Chapter 3

Later that day, most of WindClan had recovered from their wounds enough to gather around for a second clan meeting, where Dreamstar and Hawkstar carefully chose who to bring to the Gathering. Vixenpaw shivered slightly as a crisp breeze blew through the camp, causing her fur to stand on end.

"I think that should be enough cats to take, leaving some to guard camp." Hawkstar finished finally, "Duckpetal is in charge of camp while we're gone." The King and Queen leaped down from Tallrock, gathering the cats together to leave – Gooseholly waiting to guard the back of the group.

All the apprentices except Twitchpaw and Seapaw were going, so they came to say goodbye.

"Make sure you tell Basspaw and Fernpaw I'll see them next moon." Seapaw ordered his sister, who nodded loyally. Twitchpaw hung back awkwardly.

"Come on, we need to go." Tulippaw nagged them, indicating towards the departing clanmates. Stonepaw, Oceanpaw and Tulippaw all went ahead – leaving Oddpaw and Vixenpaw behind.

Oddpaw stifled a yawn, exhausted by helping treat the injured throughout the day. "We'll see you both later. C'mon, Vixenpaw."

The heiress waved goodbye with her tail, trailing after her adoptive brother and the rest of the clan.

"Hey, you two!" Havocstep, one of the youngest warriors, called out to them. "Hawkstar and Dreamstar want you to walk with them."

The two apprentices nodded and weaved through the crowd of felines, pushing to the front where Stonepaw, Tulippaw and their parents were walking. Dreamstar and Hawkstar were busy talking in hushed tones, while Vixenpaw's littermates gossiped loudly.

"Did you hear what those RiverClan warriors on the patrol yesterday said?" Tulippaw asked, delighted when Stonepaw shook his head. "They said they spotted an old rogue in ThunderClan territory, and when reporting it to a ThunderClan patrol, they told them he was their medicine cat! Ratstreak must have died somehow."

"No!" Stonepaw gushed, "Really? What did it look like?" The pale tom was acting like the rogue was a whole other species.

Tulippaw giggled, "A lump of carrion! Apparently he didn't even take on a proper clan name either. I wonder where they picked the old thing up... rogues cannot possibly be able to be medicine cats."

Oddpaw's face twisted crossly. "So true! I mean, how can they trust an outsider to heal their clanmates?" His tone was laced with sarcasm.

Tulippaw's fur fluffed out in embarrassment, and she let out a small stutter, "Er, I-"

Stonepaw nudged her. "Shush. Sorry, Oddpaw. You're not like them though!"

"Mm, of course not." He commented dryly, moving away from them. Stonepaw shrugged helplessly at Vixenpaw, who hurried after Oddpaw.

"Oddpaw, you know they don't realise what they're saying."

The sphynx tom huffed. "Of course they don't, the little.." he struggled to think of a fitting insult, ".. dung-faces. You'd think they, of all cats, would understand!"

She nodded. "Yeah. But don't worry about them – they're stupid."

But the tom didn't seem comforted. "I don't care what they think, it's everyone else who's opinion matters. I stand out even more than that rogue as a former outsider, considering I have no fur." He sighed. "Sometimes I feel so lonely."

"Well," Vixenpaw nudged him kindly, "maybe he'll appreciate you going to go speak to him when we get there – you might feel a little better to share how you feel with someone who understands, especially since he's a medicine cat too. And screw what everyone else thinks, when you have your true friends."

Oddpaw smiled slightly. "Thanks, Vixenpaw."

"No problem."

"WindClan, halt!" Hawkstar called out suddenly, peering into Fourtrees and scenting the air. "Smells like only RiverClan have arrived so far." She said to Dreamstar, before proceeding to the gathering place.

Vixenpaw was overwhelmed by the strange scents of the other clan – fish, fresh water, and cool moss were the most prominent smells. When RiverClan saw WindClan pouring into the clearing, they met in the middle to mingle and sought out friends.

Oceanpaw headed straight for Basspaw to tell him about Seapaw's absence, while Stonepaw and Tulippaw hurried over to the other apprentices – Basspaw, Peachpaw and Fruitpaw. Gooseholly arrived last, striding towards Pearspirit – the deputy – while Dreamstar and Hawkstar went to greet Cottonstar.

Oddpaw was looking queasy, hanging back, as Oatfreckle met up with Butterflywish and Buckpaw, the medicine cats. "What if he doesn't want to talk with me?"

"Who?" Vixenpaw asked, distracted with looking out for Pepperseed – a friendly young warrior.

"The ThunderClan medicine cat!" He hissed quietly.

"Well, you're about to find out." Vixenpaw told him, catching a whiff of fresh cut oak and mulch.

The broader-shouldered clan came pouring into the clearing, chattering like a bunch of starlings you could find in their territory, splitting up immediately – a little overly friendly, if you asked Vixenpaw.

