Prologue: Silver Eyes

Hello and welcome back to the highly anticipated Prologue chapter for The Cyberized Twins of Remnant, finally it's time to take a dive into the horrible experimentations and tinkering the insane bastard known as Doctor Gero did to both Y,N and Lazuli, transforming them from average humans into deadly killer cyborgs! Additionally stay tuned as after this chapter is complete, Yang's Lemon chapter for Warped Reality will also be coming out soon afterwards. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Prologue chapter. 

P.S. Before we start however, due to high audience demand Android 18/Lazuli will officially be apart of the harem. As they say "incest is wincest" and clearly that phrase rang true with the vote in the harem chapter. Alongside 18 we have two other final additions, so please enjoy the final selection for the harem! 

Android 18

May Zedong 

And finally

Reese Chloris 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y,N POV, Location: Doctor Gero's Lab

Doctor Gero: *yells with mad glee on his face* Arise my creations! With your new upgrades I've graciously given you, it's once more time to test out your abilities! *thinks* There abilities must be perfect in order to defeat that bastard Son Goku! 

*With the press of a button, the pods labeled "17" and "18" begin to open, normally Gero wouldn't dare open these as both Android's that laid within were the physical personifications of loose cannons. Yet, over the past decade he had been experimenting on the twins, his mind has become warped and twisted by his constant obsession to get revenge upon Son Goku! This overbearing sense of revenge had caused the doctor to give both 17 and 18 upgrade after upgrade, putting the twins through hell and back, just in order to make sure they would be ready to eliminate Son Goku once he unleashed them upon the world. Naturally, Gero wouldn't do such a thing until he had perfected every possible kink or flaw within both Android's 17 and 18, even if that meant stripping away all of their previous humanity and completely replacing it all with cold metal, yet he was confident that after a few more rounds of experimentation and tinkering the twins would be ready. As Gero was thinking to himself, he snapped back to reality as the pods fully opened revealing two humanoids that looked to be in their late teens, and Gero sneered in joy as his most powerful creations arose from their metallic coffins and blinked their soulless glassy blue eyes before fixating upon him.*

Y,N: *nods with a blank and creepy tiny smirk etched upon his face* Greetings Doctor Gero. Is it time for around round of training already? 

*Android 17, otherwise known as Y,N back when he was human, was the older of the two twins Gero had adopted from the streets and transformed into the perfect amalgamation of technology and nature that now stood before him, his body modified beyond anything a human or Faunus could ever achieve. Naturally this also meant Y,N was the more powerful of the twins and with weapons such as his barrier and an attack the android dubbed "Final Shine Attack" at his disposal, this meant Son Goku would be killed even quicker! Y,N stood in his patented outfit with the Red Ribbon logo blazed across the older android's right breast. Resting around his neck was his iconic orange ascot that he refused to take off due to it holding some kind of sentimental value to him, finally was his midnight black hair that descended down to his shoulder blades. Being more openly rebellious than his sister Y,N decided to wear ripped jeans with a gun holster and tiny travel pack resting slightly above his crotch, Gero never understood the older sibling's choice of clothing, yet the old man let it slide because as long as they killed Son Goku he didn't care what his creations wore into battle. Completing Y,N's get-up were blue tennis shoes with long bright green socks that ran up to the middle of his calves. Finally and the most striking feature of the both Android's were the glassy blue eyes that sparkled with some silver within them that bore down into the doctor's soul with how emotionless they were, those exact eyes could even scare the soul out of a Grimm if the siblings ever encountered one. They were that menacing and terrifying, and if the look alone didn't scare or kill the Grimm, then the silver eye powers Gero recently grafted in the twin's DNA certainly would.

18: *nods with the same blank and creepy tiny smirk that her brother also wore* Long time, no see Doctor. I didn't think you would be waking us up this soon. 

