It's the last chapter so either read the whole of it or don't read at all.

Every story has an ending. No matter how many twists and turns it might have. No matter how fucked up it might be. No matter if it's about a villain or a hero. It has to end, one day or another. But how it ends, it depends on no one other than the person whose the part of it. Happy or sad endings are written by people for themselves. No one can take away that right, no one has a right to end your story. You write it, your fate, at the end of the day, is in your own hands and Laura firmly believes in that.

She believes that after everything she's been through, after all the betrayals and pain. After getting to know the fucked up realities of this cruel, mean world. It is now in her own hands to end her tale. And she wants, needs it be a fairy tale, just like the ones she's grown up watching.

Beauty and the beast. Snow white. Cinderella. Mulan. Repunzel.

She wonders what would be the name of her fairy tale. Or would it be way too violent to be called a fairy tale even if the ending is happy. They say, all is well when ends well, right?

Her hands come up to wipe away the tears from her cheeks and she pushes back her thoughts of having a happy ending. Thinking about herself only will make her weak and right now, weakness is not an option for her. She needs to be strong. Strong enough to save the man she's unintentionally fallen in love with.

She looks around the investigation room before glaring at the mirror window, she knows they're watching her on the other side, taking notes of her every action.

"I'm not a fucking criminal, just ask me what you want and let me go!" She demands but like all other times, no one walks inside. "I want my lawyer. Send Strackencz in!"

Her voice doesn't waver one bit as she barks out the order at nothing but a plain mirror, her eyes are hard and emotionless, unlike her mind that's all messed up.

Laura's fist collide with the table hard and just then her eyes register movement. Her jaw clench involuntarily and she grits her teeth when the police officer who'd held her back from Harry enters inside.

"Ms. Stevens. I hope you're alright now." The officer mutters politely as he sits on the chair across from her.

When Laura doesn't reply, he clears his throat and places both his hands on the table, "I have a few questions for you, you answer them truthfully and you're free to go."

"And I have nothing to tell you so fuck off and send my lawyer in." She snaps at him, giving him the best glare. If looks could look, the man would have been dead already.

"I'm afraid they put me to this duty, dear. So cooperate with me and I might be able to help." Despite her rude behaviour the man is smiling and Laura wants nothing more than to slap his smile away and spit on his face for being a fucking asshole.

"Did you fucking cooperate with me when I told you that they're taking away the man I love?" She questions him harshly, feeling her bottom lip quiver at the thought of Harry being in jail with fucked up criminals.

"Aah, now we're getting there." The officer exclaims, a bit too joyfully and shuffles a bit, "you want me to help the guy, you help me here. Tell me the truth and I'd see what I can do for him."

"You've got the wrong guy. I won't say anything against him and you can't force me." Laura says with the most threatening voice she can muster, sending daggers the man's way.

"We have evidence against Mr. Styles, Laura. You just need to confirm it." The officer tells her calmly causing her to growl a bit, getting an urge to throw something against the mirror to see whose standing outside, paying close attention to what's happening inside. "He can not hurt you now. You have nothing to be scared of."

"I'm not scared, God damn it." She says loudly, pounding both her fists on the table this time. "I want my fucking lawyer, right now."

The man smiles at her outburst and shakes his head, "You're not allowed to see anyone until you tell us what we want to know. The truth."

Laura looks at the man hopelessly, feeling her strong facade slipping away with every second, now doubting the happy ending she'd imagined for herself.

"You want the truth," She says in a whisper, blinking her eyes to push back the tears, "Fine. Josh Styles. He's behind all of this."

The man doesn't seem fazed one bit at the new information, "We've got our men looking for him. We know what he's done, that he's involved in this case."

Laura's mouth part with surprise and she waits for the officer to continue.

"Cameras. In hospitals and on the streets. We've gathered every piece of information before capturing Harry, Laura. And we have evidence against his brother too, trust me, we'll find him. "

"Josh killed my parents." She says in a small voice, tears slipping out of her eyes and this time she makes no attempt to wipe them away or stop them.

