Itachi Zametora X Drama Club Member Reader
That girl trying to hit a high note
Itachi started his day, guiding his other club mates to excel in sports. Though, it wasn't a usual day. From the back of his head, he can always hear a faint voice singing.
"Steeeep in toooo myyyy caaaandyyy stoooore! Ooooh! Ooooooooohhhh! Oooooooohhhhhh! Then step in to my candy store!" He can always hear that faint, faint voice trying to hit a high note, but fails. As if it was a piano majestically playing, then they pressed the wrong key.
"Ugh," he groans, hearing it for the ninety ninth time. "Can someone stop this?" He thought, as he proceeds to watch his club mates swim.
"Shut up, Heather! Step in toooo myyyy caaaaaaandddddyyyyy stoooore! Oooooooohhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhh! Oooooooohhhhhh! Then step in to my candy store- gah!" He hears. Once again, it made a funny and unpleasant feeling ringing in his ear.
"Honey, what'chu waitin' foooor~? Welcome to myy candddy stooore~ you just gottaaa prove you're not a loser any more~~~~ then step into my candyyy storee~"
"Steeeep intoo myy caaaaaaandddddyyyyy stoooooreee ohoohohhh ooooohhhh! Ohhhhh-choke!" You choked, running out of air.
"God Lord of the skies! Bless my actors majestic singing!" Tsuzuro pressed his palms together. "I pray that she may not run out of oxygen to breathe!"
"I told you I can't hit high notes!" You shouted at him. "I already warned you!"
"Dearest, you suit to play Heather Chandler than anyone else. Kokona-chan will play sweet, sweet Heather McNamara, and Tokuko-chan will play fierce Heather Duke." He said. "You just have to warm your voice, dear sister..."
"My voice is low, I can't change that! I might as well play JD!" You procrastinated.
"Darling, Shozo will play Justine Dean." He said.
"It is JASON! J. A. S. O. N." you spelled.
Tsuzuro sighs. "From the top!" You groaned, collapsing on your knees, before getting back up.
"Itachi-kun! Wait for me!" You shouted at the athlete. He glanced from his shoulder and groans as he waited for you to catch up with you.
"Took you long enough." He scoffed, as you finally matched his pace.
"Yeah, yeah, Mister Sporty." You rolled your eyes. "Are you able to watch the school play? You know? For next week?"
"It's not like I have a choice. Everyone in the school is permitted to watch. I don't find this uninteresting anyway." He said.
"I am sure you will love it!" You exclaimed.
"Pfft, what is it about anyway? Romeo and Juliet? That thing gets old." He rolled his eyes, tucking his hands in his pockets.
"Nope." You replied.
"Then what is it?" He asked, clearly unconcerned.
"You gotta watch it first." You said. "Come on! You gotta watch it! Please?" You walked ahead of him and turned to face him, still walking.
"You know that I love theatres a lot, right? You can at least just clap or something when I am performing! I just a got a major part!" You excitedly exclaimed.
"Yeah? You always get major roles. Last school play you get to play Juliet from Romeo and Juliet, then Eliza from Hamilton, Christine from Be More Chill, Lucy from Jekyll and Hyde-" he said.
"Okay, okay! I get it!" You giggled. "Though! This role is different! You just have to watch it! For me? Please? I swear that you'll-" you were shock when he roughly pulled you beside him, as you heard a truck loudly rings.
"Watch it, geeky!" He yells at you. "You could've been hit!"
"I'm sorry." Your voice cracks. "I-I wasn't looking ahead. I just want you to come and see the play...'
"Then look ahead! And yes! I will attend to that damned play!" He yells. This made you smile.
"Yes! Now get walking!"
You peek from the curtains, glancing everywhere. Where could he be? Itachi was just nowhere to be seen. Though, it was time for the show so you had to play along. You puffed you chest, raised your chin up and straightened your posture.
You walked in front of the stage with the three purple haired girls, seemingly chatting.
"Are we gonna have a problem?" You said in your most snobiest voice. "You got a bone to pick? You've come so far, why now? Are you pulling on my dick?!" You pulled Kizana close to your face, by her collar.
"I'd normally slap your face off," you said to her ear with a menacing look. You then faced the crowd with an innocent smile. "And everyone here could watch!" You shoved her.
"But I'm feeling nice, here's some advice, listen up, BIATCH!" and soon, You, Kokona and Tokuko began to dance in perfect sync.
"I like!" Kokona and Tokuko sang.
"Lookin' hot, buying stuff they can not!" You sang, bopping Kizana's nose.
"I like!"
"Drinkin' hard, maxin' dad's credit card~" you held up a 'credit card in between your index and middle finger.
"I like!"
"Skippin' gym, scaring her, screwing him~" you sang.
"I like killer clothes, kickin' nerds in the nose!" You 'kicked' Kizana by the nose as she stumbled and fell to her bum. "If you lack the balls, you can go play dolls, let your mommy fix you a snack! Or you could come smoke, pound some rum and coke, and my porche with a quarter back!"
"Ooohooh, ooohooh, ooohooh!"
"Honey what'chu waitin' fooor? Welcome to my Candy Stoooore~ you just gotta probe you're not a loser anymore!!! Then step into my candy stoooooreee!" Itachi's eyes widened in realization, realising that it was you who was singing and trying to hit the high notes. His eyes twitched, knowing that your voice may either crack, hit a wrong tune, drop a note, or run out of breathe. He doubt that you can belt that high note.
"Oooooooohhhhhh! Honey what'chu waitin' fooo-" You pushed Tokuko.
"Shut up, Heather! Step into my caaaaaaandddddyyyyy stoooooreee ohoohohhh ooooohhhh ohhhhh!" Oh my God! I hit the high note. Itachi shivered, as you were able to hit it perfectly. He never was amused by your acting skills, but this has got him. "Then step into my candy store!"
"It's my candy store, it's my candy, it's my candy store, it's my candy, it's my candy store, it's my candy store! Ooooohhhhoooh!" Soon, all of the students applauded at the majestic performance. The stage darkened and the three of you stepped away from the stage. Itachi was one of the people who applauded and he is in fact the loudest of them all.
"Well?" You asked, walking with the orange haired athlete, voice completely different, and was totally broken, but only temporarily. You had poured you voice into that performance, and you are not afraid to admit that you temporarily lost your voice. It should come back tomorrow. "What do you think? I poured all of my blood, sweat, tears and efforts on just to hit that high note, I swear to God if you did not likes it I will-"
"You know that you broke your voice, right?" Itachi cuts. "Your performance?" He scoffed. "It was trashy."
"Then why were you the loudest cheer?" You smirked at him. "Can we try to have an optimistic output, Huh?" You sung with your voice, trying to properly tune it
"Don't you dare break your horrible voice even more, L/N. Your singing was the worst." He grumbled, face red.
"Aww~" you poked his cheek. "Don't lie."
"I am not."
"You are."
"I'm not."
"Yes." Itachi's eyes widened and groans. "Fine! Your singing was great." You giggled at this.
"Want me to try again?! Step into my caaaaaaandddddyyyyy stoooooreee ohoohohhh ooooohhhh ohhhhh-!"
"Don't sing! Your voice sounds terrible!"
"Not what you said earlier~" you kissed his cheek, before entering your house before he could react. You giggled behind the door, before climbing up to your room. Itachi's eyes were wide, face was red, and is frozen I'm that very same spot and expression when you kissed his cheek. He stood there for a good three minutes, before smiling to himself and walks his way home.
"Maybe I should confess this Friday to her... And I will make sure that her voice heals back again, first."
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