Chapter 23

A/N: Art featured in this chapter was provided by the very talented Gisekitty who was gracious enough to give me permission to upload it.
   Thank you so much, Gise!

On another note, thank you for 13k reads! You guys are awesome.

What do you guys think of me using the term "Blunette" to describe, Marinette? I know I can't please everyone but if this term seems to veer away from the majority I'll try and change it but please let me know.

   Enjoy the update my loves and happy holidays!


Kagami quietly glanced around Adrien's bedroom, her fingertips gliding across the dresser top by the window.
The female could faintly hear the shower going on in the bathroom behind her, and she couldn't help but to wonder if searching through Adrien and Marinette's things was a good idea.

She knew Adrien didn't spend too much time in the shower, and doing so would only put her further at risk of getting caught snooping.

Kagami averted her gaze to the made up bed in the center of the room. She crossed her arms, a sour taste brewing in her mouth as she began to speculate that Adrien wasn't the only one who slept in this bed at night.

Of course, it couldn't have been Adrien's culpability. There was no possible way.

She had no choice but to inculpate Marinette.

Surely that result was the only sensible one.

Since Marinette walked into their lives, all she did was confiscate all that held her and Adrien close together.
Marinette often intruded on their intimate moments, she'd show up to their mutual outings uninvited and certainly unannounced.

Kagami exhaled, her lips pursing in distressed contemplation. She crossed her arms tautly, her expression anything but flaccid as her heart palpitated relentlessly.

The young woman averted her eyes, attempting to derail herself away from her abysmal thoughts in regards to the endless possibilities of Adrien and Marinette's physical engagements within their potential shared bed.

She trailed her fingers back against the smooth glossy wood of his wardrobe dresser before she caught a glimpse of something incredibly pulchritudinous.

She reached over, her hand lightly picking up the box that held on to Emilie's family ring of love; the diamond that had been previously worn by Marinette unbeknownst to her.

The diamond sparkled in the sunlight, the band remaining as extravagant as ever.

Her brown eyes scanned over the exemplary jewel, and she gingerly reached into the box, picking out the ring before she curiously placed it on to the finger of her left hand.

With a smug grin across her face, Kagami held her hand to her chest.

"A perfect fit..." she murmured, her eyes glancing out towards the window where she saw Marinette approached the front gates after climbing out of their bodyguard's vehicle.


The warm sun caressed Marinette's skin.

If it were possible for her to be anymore flushed than she already was, there was a possibility she would explode into a million chunks of heated flesh.

Marinette had just barely uttered two words to Nino, and before she could comprehend anything they had been speaking about, Nino had swathed her completely into his embrace.

Her eyes grew wide and Marinette felt Nino tremble against her. He buried his face into her shoulder and before he knew it, Nino had broken into painful sobs.

The blunette pressed her lips together, unsure of what she should do, even though she could very vividly feel his tears seeping through the fabric of her sweater.

"N-Nino?" Marinette inquired, her arms reluctantly reciprocating the embrace. "W-What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Marinette had to admit that it was a strange situation. She didn't really know much about Nino, and every time she saw him, he was either with Adrien or Alya.

It was strange that he'd come all this way, sneak into the gates behind her just to embrace her.

The Male heaved against Marinette, and for a brief moment she was concerned that Adrien would walk out and see them in such a compromising situation.

It was a silly thought, but Marinette didn't want him to think she and Nino were meeting up for one of their secretive rendezvous.

"I-it's...Alya..." Nino sobbed out, his arms slowly loosening their grip around Marinette. "I tried to call her, I tried texting her. She doesn't want me to show up at her apartment..." Nino sputtered, pulling away from Marinette and jamming his palms into his eyes beneath his glasses as he attempted to compose himself.

"I haven't talked to her in nearly two weeks...I feel so lost and confused." He glanced up at her, his eyes pink as the lines under his eyes deepened.

Marinette widened her eyes, her heart genuinely aching to see Nino in such a state. Marinette was completely unaware that Alya was ignoring Nino.
This was all new to her.

Nino exhaled, reaching up to rub his hand at the back of his neck while shifting his weight to a much more comfortable and less awkward stance in front and away from Marinette's tiny stature.

"I saw her at the bus stop a couple weeks ago..." he explained, tears staining his cheeks as his eyes veered off towards the light of the sun.

