part 1 you
Talking : "hey how are you doing"
Thoughts: 'hey how are you doing'
( narrator POV)
years before the bomb fell humanity have been fighting since the very day they were born. For resources, territories, religion, conquest, and culture. Like capitalism of the great United States of America to communism of the Big Bear of the Soviet Union. Since the first bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the nuclear power has now turned into a resource it have changed everything better cars, working robot servants, new technology. But when the Red menace is that their doorstep all hell have just broke loose while everybody in Europe was in a bloody conflict. China invaded Alaska for every lasts oil there is. That Sparks the sino-American war.
It was a hard and brutal struggle for the Americans to take back Alaska but they managed to take it back. The American have suffered heavy casualties, but now they manage to reach mainland China and any other Nation that have been conquered under China rule from the Philippines to Mongolia. When the American forces were at the door of the China's capital pile of smoke reached to the skies as to see hundreds of nuclear warheads sending to the sky and heading towards the United States and everywhere around them.
After the sino-american war everything has now become in ruined great cities have not become graveyards and shadows of the formal past. The radiation have changed the wildlife animals that was once knew have change into abominations. And the remaining people of the old world is begin to rebuild, but some saw this as a way to gain power and get to do whatever they want since the government is gone the law enforcements are all dead and the military it's all but wiped out.
Many great factions in America are the NCR, Caesar's legion, brotherhood of steel, the Minuteman, and the enclave. They all have been battling against each other for the dominance of the wasteland, they have all trying to get the upper hand from technology of the old world, tactics, and bold moves.
Now it's dark times all that they can do is fight for the survival against this now dark and deadly wasteland of the ones beautiful world.
(Narrator POV)
As the factions of the East and the West fights for dominance, a new faction to the South have rised for only one purpose unity and unification of the old world. Some know of this faction well many don't but in due time it'll make its name for for itself for many years to come. And the new faction name is the new Confederatey of America.
(Y/n thought POV)
Many years ago I've been living on the streets by my parents so that they can save their own ass, living on the streets is not easy for a kid like me. So I resort in crime been in to many gang fights. I was now at the age of 18 when the raiders came in they started killing and pillaging everything in town that I lived in. So like any other same person I pick up the nearest weapon nearby and I started killing the people just saw this and begin to fight back against the raiders it was a struggle but we managed to get rid of them. We lost 23 people that day along with the mayor too.
It was a huge debate to decide who will be the next mayor until that responsibility falls onto me. It was a pain in the ass for a couple of days until I started to get used to it. I have managed to get a couple of towns to trade, I managed to improve the livelihood of the people here in New Dixie as some people call it. The raiders come here from time to time demanding that we hand over everything we got including the women but thanks to the weapons we trade from the other towns we managed to put them back to where they came 6 feet on the ground.
Couple of weeks later I have managed to have some towns under me, I've also managed to made my first ground forces to fight against the wildlife and the raiders. They are previously militia men's from other towns and I put them up into one regiment. Things were looking good for us until a massive warband of raiders comes towards us they begin raid on the town of rohana. But thanks to the regiment that was station there, the regiment managed to repel the raiders attack now the whole community is now at war with this warband.
(Time skip)
I'm in my office sorting out some papers work and doing some business with other local Mayors in others towns. I have also improving the military forces to hold off against the raiders.
Y/n: God I hope we can get out of this war.
Ever since that warband shows up things are getting a little busy. People starting to get concerned and wild up, some beginning to join the military to defend their homes and families. And we are also beginning to take refugees, that started to come here because of the raiders attacks and so military is starting to expand rapidly because of a refugees that keeps coming. So I know for the fact that we don't have any equipment for all these people so all I can do is hope for that we make it out of this.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Y/n: come in!
The door Opens to see Captain Maria's of the 29th rifle regiment station here.
Maria's: sorry about interrupting your work Mayor, but I have an idea that we can push this enemy back.
Y/n: apology accepted, anyways what is this plan that you have that can might win this war.