"How do you know that?" The police man inquires, suddenly becoming more attentive and alert.

"I had escaped Harry once and I called him, thought he's the most loyal boyfriend in the world," Her hands quiver and she tightly fist them, chuckling without any humour before a sigh escapes her lips, "that's when he told me that he's murdered them. He assaulted me physically and mentally, more than one time. He.. he r-raped me." As she says those words loudly, tells the police man what she's been through, she feels herself lightening up, she'd kept it all botteled up inside of her for so so long, just to keep Harry safe.

And now, putting all the blame on Josh was the only way to keep Harry somewhat safe. Oh how the tables have turned.

"He's after his brother's money. He'd been making him take wrong, harmful pills instead of those needed to treat depression. Laura tells him bitterly, "if you really want to help me out, find that guy, he's the one behind everything. Harry and I, we were just pawns in his game."

"What about Harry, he never forced you to do anything? Ever assaulted you?" The police man asks her, still not ready to let Harry slide.

"No. He didn't. Sometimes he got angry, aggressive, but it wasn't his fault. The wrong medicines were the reason behind that."

"He ever made sexual advances towards you? Made you do anything against your will?"

These questions weren't something Laura was willing to answer, so she stays silent, all the while, looking right into the officer's eyes. She knows he's looking for a change in her posture, any small change that will confirm his suspicion and that just makes her put her poker face on. They had no right to know about her sexual life.

The officer seems to get her unwillingness to answer his questions and presses his lips in a thin line, "You do know that whatever relationship you and Harry had was illegal? You're not even eighteen yet."

"Two fucking months until my birthday so don't give me that shit." She snaps at the man, scowling at him.

They both stay quiet after that as if processing everything that has happened within an hour or so. Laura tries to remember if she'd said anything they could use against Harry but fortunately there was nothing. She'd been careful with her words and for that's she's proud of herself.

"Is there anything else you should to tell me?" The police man asks her calmly, trying to sound all friendly and shit.

In response however, he only receives a shake of head and a small, no.

"Very well then." The man sighs and abruptly stands up from his chair, getting ready to leave the room. "You're free to go, Ms. Stevens. We might call you again if needed."

With a tight nod the man turns his back to Laura and starts making his way towards the door, however he stops when she speaks up.

"I want to see Harry first." She tells him and stands up from her place, waiting for him to nod and guide her to where ever they're keeping her.

"You're not allowed to." The man simply states, walking out before Laura could say anything in response.

For a minute or so, she stands there in utter silence, not sure of what to do or say but then the very next minute, she's screaming and shouting, threatening the police men that she'd report them to higher authorities.

"You said you'd help me if I tell you the truth." She seethe at the officer standing outside investigation room, pushing at his chest aggressively.

"Stop this before I put you in a cell for being disrespectful to a police man." The officer says way too calmly as if not disturbed by Laura's outburst at all.

"I won't leave until you let me meet him once." She tells him, looking around and noticing that no one is paying her any attention. They had seen worst cases than hers, woman throwing a tantrum was no big deal for them.

No body reacts to her words and that makes Laura feel even more angry, the type of anger that leads to crying loudly. She stays put at her place though, deciding not to move until they agree to what she wants.

Half an hour passes and no one even come to speak to her. She feels herself growing tired, her throat is dry from all the crying and screaming. But she's determined to get what she wants. They didn't call her stubborn for no reason when she was a kid.

"Come on." She hears someone say and her eyes fly open. The same officer she's learned to hate is standing a few feet away from her.

"Where?" She demands coldly, standing up straighter and moving away from the wall.

"You wanted to see your lawyer, your lawyer is waiting for you outside." His words annoy Laura to no end and she swears to herself that he would be the guy she would've murdered if one kill was legal.

"I don't want to see him any more." She tells him, narrowing her eyes angrily, her fingers twitching to slap him hard across the face.

