I kept a brisk pace and quickly arrived back in Petalburg City. I had tried to rush through Route 102 as quickly as possible so I didn't run into Kirlia before I was ready.
I stood in the center of my hometown. I took in all of the familiar scenery. The younger kids were playing outside by the pond. My neighbors were out and about shopping. Trainers were coming and going into the gym.
All of it gave me an exciting feeling of nostalgia.
I didn't want to waste another second. So I went straight to my parent's house. I was about to push the door open, but I decided to knock instead.
I stood on my own doorstep awkwardly. I began to absentmindedly rub my one wrist with my hand.
The door began to open and I anxiously waited to find my mother on the side. She looked me up and down for a moment and then her eyes lit up.
"Oh, Wally!" She pulled me into an embrace. "It's so wonderful that you're home! Come right inside." She released me from the hug and we stepped into my house.
I eagerly took in all of the familiar areas of my home. My father was sitting down on the couch and I saw his face shoot into a smile when he saw me. "Heya champ! Great to see ya!"
My face grew into a broad grin. It was so great to see my parents again. We sat down in the living room.
"So Wally," My father said. "Tell us. How was staying with your uncle?"
I paused. Of course, my uncle wouldn't have told them I'd gone on an adventure. But I couldn't lie to my parents. Could I?
"W-well the way there was pretty f-fun! I even made a f-friend." I told them. I would just avoid lying entirely. The plan was foolproof.
My mother's face lifted into a wide grin. "That's wonderful Wally! What was their name?"
It almost felt childish to be talking about this sort of stuff with my parents. But I was more than happy to talk about my adventure. "His name was Emerald. We met in Rustboro and journeyed together to Verdanturf."
"Haha, that's great Wal! Happy to hear it!" My dad said. "Did you ever end up going to Mauvile?"
I nodded and reached into my bag. I fished out my gym badge and showed it to them. "I even b-beat the gym leader."
My parents stared at the small trophy. "That's wonderful Wally. I'm amazed you did such a thing." My mom muttered.
"W-what's that mean?" I asked.
My mother waved her hands. "Oh, nothing. It's just that you're usually so...reserved, I would never have imagined you battling such a powerful trainer."
I desperately wanted to tell them about the rest of my journey. If they were this proud from one gym badge... maybe they wouldn't mind.
"M-mom dad. There's s-something I have to tell you." I looked off to the side.
My father sat up. "What is it Wal?"
I took a deep breath and started to tell them about the adventure I had gone on. I couldn't bear to look them in the eyes as I talked about making friends and facing off against Team Crown. I wanted to leave things out but I just couldn't. Once I started talking I couldn't stop myself until it was all out there.
Finally, I looked up at them and saw them sitting there looking at me, frozen. Their mouths were agape.
"Y-you... Wally." My mother whispered. "Why would you ever do such a thing without telling us?"
I looked away again. "I-I uhm uh." My hands began to shake.
"Wally you could've been hurt! Taking on Team Crown? What were you thinking?" My dad shouted.
My mother shook her head gently. "I should've known something was wrong as soon as I saw what happened to your eyes."
I bit my lip. I wanted to say something. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't start shouting back at them when they were this mad.
Still. I had handled myself and done fine. I hadn't been hurt too badly. Why did they think I was so incapable?
My father crossed his arms. "Wally. You know how dangerous something like galavanting around Hoenn all on your own is. You're not ready for that sort of thing yet. You're just a kid."
I knew what he really wanted to say. That I was too weak. Just because I always had some health problems didn't mean I was weak.
I tightly gripped my knees. "I-I'm not just a k-kid," I muttered. "It might be d-dangerous but I've helped people, and I've gotten stronger and I've even gotten more confident."
I looked at my father straight in the eyes. He seemed so disappointed. But I wouldn't give in. "N-now I have to go and get back Kirlia, and then go save my friend! I-if you guys don't like that then... then oh well!" I stood up. My heart was racing as I raised my voice.
My parents didn't stay anything. They bore into me with their gazes and I stared back at them. We held eye contact for a long time, and then I turned and walked out the door.
I wanted to replay everything in my mind. But I couldn't. I had to figure out how to make good with Kirlia.
What would I apologize for? I just didn't want him to get hurt. What if something went wrong when he evolved again? I couldn't live with myself if he had gotten hurt and it had been my fault.
Kirlia always told me he wasn't weak. But he didn't know everything. Kirlia was always so childish and-
I stopped suddenly on my trek back to Route 102. And it all hit me at once.
My conversation with my parents really had helped me figure out how to apologize to Kirlia. I ran into the familiar route as quickly as I could.
I looked around the grassy path for the familiar Pokémon. I saw kids playing around and Pokémon wandering in the grass and between trees but I couldn't see him.
As I scanned the route my eyes fell on a different familiar figure. The man from the dream.
Instead of a trench coat, he was dressed very casually. With an athletic jacket and long jogging pants. Though he had the same cold silver eyes and wild golden hair.
The man sent out a Ralts and crushed its Pokeball. He sighed to himself and shook his head. "Another failure. Go on. Get." He ordered, and the Pokemon scurried off.
Just as I had anticipated, Kirlia appeared in front of the man and narrowed his eyes. Hey pal. Remember me? I felt a wave of relief as I heard Kirlia's voice echo through my mind.
