I watch Harry quietly for another ten minutes, just to make sure that he's in deep slumber before I cautiously remove my hand from his. The grip he has on my hand loose, causing it to slip from Harry's grasp easily.
My eyes run over his lying figure once before I stand up from the uncomfortable chair and quietly tip toe out of the room, not wanting Harry to wake up and cause a scene for me not staying with him at night. I probably would've stayed with him if it wasn't against the rules of the hospital.
My eyes scan the waiting room and I find Zayn sitting in one of the chairs. As I walk closer towards him, I find his eyes clamped shut and his head hanging to one side, he was asleep.
"Zayn?" I reach forward and places my hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently.
"C'mon, wake up." I try again when I get no response the first time. "Zayn." I say, patting his cheek in an attempt to wake him up.
His brows furrow as I continue patting his cheek after a few seconds he lets out a small groan and I quickly remove my hand from his face, taking a step back.
Zayn's eyes slowly flutter open, his brows furrowed as he blinks a couple of times before letting out a yawn and stretching his legs.
"My back hurts." He mumbles sleeply with a groan as his eyes scan the surroundings before settling on me. "What now?" Zayn asks, his tongue darting out and running over his bottom lip as he shifts in his seat.
"The nurse said that we aren't allowed to stay here at night." I tell him, shifting my weight from one foot to another and crossing my arms across my chest as I wait for Zayn to get up.
I start getting annoyed when he makes no move, instead he just sits there and lets out a long sigh before rubbing his eyes and fishing the phone out of his pocket and staring at the screen.
"We'll go to my house." Zayn speaks up after a minute or so as he gets up, causing his knees to make a cracking noise for staying put in one place for too long.
I find myself frowning at his words. Not knowing why he's taking me to his place. Harry probably wouldn't want me to be anywhere other than his own house.
"Your place?" I ask him quietly, tucking my hair behind my ear and Zayn gives me an annoyed look, putting his phone in the back pocket of his jeans.
"Why, what's wrong with it?" He asks, not sounding least bit interested in what ever I have on my mind at the moment.
"I just, Harry won't mind?" I ask him and Zayn just shrugs in response, not giving me a verbal answer before he turns around and starts walking towards the exit.
I stand there staring at his back with my mouth half open, wondering why hell he's so bitchy. When I realize that he probably won't even wait for me in the car, I quickly run after him, stumbling as I try to close the distance between us.
I let out a loud sigh when we reach Zayn's car and finally he decides to acknowledge my presence, a small smile gracing his lips.
"Good choice you made, sweet heart." He says with a nod before slipping inside the car and I do the same, sitting down on the passenger seat and buckling myself up as Zayn starts the car and speeds out of parking lot.
Not a word is spoken between the two of us during the entire ride and some how I find the silence extremely comfortable. Probably because whenever Zayn talks to me, he has something bitter to stay.
"C'mon." Zayn mumbles quietly as soon as the car stops.
I scan the surroundings and realize that we're in the rich part of the city. Zayn's house is big as huge as Harry's I will say. By seeing the size of the garden alone, I find myself wondering how filthy rich he must be.
I, myself didn't belong to a poor family. My mum was a doctor and my dad was well-known lawyer and let's say I had all the luxuries of life. From having a good amount of cash in my pocket to a good car and branded clothes but our house was nothing compared to the ones owned by Harry or Zayn or Liam.
"Are you just gonna stand there or will you come inside?" Zayn's question brings me out of my trance and I find him standing with the front door of his door open for me.
I quickly approach him and Zayn shuts the door before locking it once we're both inside. My eyes scanning the inside of the beautiful house as I follow Zayn's lead.
The sound of television makes me realize that Zayn doesn't live alone in the house.
"For God's sake, Waliyah how many times do I have to tell you to keep the volume of your t.v down!" Zayn shouts angrily, going towards one room and hitting the door with his shoe.
"Fuck you!" I hear a girl shout from the other side of the door and I bite my lip, trying to control my laughter.
Surely this girl knows how to get back to Zayn's bitchy behaviour.
After a minute, the sound of television stops and I watch a girl as tall as me, coming out of her room. She pushes Zayn backwards before stepping fully out of the room and walking in my direction, her eyes fixed on the phone in her hand.
As if feeling a pair of eyes on her, she looks up from her phone and towards me. A frown appearing on her face as she takes me in before her head snaps in Zayn's direction.
"Zayn, I think we established that you will not bring any girl home until I leave for college next month." She says, her voice sounding dangerous and full of threat.
