***3rd person Pov***
Saturday has arrived and it's the day when Mobeius and Toman are going to have a meeting, to discuss the night's incident. Toman waited for Osanai to show up, one growing impatient.
" Just where the fuck is he?!" Pachin yelled while kicking the air.
" Yeah, where's that fucker?!" Followed by Peh-yan. Not only that, Maxe went missing and when they asked Macey, he would vaguely reply. Shortly after, Osanai finally arrived alongside some of his gang and Maxe.
" Hello Toman, I am Osanai and leader of Mobeius. We hear to talk about the incident and wanted to have a peace treaty and for that...", He bent down on his knees with his hands folded in front, followed by his gang. " I owed my sincere apologies for what my gang caused. They've already had their punishments but it would be best for violence to not be involved." Toman watched at the humble Osanai while looking at Maxe, standing in front of them.
' What?' She mounted while looking irritated by the second, making all of them backed down and then look away.
Mikey coughed to divert the attention on Osanai, " We've accepted your apology, Osanai." Takemichi is relieved to hear those words and Osanai turns into a decent guy, breathing in relief for once. They held for another ten minutes till Mikey proposed an alliance with Mobeius, to which Osanai agreed cause they needed an adult... literally.
They parted ways and Toman cheered for gaining their first alliance. Mikey proposed a party and some of us were down with it, especially Macey who decided to treat us to some restaurant, earning more cheers and gratefulness. Even Pahchin forgot that he's rich too.
The party was fine, not too chaotic thanks to the mature middle schoolers that sacrificed their sanity, surprisingly Takemichi was one of them to help Draken contain the man-child. Staffs and customers were a little disturbed but with Maxe persuasion again, decided to not get involved and ignored them. Finally, it was over and all of them were going home since Takemichi has her plans for her amusement. Maxe went to her room, Macey played with their dog Grady, while Takemichi stayed in the living room and on her phone scrolling for something interesting. She found nothing and feeling disappointed, decided to do 'that' plan instead. With her phone still in hand, she then dialled a number and readied her voice.
" Hello?" The girl grinned at her first victim.
" Hello, Pan-chan?" Suddenly a large thud is heard from the other line, she muffled her laugh to not hurt his feelings.
" Pan-chan? Are you ok?" She asked again.
" Y-Yes, Yes, I am fine! Just surprised... Umm... Hello, Akemi!" Pahchin exclaimed in exaggeration. Takemichi gave out a laugh, that calmed the boy down and felt blessed hearing her speak to him again even though it's been like two years.
" Anyways, How are you today and how did you get my number?" He asked.
" Well, heard from a little bird that my brother joined your gang?" The phone went silent but Takemichi was swift enough to dodge Pachin's shriek from the phone, avoiding her ears getting hurt.
" I am so sorry for getting your brother involved in this, it was Mikey's fault for dragging him. We kept telling him to leave both of you alone but he's too stubborn to listen, forgive us!!! I mean, we know that you guys can fight but this was supposed to be our problem to solve...!!" He continued on his ramblings and the girl was impressed that he isn't out of breath yet. Plus, could become a famous rapper in the future... which won't happen if the foresight doesn't trigger.
" Calm down there, Pan-chan. Take a deep breath..." He did as told and was able to take a breather, making the girl relieved.
They began chatting for quite some time till it was time for her next victim.
" Bye, Pan-chan. I'll you next time or call me." Pachin was disappointed but satisfied at the same time. Not like he could do anything since he doesn't own her nor should he control her life, unlike someone who has no self-control.
" Bye, Akemi. Yeah, I'll do that next time." And with that, Takemichi hangs to dial another number.
" Mana! Luna! Stop that or you'll hurt yourself!" Mitsuya scolded his two little siblings who are playing tag in the living room, to get rid of boredom. Both of them pouted, displease at their brother for being such a party pooper but still followed his words cause he's the eldest. The eldest sighed and then continued with his work, only to drop the needle he's been using. As he bent down to find that little thin needle, his phone rang on the table. Using his free hand to reach for the phone on the table, he checked on an unknown caller. Normally, he would ignore them cause it's either a random creep or one of his fangirls who are either the worse or fine. Curiosity got the best of him then accepted the call.
" Hello, Takashi-kun?" Reminder, Mitsuya's still under the table. So, hearing 'Akemi's' voice made him jolt up and hit his head on the table.
" Are you ok, Takashi-kun?" Akemi's voice, whom he didn't expect, asked in worry. His head still hurt from the impact.
" Uhh--Yeah, Just looking for the needle I was using cause I dropped it. It's surprising of you to call me..."
