Chapter 5
Lincoln was looking around as he suddenly heard "GAH!"
"Naruto, you alright?!" Lincoln called out
"Y-yeah, just got kicked in the head... hey, where's my headband?" Naruto replied as it was suddenly in front of his face
"Looking for this?" a Zabu clone said as Naruto took it
"Yeah, tha-AH!" Naruto shouted as he was kicked again and dropped the headband
"Bah, you're just brats," said the clone as she stepped on the headband
"NARUTO!" Sakura shouted as she and Sasuke couldn't see a thing. Meanwhile, Kakashi was struggling to escape his liquid prison as he ground his teeth "Grr, listen! Get the bridge builder and run! You can't win this fight!" he shouted as they all heard his voice "She's using all her power to keep me in here so she can only fight you with her water clones! But the clones can't get that far away from her body so they won't follow, now run!" he continued to shout
"Sorry to say, Hatake, but we're not running away!" Luan said
"Are you insane!" Kakashi shouted
"No, just annoying," Luna said as a water clone appeared on her right side. Luan got a clone on her right too as the clones swung their blades, only for Luna's clone to have the blade caught and Luan's to stop in an open space between her hands "What?" the clones asked as Luna pulled the clone closer to her and jabbed it in the gut. A fist size hole was left in the clone as it turned into water and fell to the ground. Luan kicked her clone in the leg as she spun around and put her hands around the clone's neck. Flipping over the clone, she crossed her arms and the clone started to choke. Pulling her hands forward, the clone's neck was sliced into a dozen pieces as it fell to the ground in a heap of water. Sasuke, meanwhile, was charging at a clone and throwing shuriken and kunai at it. She simply side-stepped the thrown projectiles as Sasuke jumped into the air with a kunai in his hands. The clone stood there and said: "Too easy," as she outstretched her hand and caught Sasuke by the throat. She choked him for a bit before she threw him and he rolled on the ground
"SASUKE, NO!" Sakura shouted
"She got Sasuke!" Naruto said as the clone looked down on him. Naruto was shaking in fear as he tried to crawl away, but he stopped. He soon stood back up as he charged toward the clone. Lincoln was dodging some punches as he caught a punch, pulled the clone in, and kneed her in the stomach. She was sent back as Lincoln caught a glance of Naruto charging toward the clone "Naruto, no!" Kakashi said from his prison
"Hahaha, fool," the Zabu clone said as Naruto was sent to Sakura and Sasuke's feet. Lincoln saw this and had to finish this and grabbed the head of the clone he was fighting. Hopping on one foot, he wrapped his hands around hte back of the clones head and kneed it. He repeated this action 6 times when he finally headbutted the clone, making it turn into water
"Naruto, what where you thinking? We're genin, we can't beat a jonin!" Sakura shouted as Naruto slowly got up. He had something in his hand as Lincoln saw that it was his headband "Little brat nearly got himself killed for his headband? Jeez... but I've killed for worse," Lincoln mumbled under his breath as he watched Naruto place his headband back on. Naruto stood before the clone with a shaky body as he said: "Hey, freak with no eyebrows," as Zabu had her eye twitch "put this in your Bingo Book; The ninja who will become Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, he never backs down. His name is Naruto Uzumaki!"
"Man, kid has balls of steel saying that," Luna whispered to her sister
"You're telling me, *sigh* something tells me he'll go far," Luan replied
"Sasuke, I got a plan, you hear me?" Naruto said
"Yeah, I hear ya," Sasuke replied, "so you're finally thinking about teamwork, huh?"
