Adventure Arc: Episode 1

Last time in The Cursed Swordsman, Yuta Okkotsu fought with everything he had against the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna. Pulling out all the stops and no longer holding back to put an end to the chaos happening to his world. But alas it wasn't enough as Sukuna survived Yuta's final attack and killed the boy, ending his life. Yet out of respect for his strength, the King of Curses praised him, declaring Yuta one of the strongest sorcerers he has ever fought.

Shocked that Yuta had lost and is about to die, Maki Zenin rushed to his aid despite her own fatal injuries and potential death. The two of them cherished their final moments together, confessing their love and died in each other's arms. All that's left to defeat Sukuna is Yuji Itadori, who now carries their will. Thus marks the end of Yuta Okkotsu... However, fate has other plans for the two deceased sorcerers.

The two of them woke up to someplace they've never seen before. And to their shock, they were a year younger, donning their appearances in their first year of Jujutsu High. Though Maki is an exception as she kept her scars and short hair. Another thing is that they kept their current strength despite being younger.

What will the two of them do now? Find out as their new life begins....


Third Person P.O.V

New York, Station Square. A large metropolitan area filled to the brim with civilians and cars passing by. The people were going about their day either heading to work or going sightseeing. But that isn't our main focus. Our main focus is centered around two certain sorcerers. Those being Yuta Okkotsu and Maki Zenin as they walked among the crowd and surveyed their surroundings.

Yuta: "Look at this place. It's as big as Shibuya or Tokyo."

Maki: "These signs don't make any sense. It's not in Japanese so I'll take a shot in the dark and say we're in another country."

Yuta: "But I don't understand. I'm certain we both died. But here we are, alive and well in some other country. What's going on?"

The two of them thought for a moment and replayed the events that transpired. They were fighting Sukuna, had a final stand off and died in each other's arms. The next thing they knew, they woke up in a beach all healed as if nothing happened. It was all mind boggling until Maki came to a sudden realization.

Maki: "Maybe we did died... And then we were reincarnated?"

Yuta: "Reincarnation? But that would be impossible."

The scarred girl sighed as she understood her partner's confusion. "I'm just as lost as you are, but it's the only conclusion we have so far. How else would you explain that we're now a year younger?"

Yuta: "I.... I guess you do have a point. But if we're really reborn... Then that means everyone else is on their own. We're by ourselves in a different world..."

The baggy eyed boy looked down sadly as he balled his fist. He was disappointed and angry at himself for not being able to finish off the King of Curses. He fought with everything but felt like he failed everyone. Maki grew concerned seeing Yuta's face and gently brought him in a hug.

Maki: "Don't blame yourself you big dummy. It isn't your fault. You gave everything to tear that bastard a new one. You're the strongest sorcerer I know and still are. So quit your moping and get up. We'll figure this out together."

Hearing those words come out of Maki made Yuta calmed down and smiled. He hugged her back to which surprised her a bit and made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

Yuta: "Thanks, Maki. I needed that." He flashed her a warm smile.

Maki: "D-Don't mention it, idiot." "God, why does he have to look so cute?!" She internally cursed and looked away blushing.

The two pulled back and continued their search around the city. Bit by bit, they gained more info about where exactly they are at. From the newspapers and jumbotron, they learned they are in the United States, more accurately in New York City. Seeing as how there isn't any imminent danger, they took the time to relax and explore a bit more. For once in their lives, they felt at ease, no feeling burdened by the role of being a sorcerer and killing Curses.

While the two teenagers are having their own fun, something else was happening within the city. Near the outskirts of the beach, a blue blur was zipping by leaving a trail of sand behind. Soon after, a swarm of flying robots were chasing after the blur with their claws pinching. The blue blur stopped in their tracks to reveal itself an anthropomorphic hedgehog with white gloves, wearing red and white shoes.

???: "Alright you tin cans! I think you've caused enough trouble for one day. Tell good ol' Egghead that he's gotta try harder to stop me!" He cockily remarked.

Unphased by the hedgehog's comment, the robots continued getting closer to him making groan and roll his eyes. But he regained his smirk as he rolled into a ball and spindashed towards a row of robots, destroying them. More arrived as they extended their arms to snap him with their claws but he jumped in the air and used a Homing Attack, destroying them and leaving scrap parts.

The hedgehog chuckled and rubbed his nose, gloating his victory. However he failed to noticed more of the robots coming to attack him from behind. Just before they could get any closer, they were smacked away by two yellow tails. The hedgehog looked over at the downed robots and smiled looking up.

???: "Perfect timing, Tails."

A yellow twin tailed fox flew down from the sky as he smiled and rubbed his head. "You should be more aware of your surroundings, Sonic."

Sonic: "What's wrong with a little showing off? You know well enough we always come out on top."

