
"It's a pleasure to meet you. The elders are part of. The council and the Kings work under your father. So if you guys need any help. Or have any questions don't be afraid to ask." One of the kings said.

"We will thank you." Rose said, as they returns back. To their business of unloading everything. Which the servants and guess they're helped them arrange in the rooms they picked to use. Shockwave are dads house was big enough to accommodate a leviathan size. He literally lived in a huge castle. With ceilings high enough for a leviathan. To walkthrough without having to bend down. Like any normal home or building. And luckily had enough funds to accommodate everybody. Including servants gas and still had extra room for more. The the boys we're given one. Hall of rooms while the girls were given the other. Some still chose to share a room with your sibling. Even thought there was more than enough room. For all of them to have their own separate room. And the rooms are more. Than big enough for more than one of them to fit in. Heck their uncles chose to stay in the basement. Even though there was plenty of rooms on the other floors. They decided they like the basement the best. And they wanted to stay close to them. So after much convincing from their father they finally decided. Just to move in with them.

"Man if only Chris was here he would have a heart attack." One of the Kings joke.

"Why who's Chris?" Hunter asked out of curiosity.

Chris is a creature that called Thunder God. He tries to claim he's the Supreme of the fay. Even though he's not as Supreme he's just a normal original. He's my how do I say this rival. Since won't listen to a beast. They claim him as their leader. But he does nothing. But cause trouble question everything I do. Causing Rebellion among the other clans and kings. To stir up trouble. I'm telling you he's nothing but a troublemaker he's caused quite a fights. That turned into an all-out War. Between feys and beasts. Causing us to lose control of the fays completely. We're still fighting this battle to the day from the damage he caused. He take pride in it. He takes pride in making two spaces not be able to coexist peacefully. He's actually deathly afraid of leviathan's. Oh my god I can't believe I forgot that. I just got a bad idea. He is so lucky he never comes up here. No offense I would do have. One of our kids are going to shit out of him." Nikolai's smirked mysteriously.

"That's actually exactly what I was thinking. I mean the man's always rebelling against you. Why not show him. Because if he realizes that your children are purebred leviathan's. Do you know how scared he'd be. He would never question you again. He finally learn his place I'm sorry. But I do not like that guy and I heard. He's supposed to be paying you. A visit soon and by that. I mean like within the next few days. Because even though he calls himself a supreme. He still has to report to you every once in awhile. Since the main Council will only answer to you. Because they seeing you as their Supreme. Not him because he does not have the markings. Maybe if he sees your children. His underlings will realize that he was wrong. Since must your children are both Fay and Beast. And realize you were right all along the fay and Beast come from the same origin. And will stop rebelling making. This war finally come to an end. I'm sorry but this has been going on far too long and I'm tired of his cocky attitude. He's the one that actually expose just to the General Public. They just didn't believe him due to the fact that most fays physically appear human. Not like us beasts. Who are much more noticeable. But even so it has made our lives much more complicated. We can't go around humans carelessly without wearing a Enchanted object like a ring or necklace that conceals hour for real human form. Since even as humans you can tell us apart from regular humans. He's just made our lives 10 times harder since he started this war. Because I'm like Nikolai he's a joke of a king he doesn't care. About his people he doesn't care. About anybody but himself and he. Puts all of us at risk with his antics. And I've caught a lot of us to be hunted down. Which reminds me he's supposed. To be bringing over his human advisor and a camera crew. To interview you he wouldn't take no for an answer. He said you've done enough running. His ego is getting a little too big for his head. If he thinks he can boss around a real Supreme." In Elder named Carl exclaimed angrily.

