WAmazing cover made by @dua-ibrahim ♡♡♡☆

It's been two days since Laura's decision to leave the continent. Two days since she she last saw Louis in his own house. Two days of non stop sorrow and tears.

She's decided that she will start fresh, once she gets away from this town that holds so many memories, good and bad. But at the same time, she knows that it's not something simple, just like every other human being, it's her nature to remember the past that she so desperately want to leave behind.

She's sitting on the floor of Louis' living room, staring mindlessly at the dog toys spread around.

A small nudge to her hand cause her to blink rapidly before she looks down at the little Pomeranian, staring at her with his tongue out.

"Come here, my little baby." Stella cooes at him, picking the small ball of fur in her hands and kissing his tiny nose.

"Is my little one hungry, hmm? You wanna have a snack, Jed?" Laura asks him and her smile becomes wide when she notices Jed wagging his tail a little too enthusiastically at the mention of a snack.

"Promise not to tell daddy about it though, he'll get mad." Laura tells him in a whisper as she gets up from the floor, taking Jed along with her to the kitchen.

The little puppy seems to understand everything Laura's told her since he whines at the mention of his daddy getting mad and in return he earns a big kiss from the girl.

"There you go." She tells him, feeding him the dog treat, smiling all the while at how cute he is.

"Good boy." Laura praises Jed, petting his head as he finishes his treat, his eyes travelling back to the tempting jar full of biscuits.

Not a minute later, Jed starts barking in delight and jumps out of Laura's arm, running towards the door and just like the past two days, she takes it as her queue to reside back to her temporary room, aware that Louis' back.

She's been avoiding Louis since the day she broke the news to him and it's not like Louis can't tell the change in her behaviour. He has tried to talk to her once or twice but every time he found her room locked and no answer to his knocks.

Laura sits in her room, deciding that it's better to pack whatever little stuff she's got here. Only things she find worth keeping however are pictures of Jed and Louis, along with a soft pillow had Louis had bought for her after her complaints about how they were way to hard to rest her head on.

A knock on the door sounds in her ears and she let's out a sigh, gaze travelling towards the rattling knob.

"Laura?" Louis calls out in a gentle tone, knocking on the door one more time. "You know this isn't going to work, right? You have to face me, if not today then tomorrow."

Laura knows that he's stating the truth but for some reason she's unable to gather enough strength to talk to Louis. She knows he will ask her to stay, but she can't, neither can she say no to him without crying like a maniac.

"You only have a two more days here, Laura." His voice is a bit louder this time, a slight trembling evident in it. "And you're being selfish by locking yourself in this room. You aren't the only one upset with this decision of yours, so quit acting like a victim."

It's a first time Louis' been so damn loud and harsh with her but she knows that he's saying that not to hurt her but to make her realize that she needs to suck it up and act like a sane person would after making a decision.

"Come out right now or I swear to God, I will cut off my contact with you as soon as you leave my home." Louis threatens, his eyebrows are drawn together and he's glaring helplessly at the closed door.

When he gets no response for a next few minutes, his shoulders slump in defeat. Louis closes his eyes andhe lets out a heavy sigh before shaking his head while he turns around and decide to retreat back downstairs.

His footsteps come to halt however and he snaps his head back in the direction of Laura's room and finds her standing in the door way, arms crossed across her chest.

"God damn it, look at yourself." Louis mumbles out, frowning at her state. It's like everyday she's getting thinner and thinner, losing the beautiful glow her skin held when Louis had first met her.

"Have you eaten anything today?" He asks her, hands resting on her shoulders as he looks into her eyes.

Laura just shrugs in response and that's enough answer. With a huff, Louis pulls her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist and hug her tight.

"You aren't upset with food, are you? It's our freaking life, girl." Louis says into her hair, chuckling a little to lighten the tense atmosphere.

"We can order what ever you want, my treat." Louis says as he moves away, winking at Laura. It's small things like these that never fail to make her smile.

"It's been your treat since I got here, Louis." She state as the matter of fact causing Louis to roll his eyes and groan.

"Just stop complaining for once. It's not every day you get food for free." Louis exclaims, dragging the girl down the stairs along with him.

The rest of their night is spent talking nonsense and eating all the unhealthy food Louis' kitchen had to offer along with the Thai food they had ordered.

Laura notices the time when they finish their second movie of the night and realizes it's already two in the morning.

She looks back at Louis and finds him staring at her with his lips set in a thin line, face void of any emotion. When he notices her eyes on him though, he smiles sadly, looking away.

"Time flew away, didn't it." He asks her with a chuckle and Laura nods her head in response, placing her head on Louis' shoulder.

"One more day after today, Louis." She says and Louis responds by kissing her forehead.

"Do not forget about your only brother." He tells her and Laura feels the lump in throat growing again. She inhale sharply and closes her eyes to prevent the tears from coming out.

"How can I?" She asks and feels Louis shrugging in response, not saying anything.

"Jed will miss his aunt who likes to spoil him with treats." Louis tells her causing Laura to laugh a little, her eyes flickering over to a tiny puppy sleeping peacefully in his bed.