"She told me that she wanted a break from me. She never told me why, she never explained to me what I did..."

Marinette widened her eyes, her hand reached up to clutch at her chest. She vividly recalled Alya mentioning that she had never felt this way about a person anymore.

She explained to her that she was genuinely in love with Nino and that she hadn't been so happy in such a long time.

The reason why Alya had broke it off was unknown to her as well, and Alya didn't mention anything about any issues going on between them.

As far as she was concerned, everything was working out smoothly.

Marinette glanced down, her heart aching once more as she realised that there was a possibility that Alya was hiding something from her, or simply didn't trust her.

Her and Alya often shared personal things to one another and their bond was nearly inseparable.

Why this never came up in a conversation between the two of them was beyond Marinette's understanding, but it genuinely did hurt the blunette.

"I'm not sure what's going on with Alya..." Marinette murmured, glancing back up at Nino who captured her gaze with his in an instant.

"I know she seems pretty distant lately, but she hadn't mentioned anything to me..." she frowned. "I'm sorry Nino..."

Nino shook his head, his bottom lip wedged between his teeth as he struggled to keep himself in one piece.

"I just feel so lost...and hurt..." Nino explained, his head dropping as he couldn't conceal the tears that began to ebb down his flushed cheeks. "I've never felt this way about anyone before. I have no closure...I have no explanation..." his voice cracked at the last word.

"I wasn't aware that anything was wrong. We were fine one moment and then the next moment, she's pulling away from me and telling me to leave her alone.

There's a part of me that's saying it's important to respect her wishes and let her go, but theres another part that can't. She means so much to me...I just-"

"I understand that..." Marinette interjected, hearing that cracks in his voice that would ultimately lead up to his subjugation.

"I know what it's like to be in love and either not have them reciprocated, or have them abandon you...." Marinette reached up, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not sure what appears that matter may be private to Alya. I don't think there's anything you could do to change her mind, but I'm sure it was in great reason..." she murmured, thoughtfully sliding her hand off of his shoulder with a grimace.

"Great reason?" Nino scoffed, his cheeks flushing with frustration. "I mean...if it has something to do with me or something I did; don't I have the right to know? Communicating is what makes a relationship work, and if there's potential to save what we have by fixing an issue, then its important that I should know."

Marinette nodded, her frown only growing deeper.

"I get it..." she breathed. "But I'm sure that whatever Alya is going through is temporary. It might not just be about you, she might be going through some horrible difficulties and she's keeping you away because she doesn't want you to stress out over it..."

Nino shook his head, his fists clenching once more as he couldn't stop himself from crying.

"That's bullshit..." he muttered, his jaw clenching. "She knows that she could come to me with anything. I want to be here for her, I want to go through the throws of crisis with her. I wasn't only here to look her in the eye when everything was just alright. She knows that I'd look her in the face even when they skies aren't the brightest. She's been incredibly distant with me lately and now she won't even talk to me. I don't understand how she could just shut me out like that..."

Marinette frowned, her heart sinking into her chest as she really did feel horrible for Nino. She had no idea what Alya could have been hiding or why she seemed distant to not only Nino, but to her as well.

She was also left in the dark and when it came to a conclusion, Marinette was just as lost and confused at Nino was.

The blunette couldn't help but to grow curious but there was a part of her that told her to leave it alone, that when Alya was ready to tell, she would tell.

That thought only made her feel even worse.

Marinette worried that the time to know about what was going on possibly wouldn't come.

The blunette was like an open book to her best friend, whereas when it came down to how much she knew about Alya, there was nothing much to go by.

Marinette would only have to be told, she didn't have a keen eye the way Alya did.

Her eyes settled, concluding that Alya was possibly keeping her out of the loop on purpose, and that just didn't sit right with her.

If Alya was terminally ill, and was pushing people away and out of her life with the hope that it would make the separation less painful, then she'd be horrifyingly wrong.

"Marinette..." Nino murmured, immediately reaching for Marinette's hands and capturing them softly between both his hands.

Marinette gasped, her cheeks naturally flaring up with the sudden gesture. She blinked, feeling completely baffled by Nino's sudden boldness.

It almost felt intimate, but Marinette knew she wouldn't cross that line of speculation.

"I'm begging you..." Nino whispered, placing the blunette's hands against his chest so that his heart could thump wildly against her palm. "If you could please talk with her. I'll do anything to have her at least talk to me..."

