It's him, Josh. The person I dreaded seeing the most is here. My eyes scan the crowd, to catch another glimpse of him but he's disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. My entire body shakes violently in fear at the thought of him being in the same as room.

I look at Harry whose downing one drink after another without a care in the world and I know that he'll be fully drunk at the end of their game. Not knowing what else to do, I fist Harry's shirt tightly in my hand. As ironic as it sounds, at the very moment, I feel like the only person I'm safe with is Harry.

I clamp my eyes shut and take in deep breaths, trying to stay calm and collected as I convince myself that Josh can cause me no harm here in front of so many people.

My eyes fly open when all of the sudden Harry's shirt forcefully slips out of my grasp. The scene in front of me makes me gasp in surprise. Harry is on top of Zayn, throwing punch after punch while Zayn tries to get away from him, pushing on his shoulders. I glance around with pleading eyes, hoping that someone will come forward to stop the fight but everyone is enjoying the show, chanting and screaming like stupid teenagers.

"Someone stop them, please." I shout but only gets ignored. Some people shoot me a single look before focusing their attention back on Zayn and Harry.

Harry's still on top of Zayn, punching him like an animal while Zayn lays on the ground, his face covered with blood. I cover my mouth with the back of my hand when Zayn all of the sudden throws a punch on Harry's left cheek, the forceful blow making his head to turn to the side.

I know that this will trigger Harry even more and it scares me to no end. Tears start to form in my eyes as Harry starts punching Zayn viciously in the gut and I just stand there, selfishly watching the two of them fight like everyone else.

In the chaos, I feel someone's arm wrapping around my waist and my eyes become wide with fear. No. No. No. This shouldn't be happening with me right now. I try to scream but a hand covers my mouth, causing my voice to come out muffled, I bet no one even hears me since the music and noise around me is way too loud. Desperately, I try to get out of the deadly grasp, kicking out my legs as I'm dragged away from the crowd. Harry's figure becoming distant with every second and I try to scream again, call out for his help but it all goes in vain.

I flail as I'm dragged into empty room and in result, Josh forcefully pushes me against the cold, hard wall causing my back to ache at the harsh contact and a whimper involuntarily escapes my mouth.

"Look whose all well and happy today." Josh says, his voice that once made me feel so safe and secure, now making my blood to boil with anger and my body to shudder in fear.

His fingers come up to grasp my chin, forcefully making me look up at him but I clamp my eyes shut, not wanting to look into his eyes, fully aware that a single glance at those familiar eyes will cause me break down.

"Leave me alone, Josh." I say in shaky voice as I bring my hand up to pry his fingers off of my chin. He chuckles at my weak attempt, his other hand coming up to my neck as he runs his fingers over the necklace I'm wearing and I want to cry. Can he not leave me alone after all that he's done?

"Don't touch me." I say through my teeth, tears seeping through my close eyes and running down my cheeks.

"I see you're wearing Stella's favourite necklace." He mumbles, fully ignoring the words I've just said. "Awwe, no need to cry, honey." A chuckle escapes his mouth as he says the words, his fingers on my chin coming up to wipe away the tears from both of my cheeks.

"I said don't fucking touch me, you filthy, motherfucking, bastard!" I shout at him and as the result his palm collides harshly with my cheek causing a gasp to escape my lips, my head turning to one side.

"Don't talk to me like that." He seethes, slapping my other cheek with even more force and I clench my teeth together, holding back the cry that's trying to escape my mouth.

"I just came to warn you here. Let you know that Harry's gonna beat you the same way he was beating Zayn out there." He tells me, thumb grazing my bottom lip and I'm so tempted to bite it harshly, make him feel some pain.

"He won't do it." The words escape my lips before my mind registers them. Josh snorts loudly at my words, shaking his head from side to side as if I've told him a joke.

"Oh Laura, you and I both know that it's not the truth." His eyes twinkle with mischief and as sick as it sounds, I want nothing other than pulling them out of their sockets.

"He won't hit me, I know it." I say confidently even managing to smile a little and I know that my words are making him angry. The way his nostrils flares and his eye brows furrow is the evident sign that he's angry with me and I feel somewhat victorious, knowing that I'm the reason he's upset.

"Oh really?" His voice is extremely calm as he mutters the two words and I nod at him.

"I'll tell him everything about you, I'll tell Harry that the pills he's taking aren't the right ones."

My sentence ends up with a small scream when all of the sudden he grabs my injured arm, digging his fingernails in my skin and causing pain to surge through me. Tears start forming in my eyes as he presses down onto it with as much force as he can gather, making me feel like my arm is on fire.

"Please." I choke out, desperately wanting him to stop and he smirks at me like a cold hearted, devil.

"Josh, please." I cry again and he let's go of my arm, grabbing me by my throat all of the sudden.

"You think he'll believed you, huh? You filthy little bitch. Next time, think before you speak." He says through clenched teeth before letting go of my throat and taking a step back. He gives me one final look before swiftly turning around and striding away from me. I watch him until he disappears before sinking down on to the wooden floor. I bring my knees to my chest and put my arm on top of them, wincing at how much it hurts.

