Chapter 105: Veterans Day. (part 15)

we see everyone eating the breakfast carol made, which the ben & his troops enjoyed as they are still eating it. jacob told them that he met god again in his dream last night, but were shocked that he fused the MCU time stone with the stop-watch, thus upgrading it so that way sharon/agent 2 will be a member of their timeline until they were even more shocked at seeing wendy and sharon's new looks, of which god whispered to jacob about last night

(wendy's look)

(sharon/agent 2's look)

as they walked downstairs, we see dipper & jacob blushing like hot messes at seeing wendy & sharon's new looks

dipper: (blushes) W-wendy, what happe-

he was cut off by wendy

wendy: you can thank God for this.

she said with a smile

sharon: so jacob, what do you think?

she asked as she referred to her new look to jacob. speaking of which, he was in overdrive blush mode as his nose was streaming a little bit of blood, vaggie noticed this, so she slapped him across the face as jacob rubbed his cheek

jacob: thanks vaggie, i don't even know why i keep doing that.

he said

vaggie: maybe it has to do with you and zuzu watching a lot of anime back in our timeline.

she said while having a deadpanned face

jacob: maybe that's why.

he said as he wondered that vaggie might be right

wendy: also, God also gave me something that might give us the advantage to get to the nazi base.

she said as when she snapped her fingers, a little blue ox appeared out of thin air, making charlie & mabel's eyes sparkle in delight and they start petting it

Charlie: (eyes sparkle) what is this little thing?

she asked while being cute, and while jacob's harem are having hearts for eyes

wendy: her name is bella, i just named her before me and sharon went downstairs. also i got this from God.

she said as she showed her axe to everyone, making stan look at it in shock


he yelled/asked in shock as wendy nodded

angel dust: uh who?

he asked as he and jacob's harem have no clue of who paul bunyan is

zuzu: he's a legendary folk legend, they made a statue of him and everything. do you mind showing them, denzel?

she asked to denzel, who nodded and showed them a picture of paul bunyan and his ox

loona: WOAH, HE'S HUGE!!!!

she exclaimed

milky: he's more like a colossus.

she said while being shocked

ace: and that ox in the room looks like the one on the picture.

he said in disbelief

wendy: that's because that ox is bella's mom.

she said as george came in the dining room with a worried look

ben: what's wrong, george?

he asked

george: one of the troops just got a signal from one of our bases 10 miles from here.

he said

ben: thanks, we have to help them.

he said as jacob got up from his seat

jacob: but what about killing hitler!?

he asked

ben: we need to help them first so that way we'll have more troops on our side, and remember our memo?

he said/asked to jacob

jacob: ''when someone's in trouble, we put our mission on hold.'' yeah, i remember that because my dad told me befire he died.

he said, making ben frown

ben: yeah, i'm sure he'll be proud of you for what you're doing right now.

he said as jacob smiled

jacob: thanks, but before we help that base, my girlfriends ha-

he was cut off by ben, who said

ben: actually, no disguises.

as jacob's harem/verosika's crew, IMP and angel dust heard what ben said, they were shocked at hearing that

blitz: i'm sorry, what did you say?

he asked in a confusing way of speaking

moxxie: don't you realize what you're saying right now?

he asked as he was trying to make a point

ben: (sigh) yes, i do. but i think it's time to let the people of this timeline show what you really look like and let them know you aren't what they think you are.

he said as jacob looked at his harem, verosika's crew and IMP

jacob: guys, what do you think about this?

he asked to the gang as they said yes in their own way, but charlie was nervous at the thought of what ben said as jacob placed his hands on her shoulders

jacob: look, i know what my grandpa ben said sounds insane, no offense.

ben: none taken.

he said as jacob looked at charlie again and continued

jacob; but i know what he's doing, so what do you say charlie?

he said/asked, making charlie think about it, then smiled at jacob and they both hugged

charlie: ok, let's do it.

she said as she and jacob stopped hugging

jacob: ok, george, where's this base at?

he asked

george: it's in a town called juliana-ville.

he said

jacob; wierd name, but thanks for telling us.

jacob & ben: let's go kick some nazi ass.

they both said in unison as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you liked it.

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