Chapter 18

The sound of glass shattering could be heard in everyone's ears as Kakashi, Lincoln, and Zabu looked at Haku with wide-eyes. Lightning danced behind Haku's body as Kakashi's jutsu was still activated. The lightning then started to vanish as Haku grabbed Kakashi's arm and pushed it further through his body "Za-bu-sa-ma," Haku managed to speak as Zabu smirked under her bandages

"So... there's no future for me, eh? Hehehe looks like you're wrong," Zabu said as she continued to chuckle

At The Bridge:

"W-what?! Where did he go?!" Naruto shouted as he looked around "HEY? WHERE DID YOU GO?!"

"Hold up, dude, I've got an idea," Luna said as she walked over and put a hand on his shoulder "Luan, make sure Sasuke's alright, I'm bringing Naruto over to where I think Haku is,"

"Alright, just make sure to bring foxy back in one piece, I would hate to have him Sasuked too," Luan said as Luna sighed

"Don't know whether that was a pun or a term," Luna said as she and Naruto vanished in a boom.

In The Woods:

When the reappeared, Naruto fell to the ground as Luna stood up straight "What was that?!" Naruto asked

"Sound Shunshin, now whe- oh no," Luna started to explain as she looked over and saw Kakashi with his arm through Haku's ribcage

"What's th- HAKU!" Naruto shouted as he saw this "I-I don't get it? What the hell is going on here?!"

"W-what the fuck?" Luna whispered as she saw the blood drip down onto the ground. She looked into Kakashi's eyes and saw the same look that Lincoln had when he had killed his friend, sorrow, rage, fear... a certain emptiness that yet echoed a dark sense of life. The dogs on Zabu then vanished in smoke as she closed her eyes "He threw away his life to save your own. It's not a fair trade, his life held meaning, yet you... you're trash," Kakashi spoke with some rage as Zabu placed a hand on Haku's shoulder

"Hehehehehe, well done... Haku," she said as she brought around the broken half of her sword "I MAY NOT BE ABLE TO KILL YOU, BUT AT LEAST I'LL GET YOUR ARM!"

"That crazy bitch would cut through the boy to get me injured?" Kakashi whispered as the broken sword came closer. Shoving his arm further into Haku, he wrapped his open arm around him and jumped out of the way, dodging the attack in the process. Landing a good dozen feet away, Kakashi laid Haku's body on the ground as he glared at Zabu "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Naruto shouted

"Stay out of this, Naruto!" Lincoln shouted

"B-but, sen-"

"DON'T ARGUE WITH ME!" Lincoln shouted, making everyone hold up their arms as the mere force of the shout echoed and rattle their lungs. Kakashi looked down at Haku's body as he placed a hand over his dead open eyes, and closed them "I would keep my eyes on my opponent if I were you, Kakashi!" Zabu shouted as she came at Kakashi, swinging her broken sword around. Before Kakashi could do anything, Lincoln appeared between them as he elbowed Zabu in the nose and used the same elbow to strike her stomach, causing her to be sent back a few feet "W-what the hell?" Zabu asked as blood could be seen staining her bandages

"How?" Lincoln asked

"How what?" Zabu questioned

"How can you do it?" Lincoln repeated himself as he looked at her

"How can I care less? Simple! He was a tool! Something I could use to my advantage! He served his purpose to the very end, and once he realized his time was up; he saved me the trouble!" Zabu replied as she ran at him. As she came forward, Lincoln kicked her in the throat. The kick was fast enough to only be seen as a pillar-like beam of light. Blood escaped through her bandages as Zabu held her throat.

She knelt down on the ground as she tried to ease the pain "Keep out of this, Kakashi... I've got some things to do," Lincoln said

"W-what?" Kakashi asked

"You heard me, stay out of this... you've helped enough as it is," Lincoln repeated as Kakashi visibly flinched with a sorrowful look. Lincoln continued to look down at Zabu as she stood back up for another attack. Lincoln put his fists up, with his right in front of his head and his left ready for a body shot. As Zabu rushed at him for a second time, he gritted his teeth as his hair seemed to float and stand on end, his eyes gained a red glow as he kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying toward a tree, breaking it in two.

Zabu shouted in pain as Lincoln walked over to her. His face was back to normal as Zabu was on her knees. Looking up, Zabu got kicked into the air backhanded into a spin by Lincoln "Oh my god," Luna whispered, "Naruto... come here,"

"Wh-why?" Naruto asked as Luna grabbed him and pulled him into a hug of sorts

"Cover your ears, and if you're still able to listen, try and ignore it," Luna instructed

"B-but why?"

"4th rule of Luna's training?"