Maria's pull out a map and place it on my desk beginning to tell me this plan.
Maria's: One of my scouts has found a large camp near a abandoned town, we believe that the raiders are using it for a supply Depot. If we strike now it's going to be a damaging blow to the enemy.
Y/n: if that's the case then you have 15 militiamen squads, and half of your regiment, The other half stay here along with the rest. You will also have a one HT tank, a couple of propel artillery, and some armor vehicles.
Maria's: I believe that will be enough to take care of this operation.
(Time skip no one POV)
Somewhere in the middle of the nowhere a abandoned town is being used by the raiders for supplies, the town used to be flourish with life and now since the raiders have come it has been abandoned for a couple of weeks. Ever since then the raiders have made this town their new home, they beginning to wreck the place so that it looks like quote unquote "homie".
Random Raider 1: "ah! Now that's why I called home!" He said as he flipped the table over "what a bunch of pussies these guys are, we haven't come across a single person here since we got in this damn place!" as he smash a bottle against the wall
Random Raider 2: "yeah! I haven't fight anything since then, but I think we have a fight soon I can feel it!" as she chugged down a beer.
Random Raider 3 thoughts: ' why do I have a bad feeling that we're about to fuck by someone?' says a Raider before he shrugs it off as he throws a knife at a dart board.
(Time skip outside of town)
Outside of the abandoned town there is a column of dust coming towards it. Some of the raiders saw this they are confused for a moment until they suddenly saw then stopped then people started to get out of the vehicles. They immediately get excited because they know what's going to happen next, some immediately went off to tell the others but others just got ready immediately opened fire at them.
(Narrator pov)
Right after they their reach their destination, they were immediately taking fire from the enemy, so the Confederates get to cover their commanding officer to told the artillery Commander to fire upon the raiders. Took about a minute for artillery to load but the guns are ready and they started to fire away on the raiders.
Captain: "all right that will shut them up, I want Charlie and alpha company moving off to the left and right flank of the town. And while bravo and Delta move forward with some of the armor vehicles."
Soldiers: "yes sir!"
After the artillery have done their job, they Begin the assault on the town. The Confederates were started taking more fire from the raiders from the buildings in which the HT tank return fire in retaliation as well machine gun fire.
(Time skip)
Raider 3: what the hell is that!
Raider 1: I don't fucking know but we got to get the hell out of here!
Before they even get the chance to run, they were immediately gunned down by the armored car as it drove by.
The Confederate have managed to reach the town and begin to raise hell, thanks to their training they managed to take the most of the raiders with little casualties. The armor vehicle that makes them a brilliant choke points and protection while they're slowly moved up to any remaining enemies in the town.
The raiders that have seen this begin to freak out which is the first time they seen a armor vehicle in ages. Begin desperately try to take them out because they had nothing that can take down a vehicle like HT tank.
Confederate sergeant: look at them run, to think that they are the most fierce bandits out there in the wasteland.
Confederate soldier 2: I agree these guys are nothing but arrogant fools and killers!
Confederate soldier 3: enemy platoon up front!
The Confederates soldiers turn to see a group of raiders charging at them shouting or laughing like psychopaths.
Psycho Raider: ahahaha! I'm going to have fun dipping my bread in your blood vessel!
Confederate sergeant: what a bunch of God damn idiots these guys are, all right open fire!
The Confederates open fire upon the raiders killing a lot of them but they still keep on coming, they almost reached them until a stream of machine gun fire wipe them all out.
One of the Confederate soldiers turn around to see another group like a favorites coming up to them with an armed car.
Confederate sergeant: well look who decided to show up, all righty people enough messing around let's move forward!
(Time skip)
The Confederates have took the town killing every last Raider there is while some managed to escape to warn the others of what just happened. The Confederates now have won their first battle and the first well won, they begin to celebrate their victory by drinking alcohol chatting while singing some songs
(author note: there ain't mine I just put in there just for content for everybody. So don't you dare get all mad and try to sue me because I'm doing this for content)
And to those who have died or wounded are sent back to New Dixie, to a proper burial and treated the wounds as best the medic can.
