Prologue: Goodbye Cursed Life, Hello Chaos

The world as of now is in total chaos. With the rise of the Culling Games due to Kenjaku, many innocent lives were dragged into it. Cursed Spirits, incarnated sorcerers and modern sorcerers who awakened their Cursed Technique fought in this death match. All for the great merger that would begin soon after. But there are Jujutsu Sorcerers who would fight back to put an end to all this madness.

However, the return of Sukuna caught everyone by surprise. Now in possession of Megumi Fushigoro's body, no one could stop him. But there was a sliver of hope. The strongest sorcerer of the modern era, Satoru Gojo, broke out of the prison realm thanks to the efforts of his students for finding the Angel.

The battle between the Strongest Sorcerer of Today vs the Strongest Sorcerer in History was a battle of the titans. Both fighters pulled out all the stops on each other. It got even more chaotic when Sukuna used the Ten Shadows to summon Megumi's Shikigami and Mahoraga. The stakes rose even higher, yet Satoru Gojo was able to take them out with a more powerful Hollow Purple.

Just when victory was assured, the King of Curses shocked everyone by bypassing Infinity using Mahoraga and sliced Gojo in half, killing him. All hope seemed to be lost. Hajime Kashimo stepped up to fight Sukuna, using his Mythical Beast Amber to push past his limits. But once again, Sukuna shook everyone to their core as he regained his true form and killed him.

Not even Higurama's Executioner's Sword or Maki's Heavenly Restriction were enough to put him down, with the latter fatally wounded. It all came down to a prodigy second to Satoru Gojo, and it just so happened to be one of his students. The cursed child, Yuta Okkotsu, was next to fight against the King of Curses. Having just killed Kenjaku, the swordsman would have to use everything in his arsenal to compete against Sukuna.

It was a battle that could result in either life or death.

The sounds of clashing and rubble being destroyed can be heard throughout the battlefield. Yuta was on the offensive as he didn't let up his assault against Sukuna, who was either blocking or dodging his katana. The teen growled under his breath as he went for a feint yet the monster predicted it and countered delivering nasty punch to the gut sending Yuta back.

Seeing as how badly he was getting hurt, he shakily got up using his katana as support. He looked over to the side to see his comrade, Yuji Itadori, currently unconscious. To his other side laid Maki Zenin who was slowly bleeding to death from Sukuna's Black Flash.

Sukuna: "I must say brat, you've got guts. You've managed to entertain me and give me a good fight despite me being damaged. But you're also a nuisance."

Yuta: "D-Damn it! He's too strong! I've almost reached my limit... I can't summon Rika anymore with my reserves so low... But... I have to keep going! Everyone is counting on me! I won't let everyone's deaths go in vain!!!! My last resort... is THAT!"

Sukuna: "Well boy? Got any last words before I end this drawn out battle?" The King of Curses grinned as he stepped towards Yuta.

Yuta: "Yeah... I do... I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU JUST YET!!!"

Feeling the change of cursed energy from Yuta, Sukuna grinned ear to ear knowing his prey isn't out of the fight yet. He opened his arms wide and laughed.



The terrain around them changed as the two fighters were transported into an enclosed space made by Yuta. All around them were cross like structures littered with katanas. The sky was encircled by ropes tied together in a fashion of symbolic love. Yuta picked up a katana and glared at Sukuna who kept his grin.

Yuta: "This ends now!"

With sudden movement, Yuta blitzed towards Sukuna who was surprised by the increase in speed. The boy slashed at his torso and immediately a cursed technique was activated.

Yuta: "THIN ICE BREAKER!" With the slash of his katana, along with the amplification of cursed energy, breach through Sukuna's defenses and damage his torso.

A shatter effect occured in sky's surface, blowing Sukuna away. He growled and swiped one of his arms to use Cleave. However Yuta was too fast as his overall stats and abilities were buffed from his domain. Grabbing another katana, he slashed at Sukuna again, activating another technique and ensuring the sure hit effect. Snake eyes and fangs appeared around Yuta's mouth as he activated Cursed Speech.

Yuta: "GET CRUSHED!!!!"

With his words amplified with cursed energy, his words came true as Sukuna grunted and felt like his whole body was being crushed. But he wasn't like normal Cursed Spirits who would die instantly, he resisted but found it hard to move. Despite the injuries he was receiving, he smiled seeing another challenger worthy of his praise. Finding the strength to move his arms, Sukuna made the hand signs to unleash a torrent of slashes and slices towards Yuta.

