Chapter 1

"Really, Harry? Another tattoo? You're too young to be doing this!" Harry's mother, Anne, shakes her head, resuming back to her baking. She loves her son dearly, but his actions are taking him down a path she has never wanted to see. He's just barely an adult, still unable to independently decide the right from wrong. She tries continuously to help her son, but nothing seems to work, and she's terrified. A mother's worst fear is for their child to make the wrong decisions in life. So far, Anne is mortified.

"It's not that bad! You said I was old enough to make my own decisions." Harry throws back, crossing his arms. The situation never changes each time he does this, but he never cares. He pouts like a child, despite his insistence that he's 'mature.' Without the guidance of his father and his ignorance towards his mother's, he is lost in the world of what he wants. Anne consistently tries to help her son, showing support in his interests, desperately trying to give him the guidance he needs.

"Sometimes I regret saying that. I just wish you were more responsible. I know you're still hurting after the death of your father, but think about what he would think if he saw you now. He loved you with all of his heart, you know that. But you're not behaving like a healthy human being!" She slaps her mixing spoon down, clearly growing irritated. She wants nothing but the best for her son, especially after the accident. Her eyes fill with anger and sadness as she watches her boy self-destruct.

"Don't you dare bring dad into this. Don't worry, I'm 18, and you can kick me out like you kicked out Gemma." Harry growls, mood turning sour. His temper has been a problem for a long time. He's always angry about something. The smallest of things can set him off. Each and every day he fits into the 'stereotypical rebellious teenager.' Of course, it isn't something he is proud of, he has no desire to watch his mother grow tears in her eyes with how worried she becomes. Unfortunately, Harry isn't able to step away from himself to notice his behaviors. If there is something that goes against his preferred decisions, he bucks, and shouts in defiance.

"Honestly, Harry. You know I didn't kick her out. She wanted to go to college and I supported her. I know you miss her. I miss her too. But she's having the time of her life in America. I'm happy for her, and you should be too. Now help me carry these cupcakes next door." She places a plate of freshly decorated cupcakes in her son's hands. Anne's eyes grow tired, her arms falling to her sides as she walks towards to front door. 

"Who're these for?" Harry asks, confused, following her out of the house. It seems as if she was always baking for someone, some occasion being appropriate for a dessert. Before things became what they were, Harry and his mother use to bake the wonderful pastries together. Now, everything is pinned on Anne's shoulders.

"Well, if you bothered to look at the giant moving truck right there, you'd notice that we have new neighbors. Now please be polite." She knocks on the door, gluing a smile to her face. He rolls my eyes, waiting for the door to open. Harry thinks it's a waste of time for him to be here. It's not as if he's going to have anything to do with the new neighbors, barely even knowing the ones he has now.

The door opens, Harry's eyes blowing wide. A small boy with a kind smile stands before them, head decorated with a band of flowers.

"Hello, darling, is your mother home?" Anne asks, sweetly. She gives Louis a once-over, absolutely falling in love with the precious boy. The look of pure innocence is a refreshing sight, contrasting with her son's rugged appearance. It gives her hope that maybe Harry could turn out to be something more than a social casualty. 

"Of course. Come on in." He smiles, opening the door wider for them. They walk inside, Harry's eyes scanning all the boxes and furniture. He isn't one to be nosey, but he can't help his curiosity as to why there are scattered boxes full of girl's clothing. The pieces look too small to belong to a woman but vary in size. His mind wanders off into an assumption that the small boy in front of him owns them all. It wouldn't surprise him, he seems that he could be the type. Before his imagination could create any other images, a woman's voice interrupts.

"Oh hello!" A perky looking woman appears, putting down a box. She pushes her brown hair from her face, walking towards the new faces. She stands taller than Louis, fresh face full of friendly features. Her smile warms the color of the room, sending comfort and welcome into the strangers before her.

"Hi, I'm Anne! We live next door, and I saw you had girls. And what little girls don't like cupcakes?" The woman laughs, about four girls running in at once. Their giggles fill the empty space, hair bouncing with the way they jump around each other. When they stop, they notice the unfamiliar faces, crowding around their mother.

