Sarah Gilmore
I'd had a wretched night with little to no sleep because that is how I operate. If there was something to worry about, I worried until I put my mind at ease by doing something about it.
Jogging along the long two-lane road that led to my mom's neighborhood, I had time to think but the thoughts didn't get easier.
Reaching my destination, I bought two boxes of tests and two boxes of pre-packaged donuts. I slid them into the light backpack I had borrowed from Laurel's room and headed back.
By the time I got home, only mom was awake. Rocking on the front porch, she smiled at me over the rim of her steaming coffee.
"Full pot in the kitchen if you want some," she said. With a deep breath, I nodded and pulled a box of donuts from the bag and waved them at her. "Oh! Give me one of the powdered ones before those kids take 'em all!"
She grabbed two and I continued inside. Biting my lip I warred with myself on whether or not I should pee on a stick or get coffee first. Finally rolling my eyes at my own dilemma, I dropped the donuts in the kitchen and headed upstairs. I needed a shower, so taking a test first made sense.
Stripping out of my clothes, I opened the box and withdrew a test. Wrapped like a damn candy bar, I felt like I was going to wake up the kids with how loud the packaging was. Sitting on the toilet, I positioned the test and took a deep breath.
Capping the stick, I set the test on the counter. I watched as the moisture slowly crept along the result strip. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned around to face the shower.
Usually enjoyable, I continued to overthink making the shower one of the quickest in my entire life. I wondered in my own head for a while before finally coming out of the shower. I refused to look at the test until I was somewhat dry and wrapped in my towel.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I was flushed from the heat of the shower. Chewing on the inside of my lip, I looked down.
One line. Negative?
The test read negative. Plopping down on top of the toilet with the test in my hands. My eyes burned and a torrent of emotions swirled through me. My limbs felt heavy and my heart hurt.
Why was I such a mess? Isn't this what I wanted?
At that moment, I realized I had been both hopeful and fearful for a positive result and hadn't thought about a negative result. The possibility of bearing Wes Dalton's children filled me with an uneasy excitement.
After what seemed like an hour, a knock sounded at the door and I jumped.
"Mom?" Laurel's sleepy voice was on the other side of the door.
I sniffled as I dragged both hands over my face. "I'll be right out, baby." I hid the used test in the trash beneath some tissues and shoved the remaining tests in the bottom drawer under the first aid kit.
Swinging the door wide, she looked at me suspiciously. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, baby. I'm good. I went for a run and got us donuts. They are down on the kitchen counter" I gave her a kiss on her temple and started walking back to my room.
"You just were in there a while after the water stopped. Just making sure you're okay. I love you." With that, she disappeared into the bathroom.
"Thanks, baby. I love you." Saying it out loud even though she probably hadn't heard me.
I took my time getting dressed and styling my hair. Mom had said the BBQ would start around noon, so we still had time.
Cason was coming out of his room as I was coming out of mine. With everyone else being preoccupied, I pulled him to the side room to chat.
"Yesterday you seemed affected by my news of dating someone. Please talk to me, baby. Tell me what was running through your mind."
"Yeah. I guess I just don't want you to end up with someone like Romeo. He was trash and treated you worse than trash. You don't deserve that, mom."
My eyes went wide as I realized how much this sweet young man had absorbed in his short life. He didn't respect Romeo enough to call him dad or father. Even as a toddler, Cason had come to my aid when Romeo put his hands on me.
"Cason," I pulled him to me and felt him lean his weight into me. "I promise that no one will ever mistreat me like that again. I won't let it happen."
"You don't know that!" His temper flared and he turned to glare at me. There would have been surprise, but I knew my son had my temper. I knew he was protective and my heart swelled.
"Actually, I do know that. With your dad," I needed to choose the right words. "With Romeo, I knew what kind of man he was when I met him and I didn't care. When you and your sister were born, I looked for ways to get out of the relationship."
I combed through his hair with my fingers and felt him relax. Continuing, I said, "I know I won't end up in the same situation because I have no intention of being with someone like him ever again. Wes treats me really well and I really think you'll like him, too. All I ask is that you give him a chance when you do finally meet him, okay?"
"Mmkay," he muttered before leaning into my side.
We sat together for a while until he was ready for breakfast. Grabbing coffee and a donut, I sat with my mom for a bit before we needed to head to their neighbor's.
Mom had done the baking and prep work the day before so we didn't have to stress about making food the day of. I was always impressed at how well she kept on top of things. Time management was never my strong suit.
"Sarah, take those lemon bars and the kids. I promised to help set up, a little. Plus I made potato salad."
"With bacon?" I perked up.