Tell that dumbass he wants an interview he will get one but the human show up here as soon as he is able I'm going to give him an interview on never forget because he won't be interviewing my father she will be interviewing me. If he wants to Mabel himself as a supreme I will show him a real one because even though I am my Father's son. I still have the blood of supreme. All my siblings are born as Natural Born Supremes. Even if only one of us can take the actaul status. Which makes me want and I do look a lot like my father. He won't notice the difference till I show him. If he wants to walk walk I'll show him how to talk the talk. Dead serious tell him that cuz I want him here as soon as possible. I take offense to anyone that tries to couse trouble in our backyard." Hercules said drinking himself down to the size of his father. Making it almost impossible to tell who was who. But his father handed him his King's sword which only a mark king can use. Which one cut down anything and can only be made by a supreme or king. But a Supremes is much stronger. Which as soon as Hercules touched changed into a completely. Different sword designed specifically for Hercules. Proving that he did have. Supreme blood flowing through his veins.

Yep he's never going to be able to tell the. Yep he's never going to be able to tell the difference. I like your idea I'm in just tell me what to do and I'll do it. Oh and just so you know he is trying to overthrow your father. By forcing  an heir on him take his place. But this arrogant assholes even thinks. He can push your father to marry one of his females. Which is why he wants to do this interview. So I think your plan will work out perfectly." One of the other king said as his mother laughed.

"Yeah I want to watch that dumb bitch wants. To be devoured by a leviathan. Who is engaged to this man and has its children. I suggest she won't cuz she takes one look at me. I guarantee she's going to back off. I promise you I'm quite intimidating. You ain't seen nothin yet because if anybody even looks. At my lover the wrong way. I will make them wish they were never born. I'm the most feared wrath in history trust me I know how to. Put the fear of god into anyone. I'm very Territorial and I don't share and I'm not afraid to rip somebody's head off to prove it. He belongs to me and only me." Vivian said, using in car driving voice. Showing them just how truly intimidating she could be. She even has a few of them shaking. Cuz they could feel the power radiating off of her. She was truly terrifying.

"Your majesty I absolutely love your wife. She is awesome heard you don't even need your son. All you need is her no offense. Vivian but your absolutely terrifying and you're not even trying. Thank God you're on our side. I would hate to be Chris's daughter right now right now. She's the one he's trying to push on Nicolai. Since she's got the hugest crush on him. She is just kids so please go slightly easy on her. She's actually not as bad as her dad. She's actually pretty down to earth. But she does have a cocky side. Which she does use on other females. To show them that she's better than them. Nikolai's personally never seen it so he thinks that she's just an innocent sweet little girl. But all the other females around him. Have all seen it and have all said something to. And I know that if she shows it to you you're going. To shut her down in 2 seconds flat. You're absolutely maker petrified. Since she's never actually met a Leviathan in person. So she doesn't know why her dad's. So afraid of them we just don't want you. To kill her you can scare her all you want just to murder her. Please she is a kid." One of the elders did pleaded.

"Fine I won't kill her. But that doesn't mean. I'm not going to teach her a big fat lesson. Now somebody go fetch them I want to see these two in person to decide what the best alternative is to teach them this lesson because anybody messes with me. Learn very quick my word is law question me. Going against my wishes you learn very quick how potent my fangs are. Believe it or not I have been in this much more toxic than my husband. And there is no Anti-Venom but my Venom. Can be used with antivenom. For any other type of venom including his. When it comes in contact with it. Trust me I am the original Beast. I'm what every beasts DNA comes from. So I'm much more deadly than any other Beast ever made. So trust me they don't stand a chance. And if they're smart they'll learn who's boss very quickly." She explained. Showing her fangs. As one of them nodded taking off. The rest of the leviathans all shrunk. Themselves down to normal human height. All going back to the rooms and waiting for signal. Well Hercules took his father's place and his throne chair. His mother stayed exactly beside him the entire time in case. If she needed to step in.

"Are you sure you have a plan? Because if you're not completely sure. We can come up with one look they get here." One of the other kings asked.

