Finally, here are the results even though I must warn you, dear authors, that this results aren't the end of the world and do not limit your potentials in anyway. The latter is the reason why there's no ranking for the last position but for the best- a fact which can be summed up in the words "all novels are the work of an idea".
It was fun reading you all's copies and also sharing in your ideas. However, I must refer some authors to writing pieces which may help them master storytelling in the genre they hope to thrive. Firstly, there's the ambassador's profiles hosting most genres and blog posts on the web. Again, there are writer tips in published books on Wattpad. And then, there's also reviews by famous publishing house. I'd advice writers to read through them to have an idea of what readers expect and what could make their novels unique. Having a good cover, blurb and title, with a confusing and poorly written content as a book may not take you far as a writer/author.
Romance Entries.
1. Je T'aime Imbécile
By strawberry1d
Despite having a unique title, this piece excelled in the narrative voice which had a unique writing style and a potent POV. However, the blurb was the main problem. It would be better if the author adhered to the common standard of writing blurbs in third person POV. Furthermore, certain discrepancies in the Ha-Ni's character was noticed. It happened in the third chapter, towards the end. The tone at that instant was offset and too tense and would have been better if it was humorous. Regardless of these minor issues, the author must be commended on mastering the formular to romance novels. Such a cliché plot written in a unique way!
A.) Involvement(10):
a.) Title(3):3
b.) Cover(3):2
c.) Blurb(4):2
B.) Characterization(20):18
C.) Plot(20):20
D.) Setting(10):9.5
E.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):9
F.) Tone & Writing Style(10):10
G.) English & Grammar(10):10
2. The Darkest Embrace
By mansi12x
The author has a great writing style similar to the lyrical story-telling ability of Asiya Gaildon, the award winning Somalian writer. However the author needs to improve on the dialogue, and this was most especially noticeable in the first paragraph of the blurb, which should have been divided into more paragraphs with each dialogue on a new line. Again, the author could have improved her writing style in the first chapter by describing Ava's expression and not using the statement "she was just pressing her phone". It was also noticed that she failed to introduce the plot in the first chapter which may be a disadvantage commercially.
In the second chapter, the author should have told the story from a single POV as that bridles intimacy between the reader and the story and breeds no room for doubt. It was also noticed that the author made chapter three to be the main start of the story and the introduction to the plot and also, there was the frequent repetition of the pronoun "I" and the fallback on describing the setting. It would be appreciated if the author heeds to these advice and motions towards improving the story.
H.) Involvement(10)-
d.) Title(3):3
e.) Cover(3):2
f.) Blurb(4)2:
I.) Characterization(20):14
J.) Plot(20):12.6
K.) Setting(10):6.3
L.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):8.6
M.) Tone & Writing Style(10):8.3
N.) English & Grammar(10):10
3. She is Lost
The title is tragic but does not impinge curiosity and the dialogue in the blurb seems unoriginal and a bit childish. However, it was noticed that these issues spread through the continuity of the story and also coupled with lack of setting, characterization, a narrative voice that isn't expository and a realistic conflict for the plot(as a novel without a plot is a no novel). If these issues could be properly managed, there is no doubt that a well polished novel would be gotten.
O.) Involvement(10):
g.) Title(3):1
h.) Cover(3):2
i.) Blurb(4):2
P.) Characterization(20):10.6
Q.) Plot(20):14.6
R.) Setting(10):5.3
S.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):7.6
T.) Tone & Writing Style(10):6
U.) English & Grammar(10):8
4. My Dirty Sinner
The author failed to realize that blurbs should be written in third person POV and should entail the plot which includes the cause and effect of a conflict.
More so, there was also present, the problem of too much exposition in the first chapter and failure to dive write into the plot. Rather, the author spent most of the time on a backstory which could have been hinted at throughout the course of the story. My advice for this author is that there are more better ways for a backstory such as flashback-where he could have easily started the story with Jace troubling her as she tries to rebound and then maybe, narrate her past for us in a flashback/nightmare or through her actions/insanity.