*Android 18, otherwise known as Lazuli back when she was human, was the younger of the two twins Gero had adopted, yet when it came to her attitude she certainly acted like the older sibling due to her serious and ruthless personality, which played off against her older brother's more childish and hyperactive antics, and just like her brother she had been modified beyond what human or Faunus alive could ever achieve. While 18 was the weaker of the siblings, she still had boundless power bursting within her and alongside her near perfect body, her power of seduction was 2nd to none. Lazuli stood with her arms crossed, which accented her already large D-Cup breasts even more, as she wore a slightly ripped dark denim blue jacket with the Red Ribbon logo plastered proudly on the back that connected seamlessly to the same dark blue skirt, additionally she wore a black shirt with the shirt's arm sleeves being white with little grey stripes. 18 wore tight jeans that proudly showed off her heart-shaped ass whenever her skirt uplifted, however due to 18's cold personality this was more aggravating than useful to her as people would constantly stare at her glorious ass and she would sooner blast them into pieces before indulge their sick and perverted fantasies. Finally, when it came to her clothing she wore light brown boots that were perfectly for stomping and while 18 was less rebellious than her older brother, that didn't mean she also was on the rebellious nature of things, which was exactly why she and her brother were constantly frozen in status pods whenever they didn't need to be used or trained. Just like her older brother she had those same glassy blue eyes with some silver sparkles that would intimidate any fighter put in front of them. Finally, she had beautiful pale blond hair that also reached down to her shoulder blades and unlike her older brother she preferred to have her cover one of her eyes, except when in battle where she would brush it off to the side and behind her silver earring that both she and her brother both sported on their ears.* 

Doctor Gero: Yes, I didn't expect to wake either of you for awhile longer. However, due to the newest upgrades I've given you, I need you to once more train! I can't have you falling short once you finally encounter that miserable Son Goku! 

Y,N: What upgrades would those be doctor?

18: *brushes part of her hair to the side* They must be something serious, otherwise you wouldn't of woken us up this soon after the latest round of training. 

Doctor Gero: *smirks* I've awoken both from the cold chill of those pods because recently I found a very willing silver-eyed warrior that happily donated some of their DNA to me, after I saved them from some Grimm! 

Y,N: And let me guess doctor, from there you grafted their powers into our DNA or something akin to that?

Doctor Gero: *stutters for a brief second* Um.....Yes, yes that's exactly what I did. How do you guess that right away?

Y,N: *shrugs* That's basically mad science 101.     

18: That and your constantly upgrading us via injections or surgery, so placing some of the silver eyed warrior's DNA into our own is rather tame in comparison doctor. 

Doctor Gero: There was no need for anything surgical, all I did was take the silver eyed warrior's DNA and graft into your own on the cellular level! And now's time to find out just how powerful your newfound power is compared to other silver eyed warriors of legend!

Y,N: *cracks his knuckles* I'm always down from some good physical training doctor, I wouldn't want to become rusty. 

18: Brother, when it comes to you, the last word I would use to describe you is "rusty". 

Y,N: *smirks lightly* Thanks sis, I hope you're not rusty either. As I remember us making the perfect deadly duo of sniping from faraway distances and up in your face melee attacks. 

Doctor Gero: Ah! Speaking of that, here is your weapons. *Gero takes two briefcases from the closest desk and gives the one labeled "17" to Y,N and the one labeled "18" to Lazuli* 

Y,N: *opens his briefcase and smirks seeing his weapon* It's been awhile Destruction, how have you been since I was put on ice once more?

18: *rolls her eyes as her brother's actions* Seriously brother, it's just a weapon. *opens her briefcase and pulls out her twin daggers, with a pack of dust tipped arrows sitting right next to them* 

Y,N: *chuckles as he sees the fondness building within 18's eyes* Yet, even you have to agree it's been awhile since we've used these weapons in actual combat. 

18: *sighs* Fine. I'll give you that. 

Y,N: *smirks* I knew you would see my way of thinking sister. 

18: Honestly Y,N, sometimes you act like a child...

Y,N: Somebody's got to keep the spirit and enthusiasm up sister. Otherwise we would be nothing more than cold, heartless, unfeeling machines. 

Doctor Gero: *speaks up, knocking both Android's out of their conversation* Enough chit-chat! I want you to go test your newfound abilities right now! Meet me at the training grounds in the next 5 minutes or I'll be forced to retrieve the zapper! 

*Both Y,N and 18 gulped at that, because the dubbed "zapper" was similar to a dog's shock collar. Whenever the Android's disobeyed or tried to rebellion against the doctor, he would pull his zapper and give them a powerful controlled shock that would completely knock them out. He got that hellish device instead of his original idea for a bomb within their chests, as he decided the bombs wouldn't be useful as they could easily be pierced by a powerful attack from Son Goku or any of his idiotic allies and his entire past 20 years of work would go up in literal flames. With a little bit of fear entering the android's glassy blue eyes, they rushed off to the training grounds, with their weapons in hand, as neither android wanted to get shocked by the zapper at this moment in time, especially when they were savoring every single moment of freedom they had before being forced back into the metallic frozen crypt that was cyro-sleep. Finding the room that held the training grounds wasn't difficult as both Android's knew this lab like the back of their hands, that and it was the only room in the lab that resembled the outside, specifically Gero modeled it after something called the "World's Martial Arts Tournament" arena, abet scaled down from its real counterpart. Once they made it there they look up and saw Gero staring down at them with a neutral grimace evident on his face. If it weren't for the fact he constantly held the "zapper" over their heads, both Android's would have killed him already.....yet, they never got the opporunity as of right now due to him always threatening them with the "zapper" and rushing them back to their frozen tombs after every round of training.*  

Doctor Gero: *grimaces neutrally* Good, you made it here on time. I almost thought I would have to retrieve the zapper and punish you for being late!

