Saturday 12, 2014 Month of April
Yes! Saturday! A perfect day to do useless things that you know you'll end up regretting later at the end of the day, but then you don't care cause you'll be like "FUCK MY LIFE!!!! IT'S SATURDAY!!!!"
Don't ask me if I really ended up screaming that.
(Sarcastic) But wait, what's this? I have Catholic class today? Well then, I'll just ask my parents if I can skip today, but wait yet again, they won't let me because I HAVE TO GO TO CATHOLIC CLASS!!!!!
And if that isn't enough to get your attention, then I don't know what will.
*thinks about Yaoi*
Don't answer that.
Seriously, there really is no point for me to go to C.C.
(C.C will be short for Catholic Class)
I like, work with Satan er ... something.
But if I tell them that ... I don't know what will happen, but I know it won't be good.
That's how smart I am.
I was actually surprised my parents haven't noticed the bandages on my hand.
I was probably that good at hiding stuff.
Yay me :3
In the car ...
"Mom, I seriously don't want to go!" I begged my mother.
"You know you have to. You have no choice." My mom said as I pouted.
We were already at the church when I was about to ask her about not being Catholic anymore.
I was actually glad we got there before I asked her.
I mean ... I don't want to make her feel bad about me hating my religion, it's just ... if I'm on the Creepypasta side, then I can't like ... believe in Jesus or something.
I got off the car and my mom left. No one was really around. Even if there were people, they went to the front of the church. My mom always dropped me off at the back. Even when we go to church every Sunday.
As I opened the door, I felt my hand burn and sizzle.
I quickly let go and started waving my hand up and down to cool it down.
"What the hell was that?" I asked myself.
The worst thing about my hand was that it was the one I GOT STABBED ON!!!!
I looked at my hand for a while.
It started glowing orange. On the top of the bandages, the glowing orange lights started forming something.
It looked like ...
a pentagram.
As soon as I saw the glowing pentagram, the lights faded. I took off my bandages to see what the hell happened.
There was a red pentagram with the numbers 666 on it.
It looked so realistic! I thought it was blood when I saw it. When I touched it, it was like it was a part of my skin.
"Creepy." I said.
I was about to put my bandages back on, but I saw writing on the back. I started reading it and this is what it said :
"Hello dear child. I know what you must be thinking right now. I will explain. As a royal for Creepypasta's, there are limits to your ability as a mortal in your life that you cannot access. Example ... just like what you did, if you try to enter any churches or anything Jesus related, you cannot enter. There will be more than that, but right now, be careful on what and where you go and do.
Wow, that was awkward.
What made it more awkward was that it was written in blood.
Nice touch Satan. :3
Since I couldn't enter the church, I decided to visit the guys at Slenderman's mansion.
Good thing I brought my tiara, huh.
I placed it on and checked to make sure no one was looking.
Once I did, I opened a portal and went inside.
At Slenderman's mansion ...
I went up to Slenderman's mansion when I heard laughing and splashing from the backyard. I ran to check it out.
Apparently, they were all swimming in the big pool. And they had company with them.
"Hey guys!" I yelled out as I walked up to Slenderman.
"Hello there child! He said to me. "I see you're here ... with you backpack?"
"Yeah, it's a long story. So ... aren't you gonna tell me what's going on?" I asked.
Water splashed all over the place. Suddenly, I got wet. Though my backpack didn't. I was protecting it.
I risked getting wet for my backpack.
I'm such a genius.
"Princess! I didn't know you were here! I'm sorry." Said Jeff.
Yeah, kinda saw that coming.
"That's ok Jeff. Accidents happen." I was still mad at him.
Someone was next to Jeff. It was a guy. I've seen that face a few time before. And next to that guy was a girl. I've also seen her face before. I actually couldn't believe my eyes.
The girl looked like Jeff.
The guy looked like a normal boy, only he had two scars that stitched across his entire face.
I didn't expect to see them.
Homicidal Liu and Nina the Killer.
They both saw me and came out of the pool. They came towards me.
"Hi! You must be the princess. My name is H.L. That stands for Homicidal Liu." He greeted me.
"Hi princess! the name's Nina the Killer!" She said
"Hi. It's nice to meet you two. I guess that Slenderman's gonna make you two related to Jeff and Jane." I said.
"Well, just Nina. I'm already related to Jeff, and since Slendy made Jane his sister, she's already my sister. :)" Liu said with a smile.
"I wish I was related to the princess." Said Nina.
"Who doesn't huh?" I joked.
"Good point. Ha!" Said Nina.
"Hey princess!" Yelled out Eyeless Jack.
"Hey there E.J.!" I yelled back. I waved my hand at him.
He looked at my hand weird.
"You finally got the mark huh?" He asked.
