Chapter 12

Lincoln held Hisako on his lap as they ate. Sasuke, Luna, Kakashi, Tazuna, and Tsunami were looking at her as Kakashi asked: "Umm, Lincoln, who's the girl?"

"Oh she's under my care from now on," Lincoln replied

"Meaning?" Tazuna asked

"Meet Hisako Loud, my adopted daughter," Lincoln said as Hisako waved

"Hello!" she said with a smile after she swallowed her food and held out her bowl "May I have more, please?"

"S-sure," Tsunami replied as she got the girl another bowl

"Wait, when did you adopt?" Sasuke asked

"This morning, best part was that there wasn't any paperwork to fill out!" Lincoln said as he patted Hisako's head

"Does this mean what I think it means?" Luna asked

"If what you're thinking is that we're aunts... then yes!" Luan said as Luna stuck her fists in the air and shouted

"YES! HAHAHA! WHOO HOOO! I HAVE A NIECE!" Luna shouted with joy

"Calm down, it's not that big of a deal, besides... it's not like she'll be spoiled," Lincoln said

"Yeah, not by you! Luan and I are gonna spend the bloody hell out her! We're gonna do all sorts of things together!" Luna said as she picked Hisako off Lincolns lap and raised her in the air "We're gonna go to concerts, teach you how to strum a guitar, beat drums, I'll even teach you how to sing!" Luna continued as she noticed something was missing from her hands. Looking at the spot where she held Hisako, she saw that she was gone and in the arms of Luan "We might want to see what she wants to do and don't do that again," Luan said as she set her back down with Lincoln

"Aww, come on, sis,"

"Don't do that with me, plus Lincoln did the same thing with me when I first found out, so it's only far,"

"Hmph, fine... but I'm still taking her to her first concert and teaching her how to play guitar," Luna replied

"Fine, but I'm still teaching how to work with puppets and some civilian-level medical courses," Luan snapped back

"WHAT? You're teaching her how to use puppets! That's not fair, why do you get to teach her jutsu and not me!?"

"I don't get it, ninja can use puppets?" Sakura asked as Luan smirked

"You bet, but I only use them when I fight tough opponents,"

"Well they must be really strong if you can beat me and Sakura with both hands behind your back," Naruto stated as Kakashi raised an eyebrow

"Hehehe, yeah I guess so," Luan said with a nervous chuckle

"Wait, where do you keep your puppets, I don't see a bag on you," Sasuke asked as Luan tapped the scrolls on her side

"They're kept right here in storage seals,"

"Seal? What are those?" Naruto asked
"Fūinjutsu is a type of jutsu that can seal objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. It can also be used to restrict movement or unseal objects either from within something or someone," explained Lincoln as Naruto looked down at his stomach and up at him


"Yup, and now that I think about it, there was a clan called Uzumaki that specialized in it," Lincoln said as Naruto's eyes lit up like stars

"An Uzumaki Clan?!" Naruto asked in surprise

"Uzumaki Clan? Never heard of them," Sakura said

"That's because they were seen as a threat and destroyed during the war," Lincoln said as Naruto looked at him with wide eyes

"What?" he asked

"Yup, their village was destroyed. Shinobi butchered like animals, their women and children raped and killed as their husbands and fathers watched with their last breaths, helpless to do anything," Lincoln said as he looked out the window above the sink in the kitchen from where he sat. Naruto had a blank stare as Sasuke and Sakura looked at their teammate "S-so h-his clan wa-"

"Massacred? Butchered? Gone extinct? Use any word you like, only him and few nameless others are still around," Lincoln replied before Sakura could finish her sentence

"H-ow do y-you know this?" Naruto asked with a slight stutter

"It's in the history books, I'm surprised you never found it in the library under the history section," Luan said

"I-I need to go," Naruto said as he bowed to Tsunami "thank you for the food,"

"Y-you're welcome," Tsunami replied as Naruto left

"H-hey, Naruto!" Sakura shouted as she ran after him

"Where do you think you're going, dope?" Sasuke said, following close behind. Kakashi stood there as he slowly turned to Lincoln and stared at him with a single eye. Standing up straight while leaning in the crutch he was using to move around, he pulled out his Icha-Icha novel and said: "How did you know?"


"How did you know Naruto was a half-blood Uzumaki?" Kakashi asked as Lincoln haded Hisako to Luan

"Could you please wash her up and get her ready for bed?" Lincoln asked

"Sure thing! Now let's go, Hisako-chan, it's bath time!" Luan said with a smile

"What's a bath?" Hisako asked as Luan's smile grew even larger

"You've been missing out on the best way to pass time! Aside from pulling pranks and telling jokes that is," Luan said as she took her niece upstairs. When they were gone, Luna stood behind Lincoln with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face "I'll ask again, how do you know?" Kakashi repeated as Lincoln took something out of his cloak and held it up with two fingers. From what Kakashi could see and the way light bounced off of it, it was half of the blank side of a polaroid photo "When you've been captured by Orochimaru of The Sannin, you learn a few things when he's not looking," Lincoln said as he turned it over. Kakashi dropped his book as he looked at the picture. His single visible eye was as wide as a dinner plate as Lincoln stuffed the picture back into his pocket "I plan on giving it to him when we... have to do something," Lincoln stated as Kakashi's grip on his crutch tightened

"I see... and what would that something be?" Kakashi questioned

"Kakashi, from what I've seen, Naruto is a good kid. But I can also see that some information has been withheld from him. What that information may be, depending on what it is, he needs to know about if there's any chance of him surviving in the Shinobi world," Lincoln explained

"Then you know about him being his father?"