Zayn shows her a middle finger and approaches the two of us. He plops himself down on the couch and gesture for me to sit down as well. With a moment of hesitancy, I walk towards the couch and take the seat at the other end of it, as far away from Zayn as possible.
"Dear sister, this girl will be our guest for a week or so. She's Harry's girlfriend so you might as well get acquainted with her." Zayn suggests and Waliyah's eyes flicker from him towards me at the new found information.
"Oh." The girl says, a small smile finding it's way on her lips as she approaches me and sticks her hand out for me to shake. "I'm ." She Waliyah me and I smile at her, shaking her hand.
"Laura." I say and she nods her head, letting go of her hand and sitting next to me on the sofa.
"I'm going to bed, I have office. Show her the room." Zayn says before he disappears from the room and rolls her eyes, complaining about his bossiness.
After talking me to Waliyah, I find out that Zayn and her are the only kids. She's staying with Zayn temporarily until she starts college. Zayn works for his father, being the only son, he'll be taking over the business after his dad, unlike Harry, he's actually working hard to earn whatever he has.
The next day, Zayn drops me off at the hospital at seven thirty in the morning. The nurse tells me that Harry will stay knocked out for the entire day because of the heavy doses of the medicines but I decide to sit there with Harry's hand in between the two of her own, just incase Harry would wake up.
At noon, Liam and Sophia visit the hospital to see how Harry's doing. When they leave, Liam hugs me tightly and tells me to take care of myself and Harry and I nod my head. Unable to tell him how hard the task is when Harry's own brother wants to destroy him.
On the third day when me and Zayn come to visit Harry, Selvia is already there, complaining to the nurse that Harry keeps dozing off every few seconds but the nurse just shrugs it off, politely telling her that it's the side effect of his medicine.
After everyone else leaves, I decide to just sit there and watch him until he wakes up again.
"Hey, Harry." I say in a small voice when I see him opening his eyes after an hour later, my hand gently squeezing his as I bring them to my lips, pecking one of his knuckles.
A lazy smile appears on his lips at my affectionate touch and opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out of his mouth, still under the effect of the drugs.
"Just go to sleep, I'm right here next to you." I whisper reassuringly in Harry's ear when I find him struggling to keep his eyes open for a little longer.
I press my lips to his cheek and when I move away his eyes are closed again, causing a sad smile to appear on my lips.
On the fourth day when I wake up to get ready and leave for hospital, I find out that I have just started my period. The excruciating pain in my lower abdomen, making it very obvious that I won't be able to leave the bed anytime soon today. It has always been like this on the first day.
"You okay?" I hear Zayn from the door way of my room and i turn around to find him standing there wearing his suit, already dressed for his office.
"Uh, no. Give me ten minutes to get ready, yeah?" I ask him as I slowly sit up in the bed and letting out a groan .
Why do women have to suffer from stupid periods anyway?
"You don't look so well. Stay in bed today. Harry won't be conscious any way." Zayn says and I shake my head in denial. I need to be there to make sure Josh doesn't come near him or bribe the doctor to kill Harry.
"Just stay in bed. I'll send Waliyah to tend to you." Zayn says sternly when I stand up from the bed, clutching my abdomen.
"No, wait." I say weakly but I'm too late, he's already out of the room. I let out a huff before falling down onto the bed again and curling myself into a ball.
"I'm sorry, Harry." I whisper to myself, eyes screwed shut as I hope for the pain to go away.
At night when Zayn arrives home, I ask him how Harry's doing and he tells me the doctor told him that Harry will stay out the entire day.
The next day I wake up super early, wanting to see how Harry is with my own. I take a bath and put on the clothes that Waliyah had kindly let me borrow. Once I'm done getting ready, I walk down stairs towards the kitchen, deciding to kill the time by cooking Zayn and his sister breakfast.
"You're up early." Zayn's voice cause me to jump in surprise and I swiftly turn around to find him sitting on the stool with a smirk adorning his lips.
"Jumpy much?" He says and I roll my eyes at him, shaking my head I turn my attention back to the pancakes on the stove.
Once they're done, I stack four in one plate and pass it to Zayn before pouring him and myself coffee.
"I have a meeting today so I'm about to leave. I can drop you off or you can go later with Waliyah." Zayn says with his mouth full of food.
I contemplate on his offer before deciding that I should just leave with him since I'm already dressed and ready to go. Going there early will somewhat make up for not going yesterday.
"I'll leave with you." I say sipping my coffee and Zayn nods his head, stealing the untouched pancake from my plate but I just decide to ignore him since I didn't feel like eating so early in the morning anyway.
