( Zoe )

I walked in my room and closed the door. I sat the shot gun on my bed.

Me: Who the fuck does that!?

Yeah , I know , I'm talking to my self , but I'm severely pissed. I can't believe Kodie did that , and withy best friend! London treated Niyah so damn bad. If London wanted Kodie , all she had to do was tell me before me and Kodie started dating and I woulda backed off , but she didn't and she chose to hurt me instead. I'm starting to wonder if she was ever my best friend or just an acquaintance like everybody else. And people wonder why I don't ever let any one in , it's because of this shit!

Anyways , I pulled on my boots and laced them up. I slipped on my choker and gold chain and bracelet. I slipped my phone into my pocket and grabbed the keys. I walked downstairs and called my grandma again.

Grandma Julie: Hello?

Me: Hey Grandma Julie , I'm just calling to make sure you had the ATVS.

Grandma: Yeah , their in the shed.

Me: Okay. We'll be their soon.

Grandma: Okay.

Me: I love you grandma.

Grandma: I love you too baby.

Me: Bye.

Grandma: Bye sweetie.

I hung up and slipped my phone back into my pocket. I know London hates mud so we're going riding through the mud. Good news is it rained early morning so the mud is fresh. I don't see why people don't want to be muddy but you wanted to visit the country.

I heard footsteps come downstairs and turned around it was Kodie Niyah. London trailed behind them.

Niyah had on Black Jeans , Red Muscle Shirt with some design and Black Combat boots.

Kodie had on a White plain shirt , Black Adidas Pants White Vans.

London had on Lightly Ripped Booty Shorts , Blue Tank Top and Blue Vans.

Lord knows she gonna get eaten up by mosquitoes.

Me: Let's go.

We got in the truck and I sped off kicking dirt up.

London: So where are we going with the ATV's?

Me: Oh there this great places that's great for ATV's.

Kodie: Will we get dirty?

Me: Gotta wait and see.

Niyah: This is gonna be fun.

Me: I didn't know you wore combat boots?

Niyah: I wear a lil bit of every thang.

I laughed.

Me: Lil? Thang?

Niyah: Yup.

Me: Okay then.

I parked in front of my grandmas house and we got out. I grabbed my bag before I locked the doors. I put the bag on my back and we walked in and saw Travis and some other boy playing cards.

Me: Hey ugly.

Travis: How rude.

Me: It's rude to make me look at you.

He laughed and got up ready to fight. I started fake crying.

Me: Don't hit me! I love you!

I jumped on him. He laughed and sat me down hugging me.

Travis: I love you too monkey.

Me: Who's that?

Travis: That's your other cousin , Mark.

Me: Well howdy Mark.

Mark: Howdy there cuz.

Me: Well , I'll see yall later. Be good.

Travis: Says the girl who pushed that girl down the well.

Me: She was a bully , she deserved it.

Travis laughed and I walked off with everybody. Grandma was in the kitchen.

Me: Hey grandma.

Grandma: Hey girls. The keys are in the shed too.

Me: Okay.

Everybody else said a hello to grandma Julie also. We walked out to the shed. I handed out keys and we got on the ATV's.

Me: Every once in a while , look in the mirror to make sure we got everyone and-

I slipped my book bag off my back and opened it , I slipped my phone in.

Me: And put your phones in unless you want them to fall out and break and you not even knowing.

Everybody ran up to place the phones in my bag. I laughed and tightened it up. I pulled off first and London was behind me while Niyah was behind her and Kodie behind her.

Me: We're going through mud!

London: But I hate mud!

Me: I know!

I laughed and sped up. I turned ms sped through the mud which made it splash on me and London. I heard her squeal. I laughed and shook my head.

Me: Yall stop being pussies.

I swerved down a rocky road which threw dirt everywhere. We came upon a big puddle of mud and I stopped in front of it. Everybody got off and I left my bag on the handle bars since we were right there. I sat in front of the mud and placed my hands in it. I felt hands on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Kodie. I looked at Niyah and smiled. Kodie was leaning in for a kiss when I rubbed my hands all over her face laughing. I jumped up and ran.


Next thing I knew everybody was throwing mud at each other. I threw mud on Niyah. I gasped as I felt mud being thrown on my face. I picked some up and threw in Kodies hair. Niyah threw some in London's face and I threw some in her face and London threw some in Kodies face.

I laughed and wiped my hands on my pants before going over to the book bag and grabbing London's phone. I took pictures of everyone.

Me: Group selfie!

They all came over and stood behind me. We all made funny faces while putting up the peace sign. I sent the pictures to my phone and slipped it back in the bag. I found out the seats come up so I placed the bag in and shut the seat down. I felt rain drops on my face and it started to pour down. I laughed and pulled my phone out and played my country list which had about 201 songs on it. I laughed and we danced in the rain. A slow song came on and London grabbed Kodie after asking my permission.

Bitch why would you ask my permission if you already betrayed me? This bitch is stupid and I ain't even know.

Me and Niyah danced together.

Niyah: Hey , I'm sorry about Kodie and London.

She twirled me like a princess.

Me: Why? It wasn't your fault.

Niyah: I feel like it was.

Me: Hey , don't ever think that. Their just stupid hoes and ex best friends. You'll be fine , I know you will.

Niyah smiled at me.

Niyah: Thanks Zoe. Your a good friend.

Me: Thanks , so are you.

She twirled me again and released me and I kept spinning. She caught me and stopped me. She lifted me up and I laughed and opened my arms. She set me down and we just continued to slow dance. The song changed and Niyah turned her back. I smiled and I picked up some mud.

Me: Niyah?

She turned around and I threw it in her face.

Niyah: Zoe!

I laughed and took off running. She ran after me and I fell face first into more mud.

Me: Oh god , that tasted nasty.

Niyah laughed until I pulled her down.

Me: How does it taste?

Niyah: Shut up.

I laughed and got back up. I went to my phone and cut off the music.

Me: We should probably go before we all get sick.

London: Yeah.

We got back on the ATV's and rode off.

- - - -
Ch. 35



Zoe Outfit in the MM

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