Whoever made this cover for me, thank you so much. You never replied on instagram, I wanted to thank youu.
It's okay.
Everything will be fine.
You're alright.
The sentences that we all use so often, whether it's when someone is grieving over the death of their loved one. Or when someone is betrayed by the person they trusted the most in the world. When someone is going through hard times.
It's okay.
Everything is fine.
You're alright.
Nothing is going to be okay, everything will never be fine. No, you're not gonna be alright. And you know what? It's fine.
It's fine for you to be upset. It's fine for you to be depressed. It's fucking fine to grieve and mourn. Don't let someone tell you otherwise.
Nobody gets what you've been through and you won't able to get what they've been through but at the end of the day, we all just have to raise our head, take a deep breath and show the world that we're still alive. We're the survivors.
Truth to be told, everyone is a a little broken. Everyone has lost small parts of their hearts they had once given to someone. We're human and that's how we live. We cry and grieve , we think that we won't be able to survive but then we do. It's a miracle maybe but that's how it rolls.
At least that's how life rolled for me. Getting snatched from a street, facing betrayal from where i had expected devotion, falling in love with a kidnapper and then finally, losing everyone I'd ever loved.
Call it fate. Destiny. My bad luck. Or whatever. The point is, life happened. It happened and then it pushed me, it pushed to stand back up after my terrible and just when I thought everything is over, it proved me that it's not.
Though I'm still young, I can say this very firmly and unambiguously that not every human being is sent to this world to live for himself. Some, often the most broken and damaged ones are sent to live for others.
Four years is a short amount of time but it's enough for a person to be shaped into someone new. Not on the inside because no, your heart will always be the same. There is no way for you to just press some button and make it unlove all the people you've ever loved. But this much time, is enough to make your exterior tough, to make you a strong, independent human being. And sometimes it's enough to help you find someone for whom you can let go of your past.
Sarah Stevens.
My little bundle of joy and my distraction from all the terrible memories of the past. The person who came into my life when I had no reason to live, everything was a blur, life seemed meaningless to me until I met her.
The day I found her on my porch, a crying little mess with red face and flailing arms. Everything was a blur that day just like everyother. Everything seemed hazy except her.
She came to my life and then, everything made sense. Everything felt more real than it had ever felt. Holding her little form in my arms was the first time I had felt so at peace after that moment i had had in the jail with Harry.
Falling in love with Harry, losing him, moving to Australia. It was all just a set up for me to reach my final destination. To reach my little angel.
She's my home, my source of joy and calm. A beautiful distraction from terrors of the past and fears of the future. I no longer find myself worrying about what the life has for me in store. My mind is mostly at peace or occupied with work, university and Sarah. Though my heart, it still yearns for him.
It's been four years since the day I last him, heard of him and yet, my love for Harry has never lessened. Neither has my faithfulness towards wavered. My heart was his to keep. And still, to this day, it belongs to him alone.
The typical concept in stories of a woman moving on with someother man after losing her one true love. It never made sense to me. Over the past four years, no guy has seemed appealing to me as much as Harry did. No one has made me feel the way he did. No one has remotely made me lose my sanity like he did. Because no one can be him.
Harry. Whom I personally like to call, My Harry.
Wind fans across my face as I breathe out and open my eyes, looking at my little years old daughter whose busy playing in the sand, screeching and blubbering nonsense while trying to build something out of sand.
A little boy sitting next to her, possibly a year or so older is trying to tell her how to make a castle but of course she's stubborn and isn't paying least bit of attention to what she's been told to do. My daughter she is after all.
A smile finds it's way on my lips at the thought of Sarah following her mother's footsteps. Standing to my feet, i walk over to where she's busy throwing the sand everywhere.
Sarah, as if sensing my presence, looks up at me with her slightly wide, beautiful grey eyes, a hint of joy present in them. Upon seeing me, her lips stretch into a beautiful smile and she flail her arms happily.
"Is my bubba having fun?" I ask her in a baby tone, crouching down to her level and opening up my arms.
Like every other time, Sarah gets up on her feet and throws the remains of sand onto the ground before trotting towards me. When she's only a foot away, she stumbles and I'm quick to scoop her in my arms. And of course, she's clumsy like her mum too.
