after they finished watching the movie, we see jacob, adam and charlie riding around as they were talking about the movie
jacob: man, it feels so great to watch a movie from a franchise i grew up with.
charlie: i can' believe that arcee was so friendly to humans in that movie.
adam: yep, transformers is the best thing humans like us have made.
jacob: agreed.
he said as they all laughed, but jacob started to have a feeling that when charlie hugs him, he feels that her chest felt different, but snapped out of it when he heard charlie spoke up
charlie: jacob.
jacob: oh, you say something, char?
charlie: yeah, i said that you looked like you were spaced out or something. is there something you'd like to say?
jacob: (sigh) charlie, when you hug me, i feel something off from you, like there was something ''mega-not right'' when i felt your chest when you hug me, so why is that?
adam: DUDE!!!! what the heck!!!!
jacob: what, i was just asking.
adam: but she's one of your GF's and a princess, show some respect!!!!
charlie: actually, jacob's right about what he said.
she said as they look at charlie, who had tears in her eyes
charlie: believe it or not, this is actually a disguise of what i really look like.
adam & jacob: WHAT!?
jacob: what are you talking about, char?
charlie: when i was a little girl, i wanted to be like my mom because she had a great figure and i wouldn't be born if my dad never met her. but while i was growing up, i got my wish when my body developed to be curvy.
she said as jacob blushed at just the though of what she might look like as adam said
adam: wait, then what did you look like before?
he asked as charlie made her breast grow big, making adam and jacob shocked that someone like her could be that developed as jacob said
jacob: so if that's true, then why did you keep it from us?
he asked as charlie grew a sad face as she said
charlie: jacob, remember when i told you about my ex? when he saw me, he fell in love with me and we became a couple, but things got worse when he cheated on me with someone else.
adam: did you tell your parents?
charlie: yes, when i told them, my mom comforted me and my dad was, well, ballistic when i told him so he ordered him to never speak to me again and my mom used her powers to make me into what you're seeing now. the reason i didn't tell you is that i was afraid that it might happen all over again and that you might end up like him.
she said as she started to cry, but as for jacob and adam....jacob was shocked and appald that she would think that would happen and adam was furious that charlie's ex did something like that to a nice girl such as charlie. then jacob spoke up as the car stopped at a red light
jacob: charlie, listen to me. i would never and i mean, NEVER, do something like that to you or any of my girlfriends. seriously, i'm not that kind of guy who does that. but if i ever meet your ex, i would definitely turn into bulkhead and punch him in the face with my wrecking ball hand, making him pay for what he did to you, and that's a promise i can keep and i'm sorry that your wish became a nightmare and had no choice to hide it from the world, even before we merged. i'll do anything to make you happy, i promise.
he said to charlie, who was shocked and she started to smile and hug jacob as she said
charlie; thank you jacob. you're the best boyfriend i ever had.
she cried happily as jacob smiled
jacob: you're welcome.
he said as they stop hugging as jacob sees the light turn green and started to drive to somewhere charlie might love
as jacob parked his car, he got out of the car and spoke to his girlfriend
jacob: i won't be long.
he said as he walked towards a jewelry as charlie said to adam
charlie: where's he going?
adam: going to get something you might like.
charlie: ok., how long have you been using that disguise of yours?
charlie; i honestly don't know, but i'll ask my mom.
she said as she started to call her mom
as jacob entered the jewerly store, he sees all kind of jewelry such as rings, necklaces, etc... in a bunch of glass cases
(like this)
jacob: ok, what to get for charlie?
he questioned as someone spoke up
female employee: can i help you, young man?
as the employee spoke up, jacob turned around and said
jacob: huh, oh yeah. i'm trying to look for something to get for one of my girlfriends to cheer her up.
he said to the employee
female employee: hmm, well i know just the right thing, just hold on a minute.
she said as she went to the back and after a few minutes, she came back and was holding a small box and as she opened it, jacob's eyes widened as he sees...this
jacob: much is it?
female employee: believe it or not, its' only 1 dollar.
jacob: ONE DOLLAR!!!!???
female employee: that's right, so what do you say
jacob: shut up and take my money. (futurama reference)
he said as the employee gave the necklace to him and she said
female emloyee: good, i'm sure charlie will love it.
jacob: thank you so....wait, how did you-
female employee: i heard that she's the king luke's daughter and i just assumed she's one of them, and the fact that i've seen a bunch of her people around san diego. and also, charlie will return the favor by helping us humans because a darkness is coming.
she said as jacob left the store
(outside the store)
adam: hey dude, what took you so long?
jacob; sorry, i was getting something for charlie and i hope you like it.
he said as he gave the box to charlie and as she opened it, her eyes widened and sparkled as she pulled the necklace out
jacob: so, you like it?
charlie: (squeals happily) I LOVE IT!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
she said happily as jacob chuckled and said
jacob: that's good, now let me put it on.
he said as he put the necklace around charlie's neck and after he did, someone bumped into jacob as he said
jacob: HEY, WHAT THE- who are you?
crymini; my name is crymini, and i need your help, you gotta hide me.
adam: from who?
he said as the human thugs came up and the leader said
human thug leader: from us, Bitch!!!!!
he said as jacob, adam, and charlie look at thugs and started to sweat drop as jacob said
jacob: oh....crap.
he said as the screen went dark
(end of chapter, hope you liked it)
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