Chapter 17
With Lincoln:
Lincoln looked down at the blade that pierced his heart. Kakashi had summoned dogs to keep Zabu in place as her broken sword was in his chest. Kakashi thought he was too late as he looked at Lincoln with horror while Zabu had a smirk on underneath her bandages "Looks like you're finished, kid," she said as she pushed it in further, causing him to spit out blood
"Luna, Luan, Naruto, Sakura... I'm sorry," Kakashi whispered as they looked at Lincolns' face to see he was... bored
"That's all you got?" Lincoln asked as he grabbed her wrist
"W-what? H-how are you still alive?!" Zabu shouted
"You don't think this is my first rodeo? I've been stabbed, cut, burned, slashed, every possible torture on this earth. That and this baby," Lincoln said as he used his open hand to point at the curse mark on him "the only way you'll be able to kill me... is if you cut off my head," he explained as he pulled her in closer and punched her in the stomach, sending her flying with he dogs still attached
"Lincoln, y-you're alive?" Kakashi asked
"That I am, but man did it feel like hell," Lincoln commented as his curse mark went over his wound and healed it "regeneration rocks,"
"I suppose so, how are you feeling?"
"Been better, but you didn't have to come all the way here to help little ol'me,"
"I heard the explosion and thought of the worse, and when I found you like that I had hoped that I wouldn't be killed by your sisters,"
"Yeah, they do that sometimes," Lincoln said as he saw Zabu struggling to stand up with the dogs all over her "well I guess you can't keep a good girl down, can ya?"
"Stupid brat! Once I get these dogs off me I'm coming for that head!" Zabu shouted as Lincoln smirked
"Really? On the battlefield at a time like this? You must be desperate," Lincoln commented as Zabu gained a faint blush
"W-what?! I-I mean I'm going for your head, asshole!"
"*Sigh* You really know how to kill a mood, you know that?" Kakashi said as he looked at Lincoln, who shrugged. After things had calmed down, Kakashi then started to speak "You know, this is what happens when you choose the wrong desire,"
"What are you talking about?" Zabu asked
"This is where you ambitions got you. Pushing things too far and all for failure," Kakashi explained, "It was the First Mizukage Assassination and you're adempted coup de ta. Forced to flee with the only and few followers left, your countries Hunter-nin hot on your tail, becoming a rogue ninja whose name was quickly known, even in Konoha,"
"I'm sensing that she wants round two, am I right?" Lincoln asked as Kakashi nodded
"Yes, seems that she's crazy enough to do so. But for something like that to happen, she'd need money, and I don't think she'd make enough using her body,"
"YOU CALLING ME UGLY, GREY HAIR!" Zabu shouted at the top of her lungs as Lincoln giggled
"Hehehehe, you've come and pissed her off," Lincoln said in between giggles as Kakashi coughed into his hand
"As I was saying! You've stooped so low as to be the hired thug for a pig like Gato," Kakashi continued as he glared at the two, "but the time for talk is over! Lincoln, sit back and let me handle this, you've pushed yourself far enough as it is,"
"You sure?"
"I'm sure, now stand back, I'm going to finish this in one blow of my own creation! Using cheap tactics to end her life would be disgraceful to both me and her," Kakashi said as he ran through hand signs and electricity started to form around him. It danced like lightning as Kakashi started to focus it around his right hand 'The chakra is strong enough to be visible, mighty impressive. I would hate to have to fight him id that snake ordered me too,' Lincoln thought as Kakashi focus more chakra around his hand
"I present to you... MY LIGHTNING BLADE!" Kakashi shouted as he got ready to land the blow, "I won't allow you to kill Tazuna, Zabu. He's a brave man with a noble dream; the bridge he's building is the only hope for this land and its people. You're like a cancer that spreads throughout the land, with no regards to who or what you harm. That is not the way of a Shinobi," Kakashi stated with pride in each word. But for some reason, Lincoln didn't feel like that was the real cause. He felt like something was... off. Sure he had heard of things like this, but for what? Not like she could live a peaceful life with hunter-nin out for blood. So then why did he feel as if this was for something more? It was then that Zabu smirked under her bandages and replied: "You're right... I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS! You useless little people and your petty little dreams, why should I care about them? Why should I give a fuck at all?! The only thing I care about is my dream! A dream I wanted to accomplish so long ago! A dream you couldn't possibly understand!"
"That's the thing about dreams," Kakashi said, "a future is required to have a dream and you don't have one,"
With Luna:
"Go on, finish it! Kill me!" Haku spoke in a loud tone
"W-what?" Naruto asked
"Why do you hesitate?" Haku asked as Naruto took a step back "I thought you wanted to be a mighty warrior?"
