I watch Harry intently as he sits there quietly, not saying anything or moving from his place. The only thing that can be heard in the silent room is Harry's heavy breathing.
My hand which once lied on his shoulder is now resting by my side again and my body just like Harry's is glued in one place as I think of an appropriate response to he has just said. He said he's scared. But that was all, he hasn't really specified what he's scared of. Scared of visting the doctor? Isn't he too old to be scared of a doctor.
" don't have to be scared, Harry. I'm here for you so are your friends." I tell him, watching him the entire time as I speak, waiting for him to look at me but he doesn't move an inch, just stays there with his head resting in his hands like he's exhausted or hopeless.
"We can go to the doctor and he'll just prescribe you some medicines and you'll be okay again, better than you are right now." I say again, my voice sounding like I'm talking to a toddler, trying to teach him what's the best for him but Harry, he's so much older than me even and he's probably thinking that I'm talking shit right now.
Finally after a moment a minute or so, Harry lets out a small sigh and look up at me with a frown on his face.
"You don't get it. You never will." He tells me calmly, shaking his head from side to side.
At this I feel myself becoming a bit angry but keeping my cool, I move closer towards his body, wincing quietly when pain erupts in my ankle. Harry notices my uncomfortable expression because immediately he moves forward and scoops me into his arms and places me down into his lap in such a way that my legs are on the mattress while the rest of my body is lying on Harry's legs, my head resting on his chest.
"Make me sit up straighter." I say, sounding like some spoilt brat but Harry finds it amusing because he chuckles and presses his lips to my nose once before helping me sit up properly, still on his lap.
"Back to the serious topic now." I tell him, bringing my hand up to rest on his neck and running my thumb in small circles on his skin.
One thing that I've learned about Harry in our short time together is that he listens to me more often when I'm touching him, just simply touching his arm or rubbing it is enough. It works like magic and sometimes I wonder if I have same superpower like the girl in the movie called X-men: Wolverine's origin.
"Tell me what you're scared of, Harry. Maybe I'll understand and help you get over your fear." I say quietly, looking straight into his emerald eyes, letting him know that I am being totally sincere at the moment.
Harry watches me for a long time and I see him struggling to come up with words since he opens and closes his mouth couple of times.
"I can sit here all day if I have to. I swear to God I'm not moving until you tell me what's stopping you from going to the doctor." I say seriously, making it very clear that there's no way out for him now. On the other hand, I myself know that it's now or never. Either I'll be able to convince him or I'll end up alone on this bed, crying after a fight with him.
"I'm afraid, Stella." Harry starts quietly, averting his eyes away from me and looking at the wall behind him. My fingers lightly dance over his cheek, urging him to keep going and taking in a deep breath, he does.
"It's not the side effect of those pills, it's something more. I.. I can feel it." With every word, Harry's arm around me grows tighter and at the same time, I feel my stomach dropping, fear over taking me.
"It.. It can't be, Harry. How can you be so sure?" I say, staring at his face and grabbing his chin to make him look back at me but he doesn't budge instead he clamps his eyes shut and inhale through his nose.
"Look at me." I urge him, feeling the tears forming in my eyes as I grab his face with both of my hands and shakes it gently. "This is another sick joke of yours isn't it? You're just trying to fool me again." I say, feeling extremely weird. I don't even know why I'm so scared all of the sudden and why the thought of him being severely sick is making me so upset but I can't help myself at the moment.
I'm worried about my kidnapper's health. The one who tortured me so much, the one who gave me so many scars. Maybe because this kidnapper is the only person left in my miserable life.
"We're going to the doctor right now. Do you hear me?" I say sharply, almost ordering him though I'm in no condition to order anyone around. I'm a weak girl with a twisted ankle.
"No, no I'm not going." Harry states shaking his head and looking everywhere except my eyes.