V.) Involvement(10):
j.) Title(3):2
k.) Cover(3):2
l.) Blurb(4):3
W.) Characterization(20):15
X.) Plot(20):16.3
Y.) Setting(10):6
Z.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):7
AA.) Tone & Writing Style(10):7.6
BB.) English & Grammar(10):9
5. Parth Probodhika: pristine hues of his peace
The blurb was written to confuse the reader and the first chapter was written like an exposition which continued on further progress into the book. The author should also look into proper sentence structure and try to improve her vocabulary as these two affect the writing style, pacing and overall enjoyment of any literary piece.
CC.) Involvement(10):
m.) Title(3):3
n.) Cover(3):2
o.) Blurb(4):2
DD.) Characterization(20):12
EE.) Plot(20):14
FF.) Setting(10):6
GG.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):5
HH.) Tone & Writing Style(10):7
II.) English & Grammar(10):6
6. The Way We Fit
The author made his characters flat and stereotypical and barely employed the use of adjectives which are essential for any narrative piece. As the story progressed, it was also noticed that the author also committed the "backstory blunder" in the first chapter without devising a suitable hook. This idea has a lot of potentials if only the issues could be alleviated.
JJ.) Involvement(10):
p.) Title(3):2
q.) Cover(3):3
r.) Blurb(4):3
KK.) Characterization(20):12
LL.) Plot(20):15
MM.) Setting(10):7
NN.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):6
OO.) Tone & Writing Style(10):6
PP.) English & Grammar(10):8
7. His Uncertain Love
The author started the book by a brief exposition as common in classic literature. However, it is advised that he narrated the storyline as required in commercial novels if that's what he wants, for it has become widely known that narrated novels with an immediate dive into the plot, gives readers a first hand experience with the characters and provides a reasonable mode of entertainment. Again, the author should master "setting" in literature as he failed to employ the literary device in his second chapter.
QQ.) Involvement(10):
s.) Title(3):3
t.) Cover(3):2
u.) Blurb(4):3
RR.) Characterization(20):14
SS.) Plot(20):16
TT.) Setting(10):6
UU.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):9
VV.) Tone & Writing Style(10):7
WW.) English & Grammar(10):7
8. Guard My Heart
By Odufa143
The blurb was unstructured and included glaring grammatical errors. Again, the author failed to include the cause of the conflict in the blurb, making it incomplete. As for the chapters-the starting of the first chapter is a bit overused in most movies and literary works and in this case, turned out boring as nothing critical was being revealed. Other than correcting the latter by starting with a friendly conversation, introducing the conflict directly or introducing the personality of the protagonist head-on, the author should space the paragraph for better reading experience.
XX.) Involvement(10):
v.) Title(3):2
w.) Cover(3):3
x.) Blurb(4):2
YY.) Characterization(20):12
ZZ.) Plot(20):15
AAA.) Setting(10):6
BBB.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):5
CCC.) Tone & Writing Style(10):5
DDD.) English & Grammar(10):8
9. A Heartbeat Away
By diana_leone
Romance genre has barely much tropes, making most of its novels cliché and this author made it obvious with his lack of characterization in the novel and a failure to introduce the conflict head-on.
EEE.) Involvement(10):
y.) Title(3):2
z.) Cover(3):2
aa.) Blurb(4):3
FFF.) Characterization(20):16
GGG.) Plot(20):18
HHH.) Setting(10):9
III.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):9
JJJ.) Tone & Writing Style(10):7
KKK.) English & Grammar(10):10
10. Bleeded Heart
No information was passed in the blurb and the title has a grammatical error. As for the chapters-the first paragraph of the introduction was confusing, and barely narrated. One couldn't tell what was a character's name or a new word, a problem which could be solved by referencing the new words, explaining them or representing them italics. To be sincere, the novel was barely enjoyable despite how promising it seemed.
LLL.) Involvement(10):
bb.) Title(3):2
cc.) Cover(3):2
dd.) Blurb(4):1
MMM.) Characterization(20):10
NNN.) Plot(20):10
OOO.) Setting(10):4
PPP.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):6
QQQ.) Tone & Writing Style(10):5
RRR.) English & Grammar(10):5
11. Red Lines
Despite the fact that abuse on the male gender is not well versed, this novel does it with apt, circumventing what leads to it and how traumatic it can be. However, the author should look forwards developing the novels setting for a priceless work.