Tails: "I know that, Sonic. But you know how relentless Eggman can be. And his robots are more active than usual today."

Sonic: "You thinkin' he hatched up another one of his schemes? If that's the case let's rain on his parade."

Tails: "We can't go charging in just yet. If something were to happen we would've known by now. Our best course of action is to let our friends know too."

Sonic: "When you put it like that, you make a good point. Alright little buddy, let's go with your plan." He gave the fox a thumbs up.

Tails: "Thanks, Sonic. But I do wonder what's got Eggman so active?"

The blue hedgehog shrugged his shoulders as he looked over to the side and see more robots coming. They were completely surrounded as the two animals were back to back.

Sonic: "We can talk more about this later. Right now let's take these buckets of bolts to the scrap heap! Ready partner?" He grinned at Tails.

Tails: "You can count on me!" He nodded his head in determination.

Just as they were about to confront the robots, a red blur came crashing down into the sand near them. Sonic and Tails covered their eyes and coughed, unable to see. Once the dust cloud went away, they saw a red bipedal echidna with large gloves and spikes on his hands.

Tails: "Knuckles!"

Sonic: "Way to crash the party, knucklehead." He teased.

Knuckles: "Oh quiet you. I've tracked down those robots because they've been a nuisance on my island. And I won't leave a single scrap behind." The echidna punched his fists together, cracking his neck.

Sonic: "Uh oh, someone's grumpy~ Care to help us knucklehead?"

Tails: "We could use the extra help, if you don't mind that is?"

Knuckles: "Whatever, as long as those robots stop pestering me."

The trio stood together and rushed at the robots, entering an all out brawl. While they are busy fighting, let's cut back to Yuta and Maki. Speaking of them, the two had just finished taking a stroll at the local park. They were laughing and holding each other's hands, enjoying each other's company.

Maki: "Haha, gotta say those street performers entertaining." She chuckled softly.

Yuta: "Haha, yeah. Especially those breakdancers and musicians. They were amazing to watch and listen to." He laughed a bit.

Maki: "I haven't been this relaxed in like... ever. Probably the first time I ever get to enjoy myself."

Yuta: "Me too. Instead of worrying about everything, I get to be normal for once."

The two sorcerers felt a sense of ease wash over them. For the first time in their lives, they can be normal teenagers and enjoy their lives to the fullest. Maki leaned on Yuta's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. The two looked at each other and stared into their eyes before they kissed again.

This time it felt different. It felt right. They weren't in mortal danger nor was it their final moments. It was just them getting to express how they truly feel about one another. They locked lips for a good couple seconds before they needed to grab air.

Sadly, the moment was cut short when an explosion occurred in the distance. They see a dust cloud just near the outskirts of Emerald Coast.

Maki: "What the hell was that?"

Yuta: "I don't know, but it could be trouble. Come on, let's go investigate."

The duo ran off quickly to see what the commotion was about. Back with the Mobians, they destroyed the last of robots as they were broken into many parts. Sonic and Tails high fived each other while Knuckles huffs and dusts off his hands.

Sonic: "And that's how we do it!"

Tails: "Alright, we did it!"

Knuckles: "That seems to be end of that. If that's all, I'll be returning to Angel Island."

Sonic: "Leaving already Knucks? Why don't you stay a little longer and relax?"

Knuckles: "I have no time for that you moron. If I leave the Master Emerald unguarded then that blasted doctor would take the chance to get his grubby hands on it. I cannot let that happen."

Sonic: "Geez, you're no fun."

Tail: "U-Um... guys? W-What is that?!" He pointed out something that made him afraid.

The two mobians looked at where Tail was pointing and their eyes widened in shock. Floating in front of them appeared to be a school of black fish with big eyes. They didn't even see them coming. Where did they come from?

"H-Hungry... Very hungry... Must find l-lunch..."

Tails: "W-What the heck are those things?!"

Sonic: "I-I have no idea. Is this another of Eggman's tricks?"

Knuckles: "I don't have time for this! Back off!" He roared and punched one of the fishes, but to his shock the attack did nothing to it.

The school of Cursed Spirits locked their eyes on Knuckles and spoke in unison.

"F-Food... We found food... Now we can eat!"

Sonic: "Knuckles get out of there now!"

The school of Curses Spirits swam around the air and rushed towards the frozen echidna, who was still in shock that his attack did nothing to them. Before they could bite down on Knuckles, a loud voice boomed.

???: "EXPLODE!!!"

As if listening to the voice, the school of cursed fishes simultaneously combusted and exploded. The trio of Mobians watched in awe as whatever was about to attack were defeated in the blink of an eye.

???: "Thank goodness. We made it on time."