Next time. He said that there will be a next time. The thought of meeting him again makes me shudder, fresh tears forming in my eyes. Maybe I should run away, leave Harry and the other shit behind to start a new life. What will happen with Harry then? The image of Harry with tear full eyes runs in front of my eyes and I clamp them shut tightly. When the hell did I start to care for him?

I need to leave, I can't stay with Harry and wait until Josh decides to make an appearance again. Slowly, I stand up on to my feet and take in a deep breath, mentally preparing myself to run away. It's my only chance since Harry's drunk as fuck and on top of that he's nowhere near me.

I walk out of the room at fast pace, making it back to the room crowded with people. The place is much less crowded now, probably people decided to leave after they got to the fighting marathon between the birthday boy and the asian beauty. With my head bowed down, I stride towards the main door of the house, pushing away the people in my way. My heart beat accelerates with every step I take, the thought of being free again making adrenaline to rush through my body.

"Stella." I'm almost there when the voice of a female causes me to stop in my tracks and I close my eyes momentarily, taking in a deep breath before continuing walking towards the door. I can't stop now, I just can't.

"Where are you going? Harry's asking for you." By the way her voice sounds so clear, I know that she's following me but that doesn't stop me.

"Stella, his mouth and nose is bleeding and he's not letting anyone clean the wounds. Says only you are allowed do it." These words make me turn around to face her, Sophia is standing there, a frown on her face as she stares at me.

"Where is he?" I ask her, my voice sounding rough and husky after all the crying.

"The room in which we met." She tells me, her eyes running over my face as if closely examining me. I quickly bow down my head a little, not wanting her to see my ruined eye make and red cheeks.

"C'mon." She says turning around and I quietly follow her. I know that by staying here, I've fully ruined my chance to escape but I don't really regret it. I think it is obligatory for me to look after Harry now that he needs me to. Not because I have any feelings for him but because every time I get hurt, no matter wether it's because of Harry or someone else, he's always there to tend to my wounds.

I find Harry sitting on the couch looking down at the palm of his hand, a small smile playing on his lips. Slowly, I approach him, stopping a feet away from his sitting figure, not sure what should be my next move. I shift my weight on one of my foot and it seems to grab Harry's attention as he looks up from his palm and at me.

I gasp when I take in his face, blood running down from his nose and mouth.

"Here you are." He says, a little too cheerfully for my liking before patting his knee twice, silently telling me to sit on it.

"I don't think it's a good idea, Harry." I mutter, loud enough for him to here. He huff at my words and roll his eyes.

"Why not? Come sit." He slurs, patting his knee again.

Ignoring his command, I let out a small sigh before kneeling down in front of him so that we are face to face. Harry gives me a smile before groaning loudly in pain and closing his eyes.

"We need to clean your wounds, Harry." I tell him, hesitantly putting my hand on his knee and giving it a light squeeze.

"Are you tryin' to turn me on? You naughty girl." Harry says with a chuckle, pointing his index finger in my direction in an accusing manner and I quickly move my hand away from his knee. Who the hell gets turned on when their knee is squeezed?

"Harry come on, let me clean your wounds. You have blood all over your face." I tell him, a frown on my face as my eyes run over his face which looks pretty badly damaged.

"I have blood here?" Harry asks me, pointing a finger at his face and I nod. "Why though?" He frowns, thinking over his silly question and I feel like face palming myself. Oh, he's an annoying drunk.

"Sophia, where should I take him?" I question her, not looking away from Harry.

"Oh, come with me. I'll show you the room." She tells me and I nod, getting up from my place. Harry's still in deep thought not paying much attention to me or Sophia.

"Harry, stand up. Let's go." I tell him and he slowly looks up at me with eye lids half shut.

"Home?" He questions as I grab his forearm, helping him to stand on his feet. I don't reply to his question just make him put his arm around my shoulder for support as we slowly walk over to Sophia whose got a small smile on her lips.

"Here, let me help." She mutters, grabbing Harry's other arm and throwing it around her shoulder, one of her arm wrapping around his waist.

"Liam's even more annoying and difficult than Harry when he's drunk. I find it really cute though." She tells me as we round the corner and stop at the first door in the corridor. With a little difficulty I open the door and the three of us stumble inside the spacious bed room.

I let out a loud sigh when we've managed to get Harry onto the bed. Miraculously, he's still awake, a stupid frown still present on his face as he tries to remember how he ended up with blood all over his face.

"Thank you, Sophia." I say politely, managing to even smile weakly at her before quickly looking down, not wanting her to see what a wreck I am at the moment.

"No big deal." She says with a shurg before she adds, "You'll find the first aid kit in the first cabinet of the bathroom." With that said she walks towards the door, she steps out of the room, closing the door behind her and I huff in relieve, finally I don't to hide anymore.

I take long strides towards the door and lock it. I don't want Josh or any other drunk person barging into the room to cause me anymore trouble. Once I'm sure that the door is locked, I look over at bed. Harry's lying there peacefully, again staring at his palm.

"Time to clean your wounds, Harry."


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