SSS.) Involvement(10):
ee.) Title(3):3
ff.) Cover(3):2
gg.) Blurb(4):4
TTT.) Characterization(20):18
UUU.) Plot(20):17
VVV.) Setting(10):8
WWW.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):10
XXX.) Tone & Writing Style(10):9
YYY.) English & Grammar(10):10
Fantasy Entries.
1. Ancient Four-Initiation
By Pavuronical
The title sounds boring and does not do the story justice and the cover would have been better if it had bigger fonts. As for the blurb, it was just too perfect, convincing me that you must have written movie trailers and summaries. To further add to the unique plot was the lyrical storytelling ability of the author and his ability to describe the setting so vividly paired with a touch of humor.
ZZZ.) Involvement(10):
hh.) Title(3):2
ii.) Cover(3):2
jj.) Blurb(4):4
AAAA.) Characterization(20):18.6
BBBB.) Plot(20):19.3
CCCC.) Setting(10):10
DDDD.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):9.3
EEEE.) Tone & Writing Style(10):10
FFFF.) English & Grammar(10):10
2. The Elf Witch
Despite the blurb making out Imani's situation to be a lose-lose, the narrative voice still managed to make us root for the protagonist. What other way can this be achieved if not excellent story telling ability!
However, it was also noticed that the author took much time in describing the characters backstory in the first chapter rather than diving straight into the plot.
GGGG.) Involvement(10):
kk.) Title(3):3
ll.) Cover(3):3
mm.) Blurb(4):4
HHHH.) Characterization(20):19
IIII.) Plot(20):16.6
JJJJ.) Setting(10):8
KKKK.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):10
LLLL.) Tone & Writing Style(10):9.6
MMMM.) English & Grammar(10):9.6
3. With Lots and Lots of Love
By 24Akshatha
The title appears to be of a romance novel and not one in the fantasy genre. In addition to rebranding the title, the author should also look towards replacing the book cover with one hinting at fantasy if truly, that is the genre he prefers for the book's identity.
Again, the blurb was too long and confusing. The should maybe try writing it in this format:
Four close friends, depressed from the death of their fifth friend and her fiancé, set on a quest to find the cause of their death only to come across something extraordinary and quite otherworldly which they may never escape.
As for the chapters- the author barely described the scenery where Arnav rejected Adwetha's love and despite the long dialogues, there was also the issue of loss in sense of time, where it appeared that the scene lacked a setting.
Furthermore, as the story progressed, it was noticed that the story developed its characters at the detriment of the setting and plot, an act unadvisable for any literary work in the fantasy genre, since this group thrives on setting and characterization.
It would be helpful if the author really considered this.
NNNN.) Involvement(10):
nn.) Title(3):2
oo.) Cover(3):1
pp.) Blurb(4):2
OOOO.) Characterization(20):10.6
PPPP.) Plot(20):15
QQQQ.) Setting(10):5.6
RRRR.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):5.3
SSSS.) Tone & Writing Style(10):8
TTTT.) English & Grammar(10):9.6
4. Starborn
By @Cosmodeus25
The only advice for this author is to develop his world building properly and to decide the magic of setting. Other than that, his novel is good to go.
UUUU.) Involvement(10):
qq.) Title(3):3
rr.) Cover(3):3
ss.) Blurb(4):4
VVVV.) Characterization(20):18
WWWW.) Plot(20):18
XXXX.) Setting(10):8
YYYY.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):9
ZZZZ.) Tone & Writing Style(10):7
AAAAA.) English & Grammar(10):10
5. Bound by Fate
By Oreo_Writer_0519
This novel has an interesting first chapter and a nice plot although it would have been better preferred if the author had narrated in a dramatic from the start of how the woman had visited Rebecca from her world and how the artist had reacted to her visitor, thinking that it was a debt collector. The above would serve as an opportunity to world building.
BBBBB.) Involvement(10):
tt.) Title(3):2
uu.) Cover(3):3
vv.) Blurb(4):4
CCCCC.) Characterization(20):19
DDDDD.) Plot(20):18
EEEEE.) Setting(10):8
FFFFF.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):9
GGGGG.) Tone & Writing Style(10):7
HHHHH.) English & Grammar(10):10
6. A Ballad of Heroes
By BellOfSilence
Despite the author mastering the tricks of getting more involvement, the pacing was still too slow due to too much wording which also made it hard to trace the actions of the characters. Other than that, the novel has a great potential due to its complex plot.
