It Begins
A cold winter's night begins us at the bakery. Frank, the janitor, was cleaning up the equipment used to make cupcakes and the frosting. As he was cleaning, he heard a strange noise, and gotten the strange feeling that someone was watching him. Someone was. She walked out from where she was hiding and went up to Frank. "Hey Frank, how are you?," she asked causing him to jump in fear. As he turned to see her, he smiled. "Oh, hello. Aren't you suppose to be heading home?" She giggled and nodded no, "I wanna give you something very special Frank! It is a cupcake just for you!" she said as she handed him a cupcake. He grabbed it and thanked her. Frank took a bite and said, "This is really delicious". All the girl did was giggle and let time take its course. Frank yawned and passed out on the floor then girl grabbed him by the ankles and dragged him to a secret room that no one knew about. "It is time for me to make my special cupcakes that the whole world loves! They don't even know the secret ingredient!" She strapped him to a table so he would stay still then she want off to gather her tools.
Frank woke up feeling cold and his head pounded hard causing his vision to be a bit blurry. Yet he looked around and saw that there were skulls mounted to the walls. Also, there was a table that had many sharp tools used for cutting. Then he heard a giggle, but not just any giggle, it was very sick, twisted giggle. She came out from the shadows and said in a creepy way, "Hello and welcome to the party. We are gonna be making cupcakes together!" Frank gulped and began to yell for help. That made the girl laugh, "HAHAHAHA! No one is here and even if some one was here, they cannot hear you!" Frank kept yelling and shouting, until the girl had enough. The girl grabbed some duck tape and taped his mouth shut. "You never shut up! I just want to have some fun, but your ruining it all!" He struggled and mumbled into the tape and as he did the girl grabbed a scaple and began to cut a piece of his skin. "Let's see how you taste." When she finished cutting a small piece, she took a bite and smiled big and twisted like. "Mmm! Your tasty!" She spoke sweetly as Frank started to cry from the pain and from his now very terrible fate. He started to mumble into the tape again. "Oh don't worry, this is gonna be fast and easy," she said holding out a serated knife and smiled big, "so you dont suffer much." Then she cut his shirt off and lightly let the blade pierce the skin, making a light bleed. Frank yelped in pain, with it being muffled in tape, and he watched as his blood began to slightly pour. She grabbed a larger knife like sword and began to cut the breast and stomach area, blood going everywhere and muffled screams filled the young girls ears. "La la la, just cutting along! La la la singing my murder song!" She then peeled it back and off revieling the ribs and internals.
As blood and some of Frank's tears hit the floor, the girl began to cut the rib bones with a bone saw, the buzzing sound rang in her ears, causing her to slight twitch every know and again. Her twitched also caused more and more pain for Frank. All he could think about was his family and friends, but most of all, his little boy's birthday that he wont attend. Life flashed quickly in his now dim glowing eyes as the girl took out the bones and the organs he needed. She reached for the heart and prepared to pull it out, but before she did, she began to sing. "Im so sorry for all i have done. My other soul wanted fun. When u thought all was going well, you relized that this world is just a living Hell! So i shall take out ur presious heart, and make your whole entire life fall apart. You may ask why i could be doing this, well Frank the real truth body loved me so i in terms mentally fell. So good night Frank and i will see you in Hell!" Frank then gasped as the girl ripped out his heart only using her fist and his eyes and body became lifeless. As the girl stared at the damaged she done, she began to cry into her blood stained hand, while the other dropped the heart onto the blood covered floor and made its way to catch her tears too.
She sobbed and sobbed, for one minute, before her sobs became endless laughter. It was heartless, cold, and twisted. She laughed as she deskinned the lifeless body and placed the skin in one bag, the bones in another bag, and the organs in the dumpster. His skull she took out and played with it. "Hello my name was Frank and i just got killed by a demonic girl hahahahahaha!" After her small play she grabbed a marker and marked the date before mounting it on the spot she made for him on wall. It was three hours before dawn and the bakery opens at 7:00 A.M. She desided to only use half of the Frank ingredents and use previous ingredents from past victims.
6:00 A.M. Only one hour til open time and a great majority of the cupcakes were ready and out for display. She also are a couple while power washing the secret room completely spotless of blood, fingerprints, and any sign of any evidence so if police came out, she wouldnt have to go bye bye again. As the minutes grew closer and people waited by the door to get first fresh pick, she unlocked the door and changed to her nice, non-psychotic self. After hours and hours of serving people big and small, a lady walked up to her, a fimiliar lady, Frank's ex-wife. "Hello deary. I am here to ask a few questions. I was wondering if you could cater my boys birthday this Friday afternoon." They girl slightly gave off a twisted smile and spoke soft and sweet like, "Why sure i can, im sure i can give your boy a fantastic birthday party!" They both discussed what they each wanted to plan and agreed. Before the lady left she asked, "oh deary you didnt happen to see my ex-husband Frank last night. He forgot to call my son like he does every morning before he left to school." The girl flashed back to last night and gave off a frown. "I dont know ma'am. He didnt sound to well last night so i sent him home," she lied through her teeth, "i dont know if he made it home or not." The lady gasped and thanked her before running out of the busy shop to look for her ex. "Why would you bother, he is your ex i mean duh." The girl muttered to herself before going into the back and getting more cupcakes. She spoke to one of her workers and they said they can run the shop while she took a break. She snuck back to her secret room and looked at the bags of Frank's remains. "They wont know that your in the cupcakes. HAHAHAHAHA no one will!" He yelled in her sound proof room and she took a knife and threw it to the wall where it stuck. "Cupcakes cupcakes! Everyone loves my cupcakes!" She sang and she laughed her souless heart away and planned out what to use for the cupcakes...for Frank's son's birthday. "Hope your son loves your birthday present to him Frank hehehehehe it was made with blood and sweat and bones and flesh hahahaha! And also lots and lots of love!!!"
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