Marinette pressed her lips together, her own heart syncopating with the speed of his that pounded against her palm.

"Okay, Nino. I promise I'll try..." she replied timidly. "But just remember that Alya is a feisty one, she'll probably rip your balls off if she knew that you had asked me to do this favor for you..." Marinette explained with a chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood.

Nino relaxed, a weak smile attempting to permeate through the strenuous expression that was much more incriminating.

"Fighting is fine-" he chortled, his voice quivering as he spoke. "At least then, she'd be actually speaking to me. Honestly, I'd rather have her call me horrible names and scream at me than to have her completely shut me out like she has been doing."

Marinette frowned, subtly nodding as Nino dropped her hand from his chest.

The young woman nearly curled inside of herself, feeling completely awkward at how their proximity grew close once more.

If she ever hoped for something between him and Alya, it would have been better if they weren't seen together and at such close proximity.

It wouldn't look good, especially because she was known as Adrien's wife and Alya was her best friend.

"I'm sorry for showing up out of the blue like that," Nino sighed, taking a safe step away from Marinette with a weak smile. "I had gotten so desperate I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Something just told me to find you." He glanced up at Marinette, who reciprocated the gesture with a small smile.

"Thank you so have no idea how much this means to me."

Marinette blinked, shyly tucking a few loose hairs behind her flushed ears.

"O-Of course, Nino." her voice trailed off slightly as her eyes veered off to the slider doors, where she saw Adrien rummaging in the kitchen cabinets through the thin patterns of their curtains. She gulped, her heart flipping inside of her chest and she glanced back up at Nino.

"I'll go talk to Alya today. I know her schedule like the back of my hand."

Nino grinned, briefly glancing back towards the slider doors, almost feeling Marinette's anxiety. The male simply stuffed his hands into his pockets before he stepped aside.

"I'll let you get back to your business," he murmured, carefully brushing past Marinette, before pausing to take one last look at her. "Thank you."

Marinette blushed deeply, a warm smile tugging at her lips as Nino thanked her. She nodded subtly, acknowledging the appreciation, and Marinette couldn't help but to feel sad for him as he walked out of her garden.

She wasn't sure what she could say to Alya to negotiate her into changing her mind or flat out spill the beans about what she had been hiding (though Marinette was convinced that Alya had a terminal illness), but she knew she was willing to try her best.

It was for whatever made her friends happy, and that's what love was all about. Granted, she didn't know Nino for that long, but in the short time she did know him, he had become such a nice part of her life.

She had considered him like family, and she was sure that he saw something like that in her as well. The trust and appreciation that Nino had spilled out to her and confided into her even though they barely interacted outside of Adrien and Alya only further proved that.

Marinette had become hopeful that a healthy friendship would brew between them and he would allow her to become close to him just like Alya and Adrien had become.

The blunette sighed, her hand resting on her chest as she was finally left alone. She could feel her heart thumping away at her chest and Marinette was nearly sure she'd give in to the overwhelming threat of syncope.

With a bite of her lip, Marinette approached the slider doors. She could remember every word Adrien had whispered to her the night before.

She had felt incredibly grateful for his help, and the fact that he proclaimed he was one of his closest friends only made her want to embrace him even more so.

The excitement and bliss bubbled into every limb of her body, and Marinette didn't hesitate to approach the doors.

She very carefully drew them aside and as she stepped inside, she didn't even have a half a mind to close them.

"Adrien." Marinette breathed, her fists clenched at her side as the blonde very gently turned to face her. Her heart began to flutter once more, and it almost took Marinette all her strength not to blurt out how much she loved him.

Adrien grinned, seeing the bubbly smile on her face with a stance of complete ease.

"Hey!" He replied, his green eyes immediately capturing hers. "You're back. I thought you said you were gonna take your time coming home." He teased, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Marinette giggled, immediately dropping her purse on to the ground.

Adrien widened his eyes, a small blush cascading down his cheeks, ears and neck the moment Marinette threw herself into him.

The blunette wrapped her arms tightly around him, and Adrien even felt her face nuzzled into his chest. A small smile permeated on to his face and her very gently reciprocated the gesture, swatting his arms around her in a taut but comfortable hold.

Marinette smiled, her heart rapidly running so fast, it almost hurt.

