The party is in full swing, there are people dancing around, holding the cups of some strong alcohal, the speakers are blasting some really cool song by cold play, the sound loud enough to make me deaf but I'm in no condition to complain.
Waliyah and I are sitting on the sofa, our eyes fixed on the scene of Zayn whispering something into Brooke's ear and laughing with her, just a few feet away from us, without a care in the world. With a huff, I tear my gaze away and look towards the girl sitting next to me, whose glaring openly at his brother and his girlfriend.
I lightly elbow her side in an attempt to get her attention and she wince a little. Slowly, Waliyah her head towards me, eyes raised in a questionable manner.
"Quit staring at them like a freak. You've been at it for like an hour." I complain and Waliyah scoffs, rolling her eyes at me.
"That motherfucker didn't introduce me to his girlfriend. He didn't even tell me that he's got one. I have a right to be upset." Waliyah snaps, the anger in her voice evident and by the look on her face, it seems like she's ready to jump on Zayn any second.
"What is with you two? Getting angry easily is in your genes or something?" I question her with a chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood but Waliyah just stares at me for a second before shaking her head and standing up from her place.
"C'mon, you're introducing me to her." She states, grabbing my arm and pulling at it but I snatch it from her, standing up from the couch.
"No." I say, crossing my arms and looking back towards the love sick couple. "Don't you see how happy they are, don't ruin there moment. Let's find ourselves someone to dance with."
I say with a smile which is fully ignored by the girl. She gives me look before turning to look back at Zayn, whose now got his arms wrapped around Brooke's waist as she brings the rim of the glass to his lips, letting him take a sip of her drink before bringing the glass to her own lips, both of them smiling like lunatics. Just when I thought that they can't get anymore sappy.
"You introduce me to the girl and we leave them alone." Waliyah states with a shrug and I roll my eyes, turning around to leave her alone and find Harry to keep me company. He had left me with her like ten minutes back, telling me that he's got to greet some friends.
"Dear Lord, Laura! He's my brother, I need to make sure he's dating a nice girl and not someone whose after his money." Waliyah says with a grunt, a frown finding it's way on her face and I huff. Now getting the idea why she's being so possessive, poor girl is worried about her elder brother.
"Okay but just five minutes." I say, turning back towards her and raising a finger at her and she immediately smiles, nodding her head enthusiastically like a small girl.
As the two of us approach the couple, Zayn's gaze flickers from Brooke towards me and then Waliyah. The smile on his lips immediately disappearing as he lets go of Brooke and stands up straighter. The brunette notices his change of mood and hesitantly looks in the same way but unlike Zayn, her smile immediately becomes wide on seeing me.
"Hey." She says gleefully when I am standing just a few away from her. Brooke's eyes flicker from me towards the girl next to me and she stares at her for a couple of second, her lips parting slightly and she seems to be in deep thought all of the sudden.
"You're.. you're Zayn's sister." Brooke states, placing her hand on Zayn's shoulder and looking up at him for assurance. "Zayn, you didn't introduce us."
Zayn gives Brooke a small smile before letting out a sigh and wrapping one of his arm around her shoulders, pulling the small girl closer.
"Brooke, meet my beloved sister Waliyah. Waliyah, meet my one and only girlfriend, Brooke." Zayn introduces the two girls before taking the drink from Brooke's hand and downing all the liquid in one big gulp.
"Waliyah, you look so much like your brother but you're prettier." Brooke gushes taking a step towards her but Waliyah ignores her, opening glaring at her elder brother.
"You fucker, you should've come introduce her to me." She snarls, taking a step towards Zayn who raises a hand in a defensive manner.
"Sweet cheeks, calm down. I was planning to officially introduce Brooke to the family over some dinner, not at a wild party." Zayn states calmly, placing his hand on her sister's cheek and patting it adoringly.
"You're lying." She says quietly, not seeming angry anymore as she bats Zayn's hand away.
"I'm not, little sister." Zayn tells her with a smirk and she huffs, rolling her eyes and turning her attention on Brooke now as the two girls hug and tell each other Zayn's embarrassing stories.
A hand on my shoulder cause me to jump and I turn my head towards to side, my wide eyes finding Harry standing there with a small smile on his lips.
"Jeez, Harry! You're going to be the reason I have heart attack." I whisper yell at him, placing a hand on my racing heart while lightly punching his chest with the other.
Harry fakes a wince at the contact as he presses his lips to mine in a quick kiss before moving away and taking my hand in his and intertwining own fingers together, causing my insides to warm up immediately.
"I don't plan on letting you die anytime soon, babe. I'll let you have my heart." Harry says and I smile at his cheesy sentence, wondering how many girls fell for these charming words of his.