"Alright, guys, let's go wild!" Naruto shouted as Lincoln appeared next to Luna and Luan
"Think we should do something, bro?" Luna asked
"Nah, let's see how this goes... plus we can get 'information' and send it to him," Lincoln replied as he put his hands in his pockets. Luna and Luan gave him a worried look as they turned to each other "*Sigh* I miss the old Lincoln," Luan said
"Yeah," Luna replied as she clenched her fists "but for now, let's see how the Uchiha and container do together," as they turned back to the fight. Naruto had a smirk on his face as he wiped away a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth "Alright, you ready? Then let's bring this chick down!" Naruto said
"Hmph, brave words coming for a dead brat. You think your plan's going to keep you from getting killed?" the clone replied
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I TOLD YOU TO RUN!" Kakashi shouted "THIS FIGHT WAS OVER THE MOMENT I GOT CAUGHT! NOW TAKE OFF!" he continued as the three looked at their sensei "THE MISSION ISN'T TO SHOW HOW BRAVE YOU ARE! IT'S TO SAVE THE BRIDGE BUILDER! STAY! ON! MISSION!". Naruto looked back at Tazuna as Lincoln raised an eyebrow "Well, Bridge Builder?" Naruto asked as Tazuna looked down
"Well... I guess this is all my fault, because of my desire to live. But I won't let that stand in your way, now forget about me and do what you have to do! Save your sensei!" Tazuna replied with a smile as Lincoln started clapping
"Such inspirational speeches, I'm honestly touched. So I think I'll help you out, Naruto. WIND RELEASE: BREAKTHROUGH!" Lincoln shouted as he quickly wove hand-signs and blew out a large tornado of wind. The clone stood its ground as the mist was blown away. They looked at him with surprise, but then Naruto grew a smile "Thank's, Lincoln!" Naruto shouted as he looked back at Sasuke "You ready?" as the Zabu clone stood there. Her chest then began to move as he head fell forward and she was laughing "Hahahaha! HAHAHAHA! You honestly think that removing the mist would make a difference? I could beat you three with one hand tied behind my back! You may think this is a game, but it's not! You three say your ninja, but all I see are children playing around," she said as she raised her hand "when I was your age, this hand had already crushed many opponents," as the three looked at her in shock
"Zabu, The Demon," Kakashi said as Lincoln, Luna, and Luan heard the word
"Oh no," Luan thought as she looked at her brother. Lincoln looked at Zabu with a warm smile as he slowly started walking forward to the clone without anyone noticing. All Luna and Luan could do was watch as their brother walked toward the clone "So I was in your book to, huh?" the real Zabu asked Kakashi "But I have a real question for you, was it in the Bingo Book or that Icha Icha Novel I hear so much about?"
"W-well, i-it was my Bingo Book," Kakashi replied as he wasn't expecting to hear that
"Good, at least I have some respect in the Pervert World," Zabu replied, "but do you mind telling your students my story?"
"*Sigh* Long ago in the Village Hidden in the Mist, also known as Blood Mist Village, before a student could become a ninja there was one final test," Kakashi said
"So you do know about the graduation exam," Zabu stated in surprise
"W-what's the graduation exam?" Sakura asked
"Y-yeah, what graduation exam?" Naruto asked too as the Zabu clone started to laugh again "What's the big deal, we had graduation tests too," Naruto continued
"Did you have to slaughter the other students to pass?" Zabu asked as Naruto and his teammates were frozen. But Luna and Luan had different thoughts as they remember all too well about their graduation exam 'It was for the best, anything was better than serving that snake... even death,' Luna thought
'It was a mercy killing, I killed as many as possible so they wouldn't have to go through any more torture,' Luan said in her head
'But Lincoln took it the hardest,' both Luna and Luan thought as the same time. As Lincoln neared the clone, she continued to talk "Imagine young ninja like you, eating together, training together, and then comes the final exam. Only the rules changed, you couldn't stop until you killed your opponent! They were your friend, you shared the same dreams, now it's them or you," she stated
"T-that's cruel," Sakura said as all she could do was stare. Silence was all that existed for a bit before Lincoln spoke: "10 years ago, Kiri had their graduation exam changed," as people finally noticed him with a large smile on his face
"What's with that look?" Naruto asked
"I have no idea... but for some reason I can't move," Sakura said
'T-this is killing intent!' Sasuke thought
"Oh, so you know about it then?" the clone asked
"More or less, but it was one year before that, a dark evil filled the school with terror beyond any other!" Lincoln said as he stood 8 feet away from the clone, still having the large smile on his face
"What's he saying?" Sakura asked, "What evil are you talking about? What change, what caused the terror?" she questioned as Lincoln turned his head and continued to speak. His smile scared them as he said: "Without stopping, a young girl who wasn't even a ninja, approached the class and butchered over 100 other students," as Zabu the Zabu clone stood there and cracked her neck
"It-It felt so~... GREAT!" she shouted as suddenly it was gone. Standing in the clones place was Lincoln, who had a smile on his face still "You killed because it felt right? You killed because you got off on it? Well, let me tell you something, sweetheart... that's just a small fraction of what I had to do just to survive my time with Orochimaru," he said as Zabu looked at hi questionably
"What are you talking about?" she asked
"Tell me... have you ever killed... over 1,000 other people... just to spare them?" Lincoln asked
[Hope you enjoyed and sorry it took so long to make I'm also sorry if this chapter didn't live up to your expectations, but I had to make this interesting]
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