18: No need to doctor, we made it on time. 

Y,N: Let's start the training, shall we doctor? I'm getting bored of simply standing around and listening to you talk. 

Doctor Gero: *grumbles before talking again* Alright, for today's training I'll be unleashing several different types of Grimm upon you one at a time. We'll start off simple for today before sending multiple Grimm at once, as I need to make sure your silver eye powers actually work!

18: Don't worry doctor, whatever you put in front of us we'll take down. 

Doctor Gero: *chuckles* Let's see if your statement holds any merit against this beast!

*With that Gero pulled a level and out from the dark abyss that was the stadium's entrance hut peered two blood red eyes. As Y,N and Lazuli prepared their weapons, with the latter android merging her two daggers into a singular bow and the former unsheathing his katana while transforming said sheath into its pistol form, the Grimm let out a demonic growl before charging into the arena at full speeds. This Grimm was hungry mixed alongside its desire for all things negative and chaotic, meaning when the beast laid its eyes upon the two Android's a sinister sneer grew upon its canine skeletal form, with its inky black skin mixing alongside its white skeletal form to create a truly fearsome beast. As it rose from its dark lair and ran into the artificial sunlight of the training grounds, it sniffed the the air before narrowing its eyes at the two Androids who had gotten into battle stances against the beast of pure malice.*

Doctor Gero: *peers down at the two Android's and then the Grimm* Good luck. And make sure to defeat the beast with solely your silver-eyed powers. *thinks* Hopefully they have enough power to defeat this mere Beowolf and eventually Son Goku, otherwise I'll have to go along with my recent schematics and build Android No. 19. *cringes inwardly* And I really don't want to spend more time locked within this cave, building yet another Android whose appearances resembles a fat clown! 

18: Look at this brother, a hellish canine who's been separated from the pack. 

Y,N: *smirks* What a poor lost and confused creature, perhaps we should help it sister? 

18: *brushes her hair out of her and to the side and frowns at the beast in front of her* We'll "help" it by sending that miserable beast into the afterlife! 

Y,N: *chuckles* Not all dogs go to heaven, and this poor mutt certainly applies.

Doctor Gero: *yells from above* Enough banter! Get to fighting and show me your silver-eyed powers!  

Y,N: *smirks* Don't worry doctor, a singular Beowolf should be a piece of cake! *turns to face the snarling Beowolf* Let's play a game of catch shall we fido? *cocks his pistol* These dust rounds are the tennis balls, so go catch!

*At the same exact time 18 unleashed one of her fire dust-tipped arrows, while Y,N shot a fire dust bullet straight at the Beowolf's mouth. However, the Beowolf sensing that its prey had begun their assault, dodged the arrows completely by jumping over them, however the tip of Y,N's bullet grazed the Grimm in the spike on the top of its back and tore a tiny chunk of the spike off, causing the beast to howl out before it narrowed its eyes at the Android and scrapped its claws against the floor in rage. Bounding towards the Android's with its sharpened claws and razor-sharp teeth, the monster wanted nothing more than to crave up these two delicious looking pieces of walking meat and leave nothing but their bones behind! However expecting the simple attack, 18 jumped out of the way, but Y,N with a cocky smirk on his face put up a giant transparent green barrier himself and the outside world, practically making an invincible barrier between himself and everything that dared to attack him. The Beowolf, however wasn't informed of this ability and as he slammed muzzle first into the barrier, Y,N chuckled before raising his katana and just as he lowered the barriers, he jammed the dust-tipped blade into the right eye of the Beowolf making it howl in pain and rage. Leaping back from the blow, the monstrous Grimm let out a snarl before once more charging the duo of Android's.*

Y,N: *chuckles* Look at the poor beast sister. It clearly doesn't understand how much trouble it's in. I think we should put the poor mutt down before he continues this embarrassing act! 

18: I agree, brother. Miserable animals deserve to be put down!

