Adventure Arc: Episode 3

Last time in The Cursed Swordsman, our resident sorcerers were adjusting to their new lives in Mobius. One night, Yuta and Sonic were having a jog around Station Square when they noticed a commotion going on. What appeared to be a monster made of water was wreaking havoc and the police aren't able to do a thing to it.

Arriving to the scene, Yuta and Sonic battled against the mysterious foe. Working together, they were able to subdue it for a brief moment before it escaped. Unknown to them, they were being watched by the Sonic's old nemesis, Dr. Eggman. His focus shifted to the young sorcerer, curious as to who he is and what he possesses.

After the ordeal with the aquatic beast, things were normal for the most part until Yuta noticed that the world around him stopped, as if time was frozen. He was suddenly transported to an unknown area which looked to be a temple and met a woman named Tikal the Echidna. Before they could engage in a conversation, he was brought back to the real world, questioning if what he expected was real or not.

An incoming threat is upon them. Will our heroes succeed or fail?

Third Person P.O.V

A day has passed since their encounter with the water monster. Yuta was barely able to get some sleep as questions pondered around in his mind. What was that creature? Where did it come from? Where was he transported to? And who is Tikal? All these questions racing around made him restless. But with a few convincing words from Sonic, he was able to get some shut eye.

The morning sun rises, signaling a new day around Station Square. The residents woke up and went about their day. As for our duo in question, they can be seen sleeping outside a resort by the poolside on a couple of chairs. They slept peacefully until a loud noise disrupted them. Waking up groggy, the pair groaned and rubbed their eyes to see what was causing all that racket.

Sonic: "Urrrgh.... What's with the lousy noise? I'm trying to get some shut eye..."

Yuta: "Beats me... Huh? W-What the?!"

The young sorcerer's regained his vision and his eyed widened in shock. Up in the air they see a plane flying around out of control. But it wasn't the plane that caught his attention. It was the two people who were on it and were having trouble. They were none other than Tails and Maki.

Sonic: "Is that... Tails?!"

Yuta: "And Maki?!"

Sonic: "Watch out! You're both gonna crash!!! Ahh!"

They both winced when they heard the sound of the plane crashing down. Sonic sighed while Yuta was worried.

Sonic: "Oh man, Tails... What am I gonna do with you?"

Yuta: "I hope they're both okay. Come on, we have to go check on them!"

Sonic: "Right behind you!"

The duo nodded as they sat up and ran off to rescue their friend/lover. They arrived in Emerald Coast where they traversed the entire beach. Along the way, they ran through loops and went through dark caverns. Even going as far as running away from a killer whale that was chasing them. The large aquatic animal smashing through the wooden bridges to chomp down on the boy and hedgehog. 

Luckily, Yuta and Sonic escaped from the orca and continued their run. It wouldn't take long as they reached their destination. Upon arrival, they see the wrecked plane and two familiar faces. Sonic went up to a dazed Tails and helped the fox boy up. Yuta quickly checked on Maki as the scarred woman held her head but was fine. She smiled seeing Yuta and was helped up to her feet. The quartet left the beach and returned to the resort.

Tails: "Sonic, Yuta! Long time no see, huh?"

Sonic: "We're just glad you're both okay."

Maki: "Hmph, it's gonna take a lot more than a plane crash to keep me down."

Yuta: "What happened anyway? You're a great pilot to just crash like that, Tails."

Tails: "That was a test run using a new prototype propulsion system. It's got a few bugs to iron out."

Sonic: "Why not just use my plane, The Tornado?"

Tails: "Thanks, but you gotta check out my newest power supply. Maki, do you got it on you?"

Maki: "Sure do. Feast your eyes on this!" She dug into her pocket and pulled out a gem. But it wasn't no ordinary gem, it was one of the 7 Chaos Emeralds, a purple one at that. Both Yuta and Sonic are surprised seeing it in their possession.

Yuta: "Is that... a Chaos Emerald?"

Tails: "Yep! We happened to found one of the 7 Chaos Emeralds during one of my test flights. This thing's got unlimited power, ya know? So I figured, why not use it to power my plane? Super charged!"

Maki: "Yet that power caused us going haywire. There's still some things to tune out, so it's a work I progress. But for the most part, everything seems to be going well."

Yuta: "Still, with something like that in hand could spill trouble. It's best to keep it safe in a secured space."

Tails: "I understand, Yuta. But that reminds me. You both should come to my workshop! There's something I've been working on that I wanted to show you. It's in the Mystic Ruins. The fastest way is by train. Come on!" He exclaimed excitedly as he flew off.

Sonic: "Geez, he's sure excited about this surprise."

Yuta: "You can say that again. But he is still a kid."