"I'm hungry, mommy." She exclaims like a little snob, looking up at me with a pout on her lips and eyebrows drawn together. And the sight only cause me to smile more.
"Yeah?" I ask her, holding her firmly, she wraps her tiny arms around my neck as I stand onto my feet. "Well, what should we get you then?"
"Icecream." She says a bit too enthusiastically, jumping a little in my hold and I hum at her response.
"Well, let's have real food first. Icecream after." I tell her while seating her in the car.
A huff sounds in my ears and i look up from the seat belt towards Sarah, finding her full on frowning now, well, nothing new for the spoilt girl.
"Icecream's food." She whines, pinching her own cheek while looking at me like I'm the most stupid person she's ever seen.
With a little head shake, I get in to the car myself and start driving. Two minutes into the drive and I hear Sarah complaining from the back again. I ignore most of her complaints but one sentence cause my ears to perk up.
"I no daddy n no icecream." Sarah says loudly and it causes me to frown. She's never really complained about not having a male parent before and now here she is. One more thing she's gonna start complaining about and this one thing, it now has me a little disturbed.
"Why have I no daddy?" She further questions and I gulp, not sure of what to say, I've never thought this through. Never realized she's gonna grow up as quickly as she has.
"Alright, Sarah. I got it, ice cream first." I tell her, hearing her scream yes, dragging out the last syllable in sheer joy. And I'm relieved when she starts telling me about her favourite flavours, completely forgetting about the last topic.
"I wan' two scoops." Sarah tells me as soon as we got to the ice cream parlour.
I look down at my child with warning clear in my eyes. Getting her ice cream is the most exhausting thing ever. Every time, she takes too long to decide the flavour and then there's a demand of getting two scoops. Always.
"Sarah, you get two scoops today and then you'll get no ice cream for three weeks." I tell her firmly and then starts her fake cry, the one which lasts hours until she falls asleep.
"Sush." I tell her, putting a finger to my mouth but that's not enough for her to quite down.
With a huff, I finally look up to the man and ask him for two scoops of vanilla.
"Quit crying if you want it." I tell Sarah, showing her the cone which indeed has two scoops as per her demand.
As expected, she smile and reaches her hand out for it, handing her the cone, I reach into the back pocket of my jeans to get the wallet and huff when nothing's here.
"I'm sorry I left my wallet in the car, give me a minute and.."
"It's okay, I'll pay for it." A friendly female voice says from behind as a bill is placed onto the counter.
I shake my head, turning out to face the helpful lady, "No, really don't have to.. Brooke." I feel my eyes becoming wide at her sight, she just like me, is surprised.
"Laura." She breathes out, mouth hanging open as she stares at me. "Oh my god."
She's the first one to reach forward and pulls me in a hug while I just standing there, frozen, with a billion things running through my head.
After four years with no signs of any one related to Harry, she just appears out of blue. Years of yearning and when I slowly start to learn how to live again, I'm brought back to all those memories.
"I can not believe my eyes." She tells me and I being polite, smile at her, still not recovered from the shock.
Of course she's in Australia, I still remember the time she'd told about her childhood tales in her native state.
"Mommy, who she?" My daughter demands to know, tugging on my wrist while staring up at Brooke.
Just like that, both of our attention turns to Sarah. I watch Brooke closely, the way her smile disappears for a second as she takes in the little girl before another smile stretches her lips.
"Oh my god, is she Harry's?" She asks me, crouching down to her level and pressing a kiss to Sarah's cheek who seems pleased with the new attention.
"She's Sarah. My daughter." I tell Brooke, looking down at my girl. Of course her curly hair and cherry red lips made her assume she's Harry's daughter.
"So beautiful." Brooke at that, stands back up, petting Sarah's hair before looking back up at me.
"I'm getting married." She suddenly exclaims with a giggle, her voice coming out squeaky due to the excitement.
Bringing her hand forward, she shows me the beautiful diamond ring adorning her ring finger and I smile sincerely, genuinely happy for her, "Congratulations."
"Mhmm, congratulations isn't enough." She tells me, pulling her hand back with a tiny chuckle, "you're coming to the party tonight. Zayn and mines pre wedding celebration."
