Episode 39: The Sandy Battle
Narrator:Nikolai and his squad were about to fight the rapture in the sandstorm, let's see if they will succeed or fail!
*The rapture could barely be seen in the distance, running towards them*
*Rapi went rushing towards the rapture*
Nikolai:"W-Wait, Rapi! We need a plan!"
Neon:"We can take this thing down, onward!"
*Neon followed Rapi towards the rapture*
Anis:"I-I think I'm just going to assist them."
Rapunzel:"Oh, ok. I'll protect Nikolai then."
Anis:"Thanks, Rapunzel!"
*Anis rushed off to help Rapi and Neon*
Rapunzel:"...How long has it been since you went on a mission with them?"
Nikolai:"Probably...months now."
Rapunzel:"Well then...let's go so you can command them."
*Rapunzel and Nikolai rushed towards the rest of the squad. The counters squad and the rapture started their shootout, as the squad took cover behind debris*
Nikolai:"There they are!"
Rapunzel:"Nikolai, watch out!"
*The rapture turned its attention to Nikolai and started shooting at him. He managed to hide behind cover before any of the bullets reached him.*
*Rapunzel hid behind the debris with Nikolai*
Rapunzel:"Please be careful, I won't be able to heal any major injuries if you get yourself hurt."
Nikolai:"S-Sorry, so how are we going to defeat this thing?"
Rapunzel:" It seems like a normal rapture, so simply enough damage will kill it."
*Nikolai looked over the debris, as he saw Rapi and the others shooting the rapture*
Nikolai:"Do we know how much to be exact?"
Rapunzel:"It depends from rapture to rapture, so I'm afraid we don't, forgive me."
Nikolai:"Well then, they are going to need a way to get as much damage in as possible."
Rapunzel:"A rapture's core is usually its weak spot. If we aim at that, the damage will be much greater."
Nikolai:"Ok then..."
Nikolai(mind):However, if the rapture is up and about, that'll make it harder for the girls to hit it. But if it can turn itself off automatically...would there be something that activates that function?
Nikolai:"Only one way to find out."
*Nikolai looked around, and saw a large stack of debris about as high as the rapture*
Nikolai(mind):Time to do something reckless again!
Nikolai:"Rapunzel, tell the girls to lead the rapture to that pile of debris. I have an idea."
Rapunzel:"Huh? Oh, ok. I'll can do that."
*Rapunzel and Nikolai split off, as he picked up some sand before he headed towards the debris*
Nikolai:"Alright, gotta get up there quick."
*Nikolai quickly started to climb up the debris, while his squad slowly led the rapture towards him*
Nikolai:"Ugh...ok, finally at the top."
Nikolai(mind):And I'm within jumping range of the rapture, thanks girls!
Nikolai:"Now for the scary part..."
*Nikolai prepared himself, as he jumped onto the rapture, and held onto it while it continued moving around*
Anis:"Nikolai? Is he...on top of the rapture?"
Rapunzel:"W-What is he doing?"
*Nikolai looked around the rapture's exterior before finding an opening towards a blue light*
Nikolai(mind):Is this the core or the sensors?
*Nikolai pushed the sand he picked up into the opening. However, most of it flew back into Nikolai's face, which threw him off balance*
Nikolai:"Agh! No...please, please, please, please, please work!"
*Nikolai grabbed onto the Rapture, and heard something beep. The Rapture then suddenly fell asleep, as it fell to the ground, throwing Nikolai off of it and into the sand.*
*Nikolai coughed out some sand as he looked at the unconscious rapture*
Nikolai:"Get it while it's down!"
Anis:"Huh? What are you talking about?"
Rapunzel:"So that was your plan...come on, everyone. Nikolai gave us a perfect opportunity!"
Neon:"Alright! Let's give it a taste of our firepower!"
*Nikolai's squad unloaded their weapons into the rapture, as he struggled to get up. Rapunzel noticed Nikolai, and came to his aid*
Rapunzel:"Nikolai, please, you must rest."
Nikolai:*cough* "Did we get it?"
Rapunzel:"It's only a matter of time before it explodes now. We must move back before it does."
Nikolai:"Wait...the girls-"
Rapunzel:"They'll be fine, you must focus on resting for now."
*Nikolai could hear an explosion behind Rapunzel. Rapunzel shielded Nikolai, as she set up a barrier around them. The debris either flew past them, or hit Rapunzel in her back.*
Rapunzel:"It's nothing, no need to worry. You're not hurt, are you?"
Nikolai:"No...but are you hurt?"
Rapunzel:"Like I previously said, I'm fine."
*Nikolai struggled out of Rapunzel's grasp*
Rapunzel:"Don't push yourself, Nikolai."
Nikolai:"You're hurt. I can't-"
Rapunzel:"It was my fault for not moving us further away, it's alright."
Nikolai:"No, it is not!"
Rapunzel:"Nikolai...I understand how you feel, but I'm used to shielding others like this."
*Nikolai saw a large piece of debris flying towards Rapunzel. He grabbed her and turned himself around. The barrier she had up disappeared and the debris hit Nikolai on his back.*
Rapunzel:"Nikolai! Are you ok?!"
Nikolai:"I'm fine, are 'you' ok?"
Rapunzel:"Y-Yes, but why would you do that?!"
Nikolai:"You were hurting enough."
Rapunzel:"I...I'm not going to win this argument with you, am I?"
Nikolai:"Nope. If you girls start hurting, I'll do anything to stop it."
Rapunzel:"A-Anything?! I mean, you really should take better care of yourself."
Nikolai:"I'm sorry, but that's just how I am."
Rapunzel:"Ugh...very well, I won't interrogate you anymore."
*After Rapunzel gave up, Nikolai looked towards the explosion, and saw his squad walking away from the destroyed rapture*
Nikolai:"Finally, we're done."
Rapunzel:"I shall escort you all back to the elevator. After that, we must go our separate ways."
Rapunzel:"However, we will meet again. In the near future, I hope."
Nikolai:"I see, alright then. Let's go."
*Nikolai and his squad headed back to the elevator and said goodbye to Rapunzel. Nikolai then reported the results of the mission back to Andersen before heading back to his dorm and falling asleep*
Narrator:Well, that was Nikolai's combat with another rapture, almost resulted in his death again. Stay to next where he hopefully won't risk his life like always.
Hey bros, it's me the author! Oh god...it's been 5 months since I made a chapter for this story?! How the...you know what...never mind. I guess I've just been busy with stuff IRL, that I honestly didn't realize how long it's been until I looked at the last time I posted. Anyway, onto my progress in game. After a year and a half of playing the game, I have finally started the rehabilitation process for Nihilister. Now on chapter 22, where I've kind of started to grown tired of the story, but this new 1.5 anniversary event has helped slightly in making me interested in the story again. What else was there...oh yeah, how could I forget the MEME OF THE CHAPTER:
There we go, I've still got the humor! Anyways, no further updates from me, I'll see you guys next time...I'll try not to be too late next time.
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