"I'LL SHUT UP!" Naruto shouted as he buried himself into Luna. Kakashi meanwhile, was seeing Lincoln go all at it at Zabu, as Zabu was attacking and Lincoln was using a single attack. As Lincoln punched Zabu in the left shoulder, breaking it and making the arm unusable, Zabu was breathing heavily as she stood across from Lincoln. Grinding her teeth in rage, she charged at Lincoln shouting: "I'LL SLICE YOU IN HALF!" as she lunged forward and swung her broken sword around. Lincoln moved backward with a blank face as Zabu raised her sword at the end of her swing, the former then took a step forward as he struck three times, once in the head, once her ribs, and finally her right leg.

She recoiled at the attack as she screamed in pain "Look at you... you're falling apart... is this what emotions do?" Lincoln spoke as he cocked his head to the side, his face blank with empty eyes

"Wh-what did you say?" Zabu asked

"You hide them, you hide your emotions... and it... for some reason... pisses me off," Lincoln said as there was the sound of clapping

"Did quite a job on ya, didn't he, Zabu? You look like yesterday's sashimi," said a voice as they looked over and saw a short man with shaggy brown hair and sports a pair of small, circular black glasses. He wore a black suit with a purple tie and closed-toed shoes. A cast was on his right hand as he leaned on a cane "Must say... I'm very disappointed," spoke the man as a small army was standing behind him

"G-Gato? What's the big fucking deal?" Zabu questioned, "Why are you here?"

"You see... things tend to change, Zabu. As such, my plan has been changed," Gato replied as he tapped his cane on the ground and every man standing behind him readied their weapons "according to the new plan, to save me money, you die right here in the forest. Originally you were supposed to die on the bridge but out here; it just makes burring your corpse easier, especially after these guys are done with ya"


"You heard me, you're pretty spendy, even for a macho bitch like you. So I took it into my own hands to have your payroll docked. Yet the men behind me are still expensive, so if you manage to kill a few of them before I give them their cash to save me money, that would be great," Gato spoke with a smirk "think you can handle that, 'Demon Ninja of The Mist'?"

"Y-you bastard! Don't think you can get away with this and not get your dick ripped off!"

"HAHAHA! You don't look so tall on your knees! You're about as demonic as a wet kitten! HAHAHA!" Gato commented as the men behind him laughed

"*Whistle* That's a lot of guys," Lincoln said as he turned to Luna "you mind?"

"Got it covered!" Luna said as she wrapped Naruto in her coat and covered his ears. Lincoln then looked at Zabu and said: "Seems like the enemy of my enemy is my friend,"

"Y-yeah, seems our fight is at an end," Zabu replied as several of men from Gato's small army stepped out and fired crossbow bolts. They all jumped back as the bolt landed were they stood. Gato then started to walk forward and stopped in front of the dead body of Haku. Frowning, he looked down at Haku's body "You know, I think I'm starting to remember something. You little shit," Gato said as he started to viciously kick Haku's corpse "you broke my fucking arm! You! Fucking! Son! Of! A! Bitch!" he shouted as he landed a kick on Haku's body with every word. The sounds echoed through the air as Zabu stood there, her head looking down at the ground "I would advice you stop it," Lincoln said as Gato looked up at him

"Oh? You and what army?" Gato asked

"Please, stop it," Zabu whispered as Lincoln looked back at her


"Stop it... please... Haku may be dead... but he doesn't deserve this," Zabu said as Lincoln saw tears fall down her face and splash onto the ground

"I thought he meant nothing to you at all? A tool for your amusement? He sacrificed his life for your own, for your dream, what that dream is... I have no idea. Bu-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Zabu shouted as everyone looked at her, "J-Just shut the fuck up," she continued as she leaned her head back and everyone could see the tears pouring down her face "H-Haku was always too soft and too kind, he felt pain, sorrow, misery. And every day he felt it... so did I,"

"So you did care for him," Lincoln said as Zabu fell to her knees

"Y-yes... I did," Zabu cried "A-and I failed him," and as she let out those words, she let out a cry to the heavens, begging Haku's spirit for forgiveness. As Zabu continued to cry, Gato smiled... and let out a laugh "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! Look how low the mighty have fallen... kill them" he said as he snapped his fingers and the men behind him advanced forward. But they barely took a step when a burst of chakra flooded the area "You know, I think I feel something," Lincoln said as he walked toward them, his curse mark activated "I think they call this emotion... rage," Lincoln continued as he walked toward them. Lincoln's face then grew a large smile as he extended his hand and the blackness the surrounded his hand spread across the area, forming around them and creating an orb. As the sun started to be blocked out, the orb gained a red tint and everything inside was visible again... except this time, everything had a red tint "You asked me, what army, right, Gato?" Lincoln asked

"Tch, yeah, and I don't see any," Gato said as the men behind him continued their way forward

"This'll be easy,"

"It's just one man,"

"He's trapped in her with us,"

"You're a dead man, kid, see ya later," Gato said as Lincoln laughed

"Hahahaha, oh, that's good. Gato... Orochimaru has deemed you expendable," Lincoln stated as Gato froze

"W-what?" Gato asked with a shiver

"You heard me, you're expendable. But what he really means is that you're an unreliable asset,"

"Y-you're kidding, r-righ? T-this has to be a joke," Gato said

"Oh this is no joke, purple tie," Lincoln said as Gato dropped his cane

"T-the only person whose every called me that i- Y-YOU! Y-YOU MONSTER!" Gato shouted as he backs away in fear

"Monster? No, no, you got it all wrong! I'm no monster... I'm the devil, and you're in my gore nest," Lincoln said as he began to laugh. A laugh that slowly turned into something demonic, something that only a true monstrous devil could emit.