*Aiming their individual weapons towards the snarling beast they unleashed a barrage of of flaming elemental blasts at the beast, yet to both of the Android's shock the Beowolf charged through the flaming blasts. At the last second Y,N and 18 were forced to jump back as the Beowolf tried to consume them whole, but instead got a face-full of stone flooring for its trouble. With smirks growing upon their faces, 18 and Y,N unleashed a volley of electric dust bullets and arrows straight into the back of the inky hideous beast, causing it to let out several howls of pain as the entire backside of the beast was covered in burn marks. Smirking Y,N decided to go for some more pain and attacked the still airborne beast with several strikes from his fire-dust tipped katana, before both he and 18 kicked the Beowolf  straight in the muzzle and sent it crashing into the arena floor, causing some stones and plenty of dust to shoot up from where the Beowolf impacted. Landing back onto the ground, with their weapons still raises Y,N took this opporunity of weakness upon the part of the Grimm and charged towards the beast with his katana raised.* 

Y,N: Get ready for the ultimate finish sister! It's time we send this hellish canine to the afterlife! 

18: *eyes widen before a smirk grows on her beautiful lips* Just give me the signal when you're ready brother! 

*Y,N shoots several more electric bullets straight into the downed Grimm's mouth causing it to make some sort of mixture between a snarl and a gurgle, before it then leaped from its crater and stared daggers into the upcoming Android. Smirking as this was exactly what he wanted, Y,N leaped over the beast, who didn't expect the attack, and while in the air Y,N sliced his katana through the Grimm's backside making it howl out in pain even more due to the huge gaping wound starting from the top of its back to the bottom. As Y,N landed onto the area a few feet away from the Grimm, he smirked before slashing his katana into the floor, and all was quiet and still for a few seconds besides the snarling of the Grimm, before the part of the arena where Y,N and the Grimm were standing was completely upturned due to the earth-dust Y,N slammed into the ground thanks to his katana. The earthquake and uplifting of the ground it was standing upon sent the Beowolf flying sky-high due to the sheer ferocity., the Beowolf's blood red eyes widen in fear as it soon realized what was going to happen, as the blond android with the bow took aim towards the beast.* 

Y,N: *yells* Sister now! 

18: *steadies her bow before releasing the electric dust-tipped arrow* Say goodbye Grimm!

*The arrow soared through the sky before it impacted deep within the Grimm's heart, making it howl out in pain from the agonizing zapping the arrow was doing within it's black heart. Taking aim once more, 18 unleashed one arrow after another, with all of them imbedding deep into the Grimm's soft underbelly making it cry out in pain from the sheer amount of pain that the sibling Android's were doing towards it. As the Grimm came hurtling back towards the destroyed arena floor, bounding to make another crater due to its impact, Y,N joined into the air to meet the beast as he descended towards the unforgiving stone flooring. With nothing but a silent, deadly stare Y,N took his katana, which was burning with fire-dust and sliced the Grimm's head off in one clean stroke with the inky blackness it called blood immediately pouring out of the now headless beast like a horrid waterfall. As Y,N fell back to the ground, with some of the black viscous liquid that nightmarish called blood sprayed over the older sibling's face. Without saying a word to his sister or Gero, he turned back to the now headless beast.*

Y,N: Time to finish the job. *the silver sparkles within the android's eyes get brighter and brighter, before the silver completely overtakes the glassy blue and much like a beam from his eyes Y,N lets out a grunt of pain as the silver beam made direct contact with the Grimm and right before 18 and Gero's eyes, the Grimm's body completely vaporizes leaving behind nothing but dust* That was quite the exercise, we should do it again sometime in the future doctor.    

18: *nods* Great job brother, even after being locked away in a cyro-freeze we're still the best duo this entire continent has ever seen.  

Y,N: *chuckles* You took the words right out of me mouth sis. And now with these silver eye abilities, we'll only become more deadly. 

18: *smirks* Son Goku better be scared, as soon enough we'll be unleashed upon the outside world and he'll nowhere to run or hide from us. 


Doctor Gero: *claps* Great job, I must say bravo on your skills as a duo and even as individuals. *frowns* However, I specifically stated to defeat the Grimm with your silver-eyed powers alone! 

Y,N: *shrugs* Sorry doctor, I guess we got carried away in the heat of battle. After all, we only get to be let out of those metallic coffins every few months at minimum.   

18: *brushes the hair out of her left eye* He's right doctor. You barely let us get to have fun, meaning we have to make our own and cherish every single moment outside of the hellish cooler you place us into once we've outlived your usefulness or training. 