Harry pulls me away from the three others, not listening to me complaining about letting me excuse myself. Harry's only response is that they'll live without me and that they won't even notice me gone.
"You had anything to drink?" Harry asks me as we enter the empty kitchen, going straight towards the refrigerator and taking out a chilled bottle of alcohol.
Zayn had made it very clear that no guest is allowed to roam around his house and so other than the living room and dining room, the rest of the house was empty.
"I didn't." I tell him and Harry smirks nodding his head as he approaches me, placing the bottle on the counter before he picks me up and makes me sit on the counter as well.
"Well, great." Harry states, parting my legs and settling in between them as he takes the bottle from beside me and pops the lid open. "I prefer you sober tonight since I'll be doing all the drinking."
I watch as he brings the bottle to his mouth and gulps down the liquid. My mind immediately going back to the time when I had tried to drink the juice straight from the carton because I was thirsty and Harry had mercilessly snatched it away from me and had shamed me for not having any manners. I shiver at the memory, remembering how afraid yet disgusted I was by Harry back then.
"Hey, hey! Don't get too upset now, this party's for me so I should be allowed to drink more than others right?" Harry asks me with a chuckle, taking another swig from the bottle before placing it beside me, both of his hands getting hold of my thighs, squeezing the clothed flesh once.
"You.. you just got out of the hospital, Harry. I don't think it's very good for your health to drink too much." I say the words like some over protective mother, letting my hands rest on top of his own.
I watched as Harry huffs, taking one of my hand and guiding it to wrap around his neck and I compile without a single protest. It doesn't seemed forced anymore. Every time he touches me or I touch him. Every time we kiss, the sweet or naughty remarks he makes. It's no longer a torture, it seems almost normal, like we never had an abusive past where he was my kidnapper and I was his possession, a vulnerable victim.
Harry's eyes roam over my body for a good minute but just when It starts to feel a little awkward, he stops, looking up into my eyes with a small smile tugging on his lip.
"Did I tell you that you're the most beautiful and adorable abd sexy girl I've seen at the party tonight?" Harry say quietly, his hand coming up to cup my cheek while the other one finds it's way towards my back, pulling my body closer so that I'm fully pressed against him, chest to chest.
His vibrant green eyes never leave mine as he leans downward so that our noses are pressed against each others, breathing in deeply, Harry closes his eyes and then his lips meet mine, the soft, moist lips stay stationary against my mouth and I sit there frozen. Torn between the two choices, to push him away or to pull him even more closer, to kiss him and touch him and play with his long curls.
Harry's thumb runs along my cheek bone as he moves his lips away, opening his eyes, he looks down at me, eyes running all over my face with his mouth set in a straight line. He seems to be in trance, as if staring at some piece of art.
I feel my breathing picking up just at the way he's staring at me. The sound of music which was once blasting through my ears, seems to be a low background noise now and I find myself fearing that I've actually fallen for the charismatic guy in front of me who doesn't even know my real name.
My thoughts are cut off short when Harry's lips come in contact with mine, this time with a little more force and I succumb to the desire of having him. My lips move on their own, with the same pace as Harry, loving how his lips feel so good against mine. It's when Harry's tongue darts out of his mouth and swipes along my bottom lip that I let a small moan escape my mouth. It's too much for me, his lips pressed to mine, his tongue caressing mine, his hands running over my body, leaving me wanting more, the combination of three is enough to make me lose my mind like never before.
My hands seems to have the mind of their own as they run over his clothed chest up and down. One moving towards his silky soft curls and fisting them, just to make sure he doesn't move away.
"I love you." Harry says against my lips and I squeeze my closed eyes tightly, aware that this 'love' of his isn't for me, it will never be for me.
I response by kissing him harder, biting his bottom lip and sucking on his tongue. I don't have it in me to push him away though I know it's wrong. I'm using him, I'm taking advantage of the man who thinks that I'm his beloved girlfriend.
"Harry! Harry?"
The sound of someone shouting Harry's name causes us to move away from each other. Our breathing laboured due to the heavy make out session. Harry stares at me for few seconds before his gaze travels towards the source of the sound.
"Zayn." Harry acknowledges quietly, still trying to catch his breath as he waits for his friend to tell him why he was asking for his attention.
"What are you two doing here all alone? C'mon it's time to have a toast for your good health." Zayn says, moving towards us, stumbling a bit in a way, when he's close enough, he brings his hand forward, patting Harry's shoulder.
"Is that necessary?" Harry says with the grunt, picking up the bottle of chugging some liquid down before he says, "People are here to have free liquor, they don't care about anybody's health."
Zayn just shakes his head at the taller guy before taking the vodka from his hand and taking a gulp himself.
