The Creepypasta Princess
Everything went nice at school. Everyone seemed to like my new style too.
I just got back to school when my friends realized these changes, but they don't seem to mind.
There's a new guy in school today too. His name was Jake.Jake was in all of my classes, so I always see him.
I was out on my way home when he came up to me.
"Hey." He said. He seemed nervous just talking to me.
"Hi. You're Jake. Right?"
"Yeah! Wow, you remembered my name." He said.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"
"Well ... You're the cutest girl in school, so ..." He stuttered.
Wait, did I hear him right? Cutest girl in school? I'm not like that at all.
When I told him that, he didn't seem to care.
"So ... (Puts his arm around me) lets go on a date." He romantically said.
I pushed him away from me. I hated guys like this.
I immediately yelled no at him and ran home.
When I got home, I was in my room. My parents were working, so I had like ... 3 hours of free time to myself. I took my tiara and placed it on my head. I opened a portal and went inside it.
I was back at the mansion.
I was kind of happy seeing them again. As I knocked on the door, Jeff opened it up.
"Oh! Princess Starlight! What a surprise." He said.
He signaled me inside the mansion. As I came in, Sally hugged me.
"Hello princess. I missed you." She said happily.
I guess I missed her too.
Jeff was watching TV and Sally was playing with her dolls.
As I sat next to Sally just watching her play, BEN came in. He didn't noticed me though. He just went straight to Jeff.
"Dude! Where's my Call of Duty Ghosts game?!" BEN yelled out.
"Why would you assume I took it?" Jeff said all nonchalant.
"Because you told me you were going to borrow it yesterday!" BEN yelled out.
"Oh. Right." Jeff said as he walked to the upstairs. "I'll get it. Hold on."
BEN sat down and at where Jeff was. He sighed a little. He seemed annoyed.
"Hey BEN." I walked up and told BEN.
"Princess! I didn't notice you there!" BEN said as he scooted to make room for me.
I sat down next to BEN and an awkward silence came. What made it plain weird was that Sally collected all her toys, stood up, and left.
Now it was just me and BEN.
"Alright BEN! I fou - woah." Jeff said as he came back.
He just looked at us like if we were ghost of something.
But knowing Creepypastas, there probably was one, only behind us ... or something.
"Heh, sorry. Didn't mean to ruin anything. I'll just leave you 2 alone." Jeff said as he had a perverted smile on his face.
Just then, BEN got up and tackled Jeff.
Talk about embarrassment.
"God damn it BEN! Take a joke!" Yelled out Jeff as he tried to pin BEN to the floor.
"Just give me the game!" Screamed out BEN.
Then the Slenderman came along and picked up Jeff and BEN as if they were junk.
"Stop it right now! What is the problem?" Boomed Slenderman's voice.
And like any cliché moment, Jeff and BEN started talking at the same time just in different dialogue.
"Um ... I'll just head on to the backyard." I said nervously.
"Oh! Child! I didn't notice you there." Said Slenderman.
"Seems like nobody notices me here." I sighed out.
"We'll ... We usually do notice royals, it's just that you're different than most of them." Said Jeff as Slenderman put BEN and him down.
"I don't know if I should thank you or punch you Jeff." I sighed.
Everything got normal I guess. Jeff was sitting on the couch and BEN left to his room. I did what I always wanted to do, explored the mansion.
Of course, I went to check the backyard first. It was really big. There were woods on the far back, a giant pool, and even a play place for Sally. Cool!
But there was one thing that stood out from the rest of the items. There was this huge (and I mean HUGE) battle arena place. To me, it reminded me of the first gym battle. You know, where you battle Cheren. The dirt and chalk looked like the design of the Pokemon Gym.
Apparently, Jane and Eyeless Jack were sparring each other. And I have to say, the were really awesome!
Jane has some slick moves. She's faster than Eyeless Jack, but just by looking at the way she fights, I can tell that her weakness was her strength. Yeah, she's tough, but it seems like she can't cut E.J that deep.
As for Eyeless Jack, like I said, Jane was faster than him, but his advantage was his strength. Unlike Jane, it seems he can make a deep cut. I can see that Jane has a big wound on her right arm. Nothing to serious. I hope.
I decided to say hi to them, but I wasn't stupid so I made sure that I was about 5 feet away from them. I started to walk to them, maintaining my distance from them.
Big mistake.
Me : (raises right hand up high) "Hey guys!"
Eyeless Jack : (flinches and throws a knife at my direction) "Woah!"