"Laura." Another voice sounds in her ears and she snaps her head in the direction of the voice.

Her hard eyes become soft when they land on Louis. He's standing a not so far away from her, a frown adorning his face as he looks her up and down, making sure she's not hurt.

"Louis." She breathes out and take a step in his direction, he's however quick to reach her first. As soon as they're at arms length, Louis pulls the girl in for a hug.

"Louis." She repeats, feeling the tears building up in her eyes again. All of her courage and tough act going down into a drain.

That's what a small act of affection can do, it holds the power of melting even the coldest hearts. It's enough to break all the walls and barricades that one builds to stay hidden.

"Come with me." Louis whispers in her ear, rubbing his hand up and down the girl's back.

"No." She sobs, shaking her head that's resting in the crook of his neck, getting the exposed skin wet with her tears.

"Trust me one last time, please." Louis pleads, closing his eyes momentarily before setting them on the officer standing there, glaring at him.

"I want to meet him, Louis. They won't let me." She squeaks, sounding like a pathetic, spoilt school girl who whines about even the smallest things.

"I know." Louis breathes out, "We'll find a way,to solve this?"

"We will?" She asks hopefully and Louis nods his head firmly.

"Come on." He says again, moving away from her but keeping his hands on her shoulders.

Laura's gaze flickers from Louis to the police man and she gives him one last disgusted look before she's pulled away into the other direction by Louis.

As the police man had told, Nigel Starckencz is indeed waiting for Laura outside the police station, leaning against the hood of his car. As soon as his eyes fall on the two, he straighten up.

"Why are you here now?" Laura snaps at the man, she's unable to think clearly, all she wants right now is to see Harry and that's it.

"Easy there." Louis says to her, rubbing her arm as she gives him the side look, "he's been negotiating things all night for you, Laura. Be nice."

"Are they willing to set him free?" She gets straight to the point, not in mood of hearing long stories of what he's been doing.

"Let's discuss this someplace more comfortable. This is not the right place to have such conversations." Nigel suggests, looking at Louis rather than Laura. He's aware of the fact that she isn't mentally stable enough to make right decisions.

"Okay." Louis breathes out and that earn him a groan of protest from Laura but she doesn't argue any further, just gets into the car with Louis and Nigel.

They stop at a restaurant to buy Laura something to eat, despite her protests that she's not hungry and just needs a glass of water.

Seeing the plate full of food makes her want to vomit for some odd reasons and she finds it hard to take eat on bite of the pasta that in some other case she would've devoured within ten minutes.

"I just need answers, please." She tells Louis when he tries to feed her himself. "Tell me Nigel, is there a way to get him out?"

"The case isn't so simple now, Laura. That's something you need to know first of all." Nigel says, gulping down the water from his glass before he clears his throat and sits up straighter.

"Your actions, they have consequences Laura and I'm very sorry to tell you that I couldn't do much for you. The way you acted in front of those police men, your confession that you love the man that kidnapped you. Do you know what that makes them think?" He asks but Laura's unable to speak, her lips are all of the sudden sealed and her heart is thumping loudly.

"Psycho. They think you're mentally unstable just like Harry." He tells her truthfully, knowing that there's use of hiding anything now. She's supposed to know the bitter truth and on top of that she needs to accept it.

"So.. there's no way out?" She croak out after a prolonged silence, looking at the man with wide, glossy eyes.

"Not really." Nigel says sounding defeated and the tears that she'd somehow kept at bay, start falling.

"If you really want to save him, Laura, the only way is that you move to Australia. Cut all the ties with that man and all the people close to him."

"How.." Laura clears her throat when she finds in hard to speak before saying, "How will I know if he's alright then?"

"You won't." Nigel states as the matter of fact, sliding the fingers of his one hand in another. "You'll have to trust me with this. Also, Harry's lawyer is very well known man, he knows how to take care of stuff."

