WATCH THE CURB'S TRAILER ON THE TOP. MY BABE @kadalia made it for mee♡♡♡♡
The grip on her wrist is ghostly and so moment Laura thinks that she's just imagining things. Shit like this only happens in cheesy romantic movies, not in real life. At least not in her pathetic, unlucky life.
But then another word sounds in her ears, no louder than before but loud enough for her to hear it.
"Please." A simple word has left Harry's mouth but it's enough to make Laura's heart race and her hands to slightly shake with nerves.
Slowly she turns back around and find Harry's eyes half open, lips parted as he stares up at her.
"Harry." She says his name in a whisper, sinking back on to the ground next to the bed and holding his hand in both of her own.
"I won't leave if you don't want me to, I won't." She tells him, already making a mental note to call her lawyer later and let him know that she doesn't want to go to Australia. It never was a good idea to begin with.
He doesn't says anything else, just stares at her for a little longer before closing his eyes again. But not even a minute later his body becomes tense and his eyes snap open.
Harry gulps loudly, his eyes darting around the room like he's searching for someone and then a gasp escapes his mouth.
"Harry?" Laura says with a frown when he starts shaking his head from side to side and his body starts to tremble.
"She's here again." Harry says in a whisper, his wide eyes looking up at the ceiling.
Laura follows his gaze but just like she had expected, Harry's staring at an empty spot.
"Harry, there's no one here except you and me." She tells him, tightly squeezing his hand to reassure him but Harry's are are still fixed at one spot. He doesn't respond to her words as if not able to hear them.
"I didn't hurt you, I swear." Harry suddenly cries out, snatching his hand out of Laura's grip and tugging on the chains that are keeping him down. His loudness causing Laura to move back in surprise, unsure of what to do when he's thrashing around in the bed. All she can do is watch him helplessly.
The door of the room flies open and hits the wall with a thud, causing Laura to snap her head back, she blinks away her tears and find Selvia standing in the doorway, next to her stands a concerned Louis.
Selvia takes a step inside and her gaze travels from Laura to Harry and then back. She opens her mouth to say something, but only a small sob escapes her lips. It's the only way she can request Laura to help him right now.
"Let go of me." Harry shouts and Laura's head snap back in his direction again.
She stands up on her legs and takes in a deep breath, preparing herself to help Harry through this. To help him get back to the real world.
"Harry, look at me." She says firmly, grabbing his face with both of her hands, to make him do as she's saying.
With a little struggle she finally succeeds in holding his head still. His wide eyes stare into hers, breaths coming out in short pants.
"No one's here. No one will hurt you when I'm here." She tells him calmly, nodding her head at him and trying to smile, to make Harry believe that everything is fine.
"You're fine. Everything is fine." She states calmly, making herself sound believable to Harry even though her words sound unbelievable to her own ears.
Slowly Harry's breathing pattern returns to normal and he stops struggling, his body going limp on the bed, his head would've been hung on one side if Laura hadn't been holding it up.
Harry's eyes avert away from her and back at the ceiling but Laura pats his cheek lightly, pressing her forehead against his.
"Just look at me, alright." She tells him, pressing her lips against Harry's to distract him. "That's it. You're good."
Harry's flutter shut, both of his hands coming up to wrap around Laura's wrists as he lets out my shaky breath through his mouth.
"You're not real." Harry says after a while, creases appearing on his forehead.
Laura moves her face away from Harry's and as if on instinct Harry's grip on her wrist becomes a little stronger than before, as if he's afraid of letting go.
"Please don't leave though." Harry tells her, his voice pained, making it seem like he's been longing to have her near him. "They'll come back if you'd leave."
Laura feels her heart clench painfully at Harry's words and she shakes her head vigorously although his eyes are closed and he can't see her.
Her hands still rest against Harry's cheeks where he's still holding them tight.
As she watches his pale, distraught face, her tears return. Never in a million years had she imagined to find Harry in such condition. Her gaze leaves Harry's face and she looks over at Louis whose standing just few feet away, wondering what would've happened if he hadn't forced her to see Harry.
Louis, noticing her stare, smiles sadly and a small, involuntary sob escapes Laura's mouth. She looks back at Harry whose eyelids have fluttered open at the sound.
His mouths part but no words leave his mouth, Laura just feels him squeezing her left wrist a bit, as if telling her to not cry. Then just like that, Harry closes his eyes again.
Minutes pass in silence, with Laura staring at Harry's face and thinking about nothing in particular. She realizes that she'd zoned out when she feels a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently.
She looks up and as expected, it's Louis with his signature 'everything will be fine' smile.
