*** Takemichi's Pov***
" Uwah! So bored!" I groaned while flopping myself on the bed. There's nothing much to do other than finishing homework and the household chores. Not to mention, I've already completed the puzzle that has a thousand tabs.
Sleep was going to be my option till realized something...
" Oh yeah! It's been I while since I've used my skateboard. After it broke by those two immature blondies..." gritting my teeth after recalling that fight scene of those two, who didn't even bother paying the damages. Though, it was a good thing that they stopped fighting... I did try to prevent those but, Pachin-kun was an idiot!
Getting out of the bed to find my board then headed outside, though I made sure to lock the house properly so Masaru won't steal anything. I even checked if he was around our property and Thank God, he's not. Next time, I'm installing CCTV cameras while filing a restraining order.
Dropping my board down, I positioned my feet and started skating around the block. The cool breeze and sunny weather made me feel relaxed, they'll be my company for a while.
I should contact either Taku-chan or Akkun for the matter but I realized they have a busy schedule. Not to mention, I missed my violin classes by helping others with their problems.
* Ding!
' Ah... Crap.' I checked my notification to see Akkun messaging me.
To: Save Michi's fashion senses <3
From: Save Akkun's Pompadork hairstyle <3
' Yo mich, You've been skipping your violin classes. Are you feeling well? Teacher's looking out for you.'
I watched my surroundings first while skateboarding, before messaging him back.
To: Save Akkun's Pompadork hairstyle <3
From: Save Michi's fashion senses <3
' I'm kinda tired from all the schoolwork... please tell the teacher that I'll contact her soon. I just needed a break.'
Akkun immediately messages back, saying 'Ok' and with that, I continue my skating spree.
After a few rounds, I stopped at the nearest vending machine. Now that I think about it, which neighbourhood am I again? Looking around my surroundings, to see only more houses and alleyways.
" Bark! Bark!"
" Hmm?"
Searching to where the sound was coming from, only to look down and see a dog? It was looking at me with its tail wagging around. I later got my drink and crouched down to meet face to face with the dog.
" Hey, little guy... What are you doing in this neighbourhood all alone? Where's your owner?"
" Bark! Bark!"
' Ok... Am I going crazy that this dog understands me or The fact that someone could be watching made me anxious...'
" You lost him? Want me to take you home?" Instead of barking, it gave out a whimper and a growl.
' Eh? Does this dog doesn't like its owners, were they abusive towards this dog?'
Judging from the dog, it's completely groomed well and it still has its leash meaning that this is a run-away dog. I patted its head making the dog enjoy the affection, seeing its tail sway vigorously. That's when my eyes landed on its collar, I checked on it to see the name of the dog.
" So, your name's Pochi, huh? What a cute name for an adorable dog." I complimented while continuing to give it affection, that's when I inspect the dog's gender.
' So, it's a female? Awww~!'
" Hey!" Soon enough, I snapped back from my thoughts to see a young lad approaching us, its face looking menacing and I know who this person is. He hasn't changed, huh?
" Umm... Hello..."
*** 3rd person Pov***
The boy with a menacing facade approached the girl who's patting the dog. And as soon as he called her out, he was stunned to see an angel facing him and wow, did he need glasses from all the shine she's producing and is he seeing sparkles?
" Umm... Hello...?" Holy hell! Is her voice so soothing and melodic, like a siren?
" I'm so sorry for my sudden outburst, it's just that you have my dog." Said the young lad awkwardly, clearly shy being around such a cute girl who has an innocent facade. He's also aware of the looks people would make if they ever pass by them and because they knew about his status. Whoever, he's never seen this girl... so she's probably new to this neighbourhood.
" You new around here?"
" ...Uh yeah, I was just skating around and must've gone overboard."
" I see. Wait... what? Skating?" He eyed her and saw the skateboard.
' Huh... Not many girls would do skating, pretty cool.'
" That's cool. Though, you should be more careful with your surroundings. There might be creeps around the block."
" Ok. Thanks for the heads-up, but I can take care of myself."
Now, this is a surprising turn, never did she imagine having a proper conversation with him nor would she encounter him first.
" Ah... Almost forgot, what's your name? The name's Akemi and you have a cute dog too."