"How does her moving away helps in any of this?" Louis jumps in, looking from Nigel to Laura to see if she's okay.

"I'm going to get them convinced that she's seeing a psychiatrist. Immigrating to Australia will only be an assurance that she's indeed moved on and it will help Harry's case."

"I'm old enough to decide wrong and right. I don't need to listen to what they think is right." Laura states, trying to sound firm but her voice betrays her.

"You're seventeen, a kid! Harry and you can't be a couple, it's illegal. Do you not see the wrong here?" Nigel questions, his eyes not straying away from the girl.

"I turn eighteen in two months." She objects, that's the only thing she can say when their relationship is mentioned.

"Doesn't change anything." Nigel shakes his head, "This case is in police's hands Laura. It's not an argument with your parents."

At that, she covers her face with both of her hands and cries loudly, deciding that she's heard enough for today. Unaware of all the attention her action is bringing her.

"I lost Louis." She tells the boy when he pries her hands away from her face, making her look his way. "I.. I won't have a happy ending."

Her voice breaks at the end and she sobs more, Louis shakes his head, telling her that everything gonna be alright. Though he himself knows that it's nothing but a lie. Nothing's gonna be okay, at least not for Laura.

"You need to be strong. Make up your mind, you don't have long, Laura." Nigel says calmly but he's completely ignored by the two.

"You'll leave the same day you were scheduled to before." Nigel tells her and that only makes her cry harder. How long does she have left, twenty four hours?

"Nigel, not now." Louis tells him with a sigh, he knows that everything that has happened today is already way too much for the girl to handle. Hell, it would've been too much to handle for anyone.

Nigel sighs and stands up from his place, getting ready to leave when Laura tells him to wait.

"Don't leave yet. I have one more question." She tells him in a rough, barely audible voice.

"Laura, you can ask him tomorrow." Louis tries but she shakes her head in denial, roughly wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

"I don't have that much time, Louis." She whispers, her eyes that are full of pain staring into his own sad ones.

"If I... if I agree to what you've said right now," She pauses, gulping in the lump that has formed in her throat, "will I get to meet Harry one last time."

If this is how it's supposed to end for her then so be it. She's gonna have something that she so desperately want wants first.

"I guess. I mean everyone has a price." Nigel says with a shrug referring to bribing the police men.

"Laura, no-" Louis tries to argue but closes his mouth when he finds the determined look on her face.

"How much?" She asks him calmly, her parents left her enough money to last for years.

"Depends on them." Nigel says casually and Laura nods her head in response.

"It's a fucking crime!" Louis butts in but gets no response what so ever.

"Okay. I'm okay with it as long as i get what I want." Laura tells him with a sigh, feeling a bit relieved now that there's a hope of her seeing Harry again.

She decides not to think about it being possibly there last time together cause that would only make her feel worse than she already is feeling. She just tells herself that everything will be okay, she'll somehow get a happy ending she's always dreamt of.

"I'll call you as soon as something is arranged." Nigel tells her, nodding at Louis as a good bye before he leaves.

Louis says nothing about the matter afterwards, when they reach the apartment, Jed greets them at the door with a long whine, upset for staying home alone this long.

"My baby." Laura says lightly, kneeling down on the floor in front of him and picking him up in her arms. "I'm gonna miss you so much."

Laura knows that the little pup has gotten attached to her being around all day and only God knows how much she herself has gotten attached to him.

She hugs him close, walking to her room with Louis following behind.

"Sit here, yeah." She tells Jed, putting on her best smile before sighing and taking out the little bag she had prepared to take to Australia with herself.

Laura tries not to think much about the immigration. Tries to keep her cool when Louis comes to sit on her bed, watching her move around the room collecting the stuff she'll be taking with her.

"I can take this frame, right?" She asks Louis, looking down at the picture of her and Jed that he'd gotten framed for her.

"You're really really doing this?" Louis asks her, watching as she places the frame in her bag, avoiding eye contact with him. "You don't want this, I know that."