The swordsman grabbed another katana and used another technique, Clairvoyance, that he got from Charles who fought Hakari. Seeing into the future for a brief moment, Yuta dodged the slashes and delivered a onslaught of swings from his katana.

This kept on going for a while, stopping Sukuna in his tracks, predicting where he is going to slash, and hurt him with a new cursed technique. What he did surprised and shocked Sukuna as Yuta pointed his katana at him and felt his body being slashed all over.

Yuta: "CLEAVE!!!!"

Sukuna: "This is... my technique! This brat... Hehe... Hehehehe! HAHAHAHAHA!!! So he has one of my fingers and copied my own move! I should be upset and angry, but this excites me even more! Now you've truly fascinated me, Yuta Okkotsu!"

Hit after hit, Yuta rained down Cleave and Dismantle endlessly upon Sukuna. Even going as far as to use Angel's technique, Jacob's Ladder. Beams of light hit Sukuna dead on, causing the King of Curses to yell out in pain from the holy light. Using all he has got, Yuta closed the gap between them and reeled his fist back and lunched it. Just before it hit its mark, his fist flashed black and landed a critical hit to Sukuna's face.

Yuta: "BLACK FLASH!!!!"

Yuta wasn't done as he timed it again and landed another Black Flash to the King of Curse's heart. The impact made him cough out blood before he was interrupted by another Black Flash. The young man panted as he felt himself awaken by the experience of using Black Flash more than once. It was time to end it as he didn't have much left.

Clenching onto his ring, he summoned Rika once more as the cursed spirit wrapped her arms around her lover.

Rika: "Yuuuutaaa~ Is it time?"

Yuta: "Yes, Rika... It's time to end this battle... Please, give me everything. I'll give you my future, my dreams, my everything. Lend me your strength, one last time..." He glanced over at his cursed bride, and kissed her on her lips, knowing it could be his final moments.

Rika: "Yuta.... YUTA!!!! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!!!!" She screamed ecstatic and happy as her eye opened up, removing the limit of her power.

Their Cursed Energy flared up tremendously as Sukuna watched in glee and laughed out loud.

Sukuna: "Is this your last move, Okkotsu?! How grand! Then allow me to return the favor! DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME!!!"

Both fighters flared their Cursed Energy to their maximum, ready to unleash their final move. Sukuna conjured up flames in his arms and made a bow and arrow motion, about to use his Fuga. Yuta charged up his Love Beam as he aimed the blast at the Disgraced One.

The two of them stared down at each other. This was the decisive blow to determine who wins. Once both of their respective moves charged at their max, they unleashed all they had. The two attacks collided and as a result a huge explosion occurred, a mix of orange red and purple pink. Anything within the radius of the attack was destroyed. Because of the power being released, the domain crumbled and shattered.

Now brought back into reality, smoke covered the entire area. Who won the struggle? When the smoke died down, Yuta was panting heavily barely able to stand. His katana blade shattered into pieces and no longer usable. His appearance all battered and bruised, as well as exhausted from using all of his cursed energy.

Yuta: "It's... over...." He had done. He won and defeated Sukuna. But...

???: "Yes... It's over... For you that is..."

Suddenly, Yuta gasped as he felt something go through his chest. To his horror, it was Sukuna who punched a hole through his chest, albeit the King of Curses was even more damaged than before, losing half of his face and arms. His torso almost mangled.

Yuta: "H-How...? H-How did y-you escape...?" He asked with troubled breaths.

Sukuna: "That attack of yours nearly killed me. Had I not found an escape route and masked my cursed energy, I would be dead. But alas, this is where it ends."

In a flash, Sukuna removed his arm from the hole he made in Yuta's chest, making the boy cough out lots of blood. He didn't have the strength to use Reverse Cursed Technique, he had nothing left. The King of Curses threw his body away near Maki, who couldn't believe Yuta lost and is about to die.

Maki: "Y-Yuta....! N-No... Please no! This can't be true!"

The scarred girl weakly crawled her way towards the dying swordsman, ignoring the pain in her body. She didn't care. She wanted to be with Yuta. She gently held his hand and couldn't help but tear up.

Maki: "Y-Yuta..."