Stop at 0:50:

And once Lincoln stopped... the bloodbath began.

Gore Warning! The Only One You'll Get! Play Music!:

He raced forward as he grabbed one of the thug's arms and ripped it off, blood splattered everywhere as he took it and shoved it down the guy's throat. He then kicked the same mans' head off and it went through another guys chest. Taking the body, he grabbed a leg and swung it around, batting away 3 men to the wall of the orb, making blood paintings. A sick smirk was laced on his face as everyone screamed in terror, running away from him. They tried to get out, but it was no use as Lincoln punched one guy running away in the kidneys and took his right leg off, striking him with the same leg and beating his skull in. Grabbing one more thug, he snapped their jaw in two and shoved his hand through their heart, pulling his arm back out as he grabbed the person spin. Using the spine, he threw it and it went through several men, killing them before they even knew it. As he continued, he grabbed a man on the ground who was begging for his life and ripped his head off, with a part of his spin included. He then beat another guy to death with it as the man begged for his life, to which Lincoln refused "You know... You guys got a lot of guts when you said you could take me on... guts that I could, hehe, RI~~~~P AND TEA~~~~~~~~R!" Lincoln shouted as he massacred every single one in a brutal fashion. When he was done, the jutsu he had put up lived up to its name as Gato was the only one left "P-please! SP-SPARE ME!" Gato begged as he ran away

"GET OVER HERE!" Lincoln shouted as he created a black chain from his darkness and flung it at Gato. The black chain went through Gato's head as he pulled it, making the chain and Gato's head fly back at him. The chain vanished as Lincoln preformed hand-signs and a rock slab burst out of the ground. Gato's head flew toward it as it bounced off the rock slab and Lincoln waved his hand, making three darkness swords appear. The sword then shot at the head, pinning it to the rock slap as the swords went through the eyes and mouth. Gato's face was agape as Lincoln smirked and walked over to the head "Man... I need to go, really fucking bad... oh would you look at that, a conveniently placed urinal, perfect" he said as he stood in front of the head and pulled down his zipper.

When Lincoln Stepped Out:

Lincoln stepped out with blood all over him as the orb behind him was still active. The sun hurt his eyes a little as he saw Zabu standing over Haku with some help from Kakashi. Naruto was holding his head down as Luna had a hand on his shoulder "I'm done," Lincoln said as he walked toward them. Luna was the first to look at him as she had wide eyes "Oh my god, bro, look at you! You're a mess!" she shouted as everyone looked at him

"Uh, why are you covered in blood? Where's Gato and his men?" Naruto asked as Lincoln looked back at the orb

"Hmmm, I would say purgatory, but that would be too good for'em," Lincoln commented

"I see... well we best be getting back, the mission isn't over yet and our primary enemy is no more," Kakashi said as he helped Zabu

"W-wait," Zabu said


"I-I wanna t-talk to h-him," Zabu requested as Kakashi brought her over to Lincoln. Zabu tried her best to stand up, but it was useless as she hurt like hell "T-thank-you... for everything," Zabu said as Lincoln smiled

"Think nothing of it, now let's get you patched up,"

One Week Later:

"Hey, you guys coming?!" Naruto shouted as he looked at Lincoln, Luan, Luna, and Zabu

"Hold on, give us a minute!" Luna shouted back

"Yeah, we gotta grave thanks! HAHAHA! But seriously, we'll catch up!" Luan shouted

"That's low, Luan,"

"Hey, at least I'm trying to lighten the mood,"

"Be quiet will ya," Lincoln said as his sisters stopped arguing. Lincoln looked down at Zabu as she started at a cross with bits and pieces of a broken mask in front of it and a necklace of flowers on it "So... where will ya go?" Lincoln asked


"Where will ya go? You can't go back to The Mist, and you've got hunter-nin on ya 24/7," Lincoln explained as she turned her head

"Hope you don't mind, but I would like to come with you," Zabu asked


"It's what Haku would've wanted... he would've wanted me to live, and try to achieve my own dream," Zabu explained as Lincoln smirked

"Alright, welcome to the group!"

"WHAT?! NO!" Luan and Luna shouted at the top of their lungs

"Okay, I'll catch up with you in a bit... there's more I need to say to Haku before I go," Zabu said as Lincoln nodded

"Okay, now I think Hisako is getting pretty bored of waiting around for her father," Lincoln said as he walked off

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I don't own the music. Sorry it took so long to update as I was doing other things, also the next arc is going to be the Chunin Exams]

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