" Oh, uh... Thanks. And the name's Haruki Hayashida but call me Pachin."
While they were having a conversation, the dog was left out and since the dog craves attention for the right people... might as well be an ass to the owner.
" Bark! Bark!" Pochi, Pachin's dog, barked loudly while using its paw to lightly tap on the girl's foot. Akemi being an animal lover she is, immediately got distracted then easily had her full attention on the dog.
" Aww~ Pochi-chan is so cute! Is it ok if I carry her, Pachin-kun?"
Pachin blushed like the young virgin he is, nodding his head making the girl's smile brighten even more. She then carried the dog, who started licking her cheek making her giggle.
' Kami, Thank you for making me lucky?'
( No pro—...cough**cough* Who in dafuq?!)
" By the way, why is your dog just wandering around here?" Asked Akemi while carrying the dog and giving a pat on the head.
" Oh... About that, she just loves to be an ass. And I may have spoiled her too much, so now that girl thinks she can do whatever she wants." Pachin was going to get his dog, only to receive a growl.
" Not to mention, she hates my guts for some reason." Pachin glared at the dog, who's doing the same before barking as if it was mocking him.
" WHY, YOU—!" He controlled himself to not pounce on the dog and embarrass himself in front of the girl. The dog knows exactly what it's doing, snuggling itself on the girl.
' I'm surprised Pachin-kun could understand the animal language... Reminds me of some cat lovers.' Akemi said to herself, simply watching the two communicating with each other that she finds it adorable.
The memory of her hanging with Chifuyu at his place alongside his cat, Peke J. Those were some good times and one of the relaxing memories she thought, whenever a migraine occurs.
" Uwah! Peke J is so cute! Does Baji-kun know about this?" She asked while patting the cat who's sleeping on her lap.
" Knowing him as a cat lover, yup. That's why he frequently visits my place and delivers cat food, even though we have lots." Answered her partner, while sipping on his cola.
From there, they heard a door knock. Chifuyu grumbled and she knew that it was deja vu.
" Yo, Chifuyu! Got some premium cat food deluxe and And Kazutora's joining us by the way!" She heard his voice by the loud echoing of the living room, not surprising since he's quite the loudmouth.
" Oh! Takemichi, you're here too! Aww~ Look at Peke J, He's so cute!" Exclaimed the raven-haired man.
" Shhh... Baji-kun, He's sleeping. We shouldn't disturb him." Baji did as told then sat down, patting the cat's fur with Kazutora and Chifuyu following behind.
"...Mi... Kemi... Akemi... Akemi!"
" H- Huh? Yeah?!"
Akemi blinked her eyes then gaze around her surroundings before facing Pachin, who had a worried look.
' Seeing Pachin like this... Is heartwarming that he's not punching my face and at the same time weird?' She knows how much of a good guy Pachin is, not to mention a loyal companion, as it was witnessed on the Mobeius timeline. Though, his 'justified' motive by stabbing Osanai sent him to jail and thus, breaking Toman — especially Peh-yan.
" You ok? You've been dozing off, I've been talking to you for about a minute or two."
" Oh... I'm sorry I'm just thinking about getting a pet too." Pachin sighed in relief, thinking that it was just his paranoia.
" Well, if you wanted a pet make sure it isn't a hellspawn like that one in your hands." He recommended, continuing glaring back at his fucking dog. Akemi just laughed at how dorky he is, " Will do, Pachin-kun." She said.
' Even though Pachin was never like this when we first met. This is a refreshing start, now I won't have to feel his punch on my face again, yet... I guess?'
Now that she thinks of it, he also got married right? Well, lucky him cause he's mostly safe on some timelines.
' Wait... What was his wife's name again?'
' Yume?... Yuri?... Yuu—'
'It's Yumi Mori, a childhood friend of Pachin.' A random reader said inside her mind.
' Ah... Tha—! Wait what?!' She turned to look around her surroundings, only to find no one. Is she going crazy? Should she go to a mental hospital?
" Yo, Akemi! You coming?"
" Uh... Yeah! Coming!"
" And then, you use your right foot and push. Woah! Careful..." Akemi said as she grabbed onto Pachin's hand for support. The male shivered while holding her hands tightly.