Jane : "Princess!!!!!"
To late. The knife made its way to my hand. It pierced through my hand and stayed there. It's literally stuck there.
The pain on my hand was too much for me to take. I fell to my knees crying.
"Jack! Get Slenderman!" Jane yelled out.
Eyeless Jack ran as fast as he could, almost tripping on the large stairs.
Jane helped me get up. The blood from my eyes from all the crying and the blood from my hand just made Jane worry more.
"Hurry up Eyeless Jack!" She screamed out.
"SLENDERMAN!!!!!!!!" Yelled out Eyeless Jack.
Yeah, he was that loud.
About 20 seconds later, Slenderman and Jeff came running towards me.
"Damn! How is that even possible?!?!" Questioned Jeff as he examined me right hand.
"Can you get it out?" Asked Jane in a choked up voice. Apparently, she was in tears. Just a little though.
"I'll try." Said Jeff. He pulled the knife with all his might, but it just lead to a ear piercing scream of pain from me.
"It won't budge!" He yelled out.
"Take her to the Health Room." Slenderman demanded Jane.
Jane did as she was told and walked me to the room. Jeff was right behind us too.
We entered the Health Room and to tell you the truth, it looked more like a hospital room.
"Sit here." Jeff said as he tapped the side of one of the beds.
I did as told and my hand now had a stinging feeling. It actually felt dizzy and I felt like I was about to faint. The smell of copper surrounded the whole room and was getting stronger by the minute.
"Okay. Jane! Get the pain killer." Demanded Jeff.
Jane went cabinet to cabinet looking for the pain killer. She took all of the medicine out of all the cabinets. Literally.
"Uh-oh." Jane stuttered.
"What do you mean?" Asked Jeff.
"We ran out of it." She said.
"What!?!? What are we supposed to do now?!?!" He screamed as he was thinking of a new idea.
All of the sudden, someone was knocking on the door. Jeff opens the door to see who it was. It was BEN.
"Oh good. You're here." Said Jeff as he was pulling BEN in the room. "Make sure nothing bad happens to the princess while Jane and I go to the human world and find more pain killer. Got it?"
"Yes sir!" BEN told Jeff.
Jeff and Jane immediately ran to the door and left.
"You ok?" Asked BEN.
"Y-yeah. I f-f-feel fine." I stuttered. Of course I didn't feel fine - I HAVE A KNIFE STUCK IN BETWEEN MY HAND!
"May I see it?" BEN asked.
"Um ... ok." I said as I showed BEN my injured hand.
BEN was looking at it as if he's already seen something in this condition. He tried to pull it out, but it just made me cry a bit more.
"It is really stuck there." He said.
"Ah ... Yeah." I told him almost chocking on my tears.
BEN was just looking at my hand some more. Then he had an idea.
"Follow me." He said.
I followed BEN to a sink in the room. Technically, there were 2, but we went to the closest one.
BEN grabbed my hand and turned on the water.
"We're gonna clean out the blood." He said.
With my good hand, I checked the temperature of the water and nodded at him if the water was ok for me. He gently placed my hand on the water and it was stinging more. I was on the verge of crying when BEN did the sweetest thing.
"Princess. Look at me." He said.
"What?" I said as I was about to cry.
"It's going to be ok. You are the princess and I will take care of you. Understand?" BEN said.
I literally couldn't feel anything in my hand. No pain. I just looked into his eyes.
"I think we need to check you temperature after this, you look really red. You probably have a fever or something." He said.
Oops. I was blushing.
After BEN had turned off the water and dried my hand, he tried once again to remove the knife. It only moved a bit, but it was a good sign saying that we are almost there.
BEN took me to the bed again and we both sat down. He tried once again and it moved a bit.
"Ok Princess. I'm going to pull out the knife. If I use all of my strength, I can probably get it out. What I want you to do is calm down and look at me. Ok?" Demanded BEN.
"Yeah. Ok." I said.
As BEN pulled the knife, I could feel the pain, but I remembered what BEN had told me and did what he said.
His eyes weren't looking into mine as he was pulling the knife. He had to take his attention on my hand more. My heart was kind of beating fast as I looked at his hair. It was ... like ... a golden color, but a bit brighter.
BEN looked at me. "I almost have it out. You ready?" He asked.
I sighed and nodded. I braced myself as BEN pulled out the knife with brute force.
"Ow." I said. It hurt, but if I hadn't looked at BEN, you would have heard me scream like a teenager on her first concert. Only harder.