Yuta: "M-Maki... I-I'm sorry... I guess.... I wasn't enough to stop him..." He weakly coughed out.

Maki: "N-No...! Don't say that, you idiot...! We can... still get to you to safety...!"

Yuta: "Maki..."

Maki: "We can get Shoko to heal you up! It will be fine!"

Yuta: "Maki..."


Yuta: "MAKI!"

The girl gasped and stopped what she was doing. Seeing how the boy she grew a crush on was dying made her feel pathetic. If she wasn't in this state, she would've helped him. It was as if fate was playing a cruel joke all over again.

Yuta: "M-Maki... It's okay... I did what I could..." He weakly lifted up his hand, seeing his ring broken into pieces. Above him in the sky, he could see Rika smiling down at him, waiting for him to join her.

Maki: "I-I can't forgive myself... It's my fault I'm so weak that I couldn't help you... Because of that, you're going to die..." She choked on her words as tears fell from her face.

Yuta: "If this is how I die... I have no regrets... If we're dying... We're dying together... I love you... Maki..."

Maki: "Yuta..."

The two sorcerers weakly moved their heads closer to each other. Their faces inches away until... they kissed.

The two lovers kissed each other until they ran out of breath. Maki smiled until her eyes closed, signifying she died. Yuta smiled as he felt the life fading away from him.

Yuta: "I'm sorry... Everyone... I did what I could... Forgive me, Inumaki, Panda, Gojo sensei... Itadori, it's all up to you... I'll leave everything to you... Win and kill Sukuna... You're the only... one... left..."

Sukuna looked at the now deceased bodies of Yuta and Maki, a neutral expression rests on his face.

Sukuna: "In all my years, I have never fought someone as talented and remarkable as you. A true prodigy. You have given me the challenge of a lifetime, equal to that of Satoru Gojo. You were magnificent, Yuta Okkotsu. I shall never forget you for as long as I live. Stand proud, you are strong."

On that day... Yuta Okkotsu and Maki Zenin have died together. The King of Curses has given his praise to the young sorcerer. The future of the world now rests in Yuji Itadori's hands. Will he carry on his comrade's wishes and defeat Sukuna, or will he too fall?

But this isn't where Yuta's story ends. Nor is it the end for his beloved Maki and Rika. It was only just the beginning. In a black void, three souls were floating around. Those sounds being Yuta, Maki and Rika. Suddenly, they were turned into orbs and whisked away by an unknown force. A bright light filled up the void, obscuring what can be seen.

Chirping... The sound of waves hitting the shore... Rays of sunshine... Those are the things that are filling someone's vision and hearing. That being none other than Yuta Okkotsu. He opened his eyes slowly and groaned.

Yuta: "W-What...? What happened? Am I... in the afterlife?" He shook and held his head, slowly picking himself up from the sand. When he looked down at himself, he was confused. He saw that his ring was fixed and he felt... younger?

He took a look in the water and was surprised at what he saw in his reflection.

He looked exactly like his old self during his first year at Jujutsu High!

Yuta: "H-Huh?! I-I'm younger now! How is this possible?"

Confused as to what's going on, he noticed that even his katana was with him and repaired. And he wasn't alone as he heard groaning too. Laying next to him was Maki, who he was relieved to see.

Yuta: "MAKI!"

Maki: "Ugh... Pipe it down, I'm trying to sleep..."

Yuta: "Maki, wake up!"

Groaning in annoyance, the girl reluctantly opened her eyes and was confused too. When she regained her sight, she immediately hugged Yuta.

Maki: "You big idiot! How can you let yourself get killed?! I-I thought I would lose you for good..."

Yuta: "I'm here now Maki... I'm not going anywhere..."

The two of them smiled and kissed each other again, lovers reunited. However, it was cut short when Maki noticed one thing.

Maki: "Uh, Yuta? Why do you look like yourself in our first year?"

Yuta: "I'm just as confused as you are, Maki. I don't feel any weaker as I still have my current strength. Maybe the same happened to you?"

Maki: "Who knows? I doubt this is heaven cause you'd expect white clouds all around and pearly gates. Where even are we?"

Yuta: "I don't know... If we're not in the afterlife, where in the world did we end up in?"

Do you all want Maki to keep her scars or want her normal look before she got burned?

Did I cook with the prologue? Let me know what you all think.

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