"Oh yes, these girls love cupcakes. I'm Johannah and this is Charlotte but we call her Lottie, Felicite but we call her Fizzy, Daisy, Phoebe, and Louis." Johannah pats the top of each of their heads, Harry's eyes catching the Louis one's eyes before he blushes and turns away. Harry squints his eyes for a second before turning back to look at Anne, giving his best—fake—smile.

"Lovely names. This is Harry. I also have a daughter, but she's away right now." She hands the cupcakes to Johanna, Harry giving the others to Louis. He shyly smiles and takes them. Louis was never one to become nervous in the presence of strangers, though there was something about the way Harry was smiling at him that gave him a strange impression. It was as if his smile welcomed you, but his eyes were boring right through you. The assumption made Louis embarrassed, shy to say something to the new boy, afraid of earning the stare.

"Thank you for the cupcakes!" Daisy exclaims, mouth full of cake. Harry can't help but chuckle. Among all the teenage angst, he can't help but care about children. He envies their amount of innocence but admires their lack of struggle and pain.

"Daisy, you know it's not nice to talk with your mouth full." Johannah lightly scolds, nonetheless smiling at the girl.

"So, how old are you all?" Anne asks, bending down to their level. The twins wave at her, hiding behind their mother's legs, earning a wave in return from Anne. She remembers what it was like to have bubbling babies roaming around. Things were so different when her husband was still alive. She feels a string of pain wash over her, fighting the urge to cry, letting her smile take over. Harry notices the change in her presence, understanding that she must be missing Gemma.

"I'm sixteen, Lottie's nine, Fizzy's seven, and the twins are three," Louis answers, fixing the flowers on his head. He can't help but stare at Harry. He's seen tattoos before, sure, but not like the way they look on Harry. The amount of jewelry on his face is fascinating, enough to make him want to ask as many questions as he can muster, but he won't lie that he's intimidated. Louis has always been one to want to socialize with new people, but Harry looks as if he can rip your heart out just by looking at you.

"Well Louis, Harry just turned eighteen and would be happy to show you around the school when you start." She smiles, Harry's head whipping in her direction. One thing Harry despises about his mother is her constant way of volunteering him off onto other people's work. Whether it be helping someone take out the trash or driving someone's kids to school, Anne has a way of making him do it.

"I would?" He asks, wanting to shout at her for volunteering him yet again for something he definitely wants no part of. He glares at her, trying his best not to cause a scene in front of these strangers. If there's one thing Anne hates, it is making a bad impression on someone. She wants to be known as the best possible citizen, but her son seems to have a way of compromising that.

"Yes, you would." She sends him a glare, turning to smile back at Johannah. At this point, Harry knows better than to argue. After all, she is paying for everything he owns and tolerating him enough to feed him. Harry takes this moment to bite his tongue, giving into the offer.

"Louis starts tomorrow. He can't wait." She smiles, causing Louis to jump in surprise. Johanna has been known to make plans or forget to pass on information, so when the occasion rolls around, nobody has time to prepare for it.

"I what?" Louis gasps, crossing his arms, blinking rapidly. On top of everything else a new house has to offer, school is just another struggle. Being the "new kid" is something Louis was never fond of. Not only is it a new school, but it's a new town with all new people that he knows nothing about.

"Oh, I knew I forgot something. You start school tomorrow." Johanna gives a guilty smile. Louis groans, tilting his head back, causing the band of flowers placed atop his head to fall to the floor. The band crosses far enough to stop at Harry's shoes, Louis cursing to himself when he notices. Of course, it is just a headband, but Louis becomes paranoid over the slightest things. He never knows what might upset people. When it comes to Harry, someone who looks like they eat kids like Louis for breakfast, he's just a bit nervous.

"Well, we should be going. I'm sure you're very busy. Just come by when you've got time." Anne smiles at everyone, making a move to leave. Harry reaches down and picks up the flowers, tossing the accessory back to Louis, who rolls his eyes at himself for thinking anything else would happen. Overreacting has become a character trait to overlap all others in his gene-pool.