"Right down to the cell, dude," Luna said as she smirked

"What are you two talking about? And who was that woman in the photo?" Tazuna asked

"It would be best you stay out of this conversation, Tazuna-san. I'm not being rude, I just don't want Naruto to know anything before his time," Lincoln said as he stood up and bowed "thank-you for the food. Now I'm going to bed," Lincoln stated, walking up the stairs to his room.

The Next Day:

Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, Tazuna, Luan and Luna stood outside of Tazuna's house as they said their good-bye's "Alright, I leave Naruto in your hands," Kakashi said to Tsunami

"Alright, but I would like to know why he was in the condition he was in," Tsunami asked as Kakashi looked down at Sasuke, who had a bandage over his nose and a bruised cheek

"I would rather not say, but I would call it a team-building exercise," Kakashi replied with an eye-smile

"Okay, but what about you? You're still recovering yourself," Tsunami asked

"Why, do I look wobbly?" Kakashi asked

"You don't look wobbly, Kakashi, but you do look... white-headed! HAHAHA!" Luan said as everyone groaned

"That was new low, dude," Luna stated

"Aww, come on. You know what was good, I know Lincoln would've laughed. Speaking of which, where is he?" Luan asked

"Oh, he went out into town to find some clothes for Hisako," Sakura said

"And you know this how?" Luan questioned

"He told me," Sakura replied

"I see, well I'm going to have a talk with him on how to dress up our niece when he gets back,"

"It can't be that bad, he has to have some sense of fashion if he was able to handle 10 sisters," Kakashi said

"I guess you're right,"

"Well enough chit-chat, let's get going!" Tazuna said as they walked toward the bridge.

A Few Minutes After They Left:

Lincoln was walking back with Hisako, who was holding his right hand. In his left was a bag with some clothes for her that she picked out. As they were walking back to the house, an orange blur bumped into Lincoln and he looked down "Huh, whoops, sor- HEY! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME BEHIND?!" shouted an annoyed voice as Lincoln saw that it was Naruto

"Oh? I was out getting clothes for Hisako, I didn't leave you behind. Unless you're jealous that you didn't get to go clothes shopping?" Lincoln teased as Naruto blushed with embarrassment

"T-that's not what I'm talking about! How could you all leave me behind when we have to protect Tazuna?! The least you guys could've done was have woken me up!"

"Am I going to have to repeat myself? I'll just it is, slower this time. I. Went. Shopping. For. Hisako. Do you understand?"

"B-bu- urgh! Fine, I guess I'll see you there after you're done," Naruto said as he sprinted in the direction of the bridge. Lincoln sighed as looked down at Hisako and said: "Hey, wanna see something cool?"

"Sure!" Hisako replied with a smile as Lincoln picked her up and put her on his shoulders

"Alright, hold on tight," he said as he made a hand-sign and poofed into smoke

Sometime Later, At The Bridge:

"W-what is this?!" Tazuna shouted in surprise as he saw his fellow bridge builders on the ground in pain

"I don't know, dude, but somebody seemed to have gotten here before us," Luna said as she looked around

"This can't be good," Kakashi said as he took searched the area

"Let me see what the problem is with them," Luan said as she rushed over to one of them and inspected them "there are lacerations on them similar to a sword!"

"Could it be?" Kakashi whispered as a thick mist began rolling in "This mist! Sasuke, Sakura, get ready!"

At Tazuna's Home:

"Lincoln, welcome back! How was shopping, Hisako-chan?" Tsunami asked as Lincoln walked through the door

"It was fun! I got shoes, socks, even underwear!" Hisako said with a smile as Tsunami giggled

"That's great, would you like some help trying them on?"

"Can she help me, dad?" Hisako asked Lincoln as he nodded

"I can't see why not," Lincoln replied as he handed Tsunami the bag

"Alright, just follow me upstairs," Tsunami said as she took Hisako's hand. As they reached the top step, there was a knock on the door "I'll get it!" Lincoln said

"Thank-you, Lincoln!" Tsunami replied as Lincoln opened the door to find two men stand in front of him. One had grey hair, a pale blue jacket, a purple beanie, black shorts, and a sword. The other was a good head taller than his partner, had an eye-patch over his right eye, a scar on his left temple, a green tattoo on his left shoulder, and bandages around his stomach.

Back At The Bridge:

Sakura stood on Tazuna's left while Sasuke was on his right, Kakashi was behind him as they looked through the mist. Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi each pulled out a kunai as they tried searching for the only person they knew who could do this. Luan and Luna were clicking their tounges like last time as they searched "I knew you were still alive, just couldn't wait for round two, could ya?" whispered Kakashi

"Kakashi-sensei, it's Zabu, isn't it? This is her Hidden Mist Jutsu!" Sakura said as a voice surrounded them from all sides

"Sorry I kept you waiting, Kakashi. I see you still got those brats with you and those Grass Ninja," said a familiar voice "that one is still trembling, pitiful" it continued as suddenly 8 Zabu's surrounded them. Each one crouching down in front of them, ready to rush forward and cut them to pieces "Ready to die?" they asked in perfect synchronicity.

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I do hope that you read my other stories]

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