When he gets no reply he sighs in exasperation, "Laura, talk to me, okay?" He says in a loud, demanding tone, causing her to look his way.

"I didn't want many things, Louis. Yet they still happened, what's the point of discussing what I want and what I don't!" She tells him and before Louis can think of replying, Laura heads towards the bathroom to take a bath.

She keeps her phone close, constantly checking to make sure there are no messages or missed calls.

Hours pass with her sitting next to a passed out Louis on the couch of his living room. The television is switched on but her eyes are fixed some place else, the phone is tightly clutched in her hand.

The ringing of the phone causes her to become alert and she's quick to attend the call.

"Come to the police station within fifteen minutes." Nigel's voice comes through the speakers and Laura abruptly stands up, glancing at the wall clock and is surprised to find out that it's four in the morning already.

"I'll be there." She tells him but before she can hang up, Nigel speaks up again.

"Bring your bags with you, you'll be leaving for Australia straight from the police station." Laura closes her eyes and gulps, feeling her entire body shaking, her hands becoming clammy all of the sudden.

"So soon?" She whispers, eyes flickering towards the sleeping Louis.

"Yes." With that said, the line goes dead, signifying that he's hung up.

Laura covers her mouth to muffle the sobs threatening to leave her mouth. Closing her eyes she tries to compose herself, knowing that even the smallest disturbance or noise will wake Louis up.

Taking the car keys and her bag, she gives Louis one last lingering look, kisses his forehead as a farewell before leaving the apartment as quietly as possible.

Tears fall effortlessly from her eyes throughout the journey, thinking about everything she's gonna leave behind. For a moment, she finds herself wondering how easy it would've been for her if she hasn't caught feeling for Harry. She would've been happy rather than sad right now for her kidnapper being behind the bars. But of course her pathetic self had to fall in love with Harry.

As soon as she reaches the police station the phone rings again and she checks the message saying, walk straight inside, head down, don't draw any unnecessary attention.

Drawing in the deep breath, she does exactly as told. Nigel is standing near the door with two police man and when she reaches them, they start walking without an exchange of a single word. She follows behind them, trying to breathe and remain calm.

They stop at the room which has no window and Laura gives them a confused look. One of the men types something in the lock screen and the metal door slides open slightly.

"He's inside." He tells her and Laura looks at her with eyes wide, not believing his words. "Well, go on. We don't have hours to spare."

This causes her to move quickly and she slides inside the room, the door closes behind her but she pays no attention to it. Her eyes are fixed on Harry, whose lying on the hard floor, his eyes shut and breathing clam.

However, the loud noises metal door makes as it slowly slides back to it's original place, causes Harry to sit up quickly. His wide eyes dart everywhere across the room and his breathing rate becomes erratic all of the sudden.

"Harry?" She mutters lowly, taking a step in his direction when his eyes find her.

Harry immediately shakes his head, sliding his body away from her, noticing his discomfort, her steps falter and she comes to a halt.

"You.. you shouldn't be here." Harry says to her, shaking his head continuously, "They can't put you in here too."

With that said, Harry stands up to his feet abruptly but instead of backing away from Laura like she'd expected, Harry lunges forward and envelops her into a hug.

It might be just a way to comfort himself for Harry but for Laura, it's everything. Having the arms of the man she loves wrapped tightly around her body, it's enough to make her forget everything stressful. And in that moment she realizes that she can spend an eternity like this, having Harry so close to her.

"We're alright. We're good." She chokes out after a while, feeling Harry's arms tightening around her as his body slowly stops shaking.

Minutes pass before he finally moves away from her and Laura reluctantly let go of him, watching as he slides down the door until he's seated on the ground, his head resting on the palms of his hands as he breathes shakily.

"Harry." She tries again, placing her hand on his tense shoulder and rubbing it lightly, a sob racks through Harry's body and it's enough to bring tears to her own eyes "Look at me, hey."