BEN showed me the blade. It was literally covered in blood.
"We got it." He said as he got up and placed the blood - covered blade on the sink.
"Thank you. How do I repay you?" I asked.
"No need to thank me. I was simply helping out." He said, sitting back next to me.
"No, I must pay you with something." I told him. It was nice of him to help me out.
"No no. It's ok. You being safe is my payment." He smiled.
Now I was blushing. That was so sweet of him. I couldn't believe this was happening. I felt -
"WE'RE BACK!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" Yelled out Jeff as he broke down the door. Jane was behind him when the door broke.
"Um ... Nothing much I guess." BEN told Jeff.
Jeff say my hand and sighed out. "Oh."
"You got it out BEN! Nice work." Jane complimented.
"It was nothing. Anyways, I have to go, see yah." Said BEN as he left the room.
Jeff and Jane places on pain killer on my hand incase of any after shocks and just wrapped my hand in white bandages.
I twisted my hand around and I honestly feel better!
"Wow. The power of pain killer." I said.
"Yeah. So, what did BEN do to get the knife out?" Jeff asked.
"Um, cleaned the blood with water." I replied.
"I told you we should have done that!" Jane shoved Jeff.
"Hey! I'm older! I do what I can and what I want!" Jeff shoved Jane.
They just bickered for a long time. It was very awkward too.
"Uh ... not to be mean, but you guys fight like if you guys were siblings." I said scratching my head in embarrassment for asking that question.
"Oh! We didn't tell you?" Asked Jane.
"Tell me what?" I questioned.
"Slenderman made us sibling." Said Jeff.
"Say what?" I asked. It just seemed a bit odd how they're siblings now, but once you think about it, they do look related.
I felt really bad for Eyeless Jack. He must be really depressed due to the incident. I decided to go talk him.
But I still didn't know my way around this place.
"Ah!" I screamed. It was just Smile.
"Oh! Smile! Can you show me the way to Eyeless Jack's room?" I asked him. Hoping I would get an answer.
Smile nodded at me and went to the staircase in the living room.
After seeing that, I was in complete shock.
"Huh? Oh! I'm coming." Following Smile up the stairs.
Once I went upstairs, I could immediately tell who's room was who's.
Jeff's room was the first on I saw. The door was white with blood stains on it saying "Jeff's room, enter or GO TO SLEEP!" And of course there were blood stains all around the door.
Jane's room was elegant. It was black with white and red flowers. There was a sign that said "Jane's room. NO ENTRY UNLESS YOU HAVE PERMISSION! That means you Jeff."
I nearly laughed at the last part.
Sally's room was nice and cute. The door was pink and had blue, red, and yellow hearts all around the door. The sign said "Sally's room. No boys allowed. Unless you are Slendy."
How cute!
BEN's room was pretty much as I expected it. Green door with video game characters everywhere. Minecraft, Black Ops, even Sonic and Mario. The sign was cool on my opinion.
"BEN's room. GAMERS ONLY!"
I really like that one. I'm a gamer too.
There were 3 empty rooms though. They had no door and no decorations on the inside. There was only one note in each room. One of them had said "Female likes purple and black, likes killing, same as Jane and Jeff.", the note on the next room said "Male likes black and white, likes killing, is like Jeff and Jane, only different.", the last room's note was weird. It said "Gender : Unknown, Likes : Unknown."
Weird. Smile barked again and I followed him to Eyeless Jack's room.
I finally noticed Eyeless Jack's room. The door was blue with blood stains. "Eyeless Jack's room. Payment to enter, 1 kidney."
This guy really does like kidneys.
I patted Smile's head as he was about to leave. I knocked on the door, hoping for an answer. Nothing. I knew he was in there though. I could hear breathing.
"E.J. Can I speak with you? Please?" I begged.
Still nothing.
"E.J.?" I asked.
STILL nothing.
Since I was the Princess of all things Creepypasta, I decided to mess with him. Just so he can open the door.
"Eyeless Jack! I command you to open this door right now!" I demanded.
The door opened a bit. I entered and Eyeless Jack was just sitting in his bed. Looking down.
I closed the door and walked towards him.
"You ok?" I asked.
"Jack, please, don't be like that."
"Look, I won't press any charges or anything on you. Ok? it was an accident. Right?"
I sat next to him, patting him on the back.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"Apology accepted!" I cheerfully said.
Eyeless Jack looked at me with a sigh. "How can you be so happy after what happened?"
"Because we're friends! Right?"
"... Yeah. We are."
