I pop open one of my eyes when I hear footsteps coming closer to the couch I'm lying on.
"Who was it?" I ask Harry half heartedly, too sleepy to be interested in who was on the door at this time.
"Don't know." Harry says with a shrug, his attention on the brown package he's holding in his hands. "Someone left this on the porch."
"Aren't you gonna open it?" I ask him, yawning in the process.
Harry seems to notice my tiredness and shakes his head, coming over to the couch and tossing the package on the table beside it and then tugging on my hand gently.
"Probably some work related shit, I'll check it tomorrow. Let's take you to bed for now, yeah?" Harry says and I nod in agreement, clumsily standing onto my feet and following Harry's lead as he makes his way towards the bedroom.
As soon as we reach the room, Harry disappears into the bathroom while I quickly climb onto the bed and curl myself into a ball, closing my eyes to let the sleep take over.
Minutes pass in silence before I hear a little shuffling and then something warm engulfs my body. My eyes flutter open in confusion only to find, Harry kindly smiling down at me as he tucks me into the thick blanket.
"Sshh... go to sleep." He murmur quietly, his fingers gently running over my cheek and my lips curve up a little in a sleepy smile, eye lids closing again.
I hear him turning off the light before there's a little disturbance on the bed, signifying that Harry's climbing onto it and soon, I feel his arms reaching out towards me, pulling me into his embrace.
My head is no longer resting on the pillow, instead it's on Harry's arm now while his other arm is wrapped around my waist.
A small sigh escapes my mouth when I feel Harry's soft lips pressing against my forehead in a lingering kiss.
"Love you so much, baby." Harry whispers and my fists clench involuntarily at his words, feeling a pang of guilt even in the sleepy state.
Breathing in deeply, I press myself closer into his warmth and let the sleep over come me fully, to wake up in the world of my dreams where nothing is as fucked up as it is in reality.
I wake up to the cold, empty bed. Stretching out, I sit up on the bed and let out a yawn, eye running across the room in search of Harry's figure. My eyes land on the bed side table where he keeps his phone and watch but both are gone, signifying that he has left for the day.
I lean my head against the head board and stay like that for a long time, until I hear my ringing of my phone. Lazily, I get up from the bed and nearly fall in the process of reaching my phone that rested on the dressing table.
I look down and the caller's I.d and immediately press on the answer button, turning on the loud speaker.
"Hi. G'morning to you, babe." Harry's voice sounds in my ears and I smile, rubbing my eyes as I open my mouth to reply.
"Good morning." I say, my voice coming out squeaker than usual, make me want to cringe.
"Left early. You were asleep so I decided not to disturb you." Harry tells me and I nod, even though he can't see me.
"It's fine. Thanks for not waking me up." I tell Harry and he hums in response, seeming a bit distracted.
"I'll call you later, yeah. I've got so much to do and so many people to see, after staying home for almost a year." Harry says through the phone in an apologetic voice making me smile again.
"It's fine, babe. I'm happy you're taking responsibility. Take care, bye." I tell him, reaching forward to hang up when Harry speaks up again.
"Your breakfast is in the microwave. Oh and one of my worker will come by in half an hour, just give him the package that came yesterday, yeah?" Harry asks and I nod.
"Will do, sire." I say jokingly, earning a small chuckle from Harry.
"Love you." With that said, the line is cut off, signifying that Harry has hung up.
Once I'm done washing my face and brushing my teeth, I walk out of the room and towards the kitchen. Opening the microwave, I take out the plate and smile at the sight of pancakes with nutella spread out on top.
I take the carton of chocolate milk from the refrigerator and taking the plate, I make my way towards the living room. My eyes land on the brown package lying carelessly on the table as I place the milk next to it and pick up the remote to turn on television.
Flipping through the channels, I stuff my mouth with the pancakes and momentarily close my eyes at how good they taste. Harry knows how to cook, I'll give him that.
Once I'm done with eating, I feel myself getting a bit curious about the mysterious package. My itching fingers reach forward to pick it up and I look at it closely in an attempt to see any sort of tag stuck to it. But unfortunately there are none.
A few minutes pass as I contemplate on wether I should open it or not. Finally, I huff and decide to give into my temptation. My fingers grab the thick brown paper and just when I'm about to tear it apart, the sound of door bell rings through my ears, making me jump in my place.
"Holy shit." I say, laughing to myself as I get up from the couch. Taking the package with me, I walk towards the door to give it to the man. Feeling a bit sad that I didn't get to see what's in it.
The door bell rings again and I groan loudly.
"Coming!" I say loudly though the person on the door can't really hear me and fasten my pace.
"Hello ma'am." A young boy probably three or four years older than me, dressed casually in jeans and t-shirt greets me as I open the door.
As soon as I make eye contact with the boy, I feel my breath hitching at how incredibly beautiful his eyes are. They are this beautiful blue colour, like really really beautiful!
When I realize I'm probably creeping him out, I shake my head and smile politely at the boy.
"Hi. Um.. Sorry for creeping you out, I didn't mean to." I tell him and he lets out a breathy laugh.
"It's okay, really. You aren't the only one who got lost in my stunning eyes." The boy says jokingly, lightening my mood and making me feel a little less embarrassed.
"I'm Louis, by the way." He tells me, bringing his right hand out of his pocket for me to shake.
I look down at his out stretched hand warily, not sure if it's okay to shake hands and get all too frank with someone from Harry's work place.
A cough however brings me out of my thoughts and I put my hand in his, shaking it for a second before letting go.
"Stella." I lie easily, without a moment of hesitation and Louis nods at.
"Well, Stella aren't you going to invite me in for a drink?" Louis says with a shrug, smiling widely at me as if he's known me for ages.
