Chapter 17 |Aadi perukku|
Aadi Monsoon Festival
Adithan and Arulmozhi raced through the corridors of the royal palace. They heard someone talking about the Aadi Perukku festival which was going on in Thanjai, it was a festival celebrated on the 18th day of the month 'Adi'. People usually gather around the water bodies to offer poojas to the water gods and there was going to be a huge celebration, Adithan and Arulmozhi were not going to miss it.
Adithan and Arulmozhi barged into the king's chambers. "Appa!" They called out.
Sundara Chozhar looked up and smiled at them. "Ah, My selvamgale," He said happily and he welcomed them with open arms. Anriuddha Brahmarayar stood by the king's side.
Adithan and Arulmozhi paid their salutation to the Emperor and the minister.
Sundara Chozhan made his boys sit on either side of him and patted their shoulders. "What is the reason for your visit?" He asked the boys who looked at each other. Arulmozhi looked at Adithan and gestured to him to talk first, Adithan shook his head and told him to ask first. Sundara Chozhan laughed at the boys. "One of you speak!" He told.
"Appa," Adithan rubbed the back of his neck, "I and thambi wish to go to the Aadi Perukku festival that's happening in Thanjai," Adithan spat out finally. Arulmozhi nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes, Appa!" Arulmozhi beamed. "We want to see the festival!" Arulmozhi's eyes lit up in excitement.
Sundara Chozhan thought deeply about the boy's request. Adithan and Arulmozhi pierced him with hopeful eyes. Letting these boys together unsupervised outside the castle grounds is dangerous, Sundara Chozhan thought.
"We can't let you boys alone in such a crowd," Anriuddha Brahmarayar spoke Sundara Chozhan's mind.
Arulmozhi's eyes lost all the excitement and turned gloomy, He looked at his brother hoping that he would protest.
"But I'll take care of him," Adithan protested. "You sent me to war, can't to send me to our capital?" Adithan scoffed. "Appa, please," Adithan pleaded.
"I'm not hesitant in sending you, it's just Arulmozhi," Sundara Chozhan said.
"Appa, then leave Arulmozhi, I'll go," Adithan laughed. Arulmozhi shot him a look of betrayal. Anriuddha Brahmarayar leaned in closer to the king and whispered something into his ear, A frown appeared on Sundara Chozhan's face.
Sundara Chozhan shook his head. "No, Aditha, I can't let you both go," Sundara Chozhan sensed the boys getting moody. He patted their shoulders and tried to cheer them up. "Chin up, boys, I'll let you go alone when you're old enough,"
Adithan nodded curtly and got up. "Okay," He sulked. "We'll take our leave then," Adithan said as he bowed down and left.
Arulmozhi followed his brother outside."Anna! This is so unfair," Arulmozhi scoffed as he leaned against a pillar.
"Well, if the elders say so, there must be a reason behind it," Adithan said. As Aithan predicted, There was a reason behind it. A spy has brought in the news that the Rashtrakutan rebels have entered the kingdom to get revenge for their king's murder and the young boys were on the top of their lists. This is why Anriuddha Brahmarayar refused to send the boys.
Without realizing the gravity of the situation, Little Arulmozhi decided to sneak out.
Arulmozhi jumped down from his chambers and ran towards the stables with his small training sword in his hands. "Will you come to the Aadi Perkku with me?" He asked one of the horses as he brushed its snout. The horse neighed as a sign of approval. Arulmozhi smiled and untied the horse from the pole, He led the horse outside and stood near the walls of the back entrance waiting for a perfect moment to slip out.
People were flooding in and out of the palace at this time of the day carrying in baskets of grains, flowers, and coconuts. Arulmozhi saw the guards stationed at the gates. Umm, there are more soldiers than usual, He thought and scratched his head. What to do? The horse brushed his head on Arulmozhi's shoulders as he thought deeply about the situation.
Finally, he decided to take a chance. Before he could dash through, someone pulled his hands from behind and made him lose balance. "Amma!" Arulmozhi grunted as he fell down on his back. "Adai! who pulled me back?" Arulmozhi asked furiously as he got up. "Show your face to me again you'll become fodder to my sword," He said as he turned back, He saw a familiar face looking at him disapprovingly. "Anna," He gulped.
"Fodder to your sword it seems," Adithan folded his hands and raised his brow. "What are you doing here?"