Maki: "Well, what are we waiting for? I know the way to the Mystic Ruins so follow me."

The trio walked away from the resort, making their way to the train station. It was awfully busy and full with so many passengers coming and going. Yet, they managed to board a train and traveled to the Mystic Ruins. During the ride, Sonic dozed off while Yuta and Maki were conversing with each other, talking about what they have been up to. Turns out the young woman was helping out with Tails in his workshop with the heavy lifting and gathering materials.

The train ride would take a while, catching up with some other things. Though, they were both glad to see each other again. After a minutes, they group finally arrived at the Mystic Ruins. They boarded off the train and followed Maki towards the workshop. They managed to catch up with Tails who waited for them, but were stopped when they saw a figure floating down in front of them in an aircraft.

Eggman: "Hahahaha! If it isn't Sonic!"

Sonic: "Look! It's a giant talking egg!" He retorted back.

Maki: "Just who is this joker?"

Eggman: "Silence! I am Dr. Robotnik, the greatest scientific genius in the world!"

Yuta: "Robotnik... Wait a minute! Is this that Eggman guy you all were talking about?!"

Tails: "Correct. He's been our arch enemy for as long as we can remember."

Maki: "Must've sounded like a huge pain in the ass."

Eggman: "Enough! I've got big plans, and I'm gonna out them into motion!"

Tails: "You're always up to no good. Now what do you want?"

Eggman: "What I want are the 7 Chaos Emeralds! You better not interfere, or else!"

Yuta: "And what makes you think we'll let you do that?"

Eggman: "Ah, just who I was expecting to see. At last, we meet face to face boy. Who might you and the girl be?"

Yuta: "The name's Yuta Okkotsu, and I presume you must be Dr. Eggman."

Maki: "Maki Zenin, and we've heard quite a lot about you."

Eggman: "Really now? Well, I hope from these rodents they're good things. How about a proposition? You piqued my interest during last night's scuffle. Why not join me? With your supernatural abilities and my genius mind, we can rule all of Mobius as Kings and of course as Queen. What do you say?"

Sonic and Tails looked over worriedly at Yuta and Maki, wondering what their response was going to be. Eggman smiled and held out his hand in anticipation.

Yuta: "Is that all? Sorry but... I'm going to have to respectfully decline."

Maki: "Same here. Not interested in this taking over the world bullcrap."

The two Mobians smiled while Eggman frowned clicked his tongue.

Eggman: "What a shame. I was hoping you would at least consider. But since you declined, that makes you brats now my enemies. Very well, I shall take the Emeralds from you by force... the hard way!"

The doctor moved his aircraft and floated down behind the platform they were on. He soon rose to reveal he connected his hoverchair into a machine he is now piloting, the Egg Hornet.

Sonic was about to confront Eggman when Yuta put his hand in front of the blue hedgehog.

Yuta: "Let us take care of him. We'll take it from here."

Maki: "Leave it to us. You just watch over the Chaos Emerald, got it?"

Tails: "R-Roger!"

Sonic: "Alright, if you two say so."

Vs Egg Hornet

Eggman: "I will not go easy on you two brats! Remember that you are now my enemy!"

Yuta: "Let's show him what we Jujutsu Sorcerers can do, Maki!"

Maki: "Right, let's kick his ass, Yuta!"

The doctor piloted his machine as he flew around rocky terrain. Setting his sights on the two teenagers, he opened fire and unleashed a barrage of missiles. Yuta was the first to react as he dashed off relatively fast. Eggman was surprised at the boy's speed that he didn't notice that his missiles were already cut into pieces and exploded.

Next was Maki as the scarred woman used her immense physical prowess to blitz towards the Egg Hornet and knock it down into the ground. The doctor was shocked. How could a girl like her have such immense strength without the aid of any supernatural ability? He was knocked out of his thoughts when he saw the Zenin female slowly walk up to him with an uncaring expression. She kicked the Egg Hornet up high with Eggman screaming.

Yuta spun his katana and sliced off the drills coming from the sides of the Egg Hornet. They weren't giving him any breathing room as Eggman started to panic. As a last ditch effort, he tried to ram them both with all systems at full power. But this battle had reached its end. It was completely one sided. Yuta and Maki punched it back hard, the former using cursed energy to enhance his strength, and the latter using only her immense power. The Egg Hornet broke apart, leaving only Eggman in his hoverchair, defeated.

Yuta: "Kinda boring when it's that easy."

Maki: "That's it? What a waste of time."

Stage Clear!

Sonic and Tails watched the entire battle unfold from the sidelines, if you can even call it a battle. It was a one sided massacre. They knew they weren't taking it seriously. It was only a fraction of what they can do. They saw how more focused they were when they encountered the Cursed Spirits the first time they met compared to today.