I shiver slightly at the invitation, all the courage I'd gathered over the years, dissipating just at mention of the party full of people from my past.
"I.. I don't think, it's not a nice idea." I tell her, averting my eyes towards the ground and sighing, "After everything, Brooke, I can't."
Though my body and soul are yearning for me to go, to see if the guy whose stolen a big piece of my heart in there. To see what's become of him after this long, my mind conflicts, it's desperate to let go of the past and look forward rather than pulling myself in Harry's trap again.
"Everyone's accepted what happened, Laura." Her voice is suddenly serious as she takes my hand in hers and squeezes reassuringly. "All that, it made us strong as a family if anything."
Her words make me want to ask about Harry, not sure what they really mean. The thought of Harry still suffering occurs to me and my heart sinks.
I need to see him. I need to see him again. The urge is strong, just like it was all those years back. All of the sudden, he's back in my head with full force, consuming my every thought.
"I know you want to meet him." Brooke whispers quietly, referring to Harry and I feel a lump forming in my throat.
Want to? I desperately fucking need to.
"I... " My voice shakes and I stop talking instantly, taking in a deep breath to keep back my tears and not to make a fool of myself.
Brooke smiles sadly at that and hands me her cell phone, telling me to save my number on it. With shaky fingers I do as told and with a hug and promise that she'll send me details within sometime, we part our ways.
"'S so good." Sarah says, finishing the last bits of her ice cream before licking at her sticky fingers and again I thank God for having her as my best distraction.
"Your fingers are dirty, here let me wipe them." I tell her, taking a napkin and cleaning her hands. "Is my baby all happy now?"
"Mhmm, yes mommy." She says and I smile, her tone making it obvious that she's tired enough to fall asleep now.
"Mom will be gone till late tonight. I'm gonna drop you at Aunt Susan's house, okay?" I tell the little girl and kiss her forehead when she nods her head.
If I am going to meet Harry tonight, I need some time alone. To think things through. To clear mind and not expect anything from him, not even a smile.
Dropping Sarah off at my relatives' house, I head back to my own. The phone in my hand buzzes twice and I look at it to find two messages from an unknown number, having directions and timings for the party.
For some reason, it's a theme party and I'm supposed to dress up to hide my true self. As if I hadn't been hiding for so damn long in the past.
Hours pass while I sit on the couch, feeling numb. For some reason, my brain has stopped working. The white wall in front of me seeming way too interesting.
The phone buzzes and I lazily look down at it, it's Brooke again, probably wanting to know where I am. It's a little after eleven when I leave my house, wearing a red mini skirt with sleeveless sequined black top along with rabbit eared mask that covers my eyes.
When I park my car outside a posh building, I realize that this is it. My hands shake with nerves and my mind is fuzzy with so many thoughts that it can't seem to focus on one. My heart, it's pounding so hard that I can feel it without needing touching it.
I keep my head up as I walk, tell the security men my name without making a fool of myself and then I'm inside the hall. This hall, it has the people from my past in possibly every corner.
I realize that this all would've been easy with Louis by my side. Louis, the guy I left without even a smallest goodbye, though he deserved so much more.
My eye brim with unshed tears and I suck in air sharply, fisting my hands. There I go, with my fucking tears, these people, they've always made me cry. But again, they say you cry for those whom you care the most about.
I walk in further, eyeing the people all dressed up crazy so that their true self isn't obvious. All of them laughing and drinking, unaware of what I'm going through. Unaware of the fact that my knees will give out any moment and I'll fall. But at least that way Harry would spot me faster.
A tap on my shoulder causes me to jump and I gasp, a hand on my heart as I turn around to see a girl dressed as a vampire, her face painted red and white.
"Are you lost?" She asks kindly, looking me up and down once before smiling and raising an eyebrow.
"I.. yes." I tell her, clearing my throat when my voice comes out scratchy. "Where's Brooke?"
The vampire girl smiles wide at the mention of Brooke's name, "Come this way." She mumbles, turning towards the left, I stay put at my place for a while before realizing that I need to follow her.
She guides me through the first hall into the second one and then after walking for at least ten minutes, she stops in front of a door. Chatter and laughter from the other side rings through my ears and I hold my breath.