"Nonsense. I've always got time! The kids will be at school and I could use another mother to talk to. Come on by tomorrow if you've got the time." Johannah smiles, Harry holding is arms behind his back, ready to flee the scene. The number of fake smiles and bad acting in the room is suffocating. Harry just wants to go home and away from this.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Johanna! Nice meeting you all." Anne calls out, walking Harry to the door.

"Call me Jay! Nice meeting you too!" Louis takes one last look at Harry, head tilting to the side in curiosity. There's so much about Harry to know, he just doesn't know how to figure it out.

"They all seem lovely," Anne says as soon as they walk inside of their house. Harry scoffs, shucking himself from his boots. The last thing that he desires anywhere near his line of vision is yet another cookie-cutter family in the cul-de-sac. Most of the neighborhood can physically feel the amount of existential dread seething from Harry's body each time he removes himself from his home. 

"Why'd you tell her I'd walk Louis around?" Harry whines, all maturity lost. 

"Becuase he looks like a sweet boy and he's new. I'm sure he's nervous." She puts her hands on her hips. If this were any time in the past, Harry would not have any vices about helping fellow neighbors and friends. Before the incident, the young Styles boy adored any chance to become of service to anyone who asked, he was a pure model citizen. After his heart was torn, he abandoned everything at breakneck speed. 

"He's gay." Harry huffs, crossing his arms.

"Harry, you're gay." She shakes her head, walking away.

"I'm bisexual and you know that!"


The car ride to the school is completely silent aside from the unfamiliar music playing from the radio. Their mother's thought it would be a good idea for Harry to drive them to school today. In the boys' opinion, they're trying way too hard. The tension filling the empty space causes a tense knot to rise in the bottom of Louis' throat. His fingers thump together in a nervous attempt to keep himself busy. For a moment, the anxious boy wonders if Harry would drive him off to some abandoned building and dispose of him there. Irrational thoughts continue to race through Louis' helpless mind until he finally speaks up to shatter the silence.

"Harry, I know you don't want to do this. You don't have to. I'll just lie. We can make this as easy as possible." Louis looks down, playing with a loose string on his shirt. Uncomfortable would not even begin to describe how Louis is currently feeling. His leg is shaking in anticipation, his heart keeps banging irregularly, and if his hands clutch the strap to his bag any harder, his nails will break his skin open. 

"This school can be a bit harsh to new kids. I'll give you somewhat of a chance. And I know you don't want to do this either. How's about I tell you where all your classes are then we just move on. Just meet me back here at the end of the day and we'll tell our mums you had a great day." Harry says, pulling into the school parking lot. Aside from his absolute dread radiating off of his body, the older boy gives a sympathetic smile in the direction of the small boy. Louis sends a straight smile back into his direction, sighing in relief once the car shuts off. 


Today is going to suck ass.


Louis walks through the lunchroom, sitting away from everyone else. He cannot count the number of people that have picked on him for wearing his flower crown, Harry being one of those people. He misses his old school. He misses his old friends. He misses home. His head falls into the palm of his hand, fingers toying with the food in front of him. He tries not to look as if he were the depressed new student, running from socially interacting. Soon his reminiscing is interrupted by the sound of two thuds on the seats in his section.

"Hey there!" A bubbly boy with bright eyes sits next to Louis, another girl joining him.

"Hi." Louis smiles back, taking a sip of his soda. He's slightly shy towards the new faces, slightly afraid they'll be like the other students who've made fun of him.

"I'm Niall. I know how it feels to be the new kid, so I thought I'd come say hi. This is Leigh-Anne." He points to the girl, who waves and smiles.

"I'm Louis." He smiles, feeling relieved at the kind acquaintances.

"So, where ya from, new guy?" Leigh-Anne asks, looking genuinely interested.