"He deserves to be spoilt, alright?" Louis hums in response before a silence takes over.

Laura's about to fall asleep when she hears Louis' voice again.

"What?" She asks, raising her head from his shoulder and looking at him with eyes half closed.

"Jed. You can have him." Laura smiles but shakes her head no, placing her head back in it's previous place.

"He loves you too much. It's not right to separate those who love each other." Laura tells him, her words causing her thoughts to drift back to the man she's unintentionally fallen in love with.

"Why are you separating yourself from him then, Laura?" It's like Louis can read her thoughts, his words causing her sleep to evaporate into air.

"He was never mine to love." She whispers quietly, biting her lip to prevent it from wobbling.

"You don't know that, Laura." Louis tells her, staring down at her fluttering eyes, he can tell that she's pretending to be asleep and he won't buy the act.

Gently he nudges her away from his shoulder, causing Laura to whine in protest but she sits up straighter nevertheless.

"Look at me." Louis commands, causing the girl to glare up at him. "You should see him one last time, say your good bye. It will lighten the weight on your chest."

When Laura says nothing in response, Louis grabs her hand and squeezes it reassuringly as if able to sense the storm of thoughts in her head.

"Trust me on this, babe." Louis whispers and she stares at him for a long time without blinking before finally nodding her head.

"Maybe.. maybe I will." She says, voice breaking as she wills herself to not to cry. It is getting old for her, all this holding the tears in but thats just her way to show strength and courage.

"You can sleep then, come on." Louis says, patting her shoulder but Laura just shakes her head, standing up from the couch and wobbling back to her room.

"Love you, Louis. Sleep well." She says as she starts climbing the stairs, aware that tonight again, sleep will not come willingly to her.

The morning comes way too early that day or maybe she didn't get enough sleep last night to function early in the morning.

Jed however is sitting on the chest of his second favourite human being, barking excitedly as if saying good morning.

"Jed, it's too early." Laura moans, trying to cover her face to prevent the little puppy from licking her face.

"Jed, breakfast time. Come downstairs, darling." Laura hears Louis' voice from downstairs and sighs in relief when Jed nudges her hand one more time before climbing off her and running away.

Laura stays in the bed for another ten minutes before finally deciding that it's best to wake up since her mind isn't letting her sleep anymore, bombarding her with the thoughts of seeing Harry for the last time.

"Good morning." Louis greets her from the kitchen, placing two fried eggs with bacon on the counter in front of her.

Laura gives the breakfast a look before pushing the plate away, not in mood of eggs. Instead she takes out a chocolate bar from the refrigerator and starts eating it.

"Do you have to go anywhere today, Louis?" She asks him after he's done cooking and Is sitting on the stool beside her.

"It's sunday." Louis shrugs, stuffing egg into his face and gulping it with a sip from his juice.

"Can to take me to the mall? I'm not allowed to leave alone."

"Mall?" Louis raises an eyebrow at her, now eating bacon from the plate that was supposed to be hers. "What about the place I asked you to visit last night?"

Laura rolls her eyes and huff, finishing her bar of chocolate.

"No, Louis. I'm not seeing him again. He became a stranger the day he forced me to leave." She tells him, getting up from the chair and deciding it would be the best for her to stay in her room to avoid this conversation.

"Thanks for breakfast, I'm going to my room." She tells him, avoiding eye contact as she gets off the stool.

"No, you're not." Louis tells her, standing up and blocking her pathway.

Jed too comes up to her, tugging lightly at her pyjamas, as if telling her to do as she's told.

"Actually, you are. Go up there and change out of this shitty clothes. I didn't spend my money for it to get wasted." Louis tells her, crossing his arms and smiling when she gives him an annoyed look. "And then we leave."

Laura pushes at his shoulder before he steps out of her, gesturing with his arm to go back upstairs.

"I'm doing this for you, babe." Louis calls behind her and in return he only gets a middle finger.

"Louis, I still don't like this idea of yours." Laura tells him when Louis starts his car.

"This will help you, trust me."

"No, it won't! You're on his side too, all of you are on his side." Laura tells him, the tears she's been holding in finally start falling from her eyes as she unlocks the door of the car, ready to jump out.

Louis steps on to the break as soon as she opens the door, the car coming to a screeching halt.

"For fuck's sake. What the hell is wrong with you?" He exclaims angrily, staring at her with livid eyes.

He's never been this angry over anything but it's like Laura knows how to push all the wrong buttons.

"You want to die, fine. Let's jump off a cliff together." He tells her, batting her hand away from his shoulder and looking away, blowing air out of his mouth as he waits for his heart beat to become normal again.

Minutes pass in silence before Laura decides to apologize for her pathetic behaviour.

"Louis." She says quietly but gets no reply, instead Louis starts the car again and begins driving.

"I'm sorry." She tries again but still there's no reply. "Where are we going?"

"Back home." Louis says after a while, breaking his silence as he puts the car in reverse.

"No, let's go see him." But Louis just shakes his head no in reply, sighing to himself. "Louis, please. I said sorry."