"Go right in." The girl whispers as she slowly opens the door and before I know it, I'm pushed inside.
All the laughter and friendly banter stops at my intrusion, all eyes turning towards me.
I suck in a breath when I see Selvia standing there, a glass of wine in her hand, the grin on her face slowly faltering.
My head spin and I blindly search for the door to support me. Eyes darting over all the hazy figures that seem so familiar. All the figures except for one, Harry.
Minutes pass in silence but they seem like hours and then, when I finally pull myself together, I look around once before lowering my gaze.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here." I say, but it's more of a whisper.
Slowly, I turn back around and grab the door handle with my shaking hands, pushing it open. As I walk out, I wish they hadn't recognized me, I wish for them to not remember me. Though deep down I want someone to stop me, tell me how much I've been missed, anything.
I take small, steady steps, making sure not to fall and make more fool of myself. Coming here was wrong, so fucking wrong.
Why would I think they'd remember me, care for me. I am no one to them. I am nothing more than a failed treatment for there sick friend, nothing more.
"Laura." Brooke's voice sounds in my ear from behind, "please, stop."
At that I only try to walk faster, not wanting to face her or anyone at all. I've already made up my mind, from now on, I will never think of them, never wish of having them in my life, not even Harry.
A sob escapes my mouth as I take another long step, wanting to leave as soon as possible. But then the inevitable happens, I stumble on my own foot and the next second, I'm on the marble floor, gasping at the hard impact my ass makes with it.
With that starts my tears, feeling completely stupid and helpless, I just sit there on the floor and cry. Eye trailed on the floor as loud sobs escape my mouth.
I sit there for a couple of minutes and why Brooke still haven't reached me, is beyond me. She had been following me, right?
The sight of boots in front of me catch my eyes and before I have a chance of seeing who it is, the person crouch down in front of me. I gasp at the quick movement and blink my eyes repeatedly to clear my vision.
Then, I feel a cold hand touching my tears stained face and that's when I finally look up at the man's face. Feeling my breath getting knocked out at the sight of him.
Harry. Harry. Harry!
His face holds no amused expressions, neither does it hold a frown. It's the kind of face that tells you nothing about what the person is feeling.
At the moment, I feel like shouting, I feel like jumping at him and hugging him tightly. I want to tell him how much I've missed him and I need to tell him how much I love him. But like every other crucial time, my body is frozen and tongue tied.
I just stare at him helplessly, not even flinching or moving when the mask is removed from my face. Not making any sort of noise when his thumbs wipe away the tears.
I can see that he's gotten better. His skin looks healthy, a tinge of pink on his cheeks. His eyes are no longer the dull green that had haunted my dream for years.
Harry's not the same guy I had left behind in the jail that night four years back. He's gotten better, healthier and possibly more stronger.
I don't even feel like a foolish when he pets my hair neither do I feel shameless for staring at him with my mouth wide open. Four years of separation gave me right to do that much at least, I think.
"When are you gonna learn how to walk?" He whispers, thumb grazing over my cheek bone, while he stares into my eyes and his words immediately bring back the memories of all the time I had stumbled or twisted my ankle.
This reunion could possibly be thought of as romantic, with the slow music in the background and two people staring into each other's eyes if I would've said something in return rather than making an inhuman noise.
Harry however just smiles at that, shaking his head a little as he leans forward. My eyes flutter shut at the thought of his lips pressing against mine but instead i feel them next to my ear.
"Yes." He whispers, his lips touching my ear as he speaks, "I meant that."
And it doesn't even take me a second to realize that he's referring to the question I'd asked him that day.
I sob once again at that, what is even happening? It's not how I had thought the night to go. I had expected him to give me a cold shoulder, even worse, I was expecting him to say that he doesn't know me. Not this.
Harry's lips press against my cheeks a couple of times before he looks me back in the eyes. Looks at the mess that I am, all thanks to him.
"S..say it." I tell him, gulping loudly in anticipation. Aching for him to tell me out loud that I'm better. That he fucking loves me.
At that, he bites his lip, before sitting cross legged on the floor, as if getting comfortable. My hands that lie limp on the sides are taken into his.
Leaning in again, until his forehead is pressed against mine, he breathes out and makes me cup his face, moving his own hands to my my neck before saying,"let me show you instead."
