When Dark Link comes by
I woke up one day, still feeling a bit tired. But since I had to get up for my regular routines, I had no choice but to abandon my bed. I stood up, changed clothes, brushed teeth, blah blah blah.
As I headed off to the living room, I saw Slenderman and his brother Splendy working on some sort of project. They had blueprints and everything, so it would only make sense for me to try and sneak a peek.
Walking up to the two tall pale men, they both noticed my arrival and glanced at me.
"Good morning princess, did you sleep well?" Slenderman asked.
"I did, thank you for asking." I spoke, smiling.
"If you're wondering where everyone is, they're in the back hanging around! Masky, Hoodie, and the others are there as well, so why don't you go say hi to them?" Asked the happy and cheerful Splendy himself.
"Wait, what about the humans!?"
"Easy, child. There's a forest surrounding the backyard. If a human winds up walking to the forest, they'll just head back to where they started. Its an illusion we usually use, so its safe." Slenderman spoke, putting a hand on the blueprint.
I decided to change missions and head off to greet my friends. Well, since I'm a princess, I guess they're considered peasents? I'm not sure, I'll have to ask Slenderman that later.
Opening the door that lead to the outside, I saw everyone, just as I expected. They were sitting on the grass, talking to each other and doing whatever they wanted. The outside was pretty peaceful too. I could hear birds tweeting and the air smelled fresh. It was such a beautiful day!
That was, until I was suddenly tackled.
When I managed to stand up and dust off my clothes, I looked over at my attacker. It was probably Jeff, this seems like something he would do.
The figure brushed his hair back and gave a toothy grin. He had sharp teeth, but he was more ... dark ... than Jeff. And to be honest, he looked like BEN.
"Sorry for the tackle, princess, I was too excited." He smirked.
"Uh ... its ... okay ..." I didn't know what to say. I was just standing there, confused.
"DARK LINK!" I could hear Jeff and the others yelling out.
Dark Link?! I didn't expect him to be here!
"Oh what do you idiots want now!?" He looked over at everyone, seeming angry.
"Who invited YOU here!? Splendorman and Slenderman are here, so where is SexualOffenderman!?" BEN seemed as angry as Dark Link was.
"Pfft. Who cares? He allowed me to go by myself. But that was before I mentioned about the new royal, and how she was ... female~" Dark Link replied, licking his lips.
So, either Dark Link was influenced by SexualOffenderman to be like this, or he was always this perverted. Either way, I want him out of here.
"How dare you not wait for me!" A booming voice was heard from behind the black elf. I looked behind him and saw a white figure with a black fedora and trench coat.
"Well hello there, you must be the new royal~" He spoke in a calm and suave tone. I have to admit, when he talks like this, he sounds sexy.
"Y-Yes, I am. The name you shall refer to me is Princess Starlight." I managed to sound confident.
One of his tendrils slowly made its way towards me, holding out a vibrant red rose.
"For you, my princess~" He said.
"Nice try, I know that trick." I lowered my eyes to him.
He gave a small chuckle and held the rose closer to me. "That's different. That's when they find a rose, not when I hand them one."
I looked straight at the rose and thought for a moment. It was a pretty flower, and he was right about what he said. Maybe I should take it...
"Or would you prefer a black rose?"
Screw the red rose, I want the black one!
"I would love to have a black one!" I cheered.
"Then I shall search for one." He smiled at me.
"NOPE!" BEN yelled. He marched straight to the rose and broke it off of its stem. Offenderman dropped the stem of the rose and began to growl at the Creepypasta.
"What is wrong with you!?" He began. "You don't just harm plants like that!"
"Oh shut up! You do this to every new princess! You flirt with them, give them a rose, and then take them to the Bloodmoon festival!"
"Humph. It wasn't like anyone else would take them."
"Uh lets see, Slenderman would, Splendorman would, hell, maybe Jeff if they were that much of a Creepypasta fangirl!"
"HEY!" Jeff yelled.
This all made me feel a bit awkward inside. Not because of BEN yelling out all this, but because .. okay maybe it was all BEN's fault.
"Besides, black roses have a meaning. Just like red roses." BEN added.
"Don't red roses mean love and black roses mean death?" I said, not being quite sure.
"Yeah, but the meaning changes depending oh how the roses are used here." BEN began to explain. "I can tell you sometime today, right now we have to get rid of the pests." BEN turned to Dark Link, growling. Dark Link noticed the growl and smirked, his arms crossed.
I simply stood there, thinking. I was thinking about the roses. Black ones do mean death, don't they? I mean, if a regular rose is black, it must be wilting. So then, what gives? Do red roses mean bloody love or just blood in general? Or do black roses mean love and red roses mean death? Or am I thinking too much about all this and should just shut up?
"I think its best you did." I heard Jeff say as he laid a hand on my shoulder.
"You were talking out your thoughts."
"Oops indeed."
As Jeff and I began to have a weird conversation about how I should really stop narrating things, BEN was yelling at Dark Link while Offendy went off to say hi to Slenderman and Splendy.
I sort of wanted to listen in on what Dark Link and BEN were saying, but Jeff guided me over inside the mansion and had the other Creepypastas deal with BEN and Dark Link.
Once inside, the black haired beauty sent me to the kitchen, where we had a nice cup of human blood mixed with water.
"Ah, thank you." I bowed my head a bit as Jeff handed me the drink.
"No problem." He sat down as he drank a sip of the concoction.
