dr. Emmerich: Metal Gear? It's designed for defensive purposes like shooting down artillery or even Grimm Nevermore. It's just a defensive tool for the kingdoms to use.
Dominic goes over to the scared scientist and picks him up by his lab coat and pins him to the wall
Dominic: Stop with your corporate shpeel about that thing being used for defense only! That thing is mean for war and only war!
Dr. Emmerich: Wh-what are you talking about??
Dominic:*growl* Terrorists are planning on launching a missile with that thing, killing untold millions, and you're playing dumb?!
Dominic's teeth grew into fangs as his anger begins to boil at the doctors naivety over the situation
Obito: Dominic stop!! He doesn't know!
Dr. Emmerich: I don't know! A nuclear mission on Rex?! That's insane!! I didn't design it for that!
Dominic sighs and drops Dr. Emmerich on the floor and goes over to the side to cool off
Sapphire: So you really didn't know?
Dr. Emmerich: No... All the armaments were made by separate department and Mr. Baker personally supervised the assembly of the primary unit. I was never told what Rex was actually armed with.
Tears began to build up in his eyes as the guilt of having been the cause of another possible war
Dr. Emmerich: I'm such a fool! It's all my fault!!
Dante: Hey hey man don't cry. It's weird seeing some old guy cry like this.
Dr. Emmerich: I-I'm twenty four!!
Dante: Yeesh. Forget I said anything.
Sapphire: Where is Metal Gear located? Where on the base are they keeping it?
Dr. Emmerich: Rex is in the underground maintenance base. North of the communications tower. You'd better hurry. They haven't called me in a while. They must be almost ready if that's the case.
Sapphire: Then we don't have much time. Damn! I thought we'd have a week! But a day?! Those bastards!
Dante: That girl has the override keys right? We'll just link up with her.
Dr. Emmerich: what do I do?
Sapphire: Stay here and keep us informed. Since we're stuck here, that's all we can do for now.
Dr. Emmerich: How old are you kids?
Dante: Nineteen. Next month we'll be twenty.
Obito: In a few days I'll be sixteen.
Dr. Emmerich: My're just kids! Why would they send kids here?!
Dominic: Because we're expendable. Only they'd tell you we're the only ones with the skills to end this farce.
Dr. Emmerich: Okay. But call me Otacon. It stands for Otaku Convention. Just in case they're listening in on our communications.
Dante: Shit why don't we have code names?
Dominic: Who are they going to threaten us with? Our families?
Dante: I suppose you're right...but what about Obito?
Obito: My village is pretty hidden. It'll take them a while to even find it let alone find my grandma.
Sapphire: Right. Just try to keep the bullets out of that big brain of yours. We might need it later.
Suddenly Sapphire gets a call and he answers it
Meryl: Reaper! Are you there?
Sapphire: Meryl! Where are you?
Meryl: I'm in the ladies room in basement level one. My disguise was attracting too much attention. I needed to duck out of sight for a while.
Sapphire: Hang tight. We'll be there shortly.
Otacon: Don't worry about me. I have similar stealth tech as that ninja. I can use it to sneak around and be your intel guy! HYAH!
Otacon does a karate chop but he loses his balance and falls on his behind making Sapphire sigh while Obito gets a small laugh out of it
Sapphire: Just don't do anything stupid. We'll be in touch.
The group leaves Otacon alone in his office and the team sneaks through the halls of the base together an come upon the area where the ninja was having a major mental breakdown
Dante: Damn. What happened here? You think that ninja came through here?
Dominic kneels down and picks up the flower petal that the ninja dropped and inspected it
Sapphire: You got something?
Dominic: No. Just more questions.
Obito: At least we're together again.
Sapphire: But for how long? I got one of those FOXHOUND guys in the tank but that leaves the psychic, the sniper, the spy, the gunslinger, and their leader.
Dante: Ah the old man isn't much of a threat now ever since our crazy friend sliced off his arm.
Sapphire: Really? Ouch.
Obito: Blech! Don't remind's making my stomach growl.
Dominic: It's probably because we haven't eaten all day.
Sapphire: What you want to have a snack break while the fate of the world is at stake?
Dante: Mmmm~ Steak~
Sapphire: Stop! Oh great now I'm hungry too!
Dante: Dom come on brother you gotta have something on you!
Dominic: I wouldn't bring snacks on a stealth mission your dolt! All I have here is my book and that's i-!
Dominic taps his side and the sound of a wrapper crinkling in his coat puts all eyes on him
Dante: Dominic....was that a...candy bar wrapper?
Dominic: U-uh....I...
Obito: We've been starving for hours and you had candy this whole time?!
Sapphire: You're despicable.
Dante: What else do you have in there huh?!
Dominic: A-a teal blue Gameboy color..
Obito: GET HIM!!
Dominic: Wait wait wait!!
The rest of his team jumps Dominic and they start fighting in a cloud of dust and limbs trying to get anything else Dominic was hiding from them. These are the people the world is counting on? Great....
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