IIIII.) Involvement(10):
ww.) Title(3):3
xx.) Cover(3):3
yy.) Blurb(4):4
JJJJJ.) Characterization(20):18
KKKKK.) Plot(20):20
LLLLL.) Setting(10):10
MMMMM.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):7
NNNNN.) Tone & Writing Style(10):9
OOOOO.) English & Grammar(10):10
7. Call of The Enchanted Ones
By diviwrites
The blurb failed to convey the plot properly and Anderson's reaction towards her new reality was a bit dramatic and unrealistic (childish). She should have relatable fears and not just the fear if not seeing her parents.
Again, it would be better if Anderson doesn't introduce her self directly to the readers as that piece of information could have been gotten through the development of the story. Also, the author should consider writing the dialogues in plain text and not italics.
Furthermore, the author should consider world building and a properly developed setting.
PPPPP.) Involvement(10):
zz.) Title(3):3
aaa.) Cover(3):2
bbb.) Blurb(4):2
QQQQQ.) Characterization(20):17
RRRRR.) Plot(20):15
SSSSS.) Setting(10):5
TTTTT.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):7
UUUUU.) Tone & Writing Style(10):6
VVVVV.) English & Grammar(10):8
Mystery Entries.
1. Husk and Mask
By Rileyceith
The novel was packed with thriller and there was barely time for the character development. It all felt like the story was all in Mr Keynes head as readers couldn't easily relate due to the lack of setting and deep characterization and the expository style at which it was written.
WWWWW.) Involvement(10):
ccc.) Title(3):3
ddd.) Cover(3):2
eee.) Blurb(4):4
XXXXX.) Characterization(20):12.6
YYYYY.) Plot(20):18
ZZZZZ.) Setting(10):5.6
AAAAAA.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):8
BBBBBB.) Tone & Writing Style(10):8.6
CCCCCC.) English & Grammar(10):9.5
2. Darker Than Blood
By EmeraldDesignz
What nice storytelling! The only issue was the long chapters and some repetitions here and there. The story had me crying despite the unexpected plot twist. Imagine a troubled, badass female looking after her (believed to be) late sister's child. The flow of the storyline was just too excellent. .
DDDDDD.) Involvement(10):
fff.) Title(3):3
ggg.) Cover(3):2
hhh.) Blurb(4):4
EEEEEE.) Characterization(20):20
FFFFFF.) Plot(20):20
GGGGGG.) Setting(10):9
HHHHHH.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):10
IIIIII.) Tone & Writing Style(10):10
JJJJJJ.) English & Grammar(10):9
3. The Jeon
By taekookk130
Changing to the author's POV in the middle of a chapter is extremely irrelevant and can be taken care of by a good narrative voice and a well sufficient POV. Furthermore, there was a fallback on the setting despite the nice plot.
KKKKKK.) Involvement(10):
iii.) Title(3):3
jjj.) Cover(3):2
kkk.) Blurb(4):2
LLLLLL.) Characterization(20):12
MMMMMM.) Plot(20):12
NNNNNN.) Setting(10):5
OOOOOO.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):7
PPPPPP.) Tone & Writing Style(10):6
QQQQQQ.) English & Grammar(10):8
4. Total Eclipse of the Heart
By strawberry1d
The author should consider mastering the rules in the mystery genre, the title and how to narrate the plot because this novel appears to satisfy all rules in romance than in mystery. In simpler terms, mystery appeared to be more of its subgenre. Despite this glaring issue, it was also noticed how the author seemed quite apt in character development. The word of advice for the author is to focus more on the setting, cause setting rules in the mystery genre.
RRRRRR.) Involvement(10):
lll.) Title(3):2
mmm.) Cover(3):3
nnn.) Blurb(4):3
SSSSSS.) Characterization(20):17
TTTTTT.) Plot(20):17
UUUUUU.) Setting(10):5
VVVVVV.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):6
WWWWWW.) Tone & Writing Style(10):10
XXXXXX.) English & Grammar(10):8
Sci-Fi Entries.