I examined the cup for a while until I finally took a sip, the taste of metal was weak while the temperature and texture of the drink was all messed up like as if it wasn't mixed properly. This caused me to spit it out and rub my lips with my arm, groaning in disgust.
"You'll get used to it." Jeff spoke as he took another sip.
Sighing, I looked up at the ceiling. This mansion was big, but looking at the ceiling made me think about how big this place good be, let alone how many stories it has. I only got as far as three.
I could hear Jeff gulping down the nasty bright red liquid. Who thought it was a good idea to mix blood and water together for some bloody Kool-Aid drink? I feel like he only did it because they were running out of blood.
"So, uh, Jeff." I cracked my neck before looking straight towards him. "What's the deal with BEN and Dark Link? I never saw BEN so angry before."
Jeff placed down his drink of bloody water and looked at me, his face not serious looking, yet it wasn't a happy one either. "Well, I'd tell you, but its not my right to say so. Ii can say this, however. Dark Link used to live here with us."
My eyes suddenly widened in surprise. Dark Link used to live here?! Then maybe he'd always been a pervert and hadn't been influenced by Offendy.
"I see." Was all I could say.
The killer then looked out the kitchen window and began to examine the city. The cars that drove past by seemed to shine with the bright sun gleaming its rays down People walking by with smiles on their faces don't look hurt with scars or any signs of insanity. Its times like these where I ask myself, 'What are the Creepypastas?' We are human beings, yet we are much more. We were like... a new race of humanity. We were like humans, only more advanced. We are stronger than humans, we were faster than humans, we were ... more insane than humans.
"But you know." Jeff finally spoke as he turned his head. "Maybe if you asked BEN, he can tell you."
I sat there with a blank expression. I had been thinking so much about the Creepypastas that I nearly forgot about the problem with BEN and Dark Link. I simply nodded my head and walked off.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast. Offendy and Dark Link left, BEN acted more calm, and I got to watch a few episodes of Durarara!! with Jeff and Liu. Everything went by pretty great.
"Hey princess, which side would you join? The Yellow Scarves or The Dollars?" Liu asked me, his face gleaming as Jeff put up the next episode.
"Um, I don't really know."
"I would join The Dollars! They have no color, so it will be so easy to simply hide away and not show anyone that you're part of The Dollars."
"Oh well - "
"Liu, isn't it obvious?" Jeff said as he turned to the both of us. "She would make her own color gang and have all of us be part of it. Why would she join a group if she wasn't going to be the leader?"
"Oh, you're right." Was all Liu said before looking back at me with a goofy grin. "My bad, princess!"
"No worries Liu, its not like I was offended or anything." I smiled at him.
"Man I've gotten hungry after all those episodes, someone should go get some popcorn." Jeff said with a growling tummy.
"I'll go!" I stood up and ran off to the kitchen, searching all the cabinets for a popcorn bag.
"Come on... come on!" I yelled in frustration.
As if the screaming had summoned him over, BEN showed up with a bowl.
"What are you looking for, princess?" He said, putting the bowl down on the table.
"Oh, I was just looking for some popcorn." I explained.
"Ah, right. Its over here." He walked up to a cabinet I didn't check and pulled out a small box filled with popcorn bags. He then handed me one and I placed it in the microwave, taking off the plastic wrap first, of course.
"So what's the special occasion, princess?" He asked, leaning against the counter.
"Liu, Jeff, and I were watching anime, that's all."
"I see. I haven't watched some anime in a while. I should really catch up."
There was a small awkward silence surrounding us. Thinking quickly, and wanting some answers, I hesitated, but I finally spoke out.
"So why do you hate Dark Link so much?"
The awkward silence only grew. BEN stood there, looking down on the floor as he heard my question.
"Um... was that something I wasn't supposed to know or...?"
He took a deep breath and smiled, looking at the ceiling.
"Slendy made him my brother."
I stood there in shock. I know Slenderman likes to make people related for some strange reason, but this was probably not the best idea that toothpick man has done!
"He isn't my brother anymore, but we do sometimes act like we're related." He added.
Well that's a relief. For a second there, I was about to flip my shit!
"You see, Slendy likes to partner people up as brothers and sisters so that when we grow up, we can eventually be leaders for the next generation of Creepypastas, and with a lot of siblings, they act as a connection to the different mansions. Like how Slendy and his siblings are."
"But I thought you guys stayed the same age..."
"Ah, we age differently than humans since we aren't really ... human."
Silence filled the room once more. The silence then broke like a fragile object once the microwave went off, signaling that the popcorn was all set and ready.
"Guess your popcorn is ready." He said, looking at the microwave.
"Oh, right." I took the bag out of the machine and into a large bowl, filling it with buttery goodness.
"Oh, BEN, you never did tell me what the difference between black and red roses were." I pointed I out as I made my way to the staircase.
"Oh, well uh... lets just say, when someone truly loves you, they hand you a black rose, saying that your love will stay until your time is up on Earth." He scratched the back of his head while giving a slight grin. "Its kind of cheesy, but that's the way it is here."
I actually found that very cute, thought I didn't tell him that. I simply giggled, causing the blood dripping from his eyes to blend in with his blushing cheeks.
"Well, thanks for the knowledge, BEN Drowned. I'll see you later." I finally said, heading up to Jeff's room with the popcorn.
What happened next was out of sight for me, but I could tell what was happening just by the sound of his voice.
He stopped scratching his head, smiled, and said, "See ya, Princess Starlight."
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