When I reach the hospital, there are barely any visitors in the waiting room. I quietly make my way through the similar corridor until I reach Harry's room. Taking in a deep breath, I turn the door knob and push the door open.
My eyes immediately looking over at the bed where Harry lies but immediately my heart drops when I find the bed empty. Panic starts to settle inside of me as different possibilities run through my head at the same time.
What if his situation got serious and they took him somewhere else?
What if Harry woke up in the middle of the night and ran away when he didn't find me there?
What if Josh kidnapped him?
What if Harry's dead?
"Oh my God." I whisper to myself, my eyes running around the room once before I swiftly turn around and run towards the reception to ask what has happened to Harry.
"The.. the patient in room 104. What happened to him?" I ask shakily, ignoring the fact that the woman was talking to someone else on the phone.
When she raises a finger in air, telling me to wait, I slam my fist on the counter, all of the worry suddenly changing in to anger
"Fucking tell me right now or I'm gonna get you fired." I seethe at her and the woman's eyes become wide, she quickly puts down the phone in her hand and types something on the computer.
"Mr. Styles is still in his room. According to the schedule, he must be bathing or something right now." The woman tells me, sounding shaken up by my out burst.
Without giving her another glance, I run towards Harry's room and force fully open the door. My eyes immediately landing on Harry who seems surprised to see me. The nurse holding Harry's forearm is also staring at me but I pay no attention to her.
In three long steps, I'm face to face with Harry. My eyes taking him in entirely to make sure that he's actually there before I tackle him into a hug. My arms tightly wrapping around his waist, head lying on his chest as I take in a deep breath, closing my eyes momentarily and hearing the sound of his heart beat.
"Thank God." I mumble into his chest, tightening my arms even more around him. I don't know when was the last time I had been so relieved to see someone. I think it is probably the first time, there hasn't been the last time.
"Miss, it's not right for the patient to stay standing for this long." The annoying voice of the nurse interrupts my peace and I sigh, moving away from Harry's chest and looking towards her before letting my gaze travel towards Harry's face whose staring down at me with what I can decipher as pure adoration.
I reluctantly pull away from Harry and grab his forearm to support him before the nurse I able to.
"I've got him." I tell her with a nod and by the look on her face, she wants to protest.
I pay no attention to her as Harry sits down onto the bed, she's immediately on his side, helping him to lay down before attaching some sort of needle to Harry left arm, causing him to wince a little. Once she's done, she leaves the room without a single word, closing the door on her way out.
"Hey." He says in a rough voice, staring at me with a small smile on his lips.
I smile back at him, taking his cold hand between both of mine and gently rubbing it to get it warm.
"How are you feeling?" I ask him, watching him closely and realizing that he looks a lot better today than the first day. He looks much more lively and fresh.
"I've been better." Harry states and I chuckle, gently kissing the palm of his hand. "How are you?"
My eyes flicker towards his at the question and I remember what had happened just about ten minutes ago. How I was about to get a heart attack when I didn't find him in the room.
"I.. I was so scared when I entered your room and you weren't there." I tell him truthfully, squeezing his hand and taking in a shaky breath.
Harry immediately frowns at my words, his facial expressions changing from happy to worried.
"Come lay with me." He calmly tells her, scooting away a little to make some space for me to lie down.
I looks over at the vacant space on the bed and after a moment of hesitancy, I finally stand up from the chair and compile to Harry's request. His needle free arm quickly wrapping around me and pulling me into the warmth of his body, my head resting in the crook of Harry's neck and arm around his waist.
"Just like you won't ever leave me again. I won't either." Harry tells me gently, kissing the top of my head and I remove my face from the crook of his neck to look up at his face.
Slowly Harry leans down to capture my lips with my own and I let a breath I was holding in. My eyes flutter shut as I kiss him back being as gentle as possible. My lips move against Harry's, following his lead before I let my tongue enter his mouth, lapping and massaging it affectionately.
When we break the kiss, our breathing is laboured but for some reason I feel content and at peace, like I had been waiting for this moment for too long.
"I love you, yeah?" Harry whispers after a few minutes and I nod my head, tracing the outline of the tattoos on his arm.
An hour or so passes like that, me lying on the bed with Harry. I tell him about why I didn't come to visit him yesterday and Harry just kissed my lips and told me it was a right thing to do. After that we talked about random stuff. Harry telling me that he wants to take me on a proper date and to his stupid jokes.
A knock on the door causes us to break away from the kiss and I untangle myself from Harry, sitting back on the chair again.
"Come in." I say, looking over my shoulder to see who it is and immediately my eyes become wide at the sight of the man I hate more than anything.
Josh stands in the door way with a satanic smile on his lips and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
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