Trust trust me we don't exactly have to come up. With a plan for it to work we get the gist of. What we're doing but that doesn't mean. That it's going to go completely according to plan. So we play it by ear and nobody breaks out of character. Until I give the signal. And trust me Hercules is a very good actor. They're not going to notice anything's up until he shows them. Or of course when I'm smart enough to notice a difference between their eyes because Hercules eyes are cold lightning. While his father's are just crystal blue and glisten like a diamonds. But I highly doubt any of them are smart enough to notice that." Vivian assured them as they got a phone call. The elder picked up. Answering before giving us the thumbs-up that they were coming right now. So Vivian put on a hooded cloak making sure to cover her face as she stood beside her son making sure they couldn't see her. While their father hid in the room behind. The throne chair that had a hidden window. That you can see into the throne room. And hear everything going on. That Elders would use to observe the Kings meetings. So they could take note. But everything and record all of their behaviors. To know which one of them wanted. To cause Nikolai harm and which ones were on his side.

"We told them to bring their kings as well they said okay. This is going to be perfect. I'm sorry but we've been wanting to end this war. For quite some time and every time that we get close. He causes a rebellion. Okay now they should be here any minute. So everybody take your places." One of their fathers. King who was his right-hand man Clyde said excitedly. As they all have their horses and got into position making sure not to break out a character. As moments later the king that left came back in with a hole parade of fays. Youfit automatically tell by the cocky smirk on his face. Which one's was Chris. Since he walked in with his human attended and the camera crew. With his Kings following close behind them. They walked in front of Hercules not noticing anything. As Vivian immediately recognized his daughter. Who was brightly flirtatiously smiling at Hercules. Which made his mom's does mother's blood boil. How to give her a worryful glance. Making her gone down since she knew he had seen that it bothered her. Before he directed his gave up the overly prideful Chris.

"You know I didn't allow you to bring in that camera crew. So you can make a fool out of me. I did it so I can make an example out of you." Hercules said wiping that smile right off Chris's face.

Excuse me.

No excuse me you had a cocky arrogant attitude. For far too long and somebody tried to a little lesson. Because the Supreme does not cause War they keep peace and everything you are doing is against that so how can you call yourself. A Supreme. That she he didn't tell you that when you walked in here. Now did he he told you that he fights for everyone's rights. When he is exactly the exact opposite he has any King that fights for everyone's rights what can cause them to fight just like the races of humans you have caused war and Prejudice between the two. What do you have to say for yourself and on top of that you have the audacity. To try to overthrow and over power a real supreme. Well how's it feel to deal with two. Every species has a supreme can you guess. Which one she is?" He gestured towards his mother as they looked at her.

Well I didn't know there was another Supreme so no I don't know where she is

Trying to Supreme of the one thing you're afraid of Leviathan. They have a supreme too and she's a woman
But she's also part Fay and beast. Purebred wrath but also Phoenix.
So how's it feel to know that you're wrong and that's two species can more than just coexist her children are an example of that. Because all of them are hybrids. And are something even you couldn't comprehend." Hercules for this is Mother against her Leviathan height. Knocking the cloak off. Showing what she actually looks like. Making Christmas is absolutely filled with fear making Hercules smirk.

"Nice to know she caught your attention. How are you going to listen to what we have to say. Or do I have to bring in more of them." He chuckled making Chris ten times more nervous. When he noticed his eyes.

"Who are you you're not a Nikolai? Nikolai has blue eyes. Not gold who are you." Chris stuttered nervously when hunting you got up and walked over got face-to-face with him.