" Ok, This is good... Now, Let's do this slow... And push..."
For anyone wondering what they are doing...
" Now I'm going to have to let you go..."
" Wait! A- A- Akemi! Do- Don't let go yet!"
" You'll be fine, trust me... Now let go."
" N- No! I don't want to!" He started to cry taking the girl by surprise witnessing another new experience.
" Come on Pachin-kun... You'll be fine, I'm going to give you a push. You can do this... Ready..."
" N- No! I- I'm not r- re- ready! Please, Akemi never let go!" He cried and begged even more making her uncomfortable.
" Trust me Pachin-kun, nothing will change if you keep being afraid. Now, take a deep breathe and in the count of three... I'll push, ok?" Pachin controlled his sniffles and cries before giving a nod. The girl smiled then gave him some time to lessen his cries. After waiting for some time, it was time.
" Ok... On three now... One..." Pachin readied himself as he slowly loosen his hold on her.
" ...Two..." He removed his hold and positioned himself, ready to take control of his fears.
" And... Three!" With that, Akemi pushed him. Pachin balanced himself first before moving around.
" You're doing great Pachin-kun! Keep it up!" Akemi encourages the young lad, who's starting to learn how to skate properly. It was his idea anyway.
After Pachin saw the skateboard, he's always wanted to try it out. So, he made a fair deal with Akemi to teach him how to skate and that he'll repay her afterwards.
Akemi agreed so they went to a secluded park, it was a good thing too. So they won't have to witness him crying cause he might hurt himself or die by skateboarding. She wanted to laugh but that would hurt his ego, so she controlled herself. Pochi, the dog, who was watching the whole time was laughing at the miserable look of her owner.
The girl continues to watch her male companion enjoying himself, skating around the block of the park using her skateboard. She wished that this was their interaction when they first met.
( Kakucho: They stay friends right?
... *looking away* 👀
Kakucho: Right? 💢
... Debatable...?)
Pachin returned feeling refreshed and even more confident skateboarding.
" Did you see that Akemi?! I did it! Ha- Hah! Beat that board! I did it!" He cheered like a kid boasting about their newly found talent to their mothers. She could only smile while patting his head.
" You did and I'm proud." Pachin started blushing bright red and covered his face. The girl giggled and hearing it made his ears blessed. After composing himself, he returned the board to Akemi before picking it up. He eyed at his dog and he knew better than it was mocking him the entire fiasco.
" Hey, Akemi..."
" Hmm?"
" I think we should give Pochi a try~?"
' Dude... What the fuck?' Pochi said while eyeing the two humans. One looked like an angel unlike the other one, who crawled out of hell.
Akemi gave a quick thought before her eyes shined brighter than the sun, making the boy and dog look away to avoid getting blind.
" Sure, she would look so cute! I'll take a pic too." She brought out her phone while picking the dog up then placed her on her skateboard. The dog was afraid at first while cursing her owner, but due to the girl's touch in comfort and her moving the board while taking a pic... made the dog enjoy the experience, so she allowed it.
" Aww~ These are so cute! Pachin-kun, join me for a selfie!" Akemi enthusiastically said, eyes still shining that made the boy sigh in defeat. She cheered victoriously as Pachin approached them. They positioned themselves for a better angle for the photo...
" Now, say 'Cheese'!"
" Cheese!"
In a flash, the photo's already taken. Though that didn't stop as the girl requested at least nine more pictures before stopping to admire them. As she turn her back away from the two, Pachin gave out a smirk as he eyed his dog who's trembling in fear.
' H- Hoe! What are you going to do to me?!'
Pachin didn't say anything and with the use of his foot, he kicked the board hard sending the dog on the board away at full speed. He eyed Akemi who's still distracted and took this opportunity to chase after his dog.
' You moronic fuck! I'm so going to make you regret this!' The dog exclaimed as she was going full speed and almost fell off the board.
' Heh! Serves that hellspawn right from damaging all of our stuff, especially my bike.'
He later came back with Pochi being carried by using his left while grabbing unto the girl's board in the other. Akemi just finished admiring the photo and as soon as she turned around, the dog immediately got out of its owner's grasp then pounced on her with a whimper.