1. World Left in Pieces.
By @underr_the_stars232
The blurb was written in a wrong tense and unjustifiable forms of pronouns were used. It would be better if the writer conformed to the norm of writing his blurb in third person pronoun and past tense. Again, the username should be bigger in the cover to get the author more recognition and to improve the composition of the graphics.
As for the chapters- first chapter was narrated with such urgency that the protagonists emotions were resonating. The character development throughout the progress of the novel was so apt and awe-inspiring.
The writer must be commended on mastering the basics of character development.
YYYYYY.) Involvement(10):
ooo.) Title(3):3
ppp.) Cover(3):2
qqq.) Blurb(4):2
ZZZZZZ.) Characterization(20):19.3
AAAAAAA.) Plot(20):20
BBBBBBB.) Setting(10):8
CCCCCCC.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):8
DDDDDDD.) Tone & Writing Style(10):10
EEEEEEE.) English & Grammar(10):10
2. Olympos
By Lilian_lin
The title sounds boring and too serious as expected from hard-sci-fi works most times so that's a good one from the author! Again, there appeared to be a misappropriation of pronouns in the blurb.
As for the chapter- the first chapter had a fairly regular starting for sci-fi novels, that it appeared to the imagination like a scene from a movie.
However, it failed to highlight the reason Anara wanted to become a hero as stated in the blurb. In fact, from the first three chapters, it appeared that you got a wrong blurb when you actually don't. So it is advised that you actually make it know the reason why Anara was as detached as she was in the blurb.
FFFFFFF.) Involvement(10):
rrr.) Title(3):2
sss.) Cover(3):2
ttt.) Blurb(4):3
GGGGGGG.) Characterization(20):18
HHHHHHH.) Plot(20):19.3
IIIIIII.) Setting(10):9.5
JJJJJJJ.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):10
KKKKKKK.) Tone & Writing Style(10):10
LLLLLLL.) English & Grammar(10):10
3. Safforia
By ArielMLongee
The blurb could be better.
From chapter one, this piece appeared to be a thrilling and lyrical sci-fi novel with a witty and teenage character. However the main issue with this piece are the flashbacks which aren't strategically placed. It would be better that you made the flashbacks all to be a prologue or introduction and then start the story from the main plot.
MMMMMMM.) Involvement(10):
uuu.) Title(3):3
vvv.) Cover(3):3
www.) Blurb(4):3
NNNNNNN.) Characterization(20):20
OOOOOOO.) Plot(20):17
PPPPPPP.) Setting(10):8
QQQQQQQ.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):9
RRRRRRR.) Tone & Writing Style(10):10
SSSSSSS.) English & Grammar(10):10
4. Ricochet
By DeejayDJ010
The author has a nice starting in his first chapter where the pacing was later distorted as a result of his inability to use a flashback in place of a rigid exposition. TO the author-There is always a better alternative the the start you have in mind. You should explore as many options available. This idea has a lot of potentials.
TTTTTTT.) Involvement(10):
xxx.) Title(3):3
yyy.) Cover(3):2
zzz.) Blurb(4):2
UUUUUUU.) Characterization(20):15
VVVVVVV.) Plot(20):18
WWWWWWW.) Setting(10):6
XXXXXXX.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):8
YYYYYYY.) Tone & Writing Style(10):7
ZZZZZZZ.) English & Grammar(10):9
Horror Entry.
1. Whisper
By taekookk130
The pacing is fast and the first chapter neither has a hook not adds a substantial value to the plot. These can be checked when the author masters the basic elements of story telling which includes; proper dialogue, characterization, plot and setting.
AAAAAAAA.) Involvement(10):
aaaa.) Title(3):3
bbbb.) Cover(3):2
cccc.) Blurb(4):4
BBBBBBBB.) Characterization(20):12
CCCCCCCC.) Plot(20):16
DDDDDDDD.) Setting(10):5
EEEEEEEE.) Dialogue & Pacing(10):6
FFFFFFFF.) Tone & Writing Style(10):5
GGGGGGGG.) English & Grammar(10):6
Like this chapter if you find the review helpful.
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