" Oh, well... I asked my brother to give me your number cause I missed you. Sorry if I left without saying goodbye personally, hope you're not mad." Mitsuya froze when the girl said that she 'missed' him. Good thing that they were on the call, so she couldn't see his flustered face. Unfortunately for him, she knew that he was blushing.
" Oh yeah, about your brother. I am sorry on behalf of my captain who dragged your brother into our gang, we tried our best." The girl giggled cause she remembered Pachin's breathless ramblings.
" It's all good. I'm glad since I get to have your number right? Just take care of him for me while I'm here in America."
" Ok. I'll do that." He stood up after he found the needle and then sat on the couch comfortably.
(Mitsuya You're taking care of the same person. XD)
" By the way, How are your siblings?" she asked, as they were mostly the reason why she called.
' Sorry Takashi, It's Mana and Luna whom they're the reason I called for.'
" They're fine and doing well. Though they're quite a handful and very playful that it's hard to control them, although I'm lucky to have the experience to take care of a certain man-child." The girl giggles knowing who he's referring to. Mitsuya smiled in accomplishment for being able to make her laugh -- giggle.
" Anyways, Mind if I talk to Mana and Luna? They sound like such cutie-pies" It was a moment of opportunity for the girl as she's finally able to talk to them. Mitsuya gave a long pause before talking again.
" Sorry, Akemi but Mana and Luna are asleep cause it's their nap time." He lied. And unfortunately for Takemichi, she trusts him enough to not differentiate whether he's lying or not. The reason why he lied Is that he's secretly a greedy person like some of the rest when it comes to Akemi, hiding on that goody-good-looking face that no one suspects. The girl was displeased but believed in his words. It's a fucking curse.
" Aww... That's sad. I wanted to meet them, can it be next time, please?" Even on the call, Mitsuya could imagine her oceanic blue eyes doing those puppy dog eyes. that he agreed unknowingly. Well, two can play that game. They then proceeded to chat till it was time for her to leave.
" Bye, Takashi-kun. Chat with you later, Love you." Mitsuya blushed but was able to utter an "I love you, too."
" You know Akemi..." He started before the girl could hang up. She responded in a hum and then waited for the boy to continue. " If we ever meet up personally, can I kiss as a greeting?" The girl replied with an 'oh', then smiled.
' Is he planning a game?' Yes, he is.
" Well... 'IF' I ever come back and "IF" we ever meet up personally, then I'll kiss you. You're going to have to find me before a day if I arrived, deal? And if you didn't, I'll slap you." Both of them were grinning at their game, feeling competitive.
" Deal."
" Heh, Goodluck, Takashi-kun." And there, she finally hang up.
' Two down; more to go...'
Takemichi continued to scroll through her phone, choosing who should she call next. That's when her phone suddenly rang, much to her surprise. She doesn't know if she'll use the voice changer or her original voice.
" H-Hello?" She chose the latter by using her original voice.
" HEYA, AKEMI!" A guy's voice boomed, almost bursting her eardrums.
" Uhm Hello? Uh-- Baji-kun?" She pretended to sound like a surprised friend who unexpectedly met their old friend. She forgot, "her brother" gave him her number, during their first meeting.
" I'm happy that you still remembered me." Takemichi smiled and even sighed in relief for being able to guess it right, cause that could ruin everything.
" Well, you are one of the my most important people I care about." Baji became flustered while trying to bring back his words, good thing that he's able to recover quickly.
" I-Is that so? Well, I'm glad to hear that I'm one of your important people."
" Always will be, Baji-kun." She said, foreshadowing her words that go unnoticed. The call went on for quite some till Baji got called by his Mom for lunch and being a mommy's boy he is, hang up. The girl understood him and found it adorable, even though she was envious of having a mother to bond with.
" Hakkai, I'm going now. Are you sure that you don't want to join me?" Yuzuha questioned her little brother, who's been acting strange even Taiju, who isn't around at the moment, agrees and when asked, he'd simply make a lame excuse. They gave up after so many tries but still worried them and wanted to help him. The youngest Shiba declined while slouching more on the couch, feeling drained and tired all of the sudden. His elder sister frowned at his response but could only sigh then left, giving her brother to cool off from whatever's been bothering him.
Hakkai continued to slouch, grasping his phone with Akemi's contacts on display. His finger attempts to press either the call or message button. He did try both of them, only to chicken out and cry for being a coward. Imagine his surprise when his phone rang on call and the girl's name was the ID caller. The boy almost dropped the phone that would hit his face, while his fingers almost touched the reject call. Luckily, it pressed the accept call.
" Hello, Hakkai-kun?" Hakkai was frozen in place on the couch. So, when he didn't respond the girl just laugh cause she predicted this would happen. Well, her giggles brought him back to life.