Unsure of what to says, I step away from the door and let the boy whose way too happy and chirpy early in the morning enter the house. Without even asking for permission, he starts walking in the direction of the living room and I follow after with a small frown on my face.
"I guess you were having breakfast?" Louis asks eyeing the unfinished plate of pancakes on the table before he looks over his shoulder and raises his eyebrows.
"I.. yeah, I was." I tell him, putting one of my hand on my waist and awkwardly standing there and he plop down onto the couch and picks up the plate, eating a mouthful of the pancakes.
"Dear Lord, you made these?" He says, his pitch of his voice increasing, making him sound like an excited school girl. Without wait in for my answer, he turns his attention towards the pancakes and stuff more into his mouth, moaning quietly.
I remain standing as he continues eating until he's finished every last bit and then drinks the half filled glass of the chocolate milk before he finally sighs and looks up at me.
"Thank you for offering me such delicious breakfast." He tells me and my mouth falls open at his words.
"I never offered you breakfast. You practically forced your way into the house and ate my leftover food." I tell him, now feeling a bit annoyed at how widely he was still smiling, flipping through the channels on the t.v.
"Well, Harry must've sent you to get something from me, didn't he?" I say after a moment and that finally seems to alert him as he suddenly jumps up from the couch.
"Shit, fuck. He's gonna lose it this time." Louis panicks, staring at me with wide eyes.
"Well, too bad. Here, take it and get out." I tell him, stretching out my arm to show him the light weight package I've been holding all the time.
"You can't be so cruel. Please call him and tell him, you sent me to get something for you. Make up some excuse or I'm fired." The boy says pleadingly and as annoyed I am with him, I feel myself agreeing to his stupid words and his puppy dog eyes weren't fucking helping me to say no either.
"I went grocery shopping just yesterday, he won't buy it." I tell him with a shrug and Louis face palms, groaning loudly.
"Then tell him you needed help with something?" Louis says, sounding unsure of his own excuse and I shake my head at him.
"Give me your phone." I order him, watching his face twisting in confusion. I raise an eyebrow at him and he quickly compiles, fishing the phone out of his pocket.
Louis watches me curiously as I dial Harry's number and bring the phone to my ear, waiting for it to be picked up.
"Louis, I'm not gonna listen to your excuses this time." Harry's quite but harsh voice sounds through the phone and I immediately bite my lip, realizing that he's angry.
"Harry, it's me." I say quietly and there's nothing but silence on the other end. I wait for a few seconds for him to speak up but when there's nothing, I open my mouth again to talk but Harry beats me to it.
"What is my secretary's phone doing with you?" Harry questions, sounding angrier than before and I look up at Louis with wide eyes, whose eyes are already fixed on me while he bites him nails.
"Hey, calm down. I invited him in. Poor boy looked to tired. I offered to make him coffee and.. yeah. That's why he's still here." I tell him, hoping that Harry will believe my lie.
"Well, tell him he can have all the coffee he wants cause he's fired." Harry tells me and I breathe in sharply.
"No, you're not doing that. Don't fire him because of me." I tell Harry, raising my voice a little to make him feel a bit intimidated.
"Darling, are you sure it was your mistake?" Harry asks me, he no longer sounds angry but there's a hint of wickedness in his tone.
"Yes." I say with a nod, gulping loudly as I say so. Hearing Harry's breathing on the other end.
"You're in a bit trouble when I get home then." His words cause a shiver to run through me and before I can say anything else, Harry hangs up.
"Oh god, I'm fired." Louis says sounding extremely horrified as he pushes away the fringe that has fallen onto his forehead.
I roll my eyes at how dramatic he is and put the phone in his pocket.
"Just, hurry the fuck back. You're not fired." I tell him and watch his eyes lightening up with hope.
"I'm not?" He asks me again and I shake my head causing Louis lips to curve up in a smile and the next thing I know is, he's got his arms wrapped around me, squeezing the life out of me.
"Jeez, thank you." He says in the same school girl's tone and I groan before I finally smile at his childish behaviour. Not everyday you get to meet such wiredos.
"I own you one, Stella." He tells me when he finally lets go of me and I just shrug in response.
"Give me your phone number, I'll message you soon. Gonna take you out on dinner." Louis tells me and I laugh.
"I'm taken, you know that right?" I ask him as I type my number into his phone and hand it back to him.
"Of course, I know. I seeing someone myself." He tells me and I smile nodding at him.
"Well, great. Now hurry the fuck up." I tell him and he laughs, hugging me once more before he runs in the direction of the door, leaving with a wave.
The rest of the day passes by very lazily, I cook mac n cheese for Harry and I to have for dinner, eat a lot of snacks, reply to Louis' message telling me how thankful he is and that almost sums it all up.
It's ten o clock at night when I finally start worrying about where Harry is. He hasn't messaged me nor has he called even once to check up on me or to let me know that he'll come home late. Something that is very unlike him.
I try to call him a couple of time but it straight goes to his voice message and I hang up. After sending him a few messages asking where he is and is he okay. I start feeling like something bad has happened.
I text Louis to ask if Harry's still at the office but get a negative response. Louis tells me that he left office at seven in the evening.
I find myself pacing in the living room with the phone clutched in my hand, waiting for Harry to either come home or contact me when suddenly the door bell rings.
Relief washes over me and I rush to open the door, finally feeling at peace, knowing that he's arrived. But what I see when I open the door is something that I hadn't been expecting.
Harry's there. Harry standing there but instead of smiling brightly at me, ready to envelope me into a hug, he's got a bottle of alcohol in one hand while he's gulping down liquid from the other.
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