The ThunderClan general and lieutenant, Sleetstar and Sweetheart, went to meet up with the equal ranks as Oddpaw seemed to spot who he was looking for.

"I think that's him."

Vixenpaw followed his gaze, spotting a large and scruffy brown tom with wise blue eyes – one a little milky. His ragged pelt seemed littered with the scars usually sporting retired warriors.

She strode towards the slightly hostile-looking tom, undaunted. "Come along, Oddpaw!"

Cringing, the medicine apprentice trailed after her. The former rogue spotted them almost immediately, his face taking on a guarded expression.

"What?" He asked gruffly, looking unsure of himself.

"Hello there!" Vixenpaw answered, chipper. "I'm Vixenpaw, from WindClan, and this is my friend Oddpaw – he's our medicine apprentice."

The tom showed a glimmer of curiosity as Oddpaw reluctantly revealed himself. "It's, erm, nice to meet you, s'pose. I'm Scarecrow."

Oddpaw tipped his head, "I thought you kept your old name?"

Scarecrow laughed, wheezy. "I sure did! You really think my mother would call me 'Scarekit' or something?" Oddpaw chuckled awkwardly.

"Well the reason I thought I should introduce Oddpaw," Vixenpaw spoke up again, shifting the conversation, "is because he is from outside the clans too."

"Oh, he is?" Scarecrow queried, sounding friendlier and more interested. Oddpaw beamed, and launched into a description of how he ended up in WindClan.

"Well, my older sister from another litter – Inkpatch, she's a warrior – was just under six moons when trying to catch us food after our mother died, so she went looking in clan territory and got caught by a WindClan patrol! They brought us both in, and Dreamstar and Hawkstar adopted us with their then-current litter – Vixenpaw here, Stonepaw and Tulippaw."

The older tom coughed, and nodded. "That's not far from my own story, lil tyke. I was searching for some herbs roughly a moon ago, and ThunderClan found me in their territory – not that I knew it was theirs. Their old medicine cat had died, and left his apprentice struggling, so I offered to teach her a bit if they let me take some herbs." He smiled. "I decided I wanted to stay."

"Scarecrow!" A ThunderClan she-cat called out. "Come meet the other medicine cats!"

"That's Songpaw, my apprentice." Scarecrow informed them. "Better head over!"

"I'll join you!" Oddpaw offered, and the two of them hurried away.

Vixenpaw grinned.

Finally, ShadowClan arrived – late, the scent of fresh pine and stagnant water filling the clearing. The red apprentice watched as the Twilight Conclave rushed over to the other leaders, Flypaw and Fernpaw to the gathered apprentices, and the other warriors disperse into the crowd – a litter warier than the other clans.

Shortly after their arrival, someone called the meeting to begin.

"Welcome, cats of all clans!" Olivebranch, a member of the Twilight Conclave (they didn't take on leader names), announced. "RiverClan will share their news first." He stepped back, allowing Cottonstar to take his place.

"Thank you, Olivebranch." She replied politely. "RiverClan has little to report on, apart from the fact our rivers are flowing steadily, carrying enough prey to support us. We have two new warriors, Quailfur and Barkwhisker-" she paused to allow the cheering of congratulations to end, "and one of our warrior apprentices, Buckpaw, has decided to change his path to one of a medicine cat." She stepped back as the cheers quietened, and allowed Dreamstar to step forward – talking for both him and Hawkstar, who looked a little ill, most likely from expecting her kits.

"WindClan's prey runs generously this moon, and I expect for another before times grow harder. We're pleased to welcome Flutterflower and Ravensoar's new litter into the world – Spiderkit, Willowkit and Apricotkit, as well as a new warrior apprentice Twitchpaw. Sadly, he could not make it to the Gathering tonight due to a strange fox attack on our camp. In the dead of night, a den of foxes attacked our camp directly and randomly – we have no idea where they came from." He side-eyed Olivebranch discreetly, before continuing. "On a happier note, as you may have noticed, Hawkstar is expecting our second litter of kits."

A smattering of congratulations echoed around the clearing, and Hawkstar dipped her head appreciatively as Dreamstar stepped back and Olivebranch took his place.

"ShadowClan is doing well this moon, enough prey to keep us fed." He begun, "We welcomed Badgerswoop into the Twilight Conclave a few days ago, and greatly grieve the loss of Earthfang, who aided us in battling foxes from our territory." Everyone quietened in a moment of silence. "That is all."

Sleetstar cleared his throat to begin, looking apprehensive. "We too are doing fine with prey, but I'm sure every cat is more intent on knowing about our medicine cat situation." He nodded at Scarecrow. "We lost Ratstreak to a strange greenleaf sickness just under a moon ago, which left Songpaw alone to act as medicine cat – but we found Scarecrow here not too long after, and as he had plenty of herbal knowledge to share, we welcomed him with open paws. As I hope you all will too."

A few cheers dotted the clearing, which prompted the silent felines to join in – Vixenpaw spotted Oddpaw stood close next to Scarecrow, who looked mildly embarrassed.