"Doncaster. I moved here with my mum and sisters." He answers, throwing away his trash, the three of them walking out of the lunchroom. The sight of Harry catches his eye seeing the rough boy, looking curious. Ignoring the glare, Louis just turns away and walks down the hall.

"Well look who we have here. Little Neil and Lia helping the new little gay boy." A boy about Harry's age stops in front of the younger kids, what seem to be his friends, joining behind him.

"It's Niall and Leigh-Anne you twat." Niall huffs, Leigh-Anne crossing her arms. For them, this was an everyday affair, dealing with the harsh words and teasing he had planned for them that day. Louis, however, has no tolerance for arrogant bullies such as this teenager in front of him. 

"I'm not gay." Louis sighs, expecting this. This has been happening all day. He's not gay. He just loves his flowers. He loves everything about nature. Above everything, he just wishes people weren't so quick to judge.

"Oh, so you're not? You mean to tell me that you're wearing pink flowers on your head, you look gay, sound gay, and you walk gay, but you're not gay?" He moves closer to the small boy, his friends grabbing Niall and Leigh-Anne. They both try to escape, yanking their bodies within the grips, continuing to be held back.

"Yes. What is your brain not getting? Me. Not. Gay." Louis dumbs down his speech, unaware and uninterested in what could happen. The sound of Niall's laughter fills his ears.

"Are you calling me stupid?" He asks, clearly growing angry. He's what you could call a typical hot-headed teenage bully. Every school's got one and Louis' dealt with many.

"Only if the shoe fits." Louis sasses, confident in his place. He hears Leigh-Anne gasp and Niall start uncontrollably laughing.

"You little fuck." He grabs Louis, shoving him against a wall. By now a small crowd has formed around them all. Louis groans, the guy ripping off his flower crown. He stomps on the beautiful band, turning to punch the boy in his grip.

"Leave him alone, Brent." Harry shows up, arms crossed. Usually, Harry shows up whenever Brent pulls a stunt like this, defusing the situation and walking everyone off. Today is no different, a tired look placed on Harry features. It's become such a boring routine, Harry just rubbing his temples in annoyance. 

"But he's a useless twink!" Brent snaps, keeping one hand on Louis' shoulder, pinning him helpless against the wall. Louis stares at Harry in shock, not pinning him as the type to fight off bullies, especially when he looks like one.

"Brent, seriously, mate. Just let him go." Harry steps closer, pushing Brent off the attacked boy. Niall is dying of laughter. He's crying.

"Why're you protecting the little prick?'" Brent snaps, eyeing Harry. Harry almost gives up, walks away and lets Brent just finish whatever he started, but he stays. He stays because it's the right thing to do. Although he finds himself annoyed and uninterested by everyone and everything in this school, he protects the ones being hurt by abusers like Brent. He knows what it's like to be used by one.

"I honestly couldn't give a shit less, Brent. But if you get suspended again, I'll have to keep picking up your end of our classwork. You're already close to getting expelled. Just leave it." Niall stands with his mouth hanging open, staring at Harry in awe as if he's just been saved by a sun God. 

"Whatever, mate." Brent and his friends storm off, Niall grabbing a hold onto Leigh-Anne's shoulder. She can see the mischievous gleam in his eyes, meaning that he has now formed some sort of far-fetched idea that will probably get them both in trouble. She shakes her head, mouthing the word 'no' over and over as Niall nods his head in excitement.

"I could've handled myself back there." Louis turns to Harry, hands on hips. The appropriate sentence would've included 'thank you,' but Louis feels embarrassed. The situation made it seem like he couldn't handle himself as if he were too small to defend himself.

"Sure, flower boy." He smirks, picking up the semi-damaged band, tossing it into Louis' arms. He starts to walk off, headed towards his next class as if nothing happened. Before he makes it too far away, he turns back to shout in Louis' direction, "I'd stay out of Brent's ass if you wanna make it here, new kid."

"Oh, Louis, what have you done." Leigh-Anne holds a look of terror as Niall jumps up, pulling out his notepad to furiously write something down. She holds her face in her hands, knowing, just knowing that this is not going to end well in any way.

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