"I care. She cares." Zayn says pointing a finger towards me, "Selvia cares, Niall cares, Liam cares, Sophia cares, Obama cares, the world cares." Zayn's voice becomes loud at the end and then he lets out a laugh, taking another mouth full of poisonous liquid.
"You're drunk, man." Harry states, trying to snatch the bottle from Zayn's hand but he keeps a tight grip on it and snorts.
"Me? Drunk?" Zayn says, sounding surprised, eye brows raised and a loop sided smile present on his lips. "I'm not drunk, Haz. Unlike you, I know who this girl really is. She's fake as shit!"
Zayn says pointing towards me and I feel goose bumps rising on my skin at his words, my heart beat accelerating and my eyes widening as I realize that it might be the end of this drama.
"Man, c'mon. I know you've never really liked her but it's not a way to treat my girlfriend." Harry states calmly, this time succeeding on snatching the bottle from Zayn's hand and blindly handing it to me.
"Girlfriend?" Zayn says with a frown, seeming to be deep in thought, "Where's my girlfriend?" He asks, shaking Harry's shoulder and I relax a little now that I'm not in the spotlight anymore.
"Let's find her, yeah? Come." Harry says grabbing Zayn's forearm but he frees it from his grasp, stumbling a bit but maintaining his balance.
"No, we're going to a have toast." Zayn states stubbornly, smiling up at Harry while crossing his arms across his chest.
Harry watches his friend carefully before nodding his head, "Okay, let's go. Announce a toast to my good health."
Zayn clumsily takes a hold of Harry's arm and starts tugging on it, pulling him out of the kitchen and Harry compile, following his lead with me trailing behind the two men quietly. When we reach the D.J, Harry requests the punk boy to turn down the volume of the songs while handing a Mic to Zayn.
Zayn snatches the bottle of alcohol from my hand before he turns his attention towards the Mic, tapping a finger on it, just to make sure that it's working.
"Hello, every one. Hello." Zayn says laughing a little at the end. "Pay attention motherfuckers or I'll kick you all out." Zayn barks harsh and immediately everyone's attention in the room is on Zayn, me and Harry.
Biting my lip, I run my eyes over the faces in the crowd, looking for a familiar face and they land on Brooke. She's standing at the very corner of the room, leaning against the wall and by what I can see from far away, she's not smiling or anything.
"Here, we have. My mate, Harry Styles and his not so real girlfriend." Zayn states, his hand pointing in our direction and I feel Harry's arm wrap around my waist as soon as the words leave his mouth, probably upset with what he's just said.
I, on the other hand, freeze again in my place, my breath hitching in my throat.
"And, we're gonna have a toast to Harry's good health. This party was for him, if y'all are wondering." Zayn says with a chuckle, taking a glup of liquid from the bottle and letting out a small whistle. "Every one go grab a cup. Hurry. Hurry."
People disperse quickly and soon all in my line of vision are holding small red cups.
"To this boy's health and long life." Zayn says and their isi a roar of 'cheers' in the crowd.
Harry tries to take the bottle of alcohol away from the already intoxicated boy but Zayn doesn't let go. For someone so drunk, he's got a lot of strength. When Harry gives up, I look to where Brooke once stood and find her still standing there, staring in our direction.
"Wait, where are you going?" Harry asks grabbing my elbow when I take a step away from him to go over to Brooke and ask what is up with her.
"I'm gonna go ask Brooke to take care of Zayn. For what I've seen, he's on his best behaviour with her." I tell Harry over the loud music and he nods letting go of me.
As I approach her, I realize that she's got tears staining her cheeks and instantly a frown finds it's way on my face. Brooke looks away from me when we're just a few steps away from each other. Her quivering hands coming up to her cheeks as she wipes her tears away.
"Brooke," I say, reaching forward and moving her hand away from her face, "Are you okay?"
Brooke shakes her head in response before moving forward and quickly enveloping me into a hug, taking me by surprise as I stumble a steps back before regaining my balance and wrapping my arms around her.
"He... forced me to- to come the party all the way from New York and then the first chance he got, he started flirting with other girls." Brooke says as a loud sob racks through her body and I instinctively hold her tighter, feeling sad for the girl.
"Hey, don't cry." I tell her, rubbing her back, "He was probably drunk, yeah?" I say but Brooke shakes her head again.
"He was perfectly sober, he just likes to this all the time. He's never been a one woman man." Brooke says into my shoulder and I tightly press my lips together, trying to hold in all the curses I feel like muttering at the moment.
"Hey, you get away from my girl." I hear Zayn's voice from behind me as he pokes me in the back and I reluctantly let go of Brooke, turning around to face Zayn whose standing there with his eyebrows furrowed, a very pissed Harry standing next to him.