It felt so nice to be held by him once more, and had it not been for his sudden request for someone to pick her up the night before, she probably wouldn't have been here.

In fact, she wasn't sure what would have happened to her. All she knew was that the likeness wouldn't have been as positive as they had turned out.

"I'm assuming you slept well," The blonde mused, his hand gently sliding up and down her back. "You seem so bubbly this morning. I hear the breakfast at Le Grande is top notch. In case you were mad, I got you a little Ladybug hair clip."

Marinette giggled softly, her digits lightly tangling themselves into the back of his shirt, a deep blush rising to her cheeks once more at the thought of Adrien picking out a little gift for her.

"I mean, yes the hotel was nice, and you didn't have to get me a gift," she giggled as she murmured into his chest. "I just... want to thank you... for helping me out last night. I was pretty obdurate about doing things on my own." her heart ached in her chest, her eyes squeezing even tighter as she recalled the monstrous expression that Nick held on his face.

It nearly made her sick to her stomach. Marinette wondered if it was a good idea to bring it up to Adrien that she saw Nick, but she was worried that it would make him freak out and then he'd be too worried whenever she made plans to go to work in far areas.

She knew he wouldn't keep her from spreading her roots, but she didn't want to add on to the stress that Kagami already had him under.

"I was worried I'd get sick, but I'm glad I had a place to stay and some warm food in my belly." Marinette breathed, deciding against her confession.

Adrien rested his chin on the top of her head, keeping his arms around her before he eventually let go.

"It's all good, Marinette. I realised how stubborn you could be. So I improvised." He replied, a small grin on his lips as he held her at arm's length.

Marinette furrowed her brow, the blush deepening underneath her freckles.
"Improvised? What do you mean?"

Adrien chuckled, releasing her as he playfully wriggled his brows.
"I made spare keys, I stuffed them under the mat in front of the door. I know you're kind of klutzy and you forget-"

"I get it," Marinette interjected with a weak laugh. "Thanks for the heads up." she murmured, glancing back at him as she only wanted to lean into him once more.

It hadn't been long, but she missed his warmth and she missed his embrace. She just loved cuddling with him.

"Am I interrupting something?" A sharp voice emanated from behind them both.

Marinette flinched, immediately feeling her skin crawl. She knew that voice from anywhere, in fact that voice had whipped its tongue quite a few times before.

She had a few incidences with this person to know who it was the moment she heard them.

Kagami glared at the two, and Marinette immediately felt small, pulling away from Adrien faster than the speed of light. She blushed deeply, her palm lightly brushing against her cheek as Adrien simply shrugged it off.

"No, Marinette came home early and I was just reminding her where the keys were. She thanked me for helping her last night, and we joked around." the blonde deadpanned, his shoulders slouching forward as he appeared less than thrilled with Kagami's reaction.

Marinette cleared her throat, her eyes darting between the two of them.
"I... uhm.." she stuttered awkwardly. "I thought that the event wasn't until tonight?" Marinette asked, her voice quivering as she tried to keep it low enough for Kagami to miss it.

"The event is tonight. My boyfriend is spending the entire day with me," Kagami replied, her gaze sharp as she glared at Marinette once more. "Is that going to be a problem, Marinette?"

Marinette frowned, her eyes widening as she shook her head. The blunette felt terrified, her heart squeezed in her chest, as she wasn't thrilled to be humiliated in front of Adrien over and over again.

"Stop being a drama queen, Kagami." Adrien muttered, running his fingers down his face and dragging his bottom lids with frustration.

Kagami simply rolled her eyes, her jaw clenching as she kept her arms taut against her chest.

"Don't mind me. Just catching my boyfriend in the arms of another woman, that's all." she muttered.

Marinette flinched, she blushed deeply as her soul felt like it scribbled in the case that was her body.

"N-No. It wasn't like that-" Marinette replied, her eyes wide as she pleaded.
It was as if she continued to dig herself into deep holes, and Kagami always seemed to throw the dirt on top.

"Kagami, enough," Adrien muttered firmly, his eyes narrowed as the vexation became evident in his tone.

"I'm gonna grab my keys from upstairs. Give me a few seconds and I'll be back. Try not to blow a fuse."

Kagami glared at Adrien, his words sinking into her brain with exasperation. Her brown eyes remained latched on to the back of Adrien's black shirt as the model politely excused himself and maneuvered his way up the back steps to their master bedroom.