When the news reach the new Dixie and the other settlements, they begin to help by sending supplies weapons and some volunteers. Hell even some of the settlements decided to join them. When y/n heard of this he was glad that it works out he's even more happy that they got a chance to fight back against the raiders. And for that he prepped a speech to the people and the wasteland.
(Timeskip y/n)
As I prepare myself for my speech I'm beginning to look myself in the mirror thinking about all the time that flung by, to a orphan, to a criminal, all the way to a mayor. I'm not sure houses for me but I'm sure there's something watching over me like someone was guiding me for this dark times. But whatever it is I'm sure I'm going to do next is the righteous one.
Before I even think more I see Captain Maria's walked up in front of me admire need a mirror.
Maria: well ain't you a stunning.
I blush a little bit at that but I shook it off.
Y/n: tell me Maria is everything ready?
Maria: of course Mr Mayor, everything is ready and counted for And it started in 2 minutes.
Y/n: mmmh good, all right let's get going don't want to be late.
Maria nodded before we walked off,
(One minute later)
We have arrived and i see a lot of people at the ceremony, all range from old to Young, from ghouls to some super mutants. You might be wondering how do you manage to have Ghouls and super mutants in your settlement well Not too long ago after the incident with the raiders a group of ghouls and mutant come here for shelter and food. We are skeptical about this, because well we have dealt with some mutants in the past and some feral ghouls but we let them in. And it turns out that it works fine we help one another, we care for one another, and some are even married.
Y/n: this is a great day for us and if it's not thanks to you Maria this whole place will be nothing but a domain to the murderers.
Maria: why thank you mayor, I did my best for the people and this whole community. Besides it's not like I'm going to let some scrawny bastard come in here and tell us what to do right?
Y/n:mmH point taken. I said before getting on to the stage
As I reach the stage the people immediately quiet down, and this is also being broadcasted across the community buy some of the radios stations that somehow still intact by the war.
Y/n: my fellow people of New Dixie and to others out there listening in, what am I about to say is it about great achievements we have done in this great community. We have rebuild our towns right after a devastating war by the arrogance of our government, all the way to the rebuilt our great nation that was a once was. But now look at it have you seen it now what has become, now It's have become a wasteland of radiation death war and endless horrors that are out there after the bombs or left by the government's sick experiments.
The people starting to agree to this and stay attention more importantly to this speech
Y/n: but did that stop us? No we bent it to our will we mastered it, we have overcome the beasts mutations, we have beating back the slavers and some raiders. But now a band of raiders have come to our community not by under the flag of Peace but under the flag war.
The crowd begin to mummer one another while some agree to this
Y/n: they have ransacked our towns murdered our people raping the women and taking the children off to God's knows where. Many of towns were lost countless many were killed, but when things get dire we have managed to strike a decisive blow against them. Which is all thanks to Captain maria of the 29th rifle regiment who have made the plan to strike against the raiders and cripple their food supply.
The crowding cheered and clap their hands for applause to the captain which she blush and embarrassment.
Y/n: however the war with the raiders are still going, there is no doubt that they will retaliate for this so I declared Red alert to all settlement in the community to prepare for a attack and the people to raise up their arms in case they come. And now we think to those who give their lives against the raiders that have made the victory achievable. And all they ask in return is that we move forward to make the world a better place. To make this place flourish once more as it was in the past, and today is exactly the day from this moment onwards I mayor y/n of New Dixie declared a declamation of a Nation from the past long before the bombs fell long before the bombs were ever made. this community will be known as the new Confederacy of America!
The people then yell and approval cheering while clapping their hands someone began to wave the flag that were put away from the past and now it's been displayed to the world once more.
As this is going on a regiment of Confederate soldiers starting marching down the street in perfect unison while singing the new Confederacy national anthem as well the people sing along
Finally this one took me forever anyways I hope you like this and I'll see you guys later peace
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