"He's asleep." Louis states and Laura looks at Harry, unsure of what Louis wants. "Come on, you have to get some food into your system. Don't want you fainting."
It's 4 p.m and the only thing she's eaten since morning is a chocolate bar, not a very healthy choice for breakfast especially when you've to deal with your mentally disturbed lover.
"I'm not hungry." Laura whispers dismissively, afraid that raising her voice will disturb Harry's sleep and that might cause Harry's hallucinations to become worse.
"I didn't ask if you were hungry or not. You're still eating." Louis says firmly, again taking the role of a protective guardian.
Harry's grip on Laura's wrist had become fairly lose and Louis, gently pried one of his hand away. Just when he was about to remove the other one as well, Harry's face scrunched up and he breathed in deeply, causing both Laura and Louis to become still.
"Stop that!" She whisper yells at Louis, giving him the best glare she could manage at the moment.
Louis moves his hands away without a protest and let's us a discontent sigh. With a roll of his eyes, he mutters something under his breath before leaving the room. A week of living with the girl was enough time for him to come the conclusion that she's very stubborn and he knows that she will leave the room when she herself will feel like it.
As he enters the living room, Selvia is sitting there on the couch, holding her head in her hands with her eyes closed. At sound sound of footsteps she looks up and smiles politely at Louis, gesturing him to sit.
"Thanks for bringing her here, Louis." She says in a hushed tone, shaking her head as she breathes out. "We can't help him like she can. You've seen it yourself."
"You do know that I'm not gonna force her to stay here, right?" Louis asks, raising his eyebrows. He already feels bad for forcing Laura to visit Harry. He'd known about his condition and he knew that all this will happen, yet he asked her to see him anyway. Now that he thinks about it, Louis feels like he just took away a chance that poor girl at starting fresh.
"If she wants to leave, she'll leave. You won't ask her to stay. You remember your promise, right?" Louis' never been so serious about anything in his life. He, himself is amazed by this new found protective trait of his.
"She won't be leaving him anytime soon." Selvia says without a moment of hesitation causing Louis to shrug, as if telling her not to be so sure about it.
Before Louis gets a chance to say something, they both hear faint footsteps becoming nearer and nearer and very soon they find Laura coming there way.
Louis stands up immediately and strides over towards the girl whose condition makes it seem like she's been to hell and back. Without a moment of hesitation, Louis envelopes her into a hug, his hands rubbing up and down her back.
"I want to go home, Louis." She tells him in a choked whisper before gulping loudly, her throat is way too dry and it hurts as she swallows.
Louis slowly moves away, his hands put on her shoulders comfortingly as he looks at her closely, noticing the glassy eyes and flushed cheeks.
"Please, I want to leave." Laura tells him and Louis immediately nods his head, giving her a forced smile.
"Anything you want, my love." He tells her, looking back at Selvia whose now on her feet, closely watching the exchange of words between the two.
It looks like she wants to say something, like she wants to protest against Laura's leaving. But Louis' glare is an enough warning for her to remember her promise and she says nothing, feeling defeated.
"Thank you for your hospitality, Seliva. We both will be leaving now." Louis says in a clipped tone, noticing Laura's reluctance towards communicating with anyone.
There ride back home is silent, other than Louis asking her if she wants something to eat and her replying with a barely audible no, both of them stay quiet.
Louis however stops at Mc Donalds to buy them both lunch, aware of the fact that he won't be cooking shit when they get back.
As soon as they reach the apartment building, Laura climbs out of the car with the door keys in her hand. She doesn't look back to see if Louis' following. She just wants to get away from everyone, needs sometime alone to think things through.
She's greeted with Jed's excited barks as soon as she opens the door. The little Pomeranian coming towards her, wagging his tail happily. But right now, she can't find it in herself to pet him and tell him how nice he is. Instead she steps away from Jed and sprint towards her room, locking the door as soon as she enters and throwing herself on to the bed.
Images of Harry thrashing around in bed, his hands chained and his lifeless face runs through her head and she closes her eyes tightly, trying to shut it all out.
Her hands involuntarily reach for her phone resting to the side table and the next thing she knows is that she's calling her lawyer to tell him about her change of plans.
Laura's unsure about whether she will regret her decision later or not. Right now, it seems like the only option she's got. Knowing herself, she wouldn't be able to live with the what if situation.
What if Harry loves her like she loves him? What if there's still chance for it all to get back to normal?
She's known Mr.Strakencz since she was a girl. He was a very good friend of her father.
"Mr. Strakencz." Laura says into the phone as soon as the lawyer picks it up. "There's a change of plans. I don't want to go to Australia."
Well shit, that escalated quickly.
Tell me about your favorite part in the book. I can't believe it's almost over. I wanna cryy
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