Eggman groaned in pain and defeat. His hovercraft slightly dented and his suit dirty. He didn't know what was more embarrassing. The fact he got beaten by mere teenagers, or that he wasn't able to do a thing. However, he wasn't done just yet. From the corner of his eye, he saw Tails running up to them. And that moment was all he needed. With a glint from his glasses, he pushed a button and made a metal hand appear, snatching the Chaos Emerald from the unsuspecting fox.

Sonic: "No!"

Maki: "Damn it! He's got the Emerald!"

Eggman: "Come on out, Chaos! It's time to eat!"

Yuta: "Chaos?"

Their eyes paid attention to a forming puddle that began moving towards Eggman. A figure rose from it as Yuta and Sonic's eyes widened. It was the same monster from last night that they had fought.

Sonic: "Isn't that the same monster we fought the other day?"

Yuta: "What's it doing here?"

Without wasting time, Eggman threw the purple Chaos Emerald at the now named Chaos. The water monster absorbed it into his body and began to evolve. Chaos grew a bit taller, but the most notable difference is the line of bones that travels down his right arm into his hand.

Sonic: "No way!"

Tails: "It can't be!"

Yuta: "Did he just..."

Maki: "He absorbed the Chaos Emerald and got more stronger!"

Eggman: "It's just as the stone tablets predicted! His strength increases everytime I feed him a Chaos Emerald! With all 7 Emeralds in him, I will be invincible with him at my side! Soon, we will destroy Station Square! And on its ruins, I will build Eggmanland, the ultimate empire! I will rule it all!"

Yuta: "Not if we stop you first!" He shouted as he was about to rush towards them.

Eggman: "Come along, Chaos! Let's didn't another Emerald, shall we?"

The doctor smirked as he threw a flashbang onto the ground, temporarily blinding everyone. When the light and ringing died down, Eggman was nowhere to be seen. He had escaped along with Chaos.

Yuta: "Damn it!"

Maki: "Fat bastard... He's a clever one, I will admit that."

Tails: "What do we do? We can't let him away with this, can we?"

Sonic: "Not a chance!"

Yuta: "If we can get the Chaos Emeralds before Eggman does, then that means we can prevent Chaos from ever evolving."

Maki: "Then it looks like we got ourselves a treasure hunt. How do we go about this?"

Tails: "What how about we split into two teams? Sonic and I will search at one spot and Yuta and Maki can search at another place? We can cover more ground that way."

Sonic: "We can kill two birds with one stone. Sounds like a solid game plan."

Yuta: "Divide and Conquer, huh? Sounds good enough for me."

Maki: "Agreed. Come on, we're nursing daylight. Let's get a move on."

The two groups split up in search for the few remaining Chaos Emeralds. Right when when they were about to leave, Yuta's perspective of the world stopped. Time was frozen once again. Appearing in front of him was the same red orb from last time. A bright light filled his vision as he was brought to another area. This time around, he was at some kind of altar surrounded by water.

Yuta: "What in the world? Just what is going on? Are those... the Chaos Emeralds? Must be some altar for them." He muttered to himself, unsure what to make of the situation.

His ears heard a distinct chatter as he turned around to see Tikal again. But they weren't alone. In front of them were a little group of unknown creatures that looked identical.

Tikal: "You're the... Chao." She spoke as she walked up to them.

The now identified creatures, known as the Chao, saw her approach them and backed away in caution. She gasped but smiled softly.

Tikal: "Don't be afraid. You're safe with me."

Her motherly tone and gentle voice eased the Chao's worries. They floated towards the female Echidna and chirped happily. She picked one up and smiled, though she didn't expect for all of them to surround her. Their attention, including Yuta's, was drawn to something else. They heard the sound of water droplets coming from the water. A figure rose from it.

Tikal was confused but not Yuta. The sorcerer knew that familiar figure. It was Chaos. Before he can say anything, he was brought back to reality. Maki, who looked at her lover that was frozen in place, waved her hand in front of his face.

Maki: "Hey! Hey, Earth to Yuta!"

Yuta: "H-Huh?! W-What? Maki?"

Maki: "You deaf or something? I've been calling your name and you've been stiff like a statue for a while. Everything okay?"

Yuta: "Y-Yeah... I'm okay. Just thinking about something is all."

Maki: "Okay... But if it's bothering you, don't hesitate to ask for help. Remember, we're in this together." She said as she held his hand.

Yuta: "Right... Together." He smiled at her and held her hand tightly.

She rolled her eyes but smiled back. The two shared a kiss before they took their leave. It was now a race against time. Will they get the Emeralds before Eggman does? Only time will tell.

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