An entire week passes peacefully, without any drama after the one that was caused by none other than fucking Josh. I happily get into the car with Zayn as we start our journey towards Harry's house to get some nice clothes for him to wear.
Today's he'll get discharged after the two long, tiring weeks and he had made it very obvious that he wants fresh, new clothes. A special request was made to me to choose the best clothes in the wardrobe.
"You're not coming in?" I ask Zayn as he hands me the keys of the house and he gives a look before shrugging as he takes the phone out of his pocket.
"I gotta make some calls. Y'know, for Harry's welcome party and all." Zayn says, his eyes not leaving the screen of the phone as he types something.
"Uh.. well, I'll be out in fifteen minutes." I tell him but Zayn pays no attention, he's busy smiling down at his phone.
With the roll of my eyes, I get out of the car and slam the door shut, loud enough to make Zayn jump in his seat. His eyes finally leaving the beloved phone and landing on me. I pay no attention to the murderous stare though instead, I just turn around and walk towards the front door, unlocking it.
Ha, take that fucking sexy pants. I think, chuckling to myself.
I let the door stay open in case Zayn changes his mind and decides to come inside rather than sitting in the car of his.
Quickly make my way towards the room which Harry shares with me and open the closet full of his clothes. As I rummage through the shirts, I realize that half of them still have a price tag attached to them and haven't been used. His closet smells like some branded store full of expensive shit, to be very honest.
After what feels like an hour, I finally choose a dark navy blue shirt with hearts on it. Then I move towards the pants and take out the black skinny jeans. I imagine Harry in the chosen clothes and come to the conclusion that he'll look cute in it. Next I move towards the dressing table and pick up Harry's signature cologne, the smell I've grown quite familiar with.
I place the clothes and the bottle of cologne on the bed and then open the the closet next to Harry's, which is full of feminine clothes. It doesn't take too long for me to choose a dress for myself, it's a knee length white one which is backless and have full sleeves of net. Simple and classy.
With my hands full of clothes I get back to the car and find Zayn talking to someone on the phone, leaning against the bonnet of the car. When his eyes land on me, his smile vanishes and he says something into the phone before putting it back into his front pocket, standing up straight.
"Zayn, can you please go and lock the door for me?" I ask him nicely when I'm only few feet away from his figure.
"Why can't you do it yourself?" Zayn questions, raising his eye brows at me as I struggle to keep the bottle of cologne in my hand from falling.
"Because I have only two hand and they're fucking full?" I snap at him, causing Zayn to roll his eyes as he snatches the keys from my hand, almost making me drop Harry's shirt.
Zayn grumbles something as he passes by me, stomping his feet like an eight years old and I just walk towards the car and neatly place the clothes in the back seats, making sure that they do not get wrinkles. Once done, I slam the door shut and get into the passenger seat, thinking of what will be come next in this dramatic life mine.
Josh's words from that they haunt my memory again and I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath.
This is far from over.
Everything is going as planned.
The two sentences are stuck in my mind ever since that day and unlike the bruise he gave me has disappeared from my face, the words of his haven't though I've tried so hard to not let them affect me.
"You over think too much." I hear Zayn's voice, my head immediately snapping in his direction to find him looking at me while putting on his seat belt.
That's Zayn, one moment he acts like he actually cares and the other moment he's all cold, like I've murdered his puppy or something.
"You know, life, it's a rollercoaster and you gotta enjoy the ride." Zayn says after a minute of silence and I just blink at him, waiting for him to continue the words of wisdom. "No matter how dangerous that ride might seem, it does end and you're like, woah, that was fun. So, yeah, just deal with it like it's a rollercoaster."
I stay quite for another good minute, taking in his words and realizing that his words do make some sense. But what if my ride isn't that fun in the end? What if my rollercoaster's got some dysfunction and it end up real bad?
"I just told you to stop over thinking, girl." Zayn says sounding annoyed as he grunts and starts driving.
"Yeah, okay. You're right." I say half heartedly, knowing that I won't ever stop over-thinking, I guess that how I am.
When we reach the hospital, Zayn tells me to go get Harry ready and that he'll be there in sometime, making an excuse that he's gotta call someone important. I decide not to ask him whose more important than his friend and just take Harry's clothes out, ready to see him.
Harry's watching the television when I enter his room but as soon as he hears the sound of the door opening, his head snaps towards me, a smile immediately finding it's way on his lips.
"Hi, Harry." I say approaching the bed, eyes snapping from Harry to the television and back at him.
"Aah, finally here you are." Harry states excitedly, shuffling a bit and sitting up straighter and opening his arms for me to hug him. "Come give daddy a big kiss, baby."
I let out a small laugh at his words as I carefully place the clothes on the chair before I let him envelope me into a tight hug, my own arms going around his neck as he hugs me for a good minute or two. Once Harry's arms loosen around me, I move back so that we're both face to face, a smile tugging on both of our lips.