He was talking about the pentagram with the 666 number on it.
"Oh, yeah." I said. I showed him the mark and everyone started to get out of the pool just to look at it.
"Wow!" Said Jane.
"Is that real blood?" Asked Sally.
"Can I feel it?" Questioned Jeff.
It was really awkward getting crowded by serial killers.
I'm not joking.
"Hey, what's with all the people crowding over the princess?"
I turned around to find BEN in a swim shorts.
I was blushing just seeing his chest.
"Uh ... hi BEN." I said blushing.
"Oh ... hi princess." BEN said blushing as well.
"Um ... hey Jane, do you think I can borrow a swimsuit from you?" I asked Jane.
"Sure. Follow me!" I ended up following Jane to her room.
She gave me some options on what to wear.
She had so FRICKEN MANY!
There were red ones, purple ones, black ones, white ones, blue ones, etc.
She made me wear the purple one with red plaid. The bottom part was like a mini skirt attached to it. The mini skirt thing was black while the rest was like the top part.
I started blushing once I showed Jane how I looked on it.
"Wow Princess! That suits you so much!" Jane cheerfully said.
"It's embarrassing Jane. I don't like showing my body that much." I said blushing.
"Nonsense Princess! Come on, lets go!" Jane said as she ran out of the room.
"Ah ... uh ... wait for me!" I ran to the backyard.
Big mistake #2
As I ran to Jane, she changed course and I fell on BEN.
We were blushing like crazy.
And everyone was laughing at us.
"Hey guys, there are still kids here yah know!" Jeff joked.
Everyone was laughing harder and I was blushing harder that BEN now.
I finally got up and ran away to the living room.
BEN got up by himself and ran after me. "Princess! Wait!"
I was sitting in the living room just trying to calm down.
"Princess. I'm extremely sorry for what Jeff said." BEN said as he sat far from me.
"It's ok BEN. It was just a joke he made. Right? Yeah." I said.
I tried to calm down, but my heart was racing.
He ended up scooting close to me.
Next thing you knew, he was right next to me.
"Princess, may I ask you something?" Questioned BEN.
"Uh ... sure. What?"
"Why was everyone crowding you 15 minutes ago?"
"Oh! Um ... I'll show you." I showed BEN my right hand.
"Woah! You finally got the mark!" He seemed excited to see it.
"Yeah." I was now blushing again.
BEN looked up at my eyes. "So ... you ... um ... wanna go in the pool now?" He asked blushing.
"Sure." I replied.
BEN and I went back to the pool and Jeff apologized to me. I said it was alright and we all played in the pool while Slenderman was making burgers.
BEN, however, was sitting on the picnic table.
I walked up to him. "What's wrong BEN? Why don't you join us?" I asked.
"Um ... I'm kind of ... never mind. Its stupid." He replied.
"Oh ... you're scared of water. I forgot. Sorry I asked."
"No! It's ok."
"Well ... would you at least jus soak your feet or something?" I asked BEN. It was just sad seeing him sitting there by himself.
"Um ..." He looked at my eyes. He started blushing and nodded slowly.
I smiled at him and we both sat on the edge of the pool.
"So BEN, what is your favorite game franchise?" I asked him.
"Um ... that's really hard to choose. What's your favorite?" He decided to ask me.
"Oh! That is hard! Um ... ok ... let me see if I can remember. Sonic, a bit of Mario, Minecraft, Slender of course, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, I've been wanting to play Mega Man, Metroid, Earthbound, Kingdom Hearts, Star Fox, and Final Fantasy. I like playing Dating Sims -"
"You play Dating Sims?!?" He asked like he found diamonds in Minecraft.
"Yeah, why - oh!" I started blushing.
"Um ... sorry. I did't mean to say it like that." He started to blush too.
"Um ... yeah. That's ok. Um ... the last franchise I like is The Legend of Zelda." I said.
BEN froze in place. "What did you say?!?"
"I said that one of my favorite franchises is -"
"Don't repeat it!" He cut my line.
"W - oh ... I seriously need to be careful when I say stuff like that." I sighed.
"It's ok. I mean ... I guess I don't mind if you say stuff like that. What game is your favorite in that franchise?" He asked.
"I only played Ocarina of Time, but the game I want so bad is Majora's Mask!" I said excitedly.
BEN, again, froze in place.
"Oh ... I should shut up now." I told BEN.
"Um ... ok ... um ..." BEN didn't know what to say.
Neither could I.
"Who's hungry?!?" Yelled out Slenderman.
Everyone got out of the pool and ran out of the pool.
I was about to get up, but I suddenly got pushed into the pool.
I swam up and caught my breath.
"Where's BEN?" I asked everyone.
"I thought he made it to the picnic table." Said Jeff.