"You better not come near her, Zayn." I threaten him, pushing on to his chest and he stumbles a bit before Harry grabs hold of his arm and steady him.
"Whose gonna stop me, you? A fake hoe." Zayn challenges angrily moving towards me but Harry stops him from advancing anymore.
"Watch your tongue, Zayn." Harry hisses and from the look on his face, it's obvious that he's trying to hold his anger back and may burst any moment.
Zayn shoves Harry backwards and gives him a glare before his attention turns towards the girl hiding behind me, his gaze alone with his facial expressions softening.
"Baby, c'mon. You know I love you. It's a part of a bet, I swear." Zayn slurs, stuttering his way around me so that he's standing beside Brooke.
"Please." Zayn says quietly, bringing his hand to her face but she moves away from the touch, making him groan as he reaches forward again and grips her wrist, forcefully pulling Brooke into him.
"Don't hurt her, Zayn." Harry says but he's fully ignored, Zayn's attention is solely on the girl writhing in his arms, trying to get away from him.
"I was bet, for fuck's sake, stop moving and listening to me!" Zayn shouts all of the sudden, causing me to take a step back Harry and Brooke stops struggling in an instant.
"I have to get phone number from like hundred girls or I lose the bet." Zayn explains and my mouth drops in surprise, what kind of childish bet is that? "I'll call it off now. I'll call it off for you." He says desperately, sounding a bit sober all of the sudden as he brings his hand up to Brooke's face and wipes away the stray tears.
All four of us go silent after that, Zayn pressing kissing on the girl's forehead continuously while Harry and I just awkwardly stand there, making sure that none of the two get hurt.
"You, you promise?" Brooke asks Zayn and he instantly nods, smiling down at her and showing off his white pearly teeth before pressing his lips to her.
Harry and I, take that as our queue to leave the alone, grabbing my hand he pulls me away and into the opposite direction.
"Are you tired?" Harry asks me as we pass a girl passed out on a sofa, a red cup resting on her stomach.
"I don't know, are you?" I ask Harry as he continues walking us away from the crowded room and up the stairs and into the room where I had been staying for a couple past weeks.
Harry doesn't reply to my question as he opens the door and pulls me inside with him, the light in the room turning on automatically as soon as we both step inside and Harry kicks the door close before locking it.
"I am tired as fuck." He yawns, going over to the bed and sitting on the edge as he takes off his shoes before moving his fingers towards the buttons of the shirt his wearing, popping open one button after another and then taking it off, the sight of his naked skin making my mouth dry as I stand near the door, fiddling with my fingers.
Harry seems to notice my uneasiness since he looks up at me and smile, telling me to come towards him with the motion of his fingers.
"Why the innocent act, love? Come here." Harry chuckles and I bite my bottom lip, taking in a deep breath as I walk in his direction, stopping when I'm right in front of him.
Harry places his hands on my hips and pull me down onto his lap, still smiling as I wiggle a bit until I'm somewhat comfortably perched on his lap.
"If what Zayn just said is the reason for your discomfort, I apologize on his behalf." Harry tells me, one of his hand moving up to tuck the stray piece of hair behind my ear before his lips press a kiss on my jawline just below my ear and my eye lids flutter shut, a shaky breath escaping my lips.
"Someone else's opinion about you can't change the love I have for you." Harry says quietly, his fingers ghosting over the exposed skin of my back, making it impossible for me to focus on what he's saying. "You get it?"
I nod mindlessly and Harry lets out a small sigh as he peck my lips twice before wrapping his arm around my waist and picking me up, placing me onto the springy mattress.
"I need to pee." Harry laughs as he stands up abruptly, walking in the direction of the bathroom and I laugh along. Such a great way to interrupt a romantic moment.
I sigh as Harry closes the door behind him, a smile still evident on my lips at his dumb action. I shuffle on the bed to get comfortable but just then there's a loud knock on the door before the door knob rattles violently.
"Who.. who is it?" I ask loudly, getting up from the bed and padding towards the door. The rattling and knocking stops when I reach the door and I take in a deep breath, contemplating on wether to open it or not.
Curiosity gets the best of me and I slowly open the door, peeking out and finding no one in the hall way. With another in take of breath, I open the door more and move out to see if there's anyone out there but finding no one. Assuming that it was some drunk person looking for bathroom, I step back inside and just when I'm about to close the door, my eyes fall onto the envelope lying on the wooden floor.
Bending down, I pick up the envelope and open it with shaky hands, wanting to see what's inside and just when I take the card type thing out, my breathing stops and I feel like I will faint any second.
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