" Woah! What's wrong with Pochi?"
" Oh nothing, she just misses you. Also, here's your board. Thanks for teaching me and having the patience to do so."
" Aww~ I miss you too, Pochi. Anyways, what are you going to repay me with?"
" Oh that... Well, follow me and I'll show it to ya." Without thinking, Akemi followed Pachin as she was curious.
After a few walks around, they reached a luxurious house where the girl almost dropped Pochi from shock.
' Now that she thought of it, Pachin-kun's rich...' Deep in thought, she didn't notice Pachin go inside for a few minutes before coming back with a bike in hand - His bike specifically.
" Yo, Akemi!"
" Hmm?"
" Want to learn how to ride a motorcycle?"
" ... Eh?" Ok, she was not expecting that. Coming from Pachin, to say the least.
" Woo-hoo! Yeah! Go Akemi!" Pachin cheered while grabbing onto the girl's waist as they drove around the street. The girl he's encouraging took pride then sped up the bike while doing some sharp turns and stunts
" Woah! I didn't know you could do these! I thought you dunno about bike riding?"
" I don't really... but I guess instincts..."
" Instincts? What kind of word is that?"
The girl almost face palmed herself but just focused on the road.
' How could I forget, is that Pachin's an idiot...'
" It's another term for senses."
" Oh! You're so smart!" He complimented and Akemi just went along with it then just accepted his words.
They've been riding for about twenty minutes till they entered the Hayashida gates. Akemi hit the brakes, turning off the engine with Pachin leaving as she followed behind. They brought Pochi back home since she is tired.
" Thanks, Pan-chan for teaching me, it was a wonderful experience." She humbly said then bowed down.
" Well... I did say that I was going to repay y— wait! What did you call me?"
" ...Pan-chan?"
" ... Eh? Are you calling me a 'Bread'?!"
" Well, You kinda resembled a loaf of bread and it's close to your nickname, Pachin! I like giving my nicknames." smiled the girl so Pachin won't say anything but blush.
" Are you calling me fat?"
" More like fluffy like a bread and especially your cheeks, they're so squishy and soft." Akemi hugged him, squeezing him then started pinching his cheeks. She just wanted to test how much of a dork Pachin is... more like the average of Akkun. Seeing a flustered Pachin again is mildly adorable and she's getting used to it.
The girl then let go of the hug making the boy whine from the loss of warmth.
" What do you think now Pan-chan?"
" ... Still calling me that, huh? Fine... I'll let it slide." I mean, who would turn this girl down. It's not like it's a bad thing anyway, plus she gave out her nice reasoning, unlike some people who'd reasoned out shit to make'em feel bad about themselves.
" YAY! Thank you, Pan-chan!" she then did something he didn't expect. After jumping in joy, she hugged him again and kissed him on the cheek?!
The next thing he knew, he could only see darkness.
The butler of Pachin arrived with two bodyguards and carried the boy inside alongside his bike. Akemi left wishing farewell and skated away.
The next day, when Pachin woke up. He started screaming in joy for getting a kiss on the cheek from a cute girl.
" FUCK YEAH! I'M SO LUCKY, LUCKY, LUCKY! I'M SO LOVELY, LOVELY, LOVELY!" While playing the song too.
*** End Of Chapter***
" Pan" is the Japanese term for Bread. This joke has been running through my head and I wanted to get it out already.
Damn... Pachin is lucky if you think about it. Man got marriage and still rich whereas Hina & Takemichi; Draken & Emma didn't. Can't blame'em... : P
Originally, the title should've been Pochi but... Bread is much more appropriate to confuse the reader. I'm still the troll writer 😜
I'm not going to add him or should I? I mean... It's just to spite the Harem. Think about what would happen, if Takemichi married Pachin instead...that would be a good comedy.
Damn... he got even lucky for receiving a kiss from Takemichi.
Kakucho : *bursting through the doors* WHAT?!
Fucker! Give me privacy!
Kakucho: After hearing the kiss part? No, I won't! So who's the bastard?!
Well... Its... * runs through the window and lands on the ground*
IT'S DEEZ NUTZ BITCH! *running away*
Kakucho: Get back here!
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