Chapter 172: Jacob meets Marceline. (part 4)


In Jacob's room, we see him sleeping, but he wasn't alone because we also see Jenny (J) & Uzi wake up and yawned adorably, then they see Jacob in between them and were confused on why they're in his bed until they remembered the sex session they had last night as Uzi looked at Jenny (J) with wide anime eyes

Uzi: (whispers) did we-

Jenny (J) nodded with wide anime eyes as well

Uzi: (whispers) let's go to the bathroom just in case we are pregnant, ok?

Jenny (J) nodded in agreement as the two human-drone hybrids get off Jacob's bed and walk into the bathroom, where they cleaned themselves in the shower (OF WHICH THEY SHARED) and after they got done with the shower, they felt something wrong in their stomachs, which made them have the urge to vomit and they did so in Jacob's toilet

After they finished vomiting, they looked at each other and knew what that meant





Uzi & Jenny (J) are pregnant, which made them smile happily as they got dressed and exit the bathroom, where they see Jacob waking up

Uzi: morning Jacob.

She greeted with a cute smile

Jacob: (smiles) morning U-boat, (smirks) J-bird.

Jenny (J) & Uzi blushed at Jacob saying their nicknames, then they decided to tell him their thing

Uzi: Jacob, we have good news to tell you.

She said as Jenny (J) walked up to him and whispered in his ear

Jenny (J): ..... (whispers) we're pregnant.

She said, making Jacob widen his eyes in shock, then smiled warmly as he hugged both Uzi & Jenny (J)

Jacob: I am so happy for you two.

He said as Uzi & Jenny (J) hugged him in return, then they stopped hugging as they walked out of Jacob's bedroom to tell everyone (Including Marceline) the good news about Uzi & Jenny (J) being preggers with Jacob's unborn half-drone kids


At the graveyard, we see that the entrance is blocked with police tape as cops & detectives were investigating the scene while Denver, Blitz & M&M (Moxxie & Millie) were staring at a body bag, which had the hobo that Hudson sucked his blood from as said hobo was nothing but a lifeless husk now as Blitz was just staring at the bite mark on the body's neck

Denver: so, can anyone tell me what happened to him?

Blitz: yeah, have any of our hellhound detectives found anything about what happened to this hobo?

They asked as the cop they were talking to spoke up after eating a chocolate donut because, well, it's in a cop's nature to eat them after all

Cop 1: well, this might come to a surprise but one of them got a good scent and it's not a demon who did this, but....a vampire.

Millie raised an eyebrow

Moxxie: you're kidding right?

Cop 1: hey, I'm just telling you what I was told, ok?

Blitz: ok, well do you know anything else about this vampire?

He asked as the cop nodded and then a hellhound cop, who's named Briggs, walked up to them

Briggs: not much, but I did get this video from that camera over there.

He then showed them the video of Hudson showing up from a portal and then grabbed the hobo as he sucked his blood dry out of his body, then he flew away and that's where the recording stopped at

After they saw the recording, Blitz & M&M were pretty grossed out at seeing Hudson drinking that hobo's blood

Moxxie: ok, now that's just wrong....and horrifying to be honest.

Millie nods in agreement

Blitz: ok, well even if we do find this vampire, how do we stop him?

Moxxie: well, I did hear on the internet that Vampires hate going out in the sun, since that is their main weakness.

Millie: (raises an eyebrow) when did you look that up?

Moxxie: I got bored one time, so I looked it up after hearing about Vampires.

Millie just shrugged her shoulders with a ''I guess that makes sense'' look

Denver: and there's also wooden stakes & Garlic, so we need a lot of those.

Blitz: man, you humans have a weird taste in killing monsters & shit, huh?

Denver: yeah, I know, it's embarrassing to talk about when you showed up, no offense.

Blitz & M&M: none taken.

Millie: anyway, all we have to do is find this vamp and (shivers) stop him from drinking anyone else's blood.....shit, that's weird to say in my perspective.

She said as she, Moxxie, Blitz, Denver, and some other cops left the crime scene while the rest stayed behind


After Uzi & Jenny (J) told everyone the news about them being preggers with Jacob's human-drone children, they decided to take Marceline to Dave N Busters and invite the Edd-gang with them

But as for Marceline, she was confused on what Dave N Busters is, so they explained it to her and when they arrived, they was surprised & happy at seeing so many working Video games and seeing a food court as well, making her feel like a kid again

Now we bring ourselves to them sitting down and having a conversation about a certain former ''ice king'' if you know I'm talking about

Mabel: so, Marceline, how is Ice king, or Simon back in OOO?