" Hakkai-kun? Are you there? Should I leave?"
" N- No... Please don't leave, I was just too stunned to speak."
' I could just imagine that...' Takemichi thought while fangirling and imagining Hakkai's handsome face getting all flustered, even almost squealing from the phone.
( Meme reference!!!)
" Aww~ Is little Hakkai-kun still shy around girls? Ahahahah! I missed you though." Now, The boy's double is frozen. How can he respond to that?
'As in platonic or romantic? Does she even have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Is she currently dating anyone though? Though I'm happy that she missed me... Could she have a crush on me?' Those were the thoughts that rang through the boy's head.
( Ayie~ Naol Miss, mah Gawd XD (Ayie~ Wish all miss) Also, don't get ahead of yourself, man. Remember, it's a Harem)
" O-Oh... I- Uhh I missed you too." His face was getting redder than ever. Damn, If she ever told him to serve her, he'd agree to it with zero hesitation.
" Anyways, How was my brother? Was he a handful?" She asked, not minding that she was degrading herself like that.
" No... He was an ok guy. Pretty mature and understanding, plus you both are good-looking." Takemichi felt her pride raise a little from the little compliment, cause it felt nice hearing from him.
" How are your siblings, especially Taiju? Was he treating you and Yuzu-chan well? If he isn't then I'll purposely come there to give him another beating." The boy's heart fluttered in the joy that she'd do those for him and Yuzuha, especially the mention of her coming back for their rescue. Call him a coward but he's been living in fear due to their brother's abuse and if it weren't for Akemi then he'd do something terrible in the future with no redemption. For Takemichi, she's secretly raging on the phone and prepared on leaving the house to hunt down Taiju. Though, she hoped that Taiju did change cause blind rage won't solve anything.
" Oh no, Brother's been taking care of us nicely. He started bonding and even trained me by giving lessons that I fully understand." Well, that's good to hear for the girl. " Hey, Akemi..." The girl let out a hum in response, " I know that this is all sudden but, once we meet each other personally... I'm going to be the strongest and protect you at all cost." Takemichi was silent at his sudden proposal, she was surprised but frowned when the past flashed through her mind. She got a headache but stayed strong to not show them.
" Wanting to play Hero now, eh? Heheh~ I'll be waiting then though you're already strong enough in my eyes, Hakkai-kun cause you got spirit and I admire you for that." Hakkai smiled at her words, giving him the fuel to fire up his spirit and confidence even more.
" Nonsense, Akemi. I'll be the strongest to be the only person you should rely on." Takemichi laughed cause she remembered how Hakkai wanted to rely upon and support someone and how touched starve he was for affection. If that's the case, then she'll be there to support him. Like how he supported Toman always.
( Lmfao... Good luck, Hakkai. Fandom will support you, just not them 👇
Chifuyu, Inui, Koko and the rest: Oi, Oi, Oi, you wrong their boy. )
" I'll be waiting on that, Hakkai-kun."
" Yo, Sapphire~!" Macey suddenly appeared after the girl ended the call, looking surprised but thankful that it ended or she'll have to think of a different excuse.
" H-Hey, Macey..." Takemichi sighed in relief, though her reaction caught Macey's attention with a grin.
" So, which one of the lads you have feelings for, aside from Kakucho and Hinata, did you call to flirt with?" The lad asked while wiggling his eyebrows. The girl just shrugged while choosing her next victim to call, grabbing the young twin's attention even more.
" Mind if oi 'elp yer dare, mate?" (Mind if I help you there, mate?)
" Macey, I'm not Irish but you're lucky I understood what you mean and it's a no."
The boy was displeased but leave her be to continue playing with their dog, besides, he taught her.
Two boys are walking around Shibuya, they're hunting down a traitor on Toman and teaching him a lesson. May God have mercy on their soul so that they won't end on a morgue. While walking, someone's phone started ringing and without hesitation, they rejected the call.
" You're not even curious about who was it?" Mucho asked Sanzu as he put away his phone.
" They're just spam." When his phone started ringing again from the same number, he declined it again. Unfortunately, they called again, not giving up. This annoyed Sanzu as he declined again and was determined to block the number. After a few silence, it rang again so he blocked it.
" Sanzu, I think you should answer. It's probably from Mikey who borrowed someone's phone." That got his attention quickly then immediately unblocked the number and then called the phone, hoping to be his King. Imagine his surprise and embarrassment when he realized it was his Queen instead.
" Finally accepted my call after rejecting and blocking me, Haru-chan? The audacity of my knight and shining armour~" He turned into stone as his mind stopped. Mucho, who's been watching was surprised to see Sanzu freak out.