We both stare at each other for a moment before lightly pressing his lips to mine and then moves away, pecking both of my cheeks and I find myself giggling like a girl.
In the past two weeks, I've bonded so much with Harry though most of the time, all I did was stare at him while he slept. Now, I don't think of him some crazy kidnapper anymore instead he's more like a very special, old friend. I don't feel uncomfortable around him like I used to, I feel calm and safe in his presence. It's like he's got a real happy aura around him that makes me happy too.
"I brought you clothes, just like you asked." I tell him, standing up straighter and looking back at the clothes resting on the chair.
"Of course you did, baby." Harry says gleefully, the million dollars smile of his still present on the lips. "Thanks."
Before I can respond to him, our attention turns towards the door of the room again and I see Zayn entering the room.
"Uh.. sup mate? I just talked to your doctor, they're discharging you right now. Go on, change out of that disgusting thing." Zayn says, pointing towards the blue hospital shirt Harry's wearing who chuckles and shakes his head.
"You want help?" I ask him as he slowly stands up from up the bed and walks towards the bathroom, me following right behind with his clothes in my hand.
"Not really but I wouldn't mind, babe." Harry says winking in a suggestive way and I shake my head no, handing him the clothes.
Harry disappears inside and close the door and I huff, going over to the bed and sitting down on it, playing with my fingers since Zayn is way too busy on his phone to make a small conversation.
"Why are you so obsessed with that device?" I finally ask him after sometime, feeling a bit annoyed at how he keeps on smiling down at the stupid screen.
"None of your business but I'm chatting with someone important." Zayn says with a shrug, eyes never leaving the phone as he taps his thumb on the phone, typing like a fucking pro.
"You've been talking to this so called important person all morning. Is it some girl sending you nudes or something." I watch as Zayn suddenly stops typing at my words, eyes looking up from the screen and fixing me with a hard glare.
"Watch that mouth, I don't appreciate people talking shit about my girlfriend." Zayn states sternly, his tone full of threat as if he's ready to jump on me any minute.
"You, you've got.. a girlfriend?" I ask him in confusion, shocked at the confession he's just made. Last time when we were at the same party, he was flirting with every girl and now all of the sudden he's got a girlfriend?
"Why? You were having this wild fantasy of having a threesome with me and Harry?" Zayn snorts and I cringe at his words wondering if that was some sort of a weird joke or he's serious.
"Eww, no. Just, at last party you were flirting with every girl and yeah." I say with a shrug and Zayn just rolls his eyes, pressing the phone to his ear.
"None of your business." He mumbles before he swiftly turns around and walks out of the room.
Just when Zayn leaves, a doctor enters the room, a board in his hand.
"Mr. Styles is free to go today but you need to bring him for check up every week for a month. Just to make sure he's good." The doctor tells me when he realizes that I'm the same girl who was here with Harry on the very first day.
"Yes, sure. Doctor, is there anything else I should keep in mind?" I ask him and he shakes his head, eyes averting from me towards the bathroom door. I follow his gaze and find Harry standing there, as he buttons his shirt.
"I'm see you're ready to go, Mr. Styles." Doctor says with a smile as Harry strides towards the two of us, nodding his head.
"Of course, Marcus. Who likes to stay in this shitty place when you've got a loving girlfriend at home, yeah?" Harry says, placing his hand on the small of my back and pressing a kiss on the top of my head, a blush creeping up on my cheeks.
"Nurses here are hot too, Harry." The young doctor wink and Harry laughs a little.
"You're naughty." Harry states, pointing a finger and him and he just shrugs it off, laughing along with Harry.
"I need to get going, take care you two." Marcus nods at Harry and smiles politely at me before he leaves the room.
Harry sighs as tge doctor leaves the room, his arm wrapping around my waist as he pulls me closer to his side, smiling down at me.
"Let's go out of here, yeah?" Harry says quietly and I nod my head, smiling back at me.
We find Zayn in the waiting area and he tells us that the bill and all other stuff has been taken care of and Harry pats his shoulder to show his appreciation. I sit in the back of the car while Zayn and Harry take the seat in the front talking about the foot ball matches.
"Wait, where are we going?" Harry's words cause my ears to perk up and I sit up straighter and look out of the window.
"My place, mate. I've arranged a party for you tonight." Zayn tells Harry and then both of them are silent and I take it as Harry's got no problem with going there.
Waliyah's in the kitchen preparing lunch when we reach the house and I immediately join her in there, helping in setting the table for four.
"You excited for the party?" Waliyah asks me while pouring the chicken corn soup in a big bowl.
"Uh.. yeah. Sort of. You?" I ask her and Waliyah shrugs handing me the bowl.
"I don't know. I don't think I'll be home." She states and I frown at her, not liking her response. In the past two weeks we've grown closer and I want her to be there with me, in a party full of strangers.