Dipper: yeah, is he doing ok after being back to normal again since, well, the GOLB incident?

They asked as Marceline sighed and then smiles

Marceline: he's doing better now, and he's pretty happy now as he started writing a new book series that's not his old one when he was Ice King.

Jacob: you mean Fionna & Cake?

Marceline nodded

Zuzu: also, we forgot to tell you this, but the creator of your show also made a spin-off series about Simon, Fionna & Cake to be honest.

Bobby: oh yeah, I heard it's pretty good.

Marceline: really? Maybe you should show it to me when we get back.

Jacob: (smirks) we're planning on it already. (notices) wait, where's Tom?

Edd: (sigh) he's just winning something for his two Girlfriends, that's all.

He said as he pointed out at the prize booth as everyone sees Tom winning a giant plush toy of that black & white bear thing from Danganronpa and gave it to his GFs, who loved it as Tom smiled

(I'm sorry, I never watched that anime....yet...but I'm planning on watching it at some point)

Jacob: well, that's very nice of him to do.

Edd: yep, I agree.

Matt & Tord nod in agreeing with Edd, who got up from his seat

Edd: I going to use the restroom, be right back guys.

He said as he walked away to find the restroom and use it


As Edd walked out of the Restroom after using it, he heard a commotion from outside and sees two spider demons being apprehended by, well this might make you readers pissed, Jymblonski & his gang

Edd then overheard Jymblonski say something about forcing the white female spider to be his new Girlfriend, which made Edd mad as he then ran off to tell Jacob about this


We see Nickelback (N) whispering to Vicky (V) about....

Nickelback (N): Well, since Jenny (J) & Uzi are pregnant, do you think you want one too.

Vicky (v) blushed lightly and smiled adorably after Nickelback asked her that, the Edd arrived as he then breathed heavily, making the gang worried

Wendy: hey, what's wrong with you, Edd?

Yang: yeah, what happened?

Edd then glared at them, then looked at Jacob

Edd: Jacob, you and everyone else are not gonna like who's here.

Jacob: well, who's....

Then everyone, even Jacob realized who's here at Dave N Busters as Apple & Coco's eyes lit on fire

Harem & Friends: OH, NOT HIM!!!!!!


we see Jymblonski holding a knife to Molly's neck while his gang were holding Arackniss by his arms

Molly: (scared) please, let me go.

Jymblonski: not until you say you love m-

Then Jacob, the gang, his harem, Marceline & a security guard barged through the doors as they angrily glared at Jymblonski & his gang


Jymblonski: oh great, NOT YOU!!!

Jacob: oh yes, it's LET THEM GO!!!!!!

Uzi: or else....

She trailed off as she and the gang showed Jymblonski & his crew Marceline as she angrily glared at them and used her ''soul sucking skill'' on his gang member, Gregory, to nearly suck his soul and it went back in him, shocking Jymblonski & his gang as they let go of Molly & Arackniss and ran off

Then Jacob walked up to Molly

Jacob: let me guess, you must be Molly, right?

Molly was shocked and arackniss glared at him

Arackniss: how do you know that?

He asked while glaring at him

Jacob: simple, angel told me about her and showed me her picture after we first met long ago.

Then Arackniss & Molly were shocked and realized who he is

Arackniss & Molly: YOU'RE JACOB MCFOLEY!!??

Jacob chuckled and smiled at them

Jacob: the one and only.

Verosika: and I suggest that we should take you to inside and after we get done here, we could take you to see your brother, ok?

Arackniss & molly looked at each other, then shrugged all 4 of their shoulders with a '' I don't see why not'' expression as they entered the building


We see Hudson standing on top of a building as he sees many humans, demons & faunus walking and all that as he licked his lips

Hudson: so much blood to drink....but, I'm not here for blood, I'm here for my daughter, so.....

He the used his powers to create duplicates of himself and looked at them

Hudson (original): find Marceline....and if you find any blood banks here.... please give me a bag or two, I'm getting thirsty.

His copies nod as they then split up to find marceline & some blood bags for Hudson (original) who smirked as he then turned around with his hands behind his back

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