When Harry's lips come in contact with mine, it seems to ignite something inside of me. My entire body shakes and my arms move of their own accord, wrapping them around his neck as his lips slowly start moving, building a slow pace.
There's an urgency in my actions though, my mouth moving faster than his, my hands curling into his soft hair before moving down his back, up and down, feeling him.
He's here, right in front of me and wants me. The thought brings more tears to my eyes and I release a shaky breath from my mouth, slightly moving away to look at his face, just to make sure that he is indeed real.
Diving straight back me, I capture his lips again, sucking on the bottom one before lightly biting down on it. He doesn't complain at my dominating actions, let's me have control.
"You.. you didn't come after me." I say, breaking the kiss but keeping my lips against his.
"And you didn't bring our daughter." Harry states calmly, his arms pulling me up into his lap while I frown in confusion. He couldn't be possibly take about my my daughter.
"You don't have one, Harry." I state as the matter of fact, letting my head rest in the crook of his neck and breathing in his scent, the one I have craved every night while lying in the cold bed.
My arms constrict around him tighter, I'm not letting him leave again. Not a chance.
"Your daughter is my daughter." Harry tells me after a while and I look up at him, tempted to ask how he knows her but already knowing the answer.
"Meeting Brooke, it wasn't a coincidence." I state rather than asking and the little kiss I earn after, is enough answer for me.
"People are staring at us." Harry whispers and at that my eyes fly open, my little bubble breaking as I look around to see that people are indeed staring, to my horror, they're all gathered around us, like we're doing a live performance or something.
There, in the crowd, one face catches my attention and I freeze. Soft blue eyes, caramel brown hair, tiny button nose and a swoon worthy smile.
It's Louis. My Louis.
Without realizing what I'm doing, I break out of Harry's grasp and stand to my feet. All the while, my eyes hold his. Louis takes a step forward, opening his arms out for me and I break into a small sprint, once close enough, I launch myself at him. Both of us stumbling a bit backward at the force, but his arms wind around me nevertheless, embracing me without a single complain.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Louis." I choke out, hugging him tight.
"Sush, babe." Louis says with a chuckle, planting a kiss on the top of my head. When I look up at him, I find the tears in his eyes but his soft smile still present.
"Turn around." He demands softly and I tilt my head in confusion. Moving his arms to my shoulder, he sighs and forces me to face the opposite side.
I gasp and my hands fly up to cover my mouth in pure shock when I see two people holding a huge banner saying 'Marry me'
Standing next to it is Harry, holding a small velvet box in his hand, smiling ear to ear. I feel my knees going weak as he strides over to me and takes my hand in his own, pulling me forward until we are in the middle of the entire crowd.
"I prepared a speech for this moment but for some reason I don't remember a word of it." Harry breathes out and the people around us laugh at that, I on the other hand, have my heart in throat. My face stained with mascara and tears as I watch Harry getting down on one knee.
"So I'm gonna keep it simple and say," He states, opening the box to reveal a beautiful ring, looking at it once before making eye contact with me, "I think a wanna marry you."
The reference to Bruno Mar's song has our audience going wild with applause, I myself let out a hearty laugh at that. Leave it to Harry for making such a moment amusing.
"Laura Stevens, I think we've already been through enough to know that nothing can do us apart, nothing but death and so I think it's safe for me to say that I love you and I want to be with you for the life that I have left." Harry says, breathing in deeply before opening his mouth and saying, "Please marry me."
For once everyone around us is quiet and in that eerie, intense silence, I choke out the one word that everyone is waiting for, "Yes."
Again there are applause as Harry puts the ring on my finger, marking me as his officially.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." I whisper as Harry gets on his feet and cupping my jaw, pulls me in for a beautiful, passionate kiss.
While I stand there as the centre of all the attention with my fiancee's arm wrapped around me, I realize that life couldn't have been better for me and that every broken heart, every survivor, finds a reason to survive in the end cause at the end of the day,
It's okay.
Everything's fine.
You're alright.
Fuck you all, this isn't how it was supposed to end. I wanted a sad ending. WHOSE UP FOR A SAD ALTERNATE ENDING?
And a few bonus chapters? What do you want them to be about.
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