I smiled at Jack and he seemed happy.
"You know, you're different from the other royals." He said.
"Not the first time someone told me that." I said.
We walked down stairs to the living room. I checked the clock and found that I only have 25 minutes.
"Oh great." I said.
"Have to leave soon?" Asked Eyeless Jack.
"Yeah. I can spare a few minutes though."
"What do you want to do?"
"... I don't know."
"Hey! You hungry?"
"Oh yeah! I haven't eaten in a while."
"Let's go to the kitchen then." Eyeless Jack stood up and I followed him to the kitchen.
The kitchen was super fancy! Marble here and there, orange and white wallpaper, and the fridge was shiny!
"Sit, I'll see what we have." Eyeless Jack said as he went to the refrigerator.
I just say down looking at the table. It was pretty big. Made of marble and everything. This mansion has it all!
"Just to make sure, are you a vegetarian, a vegan, or what?" E.J. asked.
"Are you kidding?! I love meat!" I told him.
"Then I have the perfect dish for you!" He grabbed a plate of this meat I have never seen. He cooked it, seasoned it, etc. He then grabbed a small plate and placed some of the meat on the plate and handed it to me.
"You food is ready!" He said as he grabbed the silverware and a cup.
I examined the "food" carefully. Jack poured a red liquid on my cup and stood there waiting for me to have a taste.
I took the fork and tried out the meat.
It ...
Tasted ...
I have never tasted any meat as delicious as this one!
"E.J! This is delicious!" I said as I drank from the cup.
The drink ... tasted weird, but good at the same time.
"Thanks Princess!" He said cheerfully. "Blood does tastes amazing with human arms!"
Did I hear him right?
I'm eating ... people?!
"Uh ... Jack ... does this mean I'm being cannibalistic?" I asked.
"Depends, do you love it or do you not like it?" He questioned.
I gulped and started to think.
"Well, this ... um ... uh ..." I stuttered.
Just then, Slenderman came to the kitchen.
Good timing.
"Slenderman, can I ask you something?" I asked him.
"Yes child?" He questioned me.
"Is it wrong for me to eat my own people?" I questioned.
"Of course not Child! Whatever gave you that idea?" He asked.
I pointed to Eyeless Jack and told Slendy that he gave me blood and human arms.
"Well, did you enjoy it?" He asked.
"Um ... yes. I guess I did."
"Then there you go!"
I guess I had nothing to worry about. I mean, it was delicious.
I thanked Slenderman for the advice and thanked Eyeless Jack for the food.
I guess I should have mentioned the empty rooms upstairs, but I'm saving that for tomorrow.
As soon as I finished my food, I cleaned my dish, cup, and silverware and said goodbye to Eyeless Jack and Slenderman.
I walked around the mansion, finding the rest of the guys. (And girls). I found Smile, Sally, and Jane outside in the backyard at Sally's play place.
I said my goodbyes, followed my a high five from Jane, a hug from Sally, and a lick on the cheek from Smile.
"Do you guys know where Jeff and BEN are?" I asked them.
"Jeff and BEN? They're probably in BEN's room playing video games." Said Jane.
I thanked Jane and left to say bye to Jeff and BEN.
I went upstairs to BEN's room.
Jane was right, they're in there alright. I can hear screaming and shooting. It didn't sound like a Black Ops game. It was probably Red Dead Redemption or something.
Cause tell me this, why would I hear horses in a Black Ops game?
I knocked the door hoping that the loud noises from the game didn't block any noise.
I suddenly heard no sound. I guess they paused the game or something.
"Who's there?" Someone asked. It sounded like BEN.
"It's Mikey Cyrus. My fans hate me so much that I want to commit suicide, but I heard about you guys, so I came here to get killed." I said with a giggle.
"Princess? That you?" He asked.
"No, I'm a stripper who came to give you a show - of course it's me!"
I think I went to far on that one.
BEN immediately opened the door in a "WTF" face.
"Uh ... sorry. Its just that ... I'm about to leave so ... I was going to say bye and then I heard video game noises and ... uh ... bye?" This was getting really awkward.
BEN was just standing there blushing. "Um ... sure. Bye, uh ... see you tomorrow?"
Now I started to blush. "Yeah! Um ... see you tomorrow. Bye Jeff."
"See yah stripper." He fooled around.
"Ha Ha. Nice joke." I sarcastically said to Jeff.
"Thank you!" Jeff said. Also sarcastically.
He beat me at my own game.
I headed outside and opened a portal.
I was now home.
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