"That's the one!"
I hummed as my mouth started to water at the thought of it. It was my all-time favorite. Picking up the large plate of lemon bars, I called for the kids and headed next door.
Although the sign on the front door said to head around back, I could have listened to my own kids. They groaned and complained that I needed to just go through the side gate, but I'd never met the neighbor, and didn't want to be presumptuous.
The wooden gate was propped open and lawn chairs and picnic tables were set up close to the house. Further back there was a horseshoe pit and a few other yard games.
"Mr. Dee!" Cason and Laurel rushed past me to the man who had stepped out onto the patio.
"Hey guys! You here to help me set up?"
"Yeah. Mom brought Granny's lemon bars." Laurel beamed as she ran back to me to take them.
"Mom?" The man said as he turned to me. He was familiar, but I couldn't place him. "What a pleasant surprise, I've heard great things about you. Sarah, right?"
"That's me. Sorry, I only know you as Mr. Dee," I trailed off before he chimed in.
"Right, sorry. I'm Jace," he said as he smiled and offered his hand.
That smile... familiar...
His handshake was firm and strong. Not knowing much about him, I figured small talk was always a safe bet."So why do you go by Dee?"
"Ah, that's my last name, Dalton."
"Dalton?" I raised my brows and realized his smile was the same as Wes's.
"Yup. Jace Dalton."
"Well, it's nice to meet you," I recovered.
"Likewise. I'm not going to lie," he looked around before speaking in a hushed tone, "I didn't realize you'd be so attractive."
I let out a laugh as heat flowered across my neck and reached my cheeks. Saved by the bell, my phone rang in the pocket of my sundress.
"Excuse me, I should take this." I walked towards the back of the yard.
Smiling down at my phone, I answered.
"What are you wearing?" His voice was husky but it was such a relief to hear from him.
"Hello to you too, handsome."
"I miss you." Wes sounded tired.
"Yeah? How much do you miss me?"
"Well, I think my forearms would rival Hulk's," he joked.
Laughter spilled out of me, uncontrolled. The visual in my head was hilarious. Quickly tapering the laugh, I thought about the number of times he would have to masturbate to get that huge. "Fuck," I whispered into the phone.
"You're thinking about my dick, now, aren't you?"
"Maybe," I giggled. I had been missing him and his humor.
"What are you doing today?"
"Mom pulled me to a neighborhood barbecue. Which reminds me—"
"OOH, I gotta go. I'll call you later!"
"Oh, okay," I said, stunned at his outburst.
"Hey," he said.
"I'll call you later, girlfriend." I could hear his smile.
"I look forward to it, boyfriend." With that, he was gone. Girlfriend and boyfriend. The titles made me happy and almost giddy with excitement about the new chapter I had started.
Playing with my phone, I wanted to ask him about his family. It wasn't something we ever talked about. Doubting myself, I thought about the names that came through my ER. Dalton was a common name, wasn't it?
"Sarah?" I heard my mom's voice behind me. As I turned she said, "Everything okay, baby?"
"I'm coming, momma. I got a call."
Strolling up to her, she gave me a knowing smile. She teased about the blush on my cheeks and how she knew who I'd been talking to.
As people filtered in, the kids took turns introducing me to people from their neighborhood and some of Jace's close friends. Throughout the introductions, I would look around, scanning for mom or one of my children, just to catch Jace staring at me. With a kind smile and a nod, the gesture warmed me. He wasn't a creep and I genuinely felt he was just trying to be kind.
As the yard filled Jace started up the grill but needed someone to chop veggies. Mom and I volunteered.
"Okay, he said there was zucchini, yellow squash, onions, and," mom stopped. "Now what the hell am I forgetting?"
"Peppers and bellas," I reminded her.
We pulled the ingredients and cut them as we chatted. Finishing up, mom had gone to ask Jace about where he wanted everything we had chopped.
Staring out the window, I lost focus. There was so much in my life that had changed and I was still dazed by the results of the morning. I didn't understand why it was still affecting me, but I felt like a mess.
The patio door opened and closed. "Where does he want these?"
"Wow," his voice snapped me out of my daydream state. Turning, there he was. Casually dressed and looking sexier than sin. He placed a keg on the kitchen island and strode towards me.
"Wes," his name was a whisper on my lips and it didn't go unnoticed.
"Hey baby." He gave me a sweeping glance over me as he stepped up to me. "Goddamn, you look amazing."
His hands slid around my waist as he bowed his head to mine. In awe that he was standing with me, words escaped me. Reaching up, I gripped the back of his neck and kissed him slowly. Savoring the taste of him and soaking in the comfort of his arms.