Marinette felt small, her hand running up her cheek as she was finally left alone with Kagami.

The blunette shifted her weight, she had every intention to run up the steps, take her shower, change her clothes and haul ass to Alya's house so she could fulfill her promise to Nino.

"You really think you're hot shit, don't you?" Kagami hissed through her teeth, her tongue sharper than a knife.

Marinette furrowed her brow, confusion washing over her as if she couldn't quite grasp what she was hearing.

"W-What?" The blunette sputtered, glancing at Kagami who snapped her gaze back towards Marinette maliciously.

"You think you could just walk in here, and destroy lives," Kagami reiterated. "You think you could have your cake, and eat it too?"

Marinette widened her eyes, her heart sinking into her stomach as her words hurt.
"W-What? Kagami, no, I would never-"

"You think you've got everything, when in reality you're just a dainty useless whore who had nothing to do with her life but to steal." Kagami interjected, her eyes remaining locked on to Marinette who was about to crumble.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," Marinette whimpered. "I wasn't- I didn't steal anything." The blunette nearly felt sick to her stomach.

Marinette had felt so small. If looks could have killed, then Kagami would have surely had her dead by now.

The blunette pressed her lips together, a small gulp emanating from her throat as Kagami began to approach her.

Marinette widened her eyes, slowly backing up at Kagami cornered her towards the kitchen island counter.

Marinette braced herself, placing her palms flat against the marble top with a look of consternation.

"I think the best thing for you to do is get lost," Kagami muttered, her voice low and menacing. "And stop thinking you're the best shit, when all you do is steal. You're not as good as you think you are."

Marinette breathed softly, her eyes flickering between both of Kagami's brown irises.
She pressed her lips together, attempting to remain as stern as she could.

Kagami stayed put, keeping Marinette trapped between her and the island table that was pinned to the blunette's back.

Kagami's eyes grew darker, her fists clenching as she sorted through the many inconveniences that Marinette had caused over the last few weeks.

Little by little, Kagami was losing everything and it was all thanks to Marinette Dupain- Cheng.

"I'm so tired of you," Kagami breathed, her hands shoving into Marinette's chest, forcing the young woman to fall into the island countertop with a loud thud. "So tired of you taking everything away from me."

Marinette clenched her teeth, the sting of being knocked over towards the counter top leaving a sharp pain into the small of her back.

The blunette tried to steady her breathing, her heart racing inside of her chest as she tried her best to stay composed.

Marinette attempted to see straight, but the truth was that she couldn't deny the anger that began to course through her veins. Marinette's first instinct was to back hand her to the face, but she was becoming more aware of the manipulation.

"Is everything okay?" A voice soon emanated from behind the two women, breaking the excruciating silence between the two of them.

Kagami widened her eyes, immediately stepping away from Marinette and purposely placing her left hand on to her chest. A smug smile permeated it's way on to Kagami's freckled face and she quickly glanced back towards Adrien.

"Yes of course! Marinette tripped over something and fell into the counter. I went to see if she was alright, but she seems kind of shy." Kagami replied, moving closer to Adrien with a small blush.

Marinette blinked, immediately fixing herself up as embarrassment washed over her. Her heart sank, and Marinette was sure she was about ready to throw it back up.

Her blue eyes gazed upon the ring that Kagami wore on her finger.

She always knew that Adrien promised to give her his mother's ring, but she never knew that he would do it so soon, or that it would hurt so bad. It was as if her soul had completely left her body, and for a brief moment, Marinette felt like she didn't have anything to live for.

Her blue eyes lowered to the ground and Marinette had felt completely broken.

She couldn't understand how Kagami accused her of taking and stealing, when Marinette had felt like all she kept doing was fall until she had hit rock bottom. Every time she thought she had a chance to climb back up, she somehow found herself falling even deeper.

It was her.
It was always going to be Kagami.

No matter how much Marinette loved Adrien, he was always going to choose her.

That ring on her finger only proved that to her.

"Marinette," Adrien mused, his voice derailing Marinette's inner self deprecation.

"Are you alright?" His eyes shifting towards Kagami who simply turned her back.

Marinette blinked, her cheeks flushed as she tried her best to conceal the hurt into pure numbness and in an instant, Marinette had become completely flaccid.