"Why not, huh?" The question comes out in an angry tone taking me by surprise but Harry doesn't seem to be affected by it because he just shrugs his shoulders.
A minute passes in silence before Harry finally decides to speak up.
"You won't stick around if I will. You'll disappear again and I won't have strength left to find you again." He says, his voice sounding so sure but pained at the same time and it causes me to frown.
Leave him? I don't think I'm going anywhere, anytime soon. People might say that I'm crazy for feeling so upset at my abductor's words but they cause my heart to clench painfully in my chest, hearing his broken voice and eyes full of hurt.
"It was a mistake." I say not even thinking about what I'm about to say next. I take in a deep breath before I continue, " It was a mistake leaving you that night. I..I wasn't thinking straight. You were so young and... I thought that you'll just dump me sooner or later for someone else." I gulp and look into his eyes to see him staring at me, listening to what I'm saying and so I continue with my fake story.
"I thought it would be the best for both of us if I left. I just couldn't bare the thought of you telling me that we are over. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I tell him, not really believing that I've made up such a good lie without even thinking much.
"And.. when you found me again. I didn't know what to do so I decided to fake my identity." When I'm done talking, I look up at Harry and find him staring at nothing in particular, his eyes are fixed on my face but it seems like he's zoned out.
"Harry?" I whisper, lightly patting on his cheek to bring his attention back to me and that's when a single tear escapes his eye.
Then he closes his eyes and I watch as the tears leak through his lids, dampening his thick eyelashes and cheeks.
"Please don't cry." I tell him, my own voice coming out a bit choked and I bite my lips to prevent the sob wanting to escape from my mouth.
With the pad of my thumb, I brush away his tears and place a small kiss on his closed left eyelid, doing the same with the other, hoping that it will calm him down sooner.
"You thought I'll dump you for some other chick." Harry says after he's calmed down and has gained his composure back. Although the roughness of his voice is the evidence that he's been crying.
"I'm sorry." It's the only thing I say and Harry chuckles, shaking his head lightly before inhaling deeply and opening his slightly red eyes to look at me.
"After all the time we spent together, you still didn't think I was a loyal boyfriend? I made you move in with me for God's sake, what else could be the prove that I wanted you in my life forever."
All I do is look away from him and down on his chest, I knew this will come sooner or later and sadly I don't have any answers. All I can say is ' I'm sorry ' to everything he's about to say.
"Every night I used to tell you how much I love you. All those places we had decided to visit together, did you really think it was all fake?" Harry's hoarse voice sounds again, his fingers lightly grab my chin, making me look up into his eyes which were filling up with tears again.
"I just thought I wasn't enough for you. I thought you needed more." I say and Harry's face twists in anger.
He stares at me with his eyebrows furrowed and his lips set in a thin line, his fingers lightly digging into my flesh, making it known that he's trying to control his anger.
"I won't do it again. I won't leave unless you will want me to." I say cautiously, tracing my thumbs on his cheek bones while Harry stares at me intensely.
Then both his hands are on top of mine and slowly he slides them away from his face, letting them fall between us and then intertwine our fingers together.
"Answer this then." Harry speaks calmly, his eyes running over every inch of my face as he continues speaking. "Do you still love me?"
My face pales at his question and I feel my heart beat picking up. My throat has gone dry as his question swirls in my mind over and over again. I know where my answer will lead. I know this is where it will all end and I feel like crying, not knowing what to say.
Harry watching me intently, looking for any sort of hesitancy or discomfort as I open my mouth to speak up. Taking in a deep breath, I let my eyelids flutter shut, knowing that it will make it less difficult.
"I.. I do." I say quietly and feel Harry's fingers tightening their hold on mine.
"You do what, baby?" Harry asks, as quietly as me and presses his forehead against mine, his lips brushing against mine due to the close proximity.
"I love you." I finally say after a few moments and feel like I'll faint any minute.
The only thing that's running through my mind at the moment is, Dear lord what have I done?
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