Taking a deep breath as I pulled away, I smiled up at him. "What are you doing here?"
"Family barbecue, of course."
"So Jace is your..."
"Brother," he smiled and the familiarity glared at me. They had the same smile.
"Yeah, why? Is that surprising to you?"
"A little. Wait! Did you know my kids lived next to your brother?"
"No! Promise. I barely talk to my brother. We talk here and there, but I usually only see him when I come home. I grew up about 45 minutes from here. My dad lives here, also."
"Your dad?" It all seemed too fast. I wasn't ready to fully introduce him to my family, let alone meet his! Telling my kids and my mom over dinner was one thing, but having him in the same place...
"Stop. You're overthinking this. You told them about me, didn't you?" He glanced out the large window looking out into the yard.
"Yeah, I guess I did. I even defended you against my kid," I said with a slight laugh.
"Defended me!? Oh wow. I guess I need to make a good impression then. Shall we?" He stepped away and offered me his elbow.
Tempted to take it, I handed him one of the three bowls of chopped veggies. "If you want to make a good impression, let Laurel and Cason snag some of those peppers. They are fiends for bell peppers."
As we walked out together, his brother turned and pointed his grill tongs at Wes. "No, not allowed, Wes! I call dibs, so hands-off, bro!"
Walking past his brother, Wes called out for the kids. Turning to his brother and looking over to me, he said, "Sorry Jace. She's mine."
Jace looked between us before smirking. "Shiiiit. You're that Sarah?" With an exaggerated groan, he continued to taunt his brother.
Looking at Wes, I tried to hold back my grin. Nodding, my mom came up, totally oblivious to the conversation.
"It's too bad you're in a relationship, Sarah. Good genes run in this family." She wiggled her brows and bit her lip. "Did you know these two are twins?"
My eyes shot to Wes, surprised.
"I did not know that, Mom, but I do want you to meet my boyfriend," I paused as she continued to ogle the guys. "Now is as good a time as any, right?"
"Huh?" She looked back at me.
"I'd like to introduce you to Wes." Putting the veggies on Jace's side table, I walked over and wrapped an arm around Wes. "This is the Wes I was telling you about last night."
Her eyes went wide and her jaw slacked. In a flash, she had her arms wrapped around each of us and she was squealing in our ears.
"I'm so excited and he is such a catch! Ohmygod! I'm so happy!"
Laughing at her enthusiasm, I hugged her back. This was the first relationship in my life that I was happy to bring home and introduce to my family.
"Is this him?" Laurel had snatched the bowl from Wes and launched herself into a nearby seat. Cason is on her heels, his hand diving into the bowl of sliced peppers.
"This! This is him!" My mom beat me to it.
She pulled him with her as her assault of questions began. Almost hopeless, he looked back at me. I shrugged and gave him a small wave.
Once the food was done, mom and Wes headed back over, looking cozy. Food was laid out on a long table in buffet style. Each of us grabbed a plate and ventured to a free seat.
"I thought you'd save me from the interrogation with your mom," Wes whispered into my hair before kissing me.
"Nope." I smiled and took a large bite of my burger.
"Well, I think I won her over. It was kinda nice, actually. She is a super sweet woman, very proud of her beautiful daughter. She even asked about our sex life."
I nearly choked on my food. Hurrying to finish my bite, I swallowed and looked at him. "What do you mean she asked about our sex life?"
"Just things a mom would ask," he said nonchalantly.
"I don't even know how to respond to that! Our sex life is none of her business!" I picked up my lemonade to wash everything down.
"She mentioned something about having kids, too."
I spewed my drink. "What!?"
Chuckling, he put his food down and looked at me. "Now that is one hell of a reaction!"
Continuing to eat, I eyed my mom across the patio. She gave me a guilty grin and I shook my head at her.
As I ate, I saved my mom's potato salad for last. It was my favorite summer side dish and I always requested it when we were together.
Everything was fine. Conversation flowed between us, but as I took another bite my stomach rolled. Bile rose and I discreetly spit the bite into my napkin.
A thick wave of nausea hit me out of nowhere and I excused myself to find the bathroom. I didn't make it.
Lunging into the sink of the kitchen, I retched everything from my stomach.
The door closed behind me. Strong, warm hands came to help. Pulling my hair from my face and rubbing my back, Wes stood in silence as I finished.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Peachy," I quipped at him.
"You didn't tell me you were feeling sick."
"I'm fine, really." I cleaned up my mess and washed my mouth out with water. "I'm going to run home real quick and clean up. I'll be back in a few."
Taking a deep breath, I fixed my hair and dress, as I left him standing in his brother's kitchen.
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