"No, I'm on his side, yeah? Why should I help you?" Louis exclaims with an emotionless laugh, giving her a glance before looking back at the road.

"I'm sorry." She repeats with a frown, wiping away the tear stains from her cheeks.

The rest of their ride is spent in silence until they're standing outside Selvia's house.

"This isn't where he lives." Laura says, looking at the house with confusion before averting her eyes back to Louis.

"It's Selvia's," Louis says and when she continues staring at her unquestioningly he continues, "Harry's not well enough to live on his enough."

Selvia feels her heart clench at the mention of his condition, her hands start to shake with nerves as she imagines how sick he must be for letting others take care of him.

Louis rings the bell before taking Laura's hand in his, feeling the anxiety radiating off her.

Laura holds her breath when the door opens and Selvia stares at her with wide eyes.

Before she knows what's happening, Selvia pulls her in for a hug and starts sobbing loudly. Laura feels her own tears forming as the woman continues to cry in her shoulder.

"He's a mess, Laura. He's barely alive." She whispers in between the sobs and Laura's heart starts beating rapidly at her words.

She wants nothing more than to run to him and see for herself if he's really suffering as much as Selvia's telling her.

"I want to see him." The words leave her mouth urgently, "Please let me see him one last time."

Selvia slowly pulls away and nods, breathing in sharply and quickly wiping her face before she gestures for Laura to follow after her.

"He's asleep right now. Doctor said it's best to keep him drugged." Selvia's voice breaks in the middle of the sentence and her eyes become glossy again.

She'd seen Harry at his worst but his condition now, was something that made her want to cry and ask God why he's being so merciless towards her little boy.

"I can't see him again." Selvia tells her when they stop at the closed door. "He's resting inside."

Laura bites her lip as she looks at the door before nodding once at Selvia who tries to smile but instead her face becomes more sad. She hugs Laura once again before pacing away, leaving her alone.

With shaky hand, she turns the knob and pushes the door open, already feeling dread settling inside of her.

Slowly and with uncertainty she steps inside and immediately her eyes find his unconscious body lying on the king sized bed.

She stifles a cry as she nears him, falling down onto her knees next to his head. Her eyes hungrily run over every inch of his face, taking in every small detail.

Just like every other time Harry's sick, his lips have lost there redness but something that pains her is that right now, they appear almost white, barely having any colour to them.

Her first instinct is to reach forward and plant kisses to his dry, cracked lips but she refrains herself from doing so. Her hand comes up to glide across his cheek before she grabs his hand.

The warm in them is gone, replaced by icy coldness and it's another thing that painfully tugs at Laura's heart.

She brings her lifeless hand to her lips, placing kisses to every knuckle repeatedly and that when shiny silver catches her eyes. Her fingers glide to his wrist hoping that it's not what she fears it is.

However, her fear comes to life and she lets out a loud cry when she sees the chains binding Harry to the bed, to keep him under control.

She continues to cry, cradling the cold, lifeless hand against her chest. She feels like her heart is bleeding, the tears flowing out of her eyes and the loud desperate cries are not enough to express her pain.

She can only wonder how badly he reacts to things that he's bound to chains with Selvia's consent, the girl who loves him like he's her own blood.

"Why is this happening, Harry?" She asks the unconscious boy, staring at him with blurry vision.

Right now, she deeply wishes for the situation to be something opposite. She would happily let Harry insult her and harshly ask her to leave. She would gladly accept Harry to tell him that he's got no place in his heart for her. Anything but this, she'd let her heart get broken over and over because it would probably hurt her less than seeing Harry like this.

"You could've loved me instead of her. I would've given you everything, all that I have and more." Her voice is sounding foreign to her own ears, it's hard for her to speak but she needs to get the weight off of her chest.

She wants to scream and slap him and ask why he pushed her away so mercilessly, why couldn't he love her like he loved her even when she looked exactly like her. She wants him wake up and tell her not to go and she wants him to kiss her, to tell her that all this will get better but sadly nothing like this will happen, no today and not any other.

"It's alright though." She tells him, smiling through her tears as she moves forward to press her lips against his closed eyelid.

"I will love you." She whispers, letting her own eyes flutter shut. A tear slipping from her cheek and getting caught in Harry's lashes, making it look like his own tear. "Always."

An hour passes and slowly her tears stop flowing, her sobs quite down but the ache in her chest still remains.

All the while she waits for him to open his eyes, even for a minute second but her wish isn't granted. And finally, she decides that it's time for her to go.

She stands up from the ground, feeling a dull ache in her knees from crouching for so long. Her hands reluctantly let go of Harry's but not before she kisses his open palm several times, not letting an inch unattended.

"Good bye, Harry." And again tears fall from her cheeks. Her hand runs thorough Harry's hair a few times before she finally moves away.

With one last longing look, she turn around but when she's about to take her first step, a hand grabs his wrist, causing her breath to hitch and her body to go motionless.

"Don't go."

Well fuck. Longest chapter ever, I think.

Please comment and vote
Okay guys, I want you all to know that I've decided that there will be no sequel.

Also, only three or more chapters left


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