"Why, not?" I ask her with a pout, "It'll be fun, we can get ready together." I say wiggling my eye brows and smiling at her.
Waliyah gives me a serious look, the one his brother gives me all the time and I huff, crossing my arms across my chest.
"Waliyah, please?" I whine, pouting and hoping that it will work. "You don't wanna meet Zayn's girlfriend?"
Waliyah hand stops mid air and she turns around to face me, an eye brow raised.
"What girlfriend?" She questions and I shrug my shoulders, my smile widening knowing that I've sparked her interest.
"Yeah, you don't know? He was talking to her all morning and I think she'll be here at night." I tell her and Waliyah seems to be deep in thought.
"That fucker didn't mention a girlfriend to me." She says suddenly sounding angry as she hands me the plate of pan seared chicken. "Zayn." She shouts standing in the kitchen and my eyes widen.
"Sshh, stop. He'll be angry that I told you!" I whisper yell at her and Waliyah sighs, lips set in a thin line.
"Fine, I'll be there at the party." She tells me and I clap my hands, enveloping in a hug and she awkwardly pats my back.
Yup, she's so much like her brother. Cold and minding her own business yet she's got a good heart, just like Zayn.
"You think I look okay?" I ask Waliyah, twirling around nervously while she sits there, looking hotter than anyone I've ever seen in the knee length black dress of hers.
"You look great." She mumbles not paying much attention to me and I sigh, my shoulders slumping.
"C'mon, don't act like that. You look hot as fuck, white is your colour and that red lipstick makes you look so fuckable." Waliyah mumbles, throwing her phone aside and going over to the closet.
I watch as she searches for something and then tosses me a pair of red heels.
"Here, wear these and you're all good to go."
I beam at her words, putting the heels on and checking my reflection in the full length mirror.
"We're gonna have so much fun, babe." I squeal and see her rolling her eyes at me. Yup, just like her brother.
The knock on the door cause me to look away from the mirror and I walk towards it, unlocking and opening to see whose there.
"Come out for a minute." Harry says quietly when he finds me standing there with the door half open and I nod, compiling to his request.
As soon as I close the door after us, Harry grabs me by my waist, pressing me against the door before taking a step back. I nervously stand there as I watching his eyes raking up and down my body slowly, as if trying to take in every inch of it. After a long moment, his eyes finally snap back up, staring into my own as he bites his bottom lip.
"Fuck, you look beautiful, my beautiful princess." Harry says, gaze flickering back to my chest before he looks back up again and presses his lips against my own in a peck.
He moves away quickly and sighs, his hands rubbing up and down my arms.
"I would love to devour you right now, baby but the very first guest is here and she's important according to Zayn." Harry says pouting and I laugh lightly, grabbing his hand.
"Yeah, I've been dying to meet this important person ever since this morning." I tell Harry as we start walking towards the living room.
The sound of whispering and giggling reaches my ear as soon as me and Harry enter the living room. My eyes immediately looking for the source of the cute, girly giggling and there sitting on the couch is Zayn with a girl straddling his waist giggling at whatever he's saying in her ear.
"Oh.. now way. You kidding?" The girl says a bit louder, gasping when Zayn's fingers tickle her sides, both of them unaware of mine and Harry's presence.
"Zayn, no." She squeals, lightly slapping his head and Zayn laughs with her, pressing his lips against her forehead in an affectionate way while I stand there watching the two, completely awe struck at how happy Zayn seems to be in the brunette's presence.
The sound of Harry clearing his throat causes them both to stop laughing and the girl immediately jumps up, moving away from Zayn and taking the seat on the couch, her eyes cascading downwards as if she's been caught doing some crime.
"Uh.. we didn't interrupt something, right?" Harry asks, his casual tone making it very obvious that he doesn't really care about interrupting them least bit.
"No. No, uhm.. meet Brooke. My girlfriend." Zayn states with a smile, putting his arm around the petite girl's shoulder and she looks up at Zayn a then Harry, giving him a small wave.
"Hey, I'm Harry." Harry greets the girl cheerfully, taking a step towards the girl and bringing his hand out for her to shake. "Finally, I'm meeting the most important person of the night."
Brooke eyes Harry's hand before she slowly places her hand in his.
"Nice to meet you, Harry." She says sweetly as she shakes his hand.
"Same, babe. My girlfriend here has been dying to meet you too." Harry says, letting go of the girl's hand as she stands to her full height, smiling at me.
I take the girl's appearance in and immediately I feel somewhat self conscious. She looks breathtakingly gorgeous in the high waisted shorts and shirt. Her beautiful hair are straightened to perfection, adorning her face, making her appear cute and hot at the same time. Her eyes are a vibrant blue without so compelling about them, complementing the tan complexion and I immediately find myself shipping her with Zayn.
Yeah, the two are a pair made in heaven.
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