Doctor Gero: *his eyes narrows and his voice becomes deadly serious* I will not stand insubordination or attitude! Back to your pods NOW! Or I will get the zapper and force you in myself! 

Y,N: I wouldn't say this is "insubordination" doctor. This is simply us voicing our own opinions upon our treatment. 

Doctor Gero: *grits his teeth together and snarls* I made both of you, and I can easily destroy both of you as well! 

18: *scoffs* I highly doubt that doctor, especially with the powers you've given us such as these silver eyes, an infinite energy generator, and an infinite dust generator. 

Doctor Gero: *gulps with realization, before coughing and regaining his calm composure* I apologize for that outburst, my burning vengeance for Son Goku must have blinded me from seeing your complaints. While your in stasis, I'll take your complaints into consideration and see what I can do about them. 

Y,N: I hope so doctor, otherwise your star creations aren't going to be sticking around for much longer. 

18: Especially when there's so much out there to see and do.....

*Doctor Gero's eyes widen in shock and his fear kicked into overdrive as he knew he was losing control of both twins, their minds were too rebellious and their thoughts always drifted back to their foggy past and the outside world. Much like actual annoying, snot-nosed brats, 17 and 18 both wanted to explore the wonders of the outside world and see what it had to offer, while finding and killing Son Goku. Yet, Gero wouldn't allow it, not when they were perfectly constructed yet! They weren't finished yet nor did he have any sort of countermeasure to deactivate or shut them off once they eliminated Son Goku, meaning once they finished their primary objective what kept them from destroying the entire planet? These thoughts ran through Gero's consciousness like an out of control subway train and his neutral expression turned into a grimace as he realized he had to make something besides the zapper to keep these android delinquents in line, unless they became more brazen and attacked him or even killed him in order to escape the lab.* 

Doctor Gero: Like I said, I'll take your complaints into consideration and see what I can do while you're in stasis. *walks back to the main section of the lab with 17 and 18 right behind him, as the siblings put away their weapons Gero thinks about possibly countermeasures on how to deactivate or outright destroy the duo if they ever became bold* Anyway, I'll re-activate both of you within the next few months as there's another upgrade I wish to preform on both of you.  

Y,N: *climbs into his pod and thinks as the door shuts and his vision becomes cold and foggy* I-I hope this is the last time I'm in this damn thing! *looks over to 18* T-Take care sister. I'll see you once we get out of these damned coffins! 

18: *climbs into her pod and closes her eyes as everything slows to a crawl, before stopping completely* Until we meet again brother. At least, you'll always be in my dreams. 

Y,N: *thinks with a smirk before he falls into cyro-sleep* That bastard Gero better keep his word, otherwise me and 18 are leaving this place and never coming back......because his entire lab will be nothing than a smoldering crater on the side of this mountain!

Doctor Gero: *smirks as the pods fully close and leaves the old and withering man to his own devices, yet before starting work on a device that would remotely shut down both 17 and 18, an even more genius idea entered his robust brain* I need something more than just a simple remote, as one of those brats could easily swipe the device right out of my hand and destroy it! No, I need something more! *smirks devilishly* Oh-ho Gero you genius! *looks towards the frozen 17 and 18* If I can't control either of you while human.......I'll simply have to overpower you both as a fellow Android! 

*The screen fades to black as Doctor Gero walks off with a newfound mission clearly in mind, his insane and warped mental state deducing that the only way to reign in the growing rebellion growing within 17 and 18 is to become an Android like both of them, and overpower both of the siblings to show them who is clearly at the top of the pecking order. All the while, within the outside world both the forces of light and shadow are in constant battle with one another, Ozpin and soldiers of light never gaining nor getting an inch from Salem and her pawns of darkness. Yet, how will the introduction of two rebellious and extremely powerful Android's change the very balance of light and darkness within Remnant? Will the Android's even be interested in joining a war of light vs darkness or will they simply remain neutral during it all? Will Gero be able to enact his long awaited revenge against Son Goku via himself or the Android's? Well stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of The Cyberized Twins of Remnant!* 

And that's a wrap and I hope you all massively enjoyed the Prologue chapter and are hyped for the next chapter which includes Gero's robotization/swift demise from Y,N, the sibling Android's destroying Gero's lab and beginning their trek to finding and killing Son Goku, and freeing everyone's favorite bird obsessed android, 16. Additionally stay tuned as tomorrow I will be publishing Yang's Lemon chapter for Warped Reality. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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