"He's not here." Replied Eyeless Jack.
"Where is he?" Asked Sally.
"We'll, BEN and I were gonna get up to eat, but I got pushed into the pool and ..."
Then we all realized something.
BEN must have fallen into the pool with me.
He hates water.
He's gonna drown.
"BEN!!!!!!" We all screamed out.
Everyone ran to the pool. Since I was still in the pool, I swam to the bottom and found BEN motionless almost to the bottom.
I grabbed his arm and swam up the pool with all my strength.
As soon as we got up, Jeff and Homicidal Liu helped me get him out of the water.
I got off the water and tried to wake BEN up.
"BEN! Wake up!" I yelled.
I pushed his chest to see if water would come out.
Thankfully, it worked.
BEN started coughing out water. He got up and everyone was clapping and cheering.
"BEN! You're ok!" I said cheerfully.
"I'm fine?" he asked as he started touching his face. "I'm fine!"
I helped BEN up on his feet and he hugged me.
"Thank you Princess. I owe you one." He whispered into my ear.
"That was some guts back there Princess!" Said Nina.
"That was awesome!" Yelled out Jeff.
"You are the best Princess ever!" Said Liu.
"You can be like ... part of the Olympics!" Said Jane.
I was blushing by all of their comments.
"Aw guys. It was nothing. Really." I replied.
"Well, it's not everyday that a royal saves a peasants life." Said Slenderman. "I believe this calls for a special treat for everyone! Later when it's dark, lets watch a horror movie. And I shall call pizza and make popcorn for everyone!"
Everyone was cheering and giving each other high fives and everything.
"I take that as a yes. Now how about those hamburgers?" Slenderman said.
Everyone walked to the picnic table and say down while Slenderman passed out the hamburgers and condiments.
I, of course, sat next to BEN.
Lots of time passed by. I was talking about how I got the mark on my hand, Eyeless Jack talked about how to cut someone while they're sleeping and to make sure they don't feel anything, and Slenderman was talking about training me some time on Friday since I don't have any school that day. Sweet! I always wanted to spar with Jeff. He seemed like a strong person and I wanted to test my own strength.
As soon as we finished our food, I went to change into my own clothing and checked the time.
I had 5 minutes left.
I said goodbye to everyone and used my tiara to create a portal.
I was back at church.
And no one saw me.
My mom then picked me up and I was back home.
My day went by all right.
My family saw the pentagram on my hand.
But luckily, I was a good artist, so I lied to them saying that I drew it.
I'm so awesome that they actually bought it!
Yay for me :3
Time passes
My family is finally asleep. I take my tiara and open a portal to Slenderman's mansion.
I knocked on the door and my heart dropped.
BEN was wearing all black. One of my favorite colors.
He had a black hoodie (he was wearing the hood), black jeans and black converse.
I wished I changed clothes.
All I'm wearing is one of those long shirts that looked almost like dresses (it was red), black tights, and black boots.
"Hey Princess, come on in." BEN motioned me inside the mansion and I followed him inside.
Man, I was blushing really hard.
"Hey there Princess!" Said Jeff as he gave me a high five.
Everyone, but Sally were sitting on the couch as Slenderman was choosing what movie to play.
Since Sally was still a little child, she couldn't watch horror movies beside The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Doesn't matter if she's a Creepypasta, she still can't watch stuff like the ones we watch.
"Alright, what movie should we watch?" Asked Slenderman.
"Why don't we let the princess choose?" Questioned Nina.
"Yeah!" Yelled out Homicidal Liu.
"What do you want to watch Princess?" Asked Eyeless Jack.
"Um ... well ... I always did want to watch The Exorcist." I replied.
"I think we have that." Said Slenderman as he searched for the movie.
BEN and I sat next to each other in another couch.
"Found it!" Said Slenderman as he played he movie.
I was really excited to watch the movie.
Eyeless Jack ordered pizza while Liu made popcorn. Nina and Jane were serving the beverages while Jeff and BEN moved the tables closer to the couch.
As soon as all that was done, we were watching the movie.
Time passes
The movie was AWESOME!!!!!
I loved every moment of it!
I thanked everyone for giving me a great time and for showing me a movie.
As soon as I headed outside, BEN ran towards me.
"Princess! Wait!"
I stopped walking and turned around.
"What is it BEN?" I asked him.
"Um ... I was ... thinking ... do you ... want to go to my room tomorrow and play some Minecraft or something?" He asked me.
"Oh ... s-sure BEN. I'd love too." I said blushing.
"Oh! Ok! See yah tomorrow?" He was blushing now.
"Sure. See yah."
"See yah."
I waved goodbye to him and opened a portal. As soon as I got back home, I took away all the pillows, changed into my pajamas, and went to bed.
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