"Woah! This one can talk eh? Let me guess, one of my old Ralts? Best be on your way." The man growled, but he paused when he got a good look at Kirlia. "Although, with those eyes, you might be rarer than I thought. Some sort of defect or something..."
The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a Pokeball. He tossed it into the air and a Mightyena burst out.
I took in a sharp breath. Of course, he had a Mightyena. That was just my luck.
Alright buddy, bring it on! Kirlia said smugly. The Mightyena charged at Kirlia and he teleported behind the beast.
Small glowing leaves swirled around him and he thrust his hand forward. The leaves pelted the Mightyena from behind.
Kirlia's old trainer laughed. "Not bad. Clearly, you've had a trainer recently. But that won't get you very far against me. Mightyena use Snarl!"
The man's Mightyena opened its mouth and roared at Kirlia. Kirlia was knocked onto his back and I could see he was left dazed.
"Now use Fire Fang!" The man's Pokémon leaped at Kirlia. I ran out to try and help my Pokémon but I was way too far away. Kirlia fired a psychic beam at the Mightyena but the move didn't do anything to the dog.
Mightyena pounced on Kirlia and sunk its fangs into his arm before tossing my friend away.
Kirlia crashed onto the ground in front of me. I could see he was battered and bruised all over. My heart began to pound and I ran to his side.
"Kirlia! Kirlia are you alright?" I asked.
He opened his eyes and looked away. What are you doing here? I don't need to deal with two stupid trainers who think I'm weak.
I took a deep breath. "Kirlia. I'm sorry. For everything. I acted like I knew you better than you did. Like I had the right to make decisions about you on my own. I treated you like a child and never listened to you just because you were eccentric.
"But you've helped me out so much. I wouldn't be half as confident as I am now without you. I should've realized that a long time ago. You're my best friend Kirlia, and I should treat you like it. I'm sorry."
I felt so exposed, putting it all on the line. Kirlia looked up at me, and seemed to shake his head. Never thought you'd get it. You've changed then... and he hasn't.
Kirlia grinned at me and slowly stood up. Man... thanks. I'm sorry too. I know you have the best intentions for me. Unlike some trainers.
"So," I reached into my bag and pulled out the Dawn Stone. "You ready?" Kirlia nodded and grabbed the stone.
The stone and Kirlia both began to glow bright white. The stone dissipated into Kirlia and he began to change. His legs shot up and his waist became more defined.
His horns vanished from his head and new ones shot out of both sides of his chest. From his head, one singular large blue horn emerged.
His arms began to bend and grow at the elbows, giving him blade-like arms. The transformation finished and he stood up. Now he was just a little shorter than I was.
His body was a mix of dark green and white. With his chest horns being scarlet red.
ALLLLLRIGHT! It's battle time! I feel full of energy! Let's do this Wally! I nodded and we stared down Gallade's old trainer.
The man seemed lost but returned his attention to the battle when Gallade got ready to attack. "I don't know what any of that was, but I won't lose to some kid and his imperfect Pokémon! Mightyena use Crunch!"
The man's Pokémon rushed forward at us. I smiled. "Alright Gallade, use your arm to block him and then hit him with Brick Break using your other arm!"
Mightyena leaped into the air with its sharp fangs bared. Gallade smirked and shoved his arm into the Pokémon's neck to stop it and then slammed his other arm into the Pokémon's face.
Mightyena flew backward. It slowly got back up and glared at us with its red eyes.
Gallade looked back and smiled at me. I could get used to this kind of power! Let's finish this Wal!
I nodded. I felt my blood pumping in tandem with Gallade's. We felt like we were in sync, more than normal. I felt an urge to do the attack motions with Gallade that I had never felt before.
Suddenly I realized something. Gallade was changing once again. I looked down at my arms and saw that my veins were glowing bright green.
Looking back at Gallade he now had a flowing white cape, his body had turned mostly white and his blade arms had grown and sharpened. They now had red grooves along them. I knew this form. This was a Mega Evolution.
Woah! This is crazy! I don't know what's going on but I feel extra strong! Gallade said. When I focused it was almost as if I could see through his eyes.
But none of it made any sense. I didn't have a Key Stone or a Mega Stone. How had we done this?
I decided to answer that question later. An unfamiliar energy infiltrated my mind and urged me to finish the battle.
We stared down the Mightyena and I thought of just the move to end it. "Gallade! Use close combat!" Gallade rushed forward with blistering speed and began to rapidly punch the enemy Pokémon.
I felt Adrenalin rush through me and feedback on my arms as if I was the one fighting the Pokémon. Finally, Gallade finished and the Mightyena was thoroughly defeated.
The man quickly returned his Pokémon and stomped his foot on the ground. "This is ridiculous! I spent all that time training the perfect team and this happens? Forget this!" He shouted and ran off.
I breathed a sigh of relief and felt all the energy leave me. Gallade reverted back to his original form and I tried to think of an explanation for what had happened. It had all felt so surreal.
Gallade grinned. That was amazing Wally! How did you even do that? It's like we shared the same mind for a bit!
At that moment I also felt a wave of exhaustion. It seemed like we were connected somehow. Was that what Mega Evolution felt like? I was so confused. But more than that, I was happy to have my friend back.
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