So you finally noticed. Very clever very clever you noticed my quicker than I expected then again I guess my personality is much more domineering than my fathers. Since my mother is the one that raised me. But when she expect was going to happen when you threaten my father. And hears what you've been doing. To the Clans and I happen to be a hybrid. Of the same creature you are and a diamondback. I don't want the rest of our species to look bad. Just because of you causing wars. Some course when I hear another lightning Gods causing so much trouble I was more than happy to step in. I am Hercules. Nikolai's eldest son. But you probably noticed that because we're identical and just. So you know him and my mother are together. So back off little lady. My father is not up for grabs and I'm very. Sure you wouldn't stand 2 minutes. With a supreme Leviathan like my mother. She's quite terrifying so unless you want to be devoured don't make googly eyes with my dad. Just because she's pregnant doesn't mean. That she won't kick your ass. Or eat you for dinner. Which no I'm not joking. Figured I'd give you a heads up since she's not in the mood. And you're already ticked her off." Hercules Smart turning into Leviathan form. Making Chris absolutely jump out of his skin. Which made his father laugh hysterically as he walked out.

"That's my boy. Just like his momma. Oh come on Chris. You could not expect me not to take advantage of that. Especially when you've been trying to walk all over me. For years and I have several children that are leviathans. Would you happen to know that you're terrified of and your daughters never seen. Maybe you'll get the hint. For once that I'm not playing games. Because his mother certainly does not. Especially when it comes to her family. So of course when they heard all the trouble you've been giving me. They were more then happy to jump in. Fun fact about Leviathans their not actually hostile creatures. Infact their quite peaceful and wise. They don't like confrontation and don't use violence unless. They have to and their mother's the oldest and strongest of the leviathans. Which we all know are much stronger and older. Than any of us purebreds or originals. So you really want to defy her." Nikolia asked, kissing her. As she lifted him up and gently placed him on his throne chair effortlessly. But Chris's kings didn't seem frightened. As much as they seemed curious and fascinated. 

"So she's the original Leviathan?" One asked.

"Correct and my name is Vivian. Which is why I'm Supreme and a halfbreed of both. They made the other leviathan's and orginal nonhumans like my fated partner and Chris. Which you know what that means you own my love an apology." Vivian said, sternly letting her feel the power radiating off of her. As Chris just stared at her blankly as her true human appearance with her horns and all started to show. But her wings weren't a dragons. But a Phoenix flaming feathery wings came out. Leaving him speechless.

"Damn it Chris apologize she's obviously the real deal. Proving you've been misleading us all these years. When we sould been just listening to Nikolia this entire time. We'd apologize but we know. She wants to hear it from you." One of his kings sneered keeping his voice down. As she walked up and knelt down infront of him. Getting eye level with him. Making sure he was looking her in the eye. Showing him something through her eyes proving to him she was telling the truth. Before placing a hand  on each side of his head.

"Relax I'm not hurting him. I'm making him understand the error of his ways. I'm devouring his fear and replacing it with wisdom. I'm the very nonhuman ever created. I was designed to do things you could only dream of. I'm litterally designed to be a living god. Because that is what I am. Which is why even if my physical body is destroyed I'm just reborn again and again. With no end gaining power and wisdom the older my soul becomes. But in this form even my physical body is indestructable. Why do you think. Not even any of the Leviathans are as powerful as me. I was the last living god. They found that was naturally born. Their used to be many of us an entire clan. My father was their king. But when man found them they manipulated them to slaughtering each. I was so young and their youngst child. They decided to spair me. But made me watch my family be slaughtered in front of me. Because I was a hybrid. The only hybrid which is also why they couldn't kill me. So they used my DNA to make the other nonhumans artificially. Which means our children are more valuable than anyone could ever comprehend. Because their the last Olympians. Olympus is where my original clan came from. Maybe that will help you understand. Why I'm so against war and bloodshed especially if it can be avioded." She assured his daughter who became frantic. When she placed her hand on him. Lessen his terror and fear making his expression softened and completely change to on of sorrow. But it wasn't for himself. It was for what she showed him through her eyes.

"I understand and I am sorry. Nikolai I was wrong. Please forgive me." He said, bowing his head to Nikolia. As she stood up walking over to Nikolias side. Which his never done before and obviously no one was expecting. Leaving them completely speechless.