"That's not what this is about! Do you honestly believe that it all about killing until there's only one man left?!" Naruto shouted as Luna had flashbacks of that day
"Luna, Luan, Lincoln... please... kill me... spare us of this torment," pleaded a boy around Lincolns age. He had black hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in rags and a metal collar around his neck. It had been 3 years since the trio had been put to work by Orochimaru's hands and today was a 'test'. And by test, Orochimaru meant a survival game of sorts "W-what?" Luna asked
"W-why? We can escape while he's not looking! We can get away!" Lincoln said, holding a kunai in his hand as he pleaded with the boy while screams could be heard in the background
"It's too late for that, look around you! Everyone is either dead or dying, there's no hope for me or us! The only things we have left to give are your chances at life!" said a girl around Luna's age. She had brown hair and green eyes with blood on her face and a very torn dress that showed everything. She had tears in her eyes as she looked at Luna, Luan, and Lincoln "Y-you can't talk like that, dudes, we're family, right? Brothers and sisters in arms, remember?" Luna said
"Luna... listen to us, this is the only way," said a boy around Luan's age. He had brown hair too and green eyes as well and wore a torn shirt and pants with chains around his arms. He looked at them with a sad smile as he knelt down and put a hand on Lincolns shoulder "Linc, listen to me and listen well. Always remember that we cared about you to the end.... I love you, bro," he said as he took Lincolns hand with the kunai and stabbed himself in the heart. With a final hug, his body fell limp as blood poured onto Lincoln's clothes "K-Katsu?" Lincoln asked as he shook him "T-this is a joke, r-right? A-a j-joke? Ai! D-Daiki? T-this is a joke... r-right?" Lincoln mumbled to himself while the other two look away, tears falling down their faces as well
"L-Lincoln, br-"
"T-this isn't possible. Wake-up... WAKE-UP!" Lincoln cried as he interrupted Luna
"Luna, Luan, please... hurry and it," said the girl
"Ai, please, don't make us to this!" Luan said with tears in her eyes
"P-please, i-it's what Katsu would've wanted," said the youngest as Lincoln lowered Katsu's body to the floor and killed the both of them. Their bodies dropped to the floor as Luan and Luna looked at Lincoln in horror "L-Lincoln?" Luan asked
"Linc?" Luna asked as their little brother turned around with eyes like a void and a small smile on his face
"It's alright, they wanted this... they wanted to be spared... and I granted their wish... they wanted this... they wanted this," he said as he whispered the last few words and Luan and Luna cried as they followed behind their brother and killed every last person in the room.
End Flashback:
Luna returned to the real world when she heard "Yes, I'm sure," coming from Haku's mouth
"He, the weird thing is that if we met in another time and place... maybe we could've been friends," Naruto said as he rushed at Haku. Time seemed to slow down as her vision replace Naruto with Lincoln and Haku with ai and Daiki. She saw him grow ever closer as her eyes widened to see Naruto/Lincoln bring their kunai up to strike them down. Their kunai glistened as Naruto/Lincoln brought it up to strike them down, only for Haku to catch Naruto's arm "I'm sorry, Naruto, seems plans have changed," Haku said as he formed single handed hand signs, "I'm not ready to die just yet," he continued to say and he upped and vanished.
With Lincoln:
Lincoln watched Kakashi grow closer to Zabu as he was about to pierce her heart with his Lightning Blade. But he noticed something off to the right of Zabu as ice shot in front of her and created a mirror. Kakashi plunged his hand forward as blood splashed onto Zabu's face. A shockwave happened as it traveled all the way to the bridge and blew away the mist. And much to Kakashi and Lincolns' horror, there in front of Zabu was Haku... with Kakashi's hand straight through his heart.
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I have a quick question to all those who are really invested in this book. I've been thinking of an opening for it, but I can only think of three different songs/ openings for it and here they are
1. Sins of The Father
2. Naruto Opening 2| Haruka Kanata
3. Limit Break X Survivor FULL (Dragon Ball Super Op. 2) ENGLISH Opening Cover by Jonathan Young
Choose one please that appeals to you the best. And for those who haven't gone back to the previous chapters I've updated, Here is Stage 1 Lincoln and Stage 2 Luna
Huge Thanks to Omegcrow for the drawings. Go check em' out, their stories rock and are very good! I would highly recommend Lynn Loud: The Blood Beast for those Lynn fans out there and Wolver-Loud if you like X-Men]
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