" M-My Queen... Is that you?" Sanzu asked in a low shaky voice, asking himself if he was dreaming. His Queen giggled as if she heard something ridiculous.
" Who else could be your Queen? Are there any other Queens whom I should meet?" So he isn't dreaming then... Holy.
" N- No, just you. You surprised me, Queen. I also apologize for rejecting your call, cause I thought it was spam. Forgive me... How did you even get my number?"
" My brother gave it to me, heard that you two met and get along."
' Ah, so that's why...' Thought the long-haired boy, remembering that bleached blonde boy with oceanic eyes that resembled Akemi-- they are siblings, of course, they'd have a resemblance. It's probably why asked for them before, he shall live for now.
They started to communicate with each other, only to get interrupted by Mucho since he felt left out and was curious about who is Sanzu's Queen.
" Is that Mucho-kun?" Asked the girl on the line, making Sanzu grumble and glare at his captain for ruining his moment with his Queen. Mucho backed down when his vice growled at him, plus he couldn't lie to his Queen. Instead, Sanzu just gave the captain his phone, still glaring and growling. Mucho hesitated a little but took the phone to know the caller.
" Mucho-kun?" Akemi's voice surprised him and almost dropped the phone.
" Akemi?" He uttered.
" Yes? It's me, Mucho-kun. How are you?" He was going to answer when Sanzu immediately swiped his phone back in a fit of possessiveness.
" He's fine and we're fine, My Queen. Don't worry much..." He continued talking, taking all of his Queen's attention solely on him and him only. Well, Mucho's going to report this to Tenjiku. Meanwhile, Sanzu's having the time of his life, at least he gets to enjoy some quality talk with his Queen.
After the call with Sanzu took about two hours due to him begging for another fifteen-minute talk, if it weren't for Mucho stopping him, it would've led till nighttime. Not that the girl's complaining cause it was refreshing for Sanzu to be talkative. Finally, Takemichi can dial one last number and she couldn't contain her excitement and happily dialled the last number.
" Hello?" He answered and the girl almost screamed.
" Hello, Angry-kun~ My little blueberry cotton fluff." That caught him off guard, surprised with Akemi calling and remembering him. Not going to lie, who would even have the audacity to forget him? The Gods shall punish such sin in life.
( Certainly not the author, who's been rewriting this for the fifth time 👀)
" A-Akemi?" Angry uttered in a low tone, cause Smiley is in front of him, so he ran to his bedroom the locked the door for some privacy.
" Hello, Akemi... I didn't expect you to call. How's America?" Said the blueberry cotton fluff. Takemichi's heart fluttered and tempted to run to his place for visitation.
" I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. Anyways, How are you too? I called cause I'm bored here in America and missing you." This time, it's his turn for his heart to flutter.
" I'm doing fine and even met with your brother, Takemichi. Besides the ugly bleach hair, your personalities and appearance are the same -- especially your oceanic blue eyes." His face turned red for giving her a compliment cause under that Angry expression is a soft and kind person, till he starts crying.
" Thank you, Angry-kun. Oh, is it fine if I call you Sou-chan?" Angry's face turned red and hot but said 'yes', not wanting to displease the girl. They continued their chat till Smiley interrupted them, so they ended the call. Both of them were satisfied as Takemichi won't stop fangirling and Souta was ultimately happy.
Takemichi then sighed in satisfaction after ending the call. She saves the best for last, and now her mood is happy.
" Ye luk 'appy, Sapphire, somethin' gran' 'appened?"(You look happy, Sapphire. Something good happened?) Asked Maxe, who suddenly appeared to check on her and found the girl giggling like some fangirl.
" Yep! Just had some fun talking with the boys, to make them feel better." The eldest twin nodded her head, went to the kitchen then grabbed a pack of chips.
" How many did you score?" asked Maxe as she opened the chips.
" Seven."
" Damn... You're a heartbreaker."
" I'll make it eight if you join me."
" Make it eleven if my girlfriends joined."
" Ayiee~ Welcome to the Harem!" Takemichi laughed while Maxe chuckled, even though half wasn't a lie and they both knew.
***End Of Chapter***
Whooo! I'm finally done with this! Took me a while but I finally finished this chapter. Oh my Gawd, It hurts my brain cell.
Anyways, for anyone wondering why did Takemichi call them but they didn't know it was her if she got their numbers in the first place? Because Takemichi used another phone instead of her usual phone.
Also, Yes... Michi is fangirling on the boys, especially Hakkai and Angry.
Now I'm writing this using my laptop cause the iPhone is shit that it deleted all my apps, images, etc... all, because I wanted, was some storage. Like bruh-- hopefully, I'm able to recover my files. And I hate Mondays, and this happened on Mondays.... tch.
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