"I forgive you. Just stop all the useless fighting. We can all agree there's no point to kill eachother. Especially since we'll obviously got bigger priorities. Not to mention an unknown enemy that only she knows about. Which I've personally witnessed in person. That doesn't just target fays or beasts. But that also targets humans. Which only my partner is even able to handle properly. Babe you could've told me you were an Olympian. I honestly had no idea." Nikolia replied.

"That's because this enemy is as old as my clan. Olympus didn't just house living. Breathing gods it housed the most powerful destructive creatures on the planet. Like the crackin, Cerberus, hellhounds, griffins, and thing unicorns. Which trust me are not as harmless. As humans make them sound. Their much bigger strong their fur and main are green. To blend in with the forests and they use their horn as a defense. Their highly aggressive towards any Outsiders from their Herd. Like I'm not even joking the literal impale Intruders with them. When somebody gets too close. Why do you think that nobody ever gets any pictures. They never lived to do it. Because the only people that were ever strong enough. To deal with these creatures were Olympians. So of course when I noticed humans artificially making them. In my head that said off of huge red flag because these creatures do Target and on humans Olympian technically Leviathan we're the only ones. That could even handle them yes Leviathan that were made from my DNA. Are not as strong as an Olympian. But they could hold their own. With one of these beasts. Where as a normal non-human would stand no chance. But as I said the Olympians the only one that can actually do any real damage a leviathan might be able to take out one or two but that's about their limit. While an Olympian can decimate an entire population. Because the only thing that can kill an Olympian is another Olympian. What season is no easy task there steps. You have to take and I mean a lot of steps. And if you don't perform them correctly. Well you're not killing them. Because the only way to truly kill an Olympian is fighting completely destroying soul which we all know him is not have the capability of creating they've tried the closest think they could even get to. Was a leviathan and not to be rude but they're nothing like a real Olympian I mean look at me I'm the real deal compared to an artificially made Leviathan. There's a huge difference
And make sure you're getting this because I want to make sure that they know. They didn't just appear out of nowhere. Humans made them from my DNA. So next time someone to act like their a threat that they understand our exact history human made them. They didn't create themselves. Which most were from him and children. Most Originals were human at some point. Since they couldn't create. A non-human without having a host. Due to the fact they were not born that way the others born after them more. But the Originals or not. Why do you think non humans can be born from humans. But are somehow related to a license. They're are more water down version. Meaning they have more human DNA. While full-blown Olympian does not have any human DNA. Because even with a leviathan. They had to filling in the gaps with DNA with humans. Since I was the only true Olympian left. So they can only use parts of my DNA. So of course in this life. Became a geneticist I learned how to manipulate that DNA in order to make a real Olympian. Which are my children. No they're not officially made. Only one was that was by accident. See Vixen is actually more of a clone. Because she's made purely of my DNA I was able to figure out how to break down my DNA to the purest form. Making an exact duplicate of myself. Without having to use human DNA for a filler. But the others I just played with their DNA to bring out a certain trait I wanted in my children. Like the Chimera Gene. Which I did while they were still in the womb. And I even added some in. Like the ravenous gene. Which I obviously got from. A ravenous and mixed it in with the dragon. To make my son Hunter. But that doesn't mean Vixen any less one of my children. I love them all equally I just wanted to give then the best chances of survival. Since they are the last Olympians. Which means my Clans last chances to make it come back. But the child's I'm caring is the only one I didn't tweak but he still seems to be pure Olympian. So we will see what he turns out to be. But with all the genetics and hereditary DNA I carry throughout my veins. I have no idea what he's going to be. Because all my other children were made with artificial insemination. This one wasn't. So the fact that my children all look like their dad. Means he was probably my donor. I just didn't know that at the time because I'm not going to lie it was from an anonymous. But all from the same mail every time. So they're all still his children." Vivian answered.

"Well then explains why you didn't know you were a daddy. Because I would have known. If you would have known that. By now you have a tendency that. When you get excited to blab." One of the other king said, jokingly.

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