"Is there anything else anyone would like to share?" Cottonstar called aloud, and when met with silence, dismissed the meeting formally – all four representatives of the clans leaping down from the large rock.

Vixenpaw trotted over to Gooseholly, feeling as though the Gathering was somewhat anti-climatic, as he bade goodbye to Pearspirit and Sweetheart. "I can't wait to get home and collapse into my nest."

The older advisor laughed. "Me neither!"


The two days later, Vixenpaw was bored out of her mind on an evening border patrol – it consisted of Eaglesong, Seapaw, Mothmoon and Gooseholly.

"What can you smell?" Gooseholly asked the two apprentices.

Vixenpaw scented the air, inhaling deeply. "I can smell a rabbit or two a little way off, too near the tunnels to bother hunting."

"I can smell a RiverClan patrol near the bridge." Seapaw chipped in, his eyes closed.

"Very good!" Eaglesong congratulated them. "Lets continue marking the border."

The group continued past the gorge, moving away from it and nearing the barn. Inside the open doors, the heiress could just about spot a couple forms moving within and couldn't help wondering what they did all day, if not training and patrolling.

When she voiced this question aloud, Mothmoon chuckled.

"Who knows? Maybe they just lay around all day, or go exploring."

"Lets try and stay focused." Gooseholly interrupted, not unkindly, and the other warrior nodded, falling silent. The patrol was supposed to be lookout for any signs of the foxes, but – thank StarClan – none had been spotted or scented so far.

When they finally reached the barn, Seapaw frowned – gazing back in the direction of camp. "Is that... Ivyweb?"

Vixenpaw followed his gaze, watching a lithe silver tabby form streaking over towards them as if a whole group of monsters were on her tail. Gooseholly looked worried, racing to meet her halfway – the rest of the patrol followed.

"Oh, thank the stars I found you!" She gasped, heaving in large breaths. "It's the Queen – she fell into the river near the bridge, and the King leaped in to save her but we've not seen them resurface!"

Vixenpaw felt her blood run cold.

"What are you waiting for?!" Ivyweb shrieked. "Come on! I sent Oceanpaw to alert the rest of camp."

The six of them charged back the way Ivyweb came, approaching two black warriors who were stood on the bridge and gazing over the edge with tense expressions.

"Finally!" One of them, Blackbreeze, cried as he spotted them and hurried over. Ravensoar, the other tom, remained peering intensely below.

"What happened?" Gooseholly asked seriously.

The darker tom shook his head in disbelief. "We were just hunting when we heard Hawkstar's cry and a splash, and saw Dreamstar leap into the river after her. They went under before we got to them, and I think they've either got stuck under the bridge or.. gone over the edge into the gorge."

"Mammy!" Vixenpaw yelled, panicky, darting away to the bridge and searching the waters – Ravensoar beside her – and continued to call out. "Baba! Mammy! Where are you?!" She felt tears fill her eyes, hearing no response.

"What do we do?" Ravensoar asked urgently. "Any longer, and there's no chance they'll survive!"

Gooseholly's gaze darkened. "We've got to get down there and search for them."

"Use the tunnel!" Vixenpaw called to him over the roar of the waterfall.

He nodded. "Ivyweb, Eaglesong and Mothmoon – come with me to look for them. Everyone else stay here." He saw Vixenpaw's expression and sighed impatiently. "Alright, you too. Let's go!"

They raced back the way they came, following the familiar route to the tunnels which led to the bottom of the gorge. Gooseholly went first, Vixenpaw close behind, Eaglesong behind her and Ivyweb at the back.

They charged as quickly as they could through the cramped tunnels, soon emerging at the bottom as it opened up to reveal the gorge. Vixenpaw darted around Gooseholly, racing at the edge of the water to the bottom of the waterfall.

"Mammy, Baba!" She yelled. "Where are you?! Come over here!!"

The four warriors and one apprentice peered into the raging water, searching for any flash of grey or reddish-brown fur. They'd only been down there a few heartbeats, though it felt like seasons, when Eaglesong called out shrilly.

"There – I see the King!"

Vixenpaw skidded over to him, spotting a barely visible lump of grey and white fur laying on a small rock over the other side of the gorge. She shuddered in horror upon spotting the water around him was tinted red.

Without a word, Gooseholly plunged into the icy water and begun swimming valiantly towards his brother. Vixenpaw was on tenterhooks as her mentor managed to get a good grip on her father, and slowly drag him over to them – Mothmoon leaped in when he got to the middle of the water, helping carry the King the rest of the way.

When the two sodden warriors managed to bring him ashore, Vixenpaw cried in distress when she was a large, gaping wound in his head. "He'll be okay, right? We just need to get Oatfreckle and Oddpaw down here to help..." She trailed off at the pitying expressions on the surrounding warriors' faces, and collapsed into sobs over her father's body. "Oh, Baba..."

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