???: "Seriously, Yuta? I didn't even get a chance to fight."

The three of them looked over to their right and see two teenagers walking over to them. The first one was a young man wearing a white uniform and black pants, carrying a katana behind his back. The most distinct feature are the bags under his eyes.

Next to the boy was a girl with short dark green hair carrying a large katana with fur above the handle. What shocked them were the amount of scars around her body.

Yuta: "Are you three okay? Woah what the?! Are those animals?! And they can walk?!"

Maki: "Definitely wasn't expecting to see this."

Sonic: "Hey, of course we can walk! You never seen a Mobian before?"

Yuta: "Uh... What's a Mobian?"

Sonic: "Huh? Are... you serious?"

Tails: "Sonic, I think they are genuinely confused." He whispered into his friend's ear.

Knuckles: "What were those things just now? Explain yourself."

Maki: "So you can see them? Those Cursed Spirits?"

Tails: "Cursed... Spirits?"

Yuta: "They're a race of spiritual beings invisible to humans, incarnated from the cursed energy that leaks out of them over time due to their negative emotions. They haunt and bring harm to others."

Sonic: "So you mean they're like ghosts?"

Maki: "More or less. Emotions like humiliation, regret or hatred can be used to spawn those things. And cities like this one are a hot spot for such Curses."

Tails: "S-Scary! So they've been here the whole time and we never seen them up until now?"

Yuta: "Usually when you see Cursed Spirits, you see them in life or death situations or if you have cursed energy of your own."

The three Mobians soaked in the information trying to process it all. Cursed Spirits? Cursed energy? What were they even talking about? They would be brought out of their thoughts when a loud rumble could be heard. From the ocean, a large figure rose from the waters to reveal itself a very big Cursed Spirit.

(A/N: Ignore Megumi)

Knuckles: "What in the world is that thing?! It's massive!"

Sonic: "That's one giant fish and it doesn't look happy!"

Tails: "What do we do?!"

Yuta: "You three, stay back here and let us handle it." He unsheathed his katana and entered his battle stance.

Maki: "Let the professionals deal with this." She did the same and entered her battle position.

Without a moment's notice, the two of them blitzed off to face the giant Cursed Spirit. They ran so fast that they were running on water. The Cursed spirit sensed them approaching as it opened its jaw to bite down on them. However they leapt over it as Maki slashed at its body with her Split Soul Katana. The spirit writhed in pain as one slash from the blade was enough to heavily damage it.

It looked around for Yuta as it couldn't spot him anywhere. It's danger senses ringed in as it looked up but it was too late. Diving down, Yuta infused his cursed energy into the blade and stabbed the Curse through the head, effectively killing it. The two sorcerers returned back to the shore as they watched the rotting corpse of the Curse wither away, exorcising it.

The three Mobians stared at the two in disbelief. They were teenagers yet were able to defeat these strange monsters with ease like it's nothing. It's as if they were trained for this sort of thing.

Maki: "That takes care of business here. C'mon Yuta, let's go."

Yuta: "Right, coming."

Sonic: "Wait!"

The two teens looked back confused as Sonic walked up to them.

Sonic: "I don't know how you did that, but you saved our lives back there. We owe you one."

Tails: "Thank you for saving us, mister and miss!"

Knuckles: "As much as I hate to admit it... Thank you for saving my life."

Yuta: "It's no problem, we're just doing what's right." He smiled and sheathed his katana.

Sonic: "Let me introduce myself. I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. And those two are great friends of mine."

Tails: "H-Hello! I'm Miles Prower, but you can call me Tails. It's nice to meet you."

Knuckles: "Knuckles the Echidna, that's all."

Yuta: "Woah, you three really are walking talking animals! My name's Yuta Okkotsu, pleasure to meet you all."

Maki: "Sup, I'm Maki Zenin. But just Maki is fine."

Sonic: "I just wanna say thanks for rescuing our tails. We would've been goners if you guys didn't come in and rescue us. Say, you two new around here?"

Yuta: "Yeah, me and Maki have no clue where we are. So we're a bit lost."

Sonic: "How about this? You can come stay with us? Think of it as a thank you."

Maki: "You'd do that for us?"

Tails: "Of course! It's the least we could do after you saved us. Right, Knuckles?"

Knuckles: "Hmm... I suppose you're right."

Yuta: "Thank you so much! We're very grateful!"

The blue hedgehog gave the boy a thumbs up as the five of them left the beach. Unknown to all of them, something is beginning to make itself known. Dark clouds hovered above the city as the rain would come down.

Yuta and Maki have found themselves in a new world? And not only that, they came across actual talking and walking animals. After saving them from Curses, Team Sonic thanked the two teens and invited them to a place to stay. Though this is only the beginning of their new lives...

Stay tuned....

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