Laura shuffles until she's sitting in front of him and moves Harry's hands away from his face without any stuggle. She cup his face with both of her own, thumb grazing Harry's skin just below his eye.

"Everything is going to be okay." She tries to convince Harry, biting her bottom lip hard as she looks at him for what might be the last time.

"I.. I didn't do anything on purpose. I swear to God I didn't." Harry tells her after a few minutes of silence, still not looking up at her out of humiliation.

It takes Laura a while before she realizes what he's talking about and for the very first she acknowledges the fact that she's glad that whatever happened, happened.

"I wouldn't have met you if it hadn't happened." Laura tell with a small smile.

But now it's time for me to leave again, she wants to add.

"I don't like this place." Harry whispers like it's some top secret, clenching his eyes shut as if in pain and Laura moves forward on instinct, laying a kiss to his creased forehead.

"They can't keep you here much longer, I've not said a word again you, Harry. I promise." She whisper against her skin, pressing two more lingering kissing on it.

Harry is taken aback by her words, he'd been thinking that she'll be happy to know he's behind the bars and here she was sitting in front of him, cradling his face and telling him that everything will be alright.

"You should hate me," He says, thinking hard to remember her real name, "Laura."

It's the first time she's heard him say her name and it makes her feel all sort of emotions at once. She wants to cry tears of joy, she wants to cry because she won't be able to be around him, to hear him call her real name. Her own fucking name!

"I hate you," Her voice shakes as she says the words, "I hate you because I love you so much. It's not even right, Harry. I know that you'll never love me but it's fine." Her voice cracks at the end and then she just sobs.

Harry's arms wrap around her in an instant, pulling her closer to himself and letting her rest her head on his chest, where his heart is beating at an normal pace.

"You look so much like her, I swear." Harry tells her, remembering the one and only woman he'd ever loved.

"I'm sorry." Laura squeaks out and although the situation is pretty serious and emotional, her response makes Harry chuckle.

"Maybe just a slightest bit better." Harry says the words and soon after realizing what he's just said, his body tenses.

Laura herself goes extremely still in his hold, Harry's words repeating over and over and over in her head.

Maybe a slightest bit better. Maybe a slightest bit better. Maybe a slightest bit better.

"I..." She mutters, unsure of what to say, she raises her head from Harry's chest to look at his face which has gone pale. He's straight ahead, not breathing or moving at all.

"Do you mean it, Harry?" She asks him, eyes glossy and arms shaking with nerves. "Harry."

Laura's attention doesn't divert from Harry when she hears the sound of door sliding open but then she feels a hand on her shoulder and she starts shaking her head.

No, it's not the right time for her to leave and she knows that.

"Time to go." A dreaded voice says says and now her whole body is shaking. She can't leave. Harry likes her better. He likes her better than Stella. This is how her fairy tale was supposed to be from the start.

"Don't fucking touch her." Harry roars, his arms tightening around Laura when he sees the two police men enter the cell.

"Get the fuck out, she's not leaving." She hears him say again but she feels herself being pulled away from Harry.

"No, no, no." She whispers to herself, looking around with blurry vision. "This can't be it."

She tries to break free from the person that's got a tight grip on her. Her anxious eyes dart towards Harry, whose held down by two men in uniform.

"Everything is gonna be alright, Harry." She promises him for the one last time as he scrambles up to his feet, trying to make it out of the cell, but it's too late. "I love you." She tells him once again before he disappears from her vision, getting locked up into the cell again.

Laura hears him pounding loudly on the door, over and over and she looks at Nigel, pleading him to set Harry free as he hands her the boarding past.

The words spoken around her sound like loud ringing in her ears. Harry's voice dominating them all.

She feels herself walking at fast pace but where she's heading is unknown to her. Before finally she's pushed into a cab.

Nigel's pop his head inside the window and Laura opens her mouth to ask him what's happening but he beats her to it.

"Have a safe flight, Laura."

An epilogue to go.



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