chapter 63: demons go to school (part 5)

as jacob and his GFs enter the classroom, all the students stopped talking with each other and stare at loona, octavia, apple, crymini and charlie and they see zuzu and adam waving at them and saying that there are seats they saved for them, except jacob because he has his own desk as they sat down when the teacher, mr. carter, came in

mr carter: ok class settle down and first of all...welcome back and since we're now no longer afraid of the demons since we're starting to warm up to them and they proved to be a great help with us and before we begin today's lesson, we have some new students with us today that jacob mcfoley brought with him, now why don't you introduce yourselves to the class.

he said as he looked at charlie and the other girls stare at jacob, who nodded and as charlie was the first to intro herself to the class

charlie: hello everyone, my name is charlotte morningstar, but you can call me charlie if you want to call me that.

she said as she chuckled nervously and then loona was next

loona: name's loona, and just to let you all know, i'm adopted, my dad is an imp who used to run a hitman company called I.M.P and now he's a cop, along with my former co-workers who are also cops now.

then octavia was next, but she was very nervous as she said

octavia: h-hi, everyone, my name is octavia goetia, my parents have a marriage problem and i really love living here with jacob cuz i hated my mom insulting my dad and he's planning on getting a divorce some day, and just to let you all know, jacob and i are engaged.

mr. carter and students: YOU'RE WHAT!!!!???

jacob; yep, but we're not planning a wedding yet cuz we're not ready to have one yet.

he said, making the guy student's eyes twitching and were extremly jealous at jacob as crymini spoke up to intro herself

crymini: yo, name's crymini and unlike loona, i used to have parents until they died when i was little and i was living on my own until a certain snake demon destroyed my home before he invaded san diego a while back, now i live with jacob and his family, along with other demon girls who are at the house right now.

then apple

apple: hiya, my name is apple and i'm a succubus, and just to let you know...i'm 17, the same age as all of you, just to avoid confusion, k?

she said as all the girls finished intro'ing themselves to the class and mr.carter said

mr. carter: well it's nice to meet all of you. my name is mr. carter and i'm a geography teacherr, meaning that i teach my students about home, lands, and our timelines of who or what was born and other things. now does anyone have any questions about our new students?

he asked as one male student raised his hand as he said

mr. carter: yes kevin.

kevin: i have one, do your people die or something?

charlie: we do since we had crime waves before our world merged.

kevin: (wide eyes) really?

charlie: really.

then a female student raised her hand

mr. carter: yes, lisa.

lisa: mine is for loona, is it true that your dad used to kill people to take revenge for someone who died after getting screwed over by someone who wronged said someone?

loona: yes, and when all this happening, my dad lost his mind and went crazy.

zuzu: believe us, she showed us the video and her dad pissed his pants after getting taped on a wall.

lisa: woah, sorry about that.

the a punk looking student with a mohawk raised his hand

mr. carter: yes william.

william: crymini, you like rock music?

crymini: yep, i even work at the music store since they have rock music that i'm starting to love listening to.

then another male student with white hair

mr. carter: yes, niel.

neil: apple, aren't succubi lust demons or something like that?

apple: we are, but there are males called incubi and we do use our abilities sometimes, but i'm not gonna use them here since there's rules in here.

she said as one last person raised her hand

mr. carter: yes, veronica?

veronica: i know this sounds kinda silly but, do you all have powers or something?

charlie: we do but not all of us, even loona has a power to turn into a human like sucucbi and incubi to hide their true form. why do you ask?

veronica: well, it's just that, do you have a true form or something like that?

after saying that,. silence filled the air until kevin spoke up

kevin: yeah, i bet it isn't scary at all.

niel: kinda think of it, we didn't see any of them have that power like charlie said.

william: yeah, i want to see charlie's true form.

lisa: same here.

they all said in a nice way, but it made charlie scared at what they might say when she reveals her true form as the teacher said

mr. carter: i don't think that it's a good idea for her to do that right now since she doens't want to scare you all.

he said, making the students pout and sau

students: aww!!!!

they said in a disappointing way, until jacob nodded at charlie and decided to give it a shot as she got up

charlie; actually, i can, i just use it whenever i'm sad or angry, but never when i'm happy. but i can try to show it to you all. but i'm not sure that jaco-

she was cut off as jacob said

jacob: i'll allow it, and i have to be honest to you, i had that same question as well but i was scared of asking it. so, you can do it charlie and i promise that they won't be scared of you.

he said, making charlie smile as she tried to show them her true form, and as she did, a bright light glowed off of her, blinding everyone and when the light cleared up, they see charlie's true form, which looks like her normal look, but with fangs and long horns on her head

(like this)

as her true form was revealed, everyone in the classroom, even jacob, zuzu and adam stared at her in shock as charlie was scared at what they might say until niel broke the silence

niel: is...BETTER THAN WE IMAGINED!!!!!!

william: better? SHE LOOKS AWESOME!!!!

jock student: if she fights a fake demon like the ones in doom, she would definitely win alongside the doom slayer.

he said with his arms crossed and with a smirk on his face

gamer student: exactly.

cheerleader student: she's so awesome.

as they were talking about how good her true form looks, she was happy that they loved it instead of what she expected and as she looked at jacob, who's smiling, she walked over and hugged him as the students awed at the hug

mr. carter: ms.morningstar, can you please turn back to normal, class is starting.

he said as she and jacob stop hugging and she said

charlie: on it, mr carter.

she said as she turned back to normal and they start doing geography class as the screen went dark

(end of part 5, up next is part 6, which will take place in science class.)

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