7. Starting Over

Mario was turning pale "Wanted for kidnapping? We didn't kidnap anyone!" Mario says as he starts freaking out, "me" bridgette says, we all turn to her "you're wanted for "kidnapping" me" Bridgette then starts crying and i have to hug her to calm her down, Mario was freaking out, he heard of the stories that Jericho told him after he got out of jail. What big men could do to small boys like Mario made him as white as a ghost. John was starting to get angry, he has a certain look when he gets angry "We need to go Now!" John exclaims as he floors the gas pedal and drives onto another road. Then we hear sirens "Oh No!" Mario says "The Cops" john slammed on the breaks and stopped the car then two officers get out of the car, the one with blonde hair i reconized "Hello Folks" The Blonde haired cop says "I'm Mr. Milton, sheriff of the pine drive police and this is Mr. Burns" Milton says as he points to a man smoking a cigar, "hey wait a minute John Sannders is that you?" Burns says as he crushes the cigar under his foot "My name is Marcus Cena" John says "My friends and i are heading to new york" "and what are your friends names" Milton asks John looks at us then back to Milton and burns "This is Luke O'Malley" John says pointing at Mario who was pale, "Gwen Valentine and Jim Shaffner" John finishes saying our "Names" Milton and Burns looked at each other and laughed "Oh please, we both know that your killed that girl and your friends here kidnapped that lady, there is no point in trying to lie" Milton says as he grabs John by the jacket "you got lucky last time, but this time, you'll be going away for good" then for some reason Mario just snapped he got in the driver's seat and floored the gas pedal running over Agent Burns. "What the-heAck" Milton couldn't say anything as John reviled a blade hidden in his jacket and slit Milton's throat, John got back in the car as milton was gasping for air "You can't run forever Sanders" Milton was trying to get out a sentence "You'll get your justice" John gets in the car and switches places with Mario "And it looks like you got yours" John says before driving away, Bridgette was still crying in my arms and Mario was sitting still looking at his hands that are shaking. "Thank you for saving me back there kid" John says to Mario patting his back. "I don't know what happened, i-i blacked out for a second and then the next i'm in the driver's seat and Mr. Burns is dead. I....I'm a murder" Mario says quivering "You ain't a muderer, you were helping a friend, he grabbed me and started yelling at me" John says. Mario just looks at his hands. About Twelve hours later we arrived in New York. it doesn't look that bad from what i thought it was, people were roaming about, hobo's in alleyways going "Spare Change" and there was a bar, we walked in and about 50 people were staring at us, bridgette was clutching my arm, Mario was hiding behind John, John didn't seem to car and walked up to the counter and ordered us some drinks, we ended up staying at an old apartment, it was rundown but it was better than nothing, we went inside and Mario was watching tv he turned it on to some wrestling channel there was a man wearing blue tights and black boots "Oh yeah Bulk Bogan is back in town baby" The man says, i looked over at Mario who eyes widen in front of me "Mr. Bogan what will you do in the 4 way against The GraveDigger, Mr. Invisible and The C***" "I'm The Bulk! They won't stand a chance when I hit the Falcon Tackle on them and win The FHW World Championship" Mario was getting closer to the tv. And I saw that young boy smile like that time we got him that switchblade he wanted.

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