"Did something happen?" Adrien asked, his voice dropping to a whisper. "You know you can tell me."

Marinette shifted her gaze away from him, her heart squeezing in her chest as she was finally coming to terms with how foolish she allowed herself to be yet again.

"I'm fine, Adrien," she assured, keeping her gaze away from him. "I guess I got too tired and didn't see my foot. I always trip over my feet." Her voice trailed off lightly.

Adrien frowned, his eyes moving towards Kagami who stood by the back slider doors.

"Are we going? Or do you want to waste more time watching Marinette's feet so she won't trip again?" Kagami chortled light heartedly, a small blush cascading down towards her neck.

Adrien was reluctant, there was a feeling that brewed in the pit in his stomach that warned him that something wasn't right.

"I have to shower and head over to Alya's..." Marinette murmured, feeling uncomfortable in her skin.

"Don't keep your girl waiting. I'll see you later." The blunette brushed past him, moving towards the back staircase that led to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Adrien glanced back at Marinette with a grimace and for a brief moment, both of their eyes connected. Marinette sat on the staircase, a deep sigh escaping her lips, as Adrien returned to Kagami's side and exited the back slider doors.


Adrien felt terrible. He almost didn't want to leave his home. The thought of Marinette roaming the large mansion by herself tore at his heart relentlessly.

He had a hunch that something happened while he was upstairs grabbing his things.

In fact, he hadn't seen that look on Marinette's face since that night she was attacked in the club.

He suspected that Marinette and Kagami weren't being completely honest and only moments before he left the two alone, Kagami seemed incredibly angry at the way Marinette had hugged him.

Of course Marinette had no way of knowing that Kagami was there, and in fact she had only been hugging him to thank him for getting her out of the rain that night.

The blonde stuffed his hands into his pockets, strolling slowly towards the front of the gates where they awaited his bodyguard.

"Kagami, you didn't do anything to Marinette, did you?" He inquired, his eyes remaining ahead of him.

Kagami paused, clenching her fists so tight that the ring nearly dug into the space between her knuckles.

"You know, I'm getting tired of you assuming that I'm some sort of monster."

Adrien stalled, glancing back at Kagami who stood still like an obdurate child.

"I'm not insinuating that you're a monster," he clarified. "You just seemed pissed one minute, and then the next you're helping Marinette after her fall."

Kagami nodded, reaching up to place her hand against her chest to feign her surprise.

"Well, even if you're frustrated, you'd let people hurt themselves? I don't hate Marinette I just feel suspicious that's all."

Adrien groaned, about ready to roll his eyes to the back of his head when he noticed something that immediately caught his attention. Adrien clenched his teeth together, his green eyes fixated on the diamond ring on her finger.

"Where did you get that?" He asked flatly, immediately approaching her. "That's my mother's ring."

Kagami blinked, bringing her hand up to glance at the ring on her finger.

"Oh this?" She asked, ignoring Adrien's obvious vexation. "I just saw it in a box. I put it on just to see if it fit." She chuckled, shifting her weight. "I guess I forgot to take it off."

"Give it." Adrien instructed, holding his hand out towards her.

Kagami paused, her brow furrowing as she was reluctant to give it up.

"What? Don't you think I should wear your mother's ring?" She asked, perking her brow. "She'd want me to have it."

"My father would kill us both if he saw you wearing that ring." Adrien replied, his stomach turning in his stomach. The blonde shifted his weight, attempting to calm down as panic threatened to take over him.

Although Kagami didn't know, as far as Gabriel Agreste was concerned, that ring belonged to Marinette.

Adrien knew that if Kagami was caught with it, controversies would be sprung, and Adrien wouldn't see the light of day without the gossip between his family members, and that wasn't mentioning the merciless reprimanding from his overbearing father.

It was without a doubt that the very last thing Adrien wanted was to be kept locked away inside of his home like he was as a teen. Only it'll somehow get worse.
His current marriage with Marinette was the first time he had ever felt freedom since his mother disappeared.

"Come on Adrien," Kagami pleaded. "I promise I'll take-"

"Kagami, give me the ring." Adrien instructed one last time, his voice firm.

Kagami sighed, her teeth grinding against each other as she reached up and slipped the ring off her finger. She remained quiet as she slapped the ring into the palm of Adrien's hand.

Their date night was not getting off to a great start.

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