Arulmozhi's cheeks reddened, he rubbed the back of his neck and smiled at his brother cheekily. "Anna..."
"You were going to sneak out, weren't you?" Adithan asked.
"Fine you caught me," Arulmozhi raised his hands. "Now, why are you here?" Arulmozhi asked cocking his eyebrows, He looked down at his brother's simple attire and smiled. "You were going to sneak out too only no?" Arulmozhi laughed.
Adithan rolled his eyes and sighed. "None of your business," Adithan said. "Now, get back to the palace," He ordered Arulmozhi.
"No!" Arulmozhi stomped his feet. "Anna, take me with you, Please please please," Arulmozhi pleaded with Karikalan who shook his head disapprovingly.
"No! Kundavai and Mother would bury me alive!" Karikalan said, but little Arulmozhi was not going to give up.
"If you don't take me, I'll tell Kundavai Akka that you snuck out of the palace and snitch on you," Arulmozhi arched his eyebrows.
"This horse cannot bear two people," Adithan said.
"It can bear you and Nandini Akka but can't bear me and you?" Arulmozhi scoffed. "What logic is this Anna?" Arulmozhi rolled his eyes, while Adithan looked at him with his mouth open in awe.
"W-when did you see me and Nandini--"
"Anna, save your breath," Arulmozhi said. Adithan closed his mouth and rubbed his face. "I didn't tell Kundavai Akka all that, I know she would burst out like a volcano," Arulmozhi laughed "But if you don't take me now, I'll surely snitch on you," Arulmozhi said firmly.
Adithan hung down his head and sighed at his brother's stubbornness. "Do you know, How happy I was when you were born? thinking that I got someone to fight alongside me? but the only thing you're doing is fighting against me," Adithan muttered.
Arulmozhi laughed. "Anna, god sent me to trouble you guys only, now don't change the topic, Take me or I'm going to Akka's chambers," Arulmozhi started to leave when Karikalan pulled his hands back.
Adithan gave Arulmozhi a smile of defeat. "Fine," Adithan groaned.
"Yes!" Arulmozhi cheered and hugged Adithan. "You're the best Anna!" He said looking up at his brother's face.
"Okay Okay," Adithan chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Here, wear this around your face," Adithan threw him a piece of old cloth. Arulmozhi nodded and masked his face with it.
"How are we going to get out Anna?" Arulmozhi asked his brother who was thinking about the same thing. "We could jump down the wall," Arulmozhi pointed at the tall wall which stood beside them.
"For that, the horse must also know how to climb the wall first no?" Adithan said pointing at the horse. Arulmozhi bit his tongue and smiled. Before Arulmozhi could propose another idea chaos ensued at the kotai vasal.
Two people were fighting about the prices of the commodities and were ready to throw hands at each other, the castle guards were distracted by them. "Get on," Adithan jumped up on his horse and made Arulmozhi sit in front of him, He kicked the horse's muscles and it tore to the crowd. The people moved out of the way as the horse passed by and gasped in horror at its speed. But the castle guards stayed unbothered as they tried to stop the two merchets from breaking their heads off.
Arulmozhi laughed and giggled and was quite enjoying himself, before long they exited the palace and were now cruising past the streets of Thanjai, Adithan slowed down his horse a little bit so they could take in the beauty of the capital of the Chozha desam, Thanjai.
*Cue Ponni Nadhi*
The whole of Thanjai was in a festive mood, Fresh flowers adorned the long hairs of the ladies, while men were working in the green fields, singing. Men and women danced around the wheat piles happily and celebrated the harvest, Birds sang from the trees which stood tall at the banks. The boys reached the Veera Narayana Lake.
The water looked like molten gold as the sun's rays graced it with light. Hundred of men, women, and children stood at the banks, making offering to the lake. On the other side, there were bullock carts carrying lots of fruits and beautiful women who carried wheat stacks on top of their heads, Banana leaves were tied around every corner with coconut leaves hanging down from the walls of the nearby houses.
Arulmozhi and Adithan were taken aback, their chests bloomed with pride as they saw their rich and flourishing land.
Arulmozhi whistled at the magnificent sight, he got down before his brother and rushed to the lake.
"Arulmozhi! Don't run wait!" Adithan shouted at his brother, which caught some people's attention. Adithan got down and tied his horse to a pole.
"Arulmozhi varmar-ah? is Ponniyin selvar here?" The crowd began to mumble.
"No no, We named our brother after our great Prince, nothing much," Adithan gritted his teeth. "You guys get back to your work," Adithan said as he ran off.
"Adai! My beloved brother, where are you?" Adithan shouted as he pushed through the crowd. He reached the front of the river and was met with a strong, cold breeze and cold water washed his feet. A smile appeared on Adithan's face.
The Lake was filled to the brim and flooded the dams nearby. It forcefully collided against the walls of the river banks as it passed by.
Adithan joined his palms, closed his eyes, and prayed to the river goddess, "May you flourish and provide us with your golden water for eternity," Adithan mumbled and opened his eyes. He turned back and resumed his search for his brother. "If you fall into this river not even Ponni thai will able to save you,"
"Amma, did you see an eight-year-old boy somewhere?" He asked an old woman who was sitting under and banyan tree. She shook her head, but when Adithan was ready to leave, she handed him a pot of payasam.
"Thambi, here," She offered him. Adithan accepted it with a smile and thanked her.
"If Kundavai got to know about this, she'll kill me," Adithan muttered to himself, "Oh god, you should only save me from her wrath," Adithan mumbled to himself.
God heard his request. After a few minutes, he found Arulmozhi, dancing with a group of people, Adithan sighed in relief and approached his brother. Arulmozhi's face lit up as he saw his brother. Adithan rushed to him and pulled him aside.
"Why did you run off like that?" Adithan twisted Arulmozhi's ears playfully.
"Anna, it hurts," Arulmozhi squealed. Adithan let go of his ears and ruffled his hair.
"I was scared out of my wits," Adithan said, the boys approached a large Banyan tree where a lot of people were resting their heads and feasting on the food they bought from home. Adithan plopped down and rested his head on the tree bark, Arulmozhi sat beside his brother.
"Here," Adithan handed him over the payasam. Arulmozhi happily snatched it from him and gulped it all in one go.
"If Vanathi was here she would've enjoyed it a lot," Arulmozhi said as he wiped away his milk mustache. Arulmozhi got up and dusted his hands.
"Where are you going?" Adithan asked.
"Anna, come let's go to the nearby temple," Arulmozhi said pulling up Adithan's hands. Adithan groaned as he got up and followed his brother.
"Won't you let me rest for a few minutes?" Adithan asked as they walked past a group of girls who were pouring turmeric water on each and every person they saw. Adithan began rushing Arulmozhi.
"What Anna?" Arulmozhi asked confused about Adithan's change of pace.
"I don't want to get wet today," Adithan said. "I--" Before he could finish his sentence he was dunked with a bucket full of yellow water. Arulmozhi fell on the floor roaring with laughter, he was almost in tears. Adithan was enraged, Adithan coughed out the water, he was soaked, both inside and out. "WHO--" Adithan turned back angrily to see who showered him with water and give them a piece of his mind.
But when he saw her, he forgot how to speak. He was lost for words.
Nandini looked at the prince with a horrified look, What was he doing here? She thought as she bit her tongue in embarrassment. She turned red, Stupid girl, stupid girl, She scolded herself mentally. Nandini dropped the bucket and started running unable to bare the embarrassment.
Arulmozhi wiped the tears away from his eyes and got up, "Anna, you look so funny!" Arulmozhi commented on Adithan's love-sick face. Adithan glared at Arulmozhi. "Which ghost did you see Anna? why is your face like that?"
"Not a ghost, thambi, I saw an angel," He threw his hands over Arulmozhi's shoulders. Arulmozhi shot him a confused look.
Adithan ignored Arulmozhi and they started walking towards the temple. It was a small temple, but it was beautiful regardless of its size, its pillars had wonderful sculptures with great detail carved on them. The sound of the temple bells echoes through the quiet chambers.
Adithan and Arulmozhi prayed to god, Adithan felt someone watching him from a distance he opened one of his eyes and started scouting the area, he found a beautiful female statue hiding behind the pillars. A smirk played on Adithan's lips.
But it wasn't just Nandini who was watching him, the Rashtrakutan rebels' prying eyes fell on the prince too. They hid behind the pond's stairs